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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9710445 No.9710445 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread maxed

How does /ck/ like their coffee?

>> No.9710475

Pretty much any way.
Can you really call yourself a coffee lover if you only like it two or three specific ways?

>> No.9710481

black and stronk

>> No.9710671
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Why did my coffee decide to do this

Cream is in date, smells like cream

This seems to happen randomly. It's just folgers normie brew.

>> No.9710676

I'm actually super weak to caffeine, so i just sio tea throughout the day. But if i say fuck it ill get a frappe ;)

>> No.9710679

used to drink with milk, but for some reason it curdled over half of the time
so now i always drink it without milk

>> No.9710680


>> No.9710681

I used to be a french press coffee snob and then I actually tried decent instant coffee. Now I drink it exclusively unless I'm out at a coffee shop.
When did you anons realize that being a hipster was actually stopping you from achieving coffee enlightenment?

>> No.9710733

Black filter coffee, with or without cold milk.
None of that espresso or steamed milk bollocks.

>> No.9710740

>super weak to caffeine
pls dont breed

>> No.9710749
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Acidity is usually the reason for it to curdle, so maybe your coffee is too acidic.

Cafe Bustelo is pretty good for instant coffee. I like it really strong with lots of milk, no sugar. I put like 3 or 4x the recommended amount and do half water and half milk or all milk.

>> No.9710845

>Inb4 babby palates saying I'm pretending to like it that way

>> No.9710846

Folgers med dark roast. I got a single cup coffee maker that can fill a 14 ounce thermos cup. First I cut a paper filter a bit to make it fit in the copper filter the thing comes with then I run 8 ounces of water through to get the paper detritus off.

Then one tablespoon of grounds and 14 ounces of filtered water. Drink it black.

>> No.9710884
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>> No.9710886
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Is this true?

>> No.9710912

Black with a LOT of sugar

>> No.9710928


>> No.9710933
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Is this true?

>> No.9710936


I cross index ABV and price, it's my only math skill but I've gotten good at it

>> No.9710964

no, you never get used to it

>> No.9710973


>> No.9711024


>> No.9711029

With a big dump in the morning.

>> No.9711100

Fuckin hell, I need to use less grounds then. It curdled the fuck out of my cup, after sitting in my thermos for 2 hours it's like drinking hot pee.

>> No.9711113

Nescafe instant coffee, black.

>> No.9713005

Sure instant coffee is fine when you're a milky suggie baby because you're already destroying your coffee regardless.

But if you put a proper mug of black coffee against instant black coffee anyone would notice the tremendous difference and only a retard would pick instant. Then again,you have to be pretty retarded to put milk or sugar into your coffee in the first place.

>> No.9713028

I coarsely grind a few tablespoons of beans. Steep in cold water for 12 hours with a cinamon stick and a few cloves. Strain it into a mug and drink with a splash of milk or condensed milk if i got it.

Ill drink it hot if i have to.

>> No.9713034


>> No.9713137

cold brewed in a pitcher for less than five minutes

>> No.9713165

Just tried Aldi coffee and it was fucking horrible. What's a good cheap coffee to hold me over between jobs?

>> No.9713176

I prefer my coffee in someone elses cup.

>> No.9713190

sometimes my "girlfriend" cums in my cawfee without telling me and says its cream xD

id tell her to stop of I didn't love it so much ;3

>> No.9713256

assuming youre not >>9710749 do you drink it black?
if so, what instant coffee do you use?

>> No.9713481

>Steep in cold water for 12 hours with a cinamon stick and a few cloves.
Try doing that with cardamom if you haven't already

>> No.9713500
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I'm not saying instant is better, but some of them are decent enough.
>Then again,you have to be pretty retarded to put milk or sugar into your coffee in the first place.
I'll drink a black cup with breakfast sometimes, if I want it after a meal that's when I'll use milk, and if I want to treat it like a dessert then I'll add milk and sugar. If you think limiting yourself to the way you prepare food makes you better you're pretty delusional and insecure and you should try new things because it'll let you have more choices when you want something and it'll possibly make you a better person by not keeping your mind closed off from trying new things and I hope you enjoy whatever it is you do but you stop being so unhappy over thinks like someone putting milk in their coffee.

>> No.9713506

>I'm not saying instant is better
And I guess that's not entirely true either because there are some "proper" cups of coffee that I've had that are worse than the instant stuff I like

>> No.9714981
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>> No.9714995

Oops, just scalded myself and stained my clothes, better take a picture so I can earn some dopamine hits when people reply to my social media post later on!

>> No.9715062
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I mostly do espresso

>> No.9715199
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I like my coffee blacker than your mom's boyfriend and hotter than a whorehouse on dollar day.

>> No.9715205

how many of you have had a frappe?

>> No.9715238

Having some black Hawaiian coconut flavored coffee with some cocoa powder mixed in. Normally I have this irish cream flavored one though, makes me all proud of muh British isles heritage

>> No.9715296
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yo, are you going to share some of that fritter

>> No.9715407

bustelo is the only drinkable instant, yes

This, the milk and sugar stick to my teeth, dont like it

>> No.9716168

Depends on the coffee. You can make French Press coffee that tastes good black, but it's always going to be stronger than if you added sugar or milk. That requires you to get super anal about making the perfect press pot though, since even third wave cafes almost never make French Press coffee correctly.

>> No.9716599

Americano with a bit of cream in it.

>> No.9716820

From a coffee shop: Cappuccino
At home: AeroPress® with a small splash of 2% milk

>> No.9717156


ikea's coffee is honestly pretty good

haven't tried them all, but their lowest acidity / darkest roast batch is better than any cheap coffee i've tried by a wide margin

>> No.9717161

cafe misto

>> No.9717165

favorite home method: aeropress.

for work, I'll usually set a pot to drip brew in the AM so I can grab it and go instead of waiting for the aeropress.

at a fancy restaurant with dessert: cappuccino or espresso

>> No.9717291

Any boston fags here? Where do you get your beans from for espresso at home?

>> No.9717295

Does anyone know what size tri-wing screws are on the Bonavita variable temp kettle? Some roaches have made a home inside of there and I'd like to evict them, but I don't know what size screwdriver I need to get the thing open.

>> No.9717454
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Another shot

>> No.9717757

How is the """organic""" and """fair trade""" roasted coffee cherry seeds sold by Aldi so affordable? What's the catch?

>> No.9717772

Fair trade is really shotty at actually ensuring proper treatment of workers

>> No.9717782

Yes adults are bitter

>> No.9717794

Restaurants often stock their most expensive wine just to make the next priciest look more reasonable by comparison. Human perception is always relative. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to have anything black in movies.

>> No.9717796

black, unsweetened, just above room temp

>> No.9717811

the catch is that you're already in their store and will probably do most of your shopping while you're there even though most of their prices on fresh produce and meat are pretty shitty or on part with everyone else's even though aldi shit is no-name branded shit.

I only buy ice cream and coffee from aldi.

>> No.9717846
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This is my favorite coffee.

>> No.9717867

I bet you don't even eat produce. People never look at the brand on that stuff.

>> No.9717875

Your reading comprehension is terrible. Don't reply to me or my posts ever again.

>> No.9717883

can you call a steak lover if you don't like it well done or with ketchup?

>> No.9717886

anybody know of a decent k-cup coffee? I feel like shit for using them but it's handy at work when I don't brew any at home.

>> No.9718027
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>just above room temp

>> No.9718034

same as my wife's lover-- strong and black

>> No.9718058

Im in a similar situation and was at Sam's Club and picked up a 100 pack of kcups for $33, I got the French roast but they have a few types. The french roast is dank though and I have yet to see anything cheaper than that

>> No.9718086

100 k-cups at 0.44oz each is approx. 2.75lbs of coffee which means you're paying $12/lb for the cheapest shittiest burnt garbage coffee available in the first world.
French roast was originally invented to salvage water damaged imported coffee that got soaked with ocean water during the months long boat voyages.

Typical cheap coffee is $6/lb and never goes past $10 unless you order microroaster stuff online.

>> No.9719302

decaf, cause i cant tolerate caffeine. Peet's dark roast, hot or cold, with half and half to make it a little less dark. thats it. never anything else. i used to work at peets when all they had was...coffee. and thats the way it should be. i outgrew sugar in my coffee at age 14, general foods international coffee.

>> No.9719318

Medium roast with heavy cream and sugar

>> No.9719830

Strong, long, black with honey

>> No.9719879

let me guess you drink it as hot as the sun like the rest of the plebs?

i'll stick to my method thx, at least i can taste mine

>> No.9720002

That's how I like it if I'm having a cup with breakfast. Can't really enjoy hot coffee when it's 90F outside.

>> No.9720050
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flambéed rum with sugar and a twist of lemon, expresso machine coffee
not pure but absolute ambrosia

>> No.9720069

black, with icecream to ice it

>> No.9720149

Well, I'd rather have any type of steak than no steak, so yeah.

>> No.9720613
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Attempted to make Vietnamese and Padang style coffee today. I'm not much for the sweet/dessert drinks, but I figured it was something to try. I prefer the taste of the Padang, but would like to continue practicing making these. I would have used my AeroPress, but I left it at my last place of residence.

>> No.9720628

>Fuck! My skinny jeans, converse and ironic sweater!

>> No.9721449

I had that happen once because my mug was too wide for my pourover cone and it spilled, creating a huge mess.
I still don't know how you can manage to make your aeropress explode without doing it on purpose for likes and fake sympathy.

>> No.9722619

Those aren't skinny jeans and those aren't converse.

>> No.9723091

Alright, I'll finally get a proper gooseneck kettle, trying to choose between these three.




any input?

>> No.9723141

walmart sells one identical to the hario for $12.
It looks better in person

>> No.9723209

>complaints of rusting and leaks


>> No.9723223

does it have to be a gooseneck?
you can find much sturdier inexpensive kettles made of thick stainless metal if they're not marketed to coffee people.

>> No.9723288

I pretty much only do pourover these days, that's why I want a gooseneck.
If just wanted a regular one I'd ask my mom for one of hers.

I'm okay with the prices of the ones I listed, I was just looking for input from people who have used them. I'm leaning toward the RJ3.

>> No.9723313

he was probably doing the (((((upside-down method))))))

>> No.9723325

That's the only way you're gonna get it to explode on you. It's literally the only way I've ever done it, and it's popped out slightly a few times but never made a mess.

>> No.9723489

black as midnight on a moonless night

>> No.9723766

What is this called?

>> No.9723772

flambéed rum with sugar and a twist of lemon, expresso machine coffee

>> No.9723830
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I’ve never tried your shit but have you tried this shit?
It’s pretty lit bruh

>> No.9723831

Instant coffee and I have a weird relationship. It's one of those food items that I know is garbage, yet I like it for that reason rather than in spite of it.

I like how shitty it is. Maybe it's because I grew up low income and have eaten low-tier shit a lot. Kind of like how Top Ramen, Kool-Aid, and Little Debbie cakes are all shit, yet I still find them a weird kind of satsifying.

>> No.9724047
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Post shots

>> No.9724068

You ever sprinkle some on vanilla ice cream?

You're welcome.

>> No.9724241

Reminder that cold brew is a gross meme and the the correct way to make iced coffee is like this.


>> No.9724294
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Friendly reminder that spending more than $50 on your coffee setup is autistic as fuck.

>> No.9724349
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Just spend $150 on a grinder.

>> No.9724461
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I was thinking about buying a french press on Amazon for around 10 bucks. Anybody here have opinions or experiences with french press?

>> No.9724479

more like $5
get a pitcher and cold brew. all you need

>> No.9724489

the metal filter doesn't filter out oil or very fine particles, so if you're not grinding medium coarse with a burr grinder, you will get fine silt at the bottom of your cup, making the last few sips undrinkable.

You're also supposed to wash it after every use, which I got too lazy for, pourovers are so much easier, you can just rinse them.

>> No.9724497

How do you get brown coffee stains off a ceramic pourover cone?

>> No.9724509

Black, double strength, and on ice.

>> No.9724513

french press is pretty good but like that other anon said, you'll want to grind your own coarsely

most preground is a bit too fine for this, you'll get sludge

otherwise you have some damn tasty coffee, enjoy

>> No.9725012
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>> No.9725069

Guys, mug came back from the lab along with the results. Turns out I was actually talked to when there was still 0.0001 ml of coffee inside it. Ugh, I'm so pissed right now.
I might go to Starbucks to get some quality coffee, preferably a Frappuccino, so that I can lighten my mood.

>> No.9725424
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No Sugar

>> No.9725452

Nothing bad about it, some people justhave low tolerance for certain stimulants.
My ex girlfriend loved coffee's flavor, but after drinking a cup she would feel all hot and she would be hyper. Her heart beats would increase too, all from a single cup.

>> No.9725529

In spain we call it carajillo quemado de ron
some poshy people call it cafe diablo with rum

>> No.9725555


Usually with lots of sugar and cream. Otherwise it tastes to bitter.

>> No.9725659

>drinking iced coffee
>want to know ~caffeine content
>>coffee-extract (0.9%), syrup, ..

>> No.9725761

>That get wasted on that post

>> No.9725777

A friend told me it's also called brebaje cafeinado a todo gas con ron y los globos over there, is that true?

>> No.9725787

This is a normal effect for 95% of people if you don't consume caffeine for a while, not sure why you felt this was worth mentioning.

>> No.9725798


Only $5 at the locale place

>> No.9725826


>> No.9725839
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>> No.9725872

Not him, but I have developed a preference for cold and stale.

>> No.9725887

a regionalism I guess
your friend sounds like a gallego

>> No.9725970

I like your cups. Mine is the lame measuring one

>> No.9725975

I've tried this at an international barista award winning cafe and much prefer good cold-brew

>> No.9726018
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black with a couple spoonfuls of sugar is the way to go

>> No.9726029

weird, because the only patrician way to make coffee needs a steam compressor capable of making 9 atmospheres and so far I haven't found any machine under 60$

>> No.9726086

>6 cups of coffee after abstinence following oral surgery
O hell yes im shaking this crash is gonna feel amazing

>> No.9726106

is it? I don't really know so I thought it was with mentioning

>> No.9726148

This is my first time on /ck/ and I have a question regarding coffee. I recently started drinking/making coffee with a french press (grinding it myself) and I am looking for a while bean coffee with relatively high amounts of caffeine? Any recommendations? Ive heard good things about death wish coffee but it seems like a meme.

>> No.9726165
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>couple spoonfuls of sugar

>> No.9726193

I got an espresso machine as a gift from the company I work for. Been flying high the past week. Drinking a latte made with some espresso blend from Sprouts right now. Pretty good.

>> No.9726200

That's what New York black coffee is
A lump or two, no cream

>> No.9726270

Should I try coffee with soy milk?

>> No.9726322

With milk, sugar, and vanilla.

>> No.9726725

I've never seen it, but I haven't really looked for anything after tasting Bustelo. I'll look for it next time I'm in the store when I run out bruh

>> No.9727083

Careful with the courier. I had 3 in a row arrive broken in the span of 3 weeks before i just went out and bought some random at the store in town.

>> No.9727139

I don't drink soy milk, but I will say that the best cup I've ever had was with soy milk.

>> No.9727159

They're Korin Sakeware cups! Look nice, great size for espresso, and pretty reasonably priced.

>> No.9727367
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It's coming into summer so I am looking at getting into cold brew. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions for the best way to do it?

>> No.9727391

Iced long black

>> No.9727414

this faggotry is why america is crumbling

>> No.9727466

I don't drink it much anymore, because it exacerbated my anxiety. But when I did, just black. No sugar, cream, or no calorie sweetener.