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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 750x510, testosterone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9719784 No.9719784 [Reply] [Original]

How do you effectively avoid estrogen in your food?

>> No.9719787

By not living in America

>> No.9719795

It's all over Europe, only safe places are ones with strong traditional values like Poland and Russia

>> No.9719801

the easiest choice is to give in and begin the transition

>> No.9719802


>> No.9719809

Easiest way is to take care of your body with exercise and eat a quality variety of food.

>> No.9719817

>supporting democratically elected governments is /pol/
>eat a quality variety of food.
How do I find food with low estrogen content?

>> No.9719821

I think xenoestrogen laden plastic is still used in those countries too, if anything I bet the plastic is more toxic outside of places like the US where there are any people who give a shit about things like that at all

>> No.9719828

why is /ck/ suddenly getting spammed with these hormone threads? someone get insulted by the high school bully recently?

also the guy on the right skipped leg day, and you forgot to show the shrunken nuts from chronic steroid abuse which happens because the body automatically compensates for hormone levels and goes haywire if you flood it with too much of certain hormones

as a final note I'd like to mention that (a) dietary "hormones" don't do shit, (b) high test makes your hair fall out early, and (c) gay men have higher test, so if you love cocks, then by all means doctor shop until you've found one who will give you test injections

>> No.9719844

You can have high testosterone and still be a fat cunt if you don't exercise retard.
Avoiding estrogen entirely is a fools errand because it is present in most foods.
Now, stop being a fag. Avoiding estrogen isn't going to improve your life, or make you more of a man. Both of those things require effort beyond what you pick up at the store.
>why is /ck/ suddenly getting spammed with these hormone threads?
Its part of the /pol/ narrative.
Lately there has been a lot spillover.
Board culture was mistake.

>> No.9719849

>Supporting democratically elected governments has anything to do with what side of the aisle you are on.
Stop pretending half of the country wants to destroy it.

>> No.9719854

I wouldn't call depression, constant fatigue, alzheimer's, being fat, risk of ED and low libido or osteoporosis a benefit but what would I know

>> No.9719860

People are too absolute about a lot of things- this included. You're going to eat less than ideal foods likely daily. Just adopt some basic rules like trying to avoid processed foods or anything with plastic.

>> No.9719865

Ya boy Poland reporting in from Warsaw, and what you say is partially true. On the one hand, in Warsaw we get about 2 different straight-from-the-farmer's-anus-second-coming-of-cheap-produce-christ matkets per district,
But on the other the whole ECO BIO WHOLEFOOD VEGE PEDO ET FREHS meme movement hasn't yet reached full epidemic status like in the states and Deutschland, in turn making the overall quality of meat outside from our markets pretty shitty.

>> No.9719868

>(a) dietary "hormones" don't do shit, (b) high test makes your hair fall out early, and (c) gay men have higher test, so if you love cocks, then by all means doctor shop until you've found one who will give you test injections
Holy shit I did not know the shills are this persistent
you'll have to try harder soyboy

>> No.9719869

apparently it causes one track mind

>> No.9719870

>Call him a shill lol

>> No.9719874

PO city, mayor is a woman
It's better in other cities, ESPECIALLY PiS ones.

>> No.9719878
File: 99 KB, 1841x694, this_is_what_conservatives_actually_believe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.

Has been the "conservative" platform for the last 3 decades. How strange that the god bless america party is the one that most passionately wants to destroy it. I mean seriously do you ever see leftist coastie elitists fantasizing about murdering conservatives or blowing up public infrastructure as some kind of petty revenge for a perceived internet slight? This is strictly a republithug/conservitard trait.

>> No.9719880

What else would it be? I mean it's so blatant it's almost commical
>n-no, hormones do nothing goy!
>actually, testosterone makes you gay and makes you bold sooner, oh yes, you should take our estrogen pills and eat our soy, good goy

>> No.9719885

This is you isn't it


>> No.9719902

>seriously do you ever see leftist coastie elitists fantasizing about murdering conservatives or blowing up public infrastructure as some kind of petty revenge for a perceived internet slight
You haven't been paying attention at ALL since the election, have you?

>> No.9719905

have you?

>> No.9719913
File: 44 KB, 622x257, arbys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the "alt-left" isn't real, anon. but it was funny when you kooks whipped yourself into hysteria over a joke about a fictional alt-left uprising that was intended as a sarcastic commentary about false equivalency memes spread by your kind

>> No.9719918

Yeah difference is dems actually go out and shoot people or attack them for having the wrong haircut.

>> No.9719922

While I would agree it is certainly more common on the right to have an extreme view such as the things you listed, I don't believe that stupidity or hyperbole are exclusive to them.
4chan is bad metric of this as well, as the user base is typically younger, more angsty, and historically uninformed.

Mainly I think the problem is a simple one: Nobody wants to put in the time.
Its takes a lot of years to be able to accurately take the long view of history.

>> No.9719923

>shaper mind


>> No.9719924
File: 114 KB, 750x500, 1-DfEt9qhKdq00hqAcwjS86A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BLM and Antifa are just boogeymen that FOX made up, they aren't real :^)

>> No.9719925

>shaper mind

>> No.9719929

It's a falseflag

>> No.9719937

It does make yyou smarter retard, one of the many reasons women can't compete

>> No.9719938
File: 66 KB, 516x960, charlottesville-police-officer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starting a bonfire in public is pretty much like murder
On many sides, anon

>> No.9719946
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>your mind will never be this shaped

>> No.9719957
File: 365 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-11-19-07-03-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah like dems never did anything wrong.

>> No.9719964

What does it do if you're a woman?

>> No.9719971

>ben soypiro
>literally a jew

>> No.9719983
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>> No.9719999


>> No.9720079
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>> No.9720142

while this may be a legitimate concern, it's only ever brought up by insecure, delusional, alt-right conspiracy theorists from what I've seen here and on /fit/. what you really mean when you ask this is 'how do I stop being a pussy?'. by being less of an insecure bitch for starters

>supporting democratically elected governments is /pol/
>russia and poland

case in point

>> No.9720170

>You can have high testosterone and still be a fat cunt if you don't exercise retard.

Not really. Being overweight is more oestrogenic by its nature because fat inhibits test and promotes oestrogen in the body. Fat people usually get real non-pseudo gynecomastia because of the hormone imbalance they subject themselves to by being overweight. The only fat cunts that are also high test are power lifters, because even though they overeat they train like monsters and have slabs of muscle which promote test production. They'd still be better off without the fat.

>> No.9720173

>Its part of the /pol/ narrative.

You sound much more paranoid than the posters you accuse of being /pol/ crossposters. 4chan was never your safe space.

>> No.9720178

Did you miss the part when BLM killed cops and some democrat supporting faggot shot up a congressional baseball game full of GOP members? Oh, right, you're one of "them".

>> No.9720184

It shouldn't be so surprising that the cooking board is filled with low test losers who m make excuses for being losers.

>> No.9720189

>not democratically elected
>being this delusional

>> No.9720196
File: 42 KB, 600x314, Malheur-Oregon-standoff-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you miss the part where right wing extremists detonated a truck bomb that killed 168 people including children because muh gubmint boogyman?

Also I don't recall any armed leftists literally declaring war on the United States and taking over a government owned building for 6 weeks lately

>so if I wave a US flag it's not technically sedition? cool!

>> No.9720218

you are right, they were democratically elected. and now they're trying their best to dismantle the system to suit their interest, much like orban did in hungary and erdogan in turkey. hardly a gleaming example of good governing

>> No.9720306
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>> No.9720409
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Humans were a mistake.

>> No.9720420

Can you guys link the conclusive evidence on the soy boy memes

>> No.9720441
File: 16 KB, 318x159, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soy includes a lot of estrogen

>> No.9720443

It's strictly anecdotal. For example, I had miso soup with kale, onion, chilis and tofu for breakfast. I've now gone up 2 cup sizes and am currently lactating.

>> No.9720472

Yes there was a guy who opened fire on politicians a few months ago for left leaning political reasons and literally everything involving antifa

>> No.9720480


>> No.9720600
File: 24 KB, 245x320, Panda Poop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9720676
File: 34 KB, 680x612, 18e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shaper mind

>> No.9720791


russian psych-ops. troll farms found a new talking point with legs and they're going all in on it.

>> No.9720869

Excess estrogen is dumped into the lower intestine where it should be absorbed and carried away by fiber. If you eat mostly shitty shit like white bread and animal matter, it gets reabsorbed. Eat whole plant foods and do some cardio.

>> No.9720874

Do beans, carrots, oinions and other green count?

>> No.9720900

Digestion is irrelevant. First pass through the liver destroys hormones anyway. Worrying about consuming hormones in food is silly.

>> No.9720911
File: 65 KB, 1196x288, 1_jzkJzwum0A0qVQ_1iztQ4w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shills are too late.

>> No.9720918
File: 229 KB, 480x346, McPoyles.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm a ruminant. brohoof!

>> No.9720933
File: 251 KB, 590x590, 1500400456400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump supporters and /pol/tards are testosterone depleted. Look how worked up they get when someone insults their memes or their dog emperah. Low T pussies, I tell ya

>> No.9720982

>read obvious bait
>respond anyways

>> No.9721405

That's some terrible bait right there.

>> No.9721417

I hate the low testosterone meme. People are simply not getting their cardio, that's all.

>> No.9721476
File: 49 KB, 645x729, 1511121739105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean seriously do you ever see leftist coastie elitists fantasizing about murdering conservatives or blowing up public infrastructure as some kind of petty revenge for a perceived internet slight? This is strictly a republithug/conservitard trait.
The masterful bait

>> No.9721483

>How strange that the god bless america party is the one that most passionately wants to destroy it.
It's because for the last 60 years democrats have been pushing for bigger and bigger and bigger government, and they always run it into the fucking ground.
America was founded on the idea of states rights under a central authority, not the federal government dictating what everybody can and cannot do.

>> No.9721497

Then why aren't the GOP pushing loudly to rewrite the Commerce Clause? You know why; it's because they want the power, too. Neither party gives a shit about "small government" or State's rights and you know it.

>> No.9721501

Mass shooters/killers tend to be conservative. Only difference between the white ones and the terrorist ones boils down to which religion they were taught as kids. They both tend to be ultra conservative

>> No.9721508

It's because the whipping boys are under corporate thumbs, and if the smaller reps want to get anything done they have to play ball.
I'm not saying congress isn't filled with corporate-sponsored fuckheads, I'm saying that the GOP isn't this purely evil demonic construction that everybody tries to make them out to be.

>> No.9721513

Yeah governments should never get their filthy hands into ensuring that major rivers aren’t literally catching fire or that the population is lead poisoned from birth causing crime to skyrocket

The important thing is who sticks their penis into whom, and also forcing kids to recite passages from the King James Bible, specifically. As for crime we need more lead poisoning so I have someone to shoot with muh guns

>> No.9721522

>He doesn't blindly support government overreach and intervention so he thinks gays are bad
You're retarded.
And the government SHOULD be able to intervene in those situations, but it should be STATE AND LOCAL, not sweeping federal bans and regulations for the entire country.

>> No.9721527

Red states have shown time and time again that without federal regulation they'll fuck over everyone if it gets a few people a little bit richer or it ensures that minorities get poorer

>> No.9721533

[citation needed]

>> No.9721535

>Blacks are conservative

Are you pretending to be retarded?

>> No.9721547

so what do i eat lads

>> No.9721548

First tell your doctor you were born female and want to transition. Receive estrogen pills. Sell them to desperate trannies whose parents won't let them transition. After about a year go to your doctor and say you now realize you were a transmanwoman and demand testosterone. Take it and enjoy your small testes but huge test

>> No.9721549

But in theory each State is allowed to do that if their elected officials want to. If Alabama want to elect pedophiles fucking let 'em; it doesn't effect anyone outside of that cousin fucking swamp.

>> No.9721560

Nothing. The jew has infested every aspect of your life and diet. There is no escape.

>> No.9721564

i wouldnt mind having a glass of water but the jew runs all the local waterworks

what to do what to do

>> No.9721594

what the fuck am i allowed to eat

>> No.9721596

food prepared at home from individual whole plant ingredients

>> No.9721604

Don't worry about it. You're not a ruminant so that shit doesn't matter.

>> No.9721609

a what

>> No.9721648

And themselves
The rural right is basically like a trust fund kid, completely useless and self destructive but rich daddy (the coastal leftists) have always bailed them out and in return we get autistic screeching

>> No.9721656

>the coastal leftists
Is that why everybody in california and new york exclusively works in food or "art" and has to have 9 roommates?

>> No.9721660


>healthy heart


>> No.9721689

>autistic screeching intensifies
The GDP of my block is higher than the GDP of your entire state

>> No.9721693

Can't hear you over the corn subsidies Cletus

>> No.9721695

And yet you still have 13 roommates while I own half an acre of private land

>> No.9721702

>Land is $0.50 an acre in my state!

You're just proving the point, Scooter.

>> No.9721704

>bitches about subsidies when his entire life is subsidized

>> No.9721709
File: 175 KB, 581x630, 1490469282268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your 22 roommates and minimum wage job, Jose

>> No.9721730

Not letting the Confederacy secede was the blunder of the century.

>> No.9721734
File: 150 KB, 1000x1310, 4hfC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hundreds of people can live in the same building and not be "roommates", cleetus. I get it, the opioid epidemic makes you want to be as far from other people as possible, but in nice places it's not really a concern.

>> No.9721742

>I only have THREE roommates in my 200sq ft apartment, OKAY???

>> No.9721768

850 square feet, and about 50 units in my building. Those other people are not "roommates", and your command of English is poor.

>> No.9721791

shut the fuck up amerimongrels

>> No.9721803

What's that run you, about $35,000 a month?

>> No.9721806

The best revenge was when millions of niggers moved north after the war

>> No.9721807

united states is a fucking meme you deserve the 56%

>> No.9721816


>> No.9721819
File: 1.96 MB, 1832x1734, 1506389818161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More than $2/sq ft
No wonder you retards want minimum wage to be $15/hr

>> No.9721832

>1900 for 850 sq ft

>> No.9721834

No, we want the minimum wage to be higher because it will eradicate the unsustainable businesses that get wage subsidies by state, local, and federal government in the form of food stamps and so on

Places like McDonalds and similar need to find a better way to make ends meet, rather than leeching off taxpayers

>> No.9721842

bahahaha absolute lmao

>> No.9721848

>raise minimum wage
>business raises service costs to offset
>able to buy the same amount of goods even though you have more Green Paper

>> No.9721864

They are mcdonalds is getting rid of the front desk and will only have cooks and managers soon. Eventually they'll get down to everything being made by machines.

>> No.9721872

why are americans so fucking stupid?

>> No.9721878

Too much soy.

>> No.9721887

If the anti-living-wage crowd isn't lying (which they probably are), increasing the minimum wage by 1 cent will force these places to close. They won't be raising any "service costs" because they're already operating on a razor thin margin. So we won't have any more McDonalds, they will all be replaced by Juice Press or Drybar hair salons
The one off MSP has already gotten rid of the majority of their customer-facing staff, but for some reason only young college kids go there now (from Baruch). Apparently computers are too complicated for the average scumbag who goes to the human-staffed McDonalds. And nothing of value was lost

>> No.9721889

Where is the evidence?

>> No.9721890

Brother, what is the source for what you say?

>> No.9721891

Are you dumbass? Blacks are just as conservative as rednecks, have you ever heard them talk about gays or foreigners?

>> No.9721892

>what is already held debt

>> No.9721905

ur fucking dum blmfoa

>> No.9721907

this thread is very kafkaesque

>> No.9721908

Which part? Juice Press? I made that up, the McDonaldses could just as well become more Liquiterias or even more Mr. Bings Northern Chinese Creperie cum Jianbiang Street Food Emporia

>> No.9721914


>> No.9721915

wait, which foods even have estrogen in them?
pretty sure most of the "estrogen high" ingredients actually contain phytoestrogen

>> No.9721938

Unless you are already low-test, you have nothing to worry about from xenohoromones

>> No.9721946

im a high test alpha male i scored 900 on my test exam

>> No.9721990

>Raise minimum wage
>Business that relied on low labor cost shut down
>Unemployment skyrockets, poor people get fucked over by dems again but keep voting them in

>> No.9722023

>capital, once freed, cannot be allocated to other ends without a government to tell people what to do with it
>state-sponsored businesses are the best economic model
If this is what you really believe, why not embrace socialism? You do understand this is what you're advocating, right?

I'm of the opinion that a badly designed business is a drag on the economy, and letting that business fail (rather than keeping it on permanent life support as we're doing with McDonalds) actually drives growth

But if you want to make a case for a full state takeover of entire sectors of the economy, I'm interested in your rationale

>> No.9722025
File: 112 KB, 877x2078, 1505814886429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how much of this is true, though.

>> No.9722029

Oops sorry forgot to give (You) >>9721990 the (You)

>> No.9722042

>Implying I want state-run, state-sponsored, or state-controlled businesses
If you need $15/hr to live in a city, then it is SOLELY the city's responsibility to raise it to that. Stop asking big daddy federal government to do it for you, and stop trying to shoulder your poor decisions off onto other people. If you pay $1900 in rent a month and barely make minimum wage maybe you should move the fuck out of the area you're at.

>> No.9722050

Why do retards believe this stuff?

>businesses that get wage subsidies by state, local, and federal government in the form of food stamps and so on

>> No.9722051

Holy hyperbole batman, lmao why are right wingers so insecure?

>> No.9722062

Millennial retards think they deserve a house in sanfagcisco because they work part time at a coffee shop

>> No.9722065

It blows my mind that people don't realize this. I'm a cost accountant. Businesses don't give a flying fuck what arbitrary number is tied to their costs or products. They care about %s, like profit margin. Force their labor costs up, watch them raise prices without blinking an eye to compensate. That's literally my job.

>> No.9722069

>Mike Cernovich
>Calling anyone fat
Lmao remember when he got beat up by some teenage skaters after trying to lift to beat up leftwing protesters, toppest kek indeed

>> No.9722076

>then it is SOLELY the city's responsibility to raise it to that
I thought you were arguing that it was McDonalds's responsibility. So we agree then, the minimum wage should be higher, and it is within the government's purview to force that. Glad we sorted that out.

>blah blah blah daddy
That was my joke >>9721648
which you stole, cleetus. In the future at least wait a few days.

>If you pay $1900 in rent a month and barely make minimum wage
Literally nobody does that. Do the math, how could you possibly think that would even work?

>> No.9722078

Are you retarded dude?
>raise minimum wage
>slash jobs/roboticize labor
The market ALWAYS finds a way to optimize whatever shitty situation the government puts it in

>> No.9722085

>The market ALWAYS finds a way to optimize
And that's all I ask. For the market to be allowed to optimize it, instead of continuing to subsidize their payroll costs

>> No.9722087

>Implying socialism isn't the way to go once all jobs are automated
You're pretty much just a dumb porky if you think otherwise

>> No.9722091

>the minimum wage should be higher
Not federally

>and it is within the government's purview to force that

>That was my joke
You don't bail shit out, kid. The corporations that you hate exist in your cities because it's easier to attract high talent people to a big city than it is a rural zone. Your GDP doesn't come from you being a "coffee artisan", it comes from the people you actively root against.

>Literally nobody does that
It's extremely common.

>> No.9722092

Then get government out of the market. As long as government is willing to subsidize businesses will fight over it and for it.

>> No.9722093

Wait. Hold up.

Plastic will give you bitch tits also?

I stumbled across some conspiracy channel on jewtube the other day talking about "depop" food and how everything is in plastic containers and should be avoided. (Actually learned yogurt comes in glass and my local store carries some)

Was this guy not batshit crazy?

>> No.9722097

There's been links to certain kinds of reusable plastic water bottles released estrogen-like chemicals that you body basically treats as the real thing.
Not "all plastic" does this, but if you're gunna have a water bottle get a metal one.

>> No.9722104

>raise minimum wage
>make lower skill workers even less hireable
Great thinking there

>> No.9722111
File: 61 KB, 1000x989, ve-tax-received-per-dollars-paid-out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not federally
Who the fuck said anything about federally?
>You don't bail shit out, kid.
This image should disabuse you of any further misapprehensions on this topic
>Your GDP doesn't come from you being a "coffee artisan"
I make a mean cup of coffee, but I don't understand why you think this is relevant
>it comes from the people you actively root against.
My GDP comes from unemployed coal miners? Amazing, I never suspected

>It's extremely common.
You are terrible at math. The people who "live" on minimum wage are either in NYCHA structures, or live 6 to a basement out in Ozone Park or Baychester. This may come as a shock to you but landlords actually do check income, they don't just hand out leases to anyone who shows up

>> No.9722129

No, see, let me be more clear about this:
YOU do not bail shit. YOU receive more subsidies than anything cletus could hope for.
The BUSINESSES that YOU so deeply hate are the ones generating your states GDP. YOU have fucking nothing to do with it.
Cletus' GDP comes from cletus, jimmy bob, and rancher dan, which is why it's comparatively small.

>You are terrible at math
And you plugging your ears and saying LA LA LA HOUSING CRISES AREN'T HAPPENING IN MY PERFECT URBAN CITIES doesn't make it untrue.

>> No.9722132

>Then get government out of the market. As long as government is willing to subsidize businesses will fight over it and for it.

That's what raising the minimum wage does. The social safety net should still exist, but the purpose is to keep people out of desperate situations. Having a job != a desperate situation. It was allowed to develop into this because some businesses figured out a way to work the system. It's time for those businesses to fail, and make way for higher value businesses to come in.

>> No.9722154

>Rancher Dan and Jimmy Bob need subsidies
What about the free market tho

>> No.9722156

>The BUSINESSES that YOU so deeply hate
First of all I do not "deeply hate" McDonalds, I just don't like it. Secondly, shitty fast food franchises are completely fucking irrelevant to NYC's economic output. This is primarily a question of morality, even from a tax revenue point of view it's a rounding error at best. Makes no difference in the grand scheme. I'm starting to suspect you or your parents own a McDonalds franchise, nobody could possibly be this delusional.
>And you plugging your ears and saying LA LA LA
So do the math for me. How does someone on minimum wage get a lease on a $1900 place, and pay the broker fee, moving expenses, and keep up with rent, bills, and non-rent living expenses. Obviously the answer is they don't, any more than your dad's McDonalds is somehow critical to the economic future of New York.

>> No.9722159

When did I say that?

>> No.9722166

You're just being a cunt to the guy on purpose, aren't you? I agree about the rent bits but quit being a cunt

>> No.9722170

>shitty fast food franchises are completely fucking irrelevant to NYC's economic output.
I was referring mostly to wall st and "big businesses" you constantly shit on and use as ammo against le ebil gop.
McDonald's and Walmart are only good for poor people, regardless of whether or not your loony conspiracy of them abusing welfare is true. They get employment, they get money, and they get access to cheap goods. Run these places out of business and the only people you hurt and the ones you wanted to help.

>So do the math for me.
Roommates, dipshit. Why do you think there are multiple stories of people renting out little boxes in san francisco apartments to live in?

>> No.9722181

How am I being a cunt? He's being intentionally thick

>I was referring mostly to wall st and "big businesses" you constantly shit on and use as ammo against le ebil gop.
I think you've got too many tabs open buddy, that's the convo you're having on /pol/ or /b/ maybe. I wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for "le ebil wall street". I do believe in regulations because avoiding a castastrophic meltdown is critical to the economy, perhaps you'd like to rail against me on that one, if you need a straw man. Something about me not understanding le inbisible hand, or whatever

>Roommates, dipshit
In an 850 square foot apartment in an upper middle class neighborhood? No. They get an illegal sublet way the fuck out near the nassau or westchester border where the rents are lower. They don't pack in 6 of their buddies in a location next to an organic wine shop.

>> No.9722195

>I wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for "le ebil wall street"
And all the poor people you seem to constantly mock and deride wouldn't have a job if it weren't for these "failed businesses" you keep jabbering on about.
Your GDP does not come from you, or your coffee shops, or all these people who screech at the top of their lungs that the minimum wage has to be higher because they want to live it up in the big city without having real income. It comes from the businesses you hate and call failed, they're the ones paying the taxes that subsidize all the poor shits in your city.

>I live in an affluent area, so poor people can't possibly be jamming themselves into apartments the same size as mine at similar costs
You're pretty blind to the poverty surrounding you, aren't you?
Ask your barista next time how many roommates she has.

>> No.9722216

>Big Business that can only exist due to welfare programs paying both customers and employees

>> No.9722229
File: 279 KB, 602x648, 1510634826536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was referring mostly to wall st and "big businesses" you constantly shit on
>if it weren't for these "failed businesses" you keep jabbering on about.

>> No.9722230

They would have a job, it would just be a different job. I guess you've never really worked before but every job - even the shittiest most menial job - has some sort of training/onboarding process. What we're doing is subsidizing an antiquated business model (fast food) and keeping these people in a static position for longer than ought to be the case. Let the business fail, keep paying the welfare checks and food stamps so they don't all starve, and watch as new and more innovative businesses appear to fill the void, that can hire these people and teach them something actually useful that maybe they could even use to start their own businesses instead of "would you like to super-size that"
>It comes from the businesses you hate and call failed, they're the ones paying the taxes that subsidize all the poor shits in your city.
The financial and insurance sectors, the entertainment industry, the tech sector, etc, etc. The ones that occupy high rises and have thousands of employees getting paid six figure salaries who in turn pay local taxes? Those guys are making real contributions to the city's coffers. A lazy, greedy, doddering old McDonalds franchise owner who probably lives out in fucking Babylon or Hempstead? No, nothing relevant. Tell your dad he's lying to you.

>You're pretty blind to the poverty surrounding you, aren't you?
I'm more attuned to it than you, with your McDonalds franchise parents - I actually work for a living.

>Ask your barista next time how many roommates she has.
Those are kids in their early 20s who are either in school or trying to "make it" in the arts. Everyone has roommates at that age, it's normal and not a kind of suffering.

>> No.9722241

All raising the min wage does is fuck over workers, specifically poor low skill lower education workers. If you make labor artificially more expensive than its value via a price floor (min wage) there will be less labor demanded. That is basic economics.

Why else do you think somebody invented an automatic burger flipping machine for McDs?

>> No.9722270

>it would just be a different job
Where? Where are all of these people suddenly going to find jobs when you decided to cripple the biggest employers of low-income people?

>> No.9722280
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>all having a 5-day workweek did was fuck over workers
>all having safety regulations did was fuck over workers
>all abolishing child labor did was fuck over workers
>all the EEOC ever did was fuck over workers
Nobody is suggesting that a person who has barely graduated high school should be paid a six figure salary

Just an adequate, reasonable wage commensurate with present-day cost of living valuations, as other modern countries do

There is no reasonable justification for the executive comp to rank and file comp ratios we see in this country. I know what reasons are, but a reason is not a justification.

>> No.9722289

Poor people should pay for the privilege of working

>> No.9722290

How the fuck should I know? Let the free market sort it out and give them food stamps in the meantime.

Like I said, if you want the government to step in and actually *be* the business, you're welcome to make that argument. All I want is to take the unsustainable businesses off life support and free up the labor and land resources so that the economy can make better use of them.

>> No.9722297

Hey nigger, don't jump topics.

>> No.9722303

Nigga, jut admit that Kopacz is a stupid cunt.

>> No.9722308

What topic do you think I'm jumping? We were talking about wages and whether a living wage was going to "fuck over" the workers, were we not?

Or are you saying that we should go back to œstrogen? Please be specific.

>> No.9722318

We're talking about min wage and suddenly you bring up a load of tangential bullshit. Either stay on topic or fuck off.

>> No.9722321

That automation is coming regardless of min wage. And it's gonna hit office jobs way before it hits blue collar shit. You don't need a big clunky robot to file reports, but those back-flipping robots still aren't coordinated enough to do a McD employee's full duties.

>> No.9722342

>a load of tangential bullshit
I guess they aren't teaching much history in schools anymore. The fact is, in ye olde tymes, people made the same argument against safety regulations, laws against child labor, and so on, as they do now in the minimum wage debate. This is a very ancient argument: "I treat these people like shit for their own benefit". "We can't have a safety barrier in front of that spinning mangling wheel of death, the poor factory owner would have to lay off an employee to afford that". "Why should Big Gubmint interfere with a 7 year old boy's right to break his femurs under a coal sled for a living?" Etc.

>> No.9722348

Just give up, the free market boner makes them forget about history and other inconvenient facts

>> No.9722362


there is also a ton of estrogen in every living male. broscientists pretending to understand what hormones do is amusing

>> No.9722363

Alright you clearly just want to stir the pot instead of arguing intelligently, and I've already laid out the facts of minimum wage. Suck a fat cock

>> No.9722377

I've already laid out a perfectly clear, not to mention unfailingly polite case for why a higher minimum would benefit the economy without harming the workers. Part of that case was that they would most likely lose their jobs. You clearly didn't read the thread and are just here to talk about genitalia in lieu of actual discussion. You're the one posting porno threads right now, aren't you.

>> No.9722380
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>chink has the highest test
>chinks eat the most soy

>> No.9722391

vast over-exaggeration of what happened during the standoff.

>> No.9722413


Implying you aren't the stupid fuck or an affiliate of the stupid fuck who is spamming these threads. Your pattern is so predictable. A retard creates a shitpost thread. Two or three replies in, a crybaby reply like this is made. Like clockwork. Step your game up. Your jig is up.

>> No.9722414

Chinks eat fermented soy or deep fry it pig fat. Both methods lower the amounts of phytoestregens in the soy. Meanwhile hipsters eat fresh soy which is full of the stuff.

>> No.9722450

It's pretty easy
>avoid any edibles be in contact with plastics
>limit milk and dairy products
>eat enough proteins
>most importantly, work out everyday

You don't need to be paranoid about the supposed estrogens in anything, all the effects can be easily reversed with enough exercise and physical activity.

>> No.9722496

>Anything that makes us /pol/tards look bad is fake

Sho' nuff', Kelly Ann.

>> No.9722506

you ever have nice big pieces of soy in spicy pork ramen every now and then? uma delicia

>> No.9722523
File: 34 KB, 674x318, Milk doesn't lower testosterone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>limit milk and dairy products
Limit your dietary pseudoscience
Also doubt the"milk=prostate cancer" entirely especially when in the article it says:
>Estrone and prostate cancer risk in men: As far as the estrone levels Maruyama et al. measured in their 2010 study are concerned it is very difficult to tell, whether or not the 26% increase in E2 levels is or isn't a problem.
>The estrone values in the Maruyama study are unrealistic. With a normal range of <68pg/ml the subjects in the Maruyama study would have elevated E1 levels to begin with, if the measurement was correct.
>difficult to tell
>What remains to be seen, though, is whether future epidemiological evidence will support or refute the currently heralded hypothesis that dairy consumption increases prostate cancer risk and whether we will be able to identify more feasible explanations for this relations than those that are implicated by the results Maruyama et al. present in their 2010 study.

>> No.9722538
File: 46 KB, 580x326, 1d3ea027bc3856f62ae2141fa1e7695d_signs-eat-more-protein_580x326_featuredImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are right
>eat enough proteins
>most importantly, work out everyday

>> No.9722635

please this meme is so stupid

>> No.9722640

>this /v/eddit thread will reach bump limit
literally the cancer killing 4chan.

Just report and filter.

>> No.9722691

Are you triggered my gender bending comrade?

>> No.9722724

My testosterone levels are good but I’m still depressed

>> No.9722805

Good thread.

>> No.9722814

Testosterone and estrogen are part of a balance.
So just make sure you keep eating more testosterone boosting foods and you'll be fine.

>> No.9723092

Why are there so many fucking soyboys on /ck/?

>> No.9723122

>setting the interval to hour increments instead of minutes in your thread bumping bot
When you do this you end up looking really bad. See if you do minutes then you can make it a random number between say, 20 and 90 minutes, and then it looks a lot more organic. Or at least use float and not integer if you have a good reason for hours. Fucking amateurs.

>> No.9723155

>The soyboy will try to distract you, do not fall for his simple tricks

>> No.9723366

I make thai tofu soup every now and again. It's really fucking good.

>> No.9723409

>it looks a lot more organic

Oh shit, here we go. That's another one of the boogeymen that sends them into a raging pissfit.

>> No.9723618
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android fat distribution is unavoidable

pretty much the only way your estradiol levels rise is if you're snorting actual estrogen and suppressing the testosterone kickback somehow.

Which means all the negligible metabolized sources of estrogen you find in plastics, soy, whatever do jack shit to you. Its your own fault you look like a rotting apple.

>> No.9723715

>all the negligible metabolized sources of estrogen you find in plastics [...] do jack shit to you
Hmm, actually no, there is substantial evidence that low doses of endocrine disrupting chemicals have adverse effects on human health.

>> No.9723767

>lifting to fight people

Why not actually join a fight gym if you want to learn to fight? Do people really think that just adding mass to yourself is going to allow you to beat someone down?

Weight is a big advantage, but punches from a skinny fucker will still lay you out.

>> No.9724889

Sorry, I should have said biodynamic