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File: 88 KB, 1600x1139, guacamole-horiz-a-1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9715451 No.9715451 [Reply] [Original]

What do you put in your guacamole? I recently had guacamole with mint and papaya. It was one of the most disgusting things I have ever tasted.

>> No.9715462


>> No.9715467

I tried putting some avocado in my guacamole to be healthy. It was awful. Back to mayo-based guacamole for me.

>> No.9715468

Cumin, tomatoes, and garlic are the only non-standard ingredients that are acceptable. Avocados, lime juice, cilantro, chilis, onion, and salt already make a basically perfect dip. No embellishment is needed.

>> No.9715472
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To be fair. If you eat it with salsa dont put tomatos in it. Red onion, salt, chili/pepper what ever you use with avacado is enough. Also raw papaya itself is very disgusting as it releases so many enzymes.

>> No.9715931

you guys don't like a good guac?

>> No.9715943


>> No.9716114

>mint and papaya
what the fuck did you expected? just ad lime, you can also ad some diced onion if you feel adventurous, or some tomato if you are a prick, t. guacamole expert

>> No.9716974

>what the fuck you expected
I went to a Mexican restaurant with a Chinese girl and it was an option. She picked it because she's a retard.

>> No.9717208


>> No.9717236

We do several custom guacamoles as our weekend taster's menu:

Asian style: guacamole with soy sauce
Double Mexican style: guacamole with rice and pinto beans
Italians style: guacamole with meatball
Party style: guacamole cocktail/mocktail with avacoda whiskey infusion
Breakfast time: guacamole and egg
Bread lover's: guacamole with toasted bread pieces
Lover's lane: chocalte strawberry mockamole

>> No.9717585

>restaurant that I wish was listed on an exchange so I could short it.

>> No.9717613

America truly is cancer.

>> No.9717669

Which of them seems tastiest to you? If you really had 2 choose?

>> No.9717752

You are the retarded one

>> No.9717801
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Avacados (duh)
Squeeze of lemon juice
Chopped cilantro
Chopped onions
Chopped peppers. I like Serrano but do whatever

Then fucking eat it ese.

>> No.9717806

10/10 satire

>> No.9717812
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>> No.9717828

salt, lime juice, cilantro, serranos
serve with a blended salsa of roasted(or grilled) tomato/serrano/garlic/onion, cilantro, mexican oregano(important that it's mexican oregano) salt, cumin, and lime, and fresh tortilla chips

>> No.9717841
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Didn't Jeb! have a great recipe?

>> No.9718008

>lemon juice

Sorry to break it to you anon, but you're gay.

>> No.9718020

You forgot lime. That's it though.

>> No.9718099

Not him, but I prefer my guac with lemon too.

>> No.9718113

Boogers and cum.

>> No.9718159

Brah papaya is delicious. It's an acquired taste, like fine whiskeys and cheeses, that takes time and patience to develop. We had a papaya tree in our yard and used to fish them down with a long bamboo stick. If you didn't catch it, they'd explode on impact. We still ate them even post-explosion because they tasted so good.

>> No.9718186

Serrano pepper.

>> No.9718255
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This "recipe" is okay but I agree serranos are the best pepper to use

>> No.9718295
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I am not mexican
I make guacamole with peeled and seeded avocado mashed with a fork, salt, lime, and raw garlic from the actual bulb- NOT from a jar. sometimes if I want to church it up, I will add things to it sometimes like raw onion, cilantro, chopped tomato, and once in a while chopped fresh jalapenos.

>> No.9718357

Wow are you for real?

>> No.9718399

Or lime.

Or go fuck yourself. Its guacamole, not cum.

>> No.9719027


>> No.9719169

If you're adding anything besides lime juice (and, key lime for that matter), salt, and a bit minced serrano chile, you're doing it wrong or you just hate avocado. And here's why:
1. Those three things - salt, lime, and chile - enhance the flavor of avocado. Things like garlic, onion, tomato, or ( god forbid) cumin cover the taste up and muddy it. If you want to muddy the taste, or cover it, then you don't really like avocado.
2. Why key lime? It's flavor goes perfectly with avocado, and is more authentic to what is used in Mexico, although Persian lime will work fine too.

>> No.9719174

>no cilantro

>> No.9719185

Instead of jumping straight to insults, why don't you try actual discourse, or are you too stupid for that?
I love cilantro, and I don't hate it in guacamole, but it's not loved by everyone, and it's not one of the basics. So take your "fag" and shove it up your ass, since insults seem to be th e only thing you understand..

>> No.9719202

Anyone who doesn't love cilantro is a genetic anomaly and irrelevant.

>> No.9719205

Agreed, so why is this an issue?

>> No.9719254

>Shes retarded for trying something new, even if it might not be great

You're not going to last because you're also something new that justifies yourself when you do something new and its not so great as what you already had. Its learning about what is really good, not sticking with the familiar because thats what you grew up on.

>> No.9719263

>If you're adding anything besides lime juice (and, key lime for that matter), salt, and a bit minced serrano chile, you're doing it wrong or you just hate avocado
This is wrong, because you forgot the cilantro.

>> No.9719299

Cilantro is optional, not essential. And, fyi, if you add too much, you'll cover up the avocado flavor as well.

>> No.9719305

"Adding anything besides lime juice, salt, and serrano is wrong" is the same as "adding cilantro is wrong." Adding cilantro is not wrong, and does not mean you hate avocado. Also, adding too much lime or chile or salt will overpower the avocado, too.

>> No.9719311

It sounds disgusting. I put a dash of cumin in mine.

>> No.9719319

You just can't stop spergging out, can you? I stand by what I said, and if you don't like it, tough shit. Cilantro is not essential. Period. Lime, chile, and salt are. Those three enhance the avocado flavor. As I said before, I love cilantro, but it's not necessary for great guacamole.

>> No.9719324

But you said that adding cilantro is wrong. It's not.

>> No.9719345

You and your eqivocations.
Fine, sperggie, have it your way. Sure, it's wrong. It adds an extra flavor that can easily overpower the flavor of the avocado. Is that what you want to hear? Same goes for garlic and onion. Tomatoes just muddy the flavor. Spices like cumin also muddy the flavor. Guacamole is at it's best when it's simple so the flavor of the avocado shines through. Now fuck off.

>> No.9719347

Cilantro does not overpower the avocado; it enhances it, just like lime juice, salt, and chiles.

>> No.9719354

No, it adds an extra flavor. It's like if someone tried to argue that parsley or basil belong in guacamole.

>> No.9719360

Anything besides salt adds an extra flavor, but that doesn't mean those extra flavors overpower the avocado.

>> No.9719363



>> No.9719377

The lime is necessary, for both flavor and appearance. It enhances the buttery flavor of the avocado. Same goes for the bit of serrano. They are acidic. Cilantro is herbal, which doesn't work the same way.

>> No.9719383

Serranos are not acidic. Going by that logic, tomato would be a better choice for adding to guacamole(it isn't). The more you post, the more you reveal that you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.9719401

Yes, I do. And you're right, peppers are low acid, but high in vitamin C, which is what gives the superior contrast to the buttery and green flavor of the avocado. As I said before, cilantro is herbal and adds more green/grassy flavor. Just as parsley or basil would. Also, to be specific, I said in my original post to add a "bit" of serrano, so there is no reason to fear it overpowering anything unless you're stupid.

>> No.9719409

You should also add just a bit of cilantro. Too much and it overpowers the avocado, but the right amount and it adds a floral counterbalance to the fruity notes of the chiles and lime, and the fattiness of the avocado itself.

>> No.9719416

But, not everyone likes cilantro, and it's still non essential. Would you add parsley or basil? If the answer is no, then you shouldn't add cilantro either, because all of those do the same thing.

>> No.9719419

We're not talking about essential vs non-essential, we're talking about wrong vs right. That was the dichotomy you set up in your original post, and it's the one I'm going with. Furthermore, cilantro, parsley, and basil all have different flavors, so they do not do the same thing. A caprese salad would not taste the same with cilantro or parsley instead of basil, so why would you expect guacamole to taste the same with parsley or basil instead of cilantro. Do your tastebuds not work or something?

>> No.9719441

Cilantro, parsley and basil are all herbal notes, they perform the same task. And if you want to stick to right vs wrong, fine. It's wrong, sperggie. Also, you're adding new contentions like what flavors you consider belong, so you're not sticking to the script either, you ass.

>> No.9719446

They do not perform the same task, because they're different ingredients. Your taste buds are defective if you think you can swap out three completely different herbs and they'd be exactly the same in a dish. You're a fool, and am embarrassment to your family.

>> No.9719448

It's nearly 4:40 in the morning, and I think that's a sign I should go to sleep. Enjoy eating shitty no-cilantro guacamole, queer.

>> No.9719586

You're a fucking moron. You don't understand flavor notes, and your autistic ranting on about cilantro just makes you sound like an obsessive-compulsive. It's a good thing you decided to go to bed.

>> No.9719818

crushed piquin peppers. that's it, they are smoky and spicy and amazing with four tortillas. a few go a long way.

>> No.9719824
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forgot pic.

>> No.9719848

>Getting this angry
>About fucking guacamole
You sound like more of an obsessive-compulsive given your endless insistence that people not put coriander in their guacamole, not to mention feeling so generally threatened and horrified at the idea of putting herbs in general in it.

>> No.9719851

This I can get on board with. I keep some in a jar on the table and crush them in my bowl of chili. I'll add some to my guacamole next time I make some.

>> No.9719857

you forgot the salt ese

>> No.9719858

>inserting this much feelings into someone else's post
>calling it coriander

I see the europoor are up and getting hysterical already.

>> No.9719947

Sounds about right, this IS coming from the same person who said that putting parsley in a dish is the equivalent of putting coriander in it.

>> No.9719950

You have zero self awareness.
I sincerely hope you're not this much of a spastic in real life.

>> No.9719985

I'm not the one having a meltdown and accusing people of mental illness over herbs in guac, my dude. I'm not going to reply to you anymore because it'd just shit up the thread further (your last two replies don't even mention food), so feel free to take having the treasured last word as proof that you 'won' the same way you chimped out over the other guy going to bed.

Anyway, guacamole is honestly pretty hard to fuck up, as long as you keep it relatively simple and don't put fillers (like ricotta, sour cream or whatever) in, or a ton of onion, anything that'd either dilute or overpower the fresh avocado flavor. Weird shit like papaya definitely sounds like a mistake. I had it once with fruit in it at a party and unsurprisingly it was weird and gross, but some of the other ingredients (like charred corn) were good, I'd struggle to call it 'guacamole' though since the end result was so different from what's usually the standard.

>> No.9720068

I had some with bacon the other day. I recommend trying it.

>> No.9720093

these are called "amashito" in my hometown

t. mexican

>> No.9720104

> writes two paragraphs of mostly spazzy nonsense
> accuses someone else of chimping out

Again, you have zero self awareness.

>> No.9720109

I usually do pepper, salt, onion, tomato, a small amount of chillis, lime juice.

>> No.9721258
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>> No.9721340

That's the best you can do? Pathetic.

>> No.9721384
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kek, chill out.

>> No.9721647

Chile pikin or del Monte as it grows under every fence post, sign and bird perch in the bush.
T. Norteño

>> No.9722150

>Home cook
Your precious sensibilities have no place in a kitchen.

>> No.9722158

>If you don't like fruit in guacamole you're a foodie
I don't follow

>> No.9724018

this is an amazing thread thanks to the two guys fighting about cilantro. this kind of stuff is why i still visit this laotian mahjong board

>> No.9724022

I'm going to make some guac with a single meatball in the middle now

>> No.9724231
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>> No.9724389

Serrano peppers
jalapeno peppers
habanero peppers
red onion
lime juice

turns out very good. I make enough chopped peppers to make pico on the side so I have dip for days

>> No.9724411

I don't care much for hot pepper on my guac since I generally have it as alongside salsa.