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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9723457 No.9723457 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this guy?

>> No.9723469

Mediocre cook at best, doesn't even try to replicate recipes from the shows, makes burgers like your Uncle at a shitty bbq. Seriously the low-quality burgers he presents are fucking absurd.

>> No.9723471 [DELETED] 

a thread died for this

>> No.9723473

He cooks better than you

>> No.9723474

He's no Alton Brown, but I watch it and it's not horrible.
I'd drink a beer with him.

>> No.9723479

How can he improve his burger game? His big kahuna burger episode was alright.

>> No.9723485

>Being this mad

>> No.9723487

I rarely watch youtube videos (oldfag), but this guy genuinely makes entertaining videos.

His ramen and goodfellas episodes were really good.

>> No.9723493

Good quality but just arrived way too late to the YouTube chef game.
I already have enough people I watch and all of them do a way better job and have a much better playlist backlog.
He has a nice camera setup.
But I don't give a fuck about that.

>> No.9723495
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>not using plastisu

The Wolfe Pit is clearly superior

>> No.9723496

>doesn't even try to replicate recipes from the shows
what the fuck are you talking about
nigger he fucking replicated the fucking taco town mess, including the corn husks AND the tote bag

>> No.9723505

His toppings and condiments are always in terrible proportions and he uses those shit-tier "this is basically a hotdog bun" whitebread buns.


His ACTUAL FOOD ones he completely halfasses. He'll look at it, think "Okay it's close to this", and then he just makes some standard fucking dish.

>> No.9723525

I'm scared
Hold me

>> No.9723536

He's okay but I don't understand how this mediocre faggot is so popular and is publishing books and shit

>> No.9723541
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>> No.9723554

>literal no u
kill yourself

>> No.9723559
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>get real close to your computer screen and get ready for the steam bath

>> No.9723563

You first

>> No.9723582

You say he "doesn't even try" to replicate shit from the shows?
He imitated the fish taco recipe from I Love You, Man from the restaurant they were literally referring to in the movie.
> makes a standard fucking dish
He made carbonara (a standard dish) from Master of None. Did you want him to throw in a handful of truffles or what??

>> No.9723596

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand The Wolfe Pit. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Larry’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE.

>> No.9723610

>His ACTUAL FOOD ones he completely halfasses.
Way to move the goalposts, faggot.
He still does exact replicas before he makes a more standard recipe, so your "point" is still completely invalid.

>> No.9723625
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>Watching his steak livestream
>smashing whole potatoes with a frying pan then fries the potatoes
>keeping on breaking them apart when he flips them with tongs
What the fuck?

>> No.9723656
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Like, what?

>> No.9723839
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>> No.9723864

>binging with soyboy bullshitish

>> No.9723919

Its almost like livestreams are unedited or something.

>> No.9723973

fuck off babish you alcoholic fuck

>> No.9724188

Interesting at first because he’s a photographer foremost and it was just cool seeing film food recreated. But it’s getting more and more obvious that he has no clue what he’s doing when it comes to cooking and also that blatant patreon shilling.

>> No.9724371
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>> No.9724453
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he literally almost always does a version of the dish using only info from the show then does one where he takes some liberties to make it better

>> No.9724486
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>> No.9724963

Anyone can publish a book

I like him though

>> No.9725081

oliver "please donate to my patreon goys" babish

>> No.9725090

>shit tier hotdog bun whitebread buns
What burger places do YOUR movie characters go toIf all Babish did was just replicate the dishes I'd think 'aight, he knows how to follow a recipe' but I find when he re-imagines stuff or figures it out himself is when he's at his best. I also really like his new series on cooking basics, cuz this generation loves food but less are cooking themselves.

>he only bakes his potatoes
Fuck off reddit

>> No.9725261

I'm just getting into cooking, and it was mostly due to him showing off all the time on his channel. Overall, I enjoy his content for entertainment and even for the educational aspect. One thing that I picked up from him specifically was cheese crisps, been using those since the burger video.

>> No.9725929

I miss his old intro

>> No.9725935

reddit/tumblr friendly guy
obvious line cook
pleb taste

>> No.9725954

He's the vanilla porn of youtube cooks

>> No.9725958
File: 340 KB, 416x477, 1484817380869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal nu-male
>panders to redditors
>poor cooking skills
>makes too much money for what he does

>> No.9725972

>making too much money for what he does
This just reeks of envy. If someone is willing to pay for goods and services he is selling then he earned his money.

>> No.9725982

I hate that guy. He's a dumbshit.

>> No.9726006

if you think making shitty meme food it worth 13k a month, than you are part of the problem

>> No.9726020

I think the guy's fine, and his show is entertaining. I've ever made some of the things he's featured at home. My only real problem with him is that he talks like he's such an expert on cooking when other times he has no idea what he's doing

>> No.9726022


>I'm n-not envious he makes 13k a m-month!

Ok. You could always make meme foods too anon.

>> No.9726030

Honestly, I've been liking him a lot more since I learned how mad he makes /ck/

>> No.9726064

So he's the best then?

>> No.9726067

>My blind hatred of Reddit is so harsh that my ability to see the truth has been diminished
Kys retarded autist

>> No.9726077

Lol just because you don't think he deserves that money doesn't mean other people do
>B-but he does things I don't like

>> No.9726102

He's a solid amateur chef, but often makes questionable decisions out of inexperience. You can definitely do worse in terms of youtube chefs.

>> No.9726471

It’s fine if the content goes over your head anon.


>> No.9726522

I once watched him spend almost 5 minutes sawing and hacking through tomatoes. Even if he had unripe tomatoes from a grocery store, he shouldn't need to make multiple cuts to get through one "slice". His knives must be in shit condition.

>> No.9726540

>he thinks he's good so he's bad
>other people think he's good so he's bad
>he made something a different way to youtube/celebrity chef y so he's bad
>he uses ingredients and equipment i can't afford so he's bad
>he uses ingredients and equipment poor people can afford so he's bad
>he dresses like a group of people i don't respect so he's bad
>he dresses like myself but i did it first so he's bad
>he presents simple information which i already knew so he's bad
>he presents information i don't understand so he's bad
>he eats meat so he's bad
>he made a vegetarian meal so he's bad
>he is from a city so he's bad
>he is from a suburb so he's bad
>he is from the country so he's bad
>he is from a different country so he's bad
>he voted trump so he's bad
>he voted hillary so he's bad
>he looks like someone who voted for either trump or hillary so he's bad
>he has a tattoo so he's bad
>he's a woman so he's bad
>annoying people comment on his videos so he's bad
>he's a youtube/celebrity chef so he's bad

>> No.9726551

reddit personified

>> No.9727084

"meme food"
yeah, okay

>> No.9727094

Yeah he's reddit tier but to if you wanna make a successful show on YouTube you pretty much have to be in this day and age. What, do you want him to scream all Ramsay style or autist it up like reviewbrah? No thanks.

He presents shit in a straightforward, honest manner and has very high production value for being a show on YouTube, which is always a plus when doing a cooking show.

The only thing memey about him is the dishes themselves. Everything else is pretty standard and fits well.

Plus he made tampopo ramen which makes him okay in my book

>> No.9727096

Christ, I can't believe you still manage to get this many replies from the exact same bi-weekly thread.

>> No.9727106
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>tfw he does not exist on my youtube

>> No.9727141

Imagine being so mad at a Youtuber that you block him from your search engine. Also:
>unironically using bing
Opinion fucking discarded.

>> No.9727154

hes just not very good
He is just not autistic enough to be a good cook
he is just an average normie he can cook the stuff he has to cook and he can make the videos and keep making them but he will never make anything truly exceptional.

>> No.9727210

Imagine being mad.
Imagine thinking this picture has anything to do with the bing search engine.

Gimme another free (You) babe.

>> No.9727345

You suck at cooking is better

>> No.9727364

You suck at cooking is youtube chef kino.

>> No.9727365

he never worked at a restaurant, make of that what you will.

>> No.9727371

Better at what

>> No.9727390


He's mediocre at best. His reddit-tier hipster meme bland production quality obscures the fact that he's worthless in the kitchen.

Babish's presentation is garbage, his recipes are uninspired, and Babish's persona is an unimaginative nu-male's dream of an actualized self. His work is a net loss on the world's quality of cooking (QoC). No fucking way I'm going to sit through his dumb videos and ads for his garbage content. Go fuck yourself OP.

>> No.9728222

It was fun at the beggining, but now I feel like the guy wants everybody to belive he is some expert of haute cuisine.

>> No.9728241

>literal nu-male
>has a deep voice, harry arms and seems pretty manly
I'm genuinely curious about what "numale" even means. Is it because you suspect he didn't vote for Trump or something?

>> No.9728273

I get that you guys don't like reddit, but he's pretty good considering he's self taught and actually puts a good effort into his editing. I think it's a bit ballsy to make instructional videos but again his presentation is really great and easy to follow for beginners. Stop bickering about Babish so we can unite and take on the real enemy, Tasty.

>> No.9728291

dude lets bake a single bread loaf for a sandwich lmao

>> No.9728312


>> No.9728428

Numale is the new buzzword for ''men I have a problem with''

>> No.9728447

Nu-male was the new buzzword like last year. Now it's soyboy. Get with the picture, soyboy.

>> No.9728486
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>muh real job
How does it feel that the only thing people want to pay you for is your body? And not in the "you have a hot body I want to look at you/have sex with you/use you for decoration" sense, but "you're so dumb and ugly that I'll only pay you to pick up boxes and set them over there"

>> No.9728609

He's alright, but the fact that his show revolves around the gimmick of cooking literal TV food and he still manages to make it pretentious turns me off from watching it.

>> No.9728621

Decent cook that /ck/ hates because "muh contrarianism"

>> No.9730960

>Anons think he is a mediocre/bad cook when he gets millions of views and many thousands of dollars for producing 5 to 10 minute videos on a weekly basis

Yeah you faggots probably think that Gordon Ramsay is overrated too.
Your envy is palpable.

>> No.9731048
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I'd bet actual money you're:
>a literal neet who
>browses 4chan all day and
>can't cook ice and
>doesn't even have a job

>> No.9731056

I wish google stopped shoving him down my throat. Constantly in my fucking recommended, just fuck off already.

>> No.9731058

Fair enough
Alton Brown is the same way

>> No.9731068
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>he's a woman

>> No.9731076

What would you consider TRULY exceptional? And when was the last time YOU ever made anything truly exceptional?

>> No.9731077

>he talks like he's such an expert on cooking when other times he has no idea what he's doing
Okay, then from now on you're never allowed to give advice to anybody ever again, because I'm sure there are some things you don't know about.
"Cooking" is a multi-faceted discipline. What's hard to understand about "some things he's very familiar with and knows a lot about and sometimes he tries to do something he doesn't have a lot of experience with"?

>> No.9731089
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>putting this much thought into a rant about how much you irrationally hate something

>> No.9731103
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>> No.9731358

>doesn't even try to replicate recipes from the shows
well look at who's the fucking dipshit now (it's you)

>> No.9731398

I almost fucking gagged when he put the meat and peas with the custard. Fucking disgusting, why did he want to recreate this?

>> No.9731461

>The Wolfe Pit

>> No.9731558

He's alright I guess. My brother made his mac and cheese recipe the other day. It was kinda bland, he could have seasoned it better.

>> No.9731585

I mainly just watch him make ridiculous food item he will try to ape, but there are far better chefs to take actual cooking advice from. I don't get the hate really, most of it is just people being salty he's made some small success just cooking at home on camera, he's not a professional chef, but at least he's not Jack or Tasty-tier where they try to pass off abortions as recipes.

>> No.9731591


I didn't bother making the sandwich but this roast pork recipe was fucking delicious

>> No.9731598

always season food to your own taste anon

>> No.9731603


>> No.9731697

I do, bro just got into cooking though and hasn't gotten into the habit of tasting as you go.

>> No.9731713

>this one butthurt fanboy defending him

why does he do it, bros?

>> No.9731728

Did you guys buy his book? If no why not? Did you at least build your own personal website with Squarespace?

>> No.9731734

because it's funny you fucking dip

>> No.9731747

Any recommendations anon?

>> No.9731755
