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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9709801 No.9709801 [Reply] [Original]

>30 minutes picking out recipe
>40 minutes at grocery picking up ingredients
>20 minutes prep time
>15 minutes doing dishes, waiting for things to get cooking
>20 minutes of watching each pan to make sure everything is on schedule, nothing too fast or slow
>10 minutes preparing extra toppers (eg shredded cheese, garlic butter, etc.), drinks, and dishes while meat rests
>5 minutes eating, already full, realize I cooked quantities as if I had company but I'm all alone
>another 5 minutes picking at my food and realizing all the things I did wrong while preparing it
>10 minutes doing final round of dishes and putting everything away
>4 hours before I forget what a poor work-reward ratio cooking has and start deciding what I'm making for dinner
why is cooking such a meme? And if you think all that's bad, you should try making pic related

>> No.9709845

It's objectively cheaper to eat out if you're single, you waste less food.

>> No.9709866

stop being a neet and learn to buy all the shit you're going to use that week at once

>> No.9709873

Common core math

>It's cheaper to spend $500 than $200

>> No.9709880

why are you talking about money? nobody mentioned money. Not everyone here is poor, you know.

also you're wrong.

I'm not a neet, I just have a job that feeds me every meal if I want them to, so I decide on a day-to-day basis whether I'm going to go home and cook myself. Doesn't make sense to buy a week's worth of food if I'm only going to cook 2 days that week, and if I only buy 2 days of food, I'm going to have to go to the grocery store again if I cook 5 days

>> No.9709888

did you bake that bread? it doesn't look terrible for a beginner. but you could do way better. baking bread is easy.

>> No.9709893

Which grocery chain do you guys still for? Kroger? Safeway?
How's the pay, do you get paid by post or the hour?

>> No.9709894

my trips don't lie. all you need to make incredible bread is flour, water, salt (and yeast, if you don't have the patience to make a sourdough starter), a linen cloth, and a dutch oven

>> No.9709900

it was my first time. I was trying to make mantovana. I fucked up the texture the second time kneading though. I've been researching sourdough though because it's objectively better tasting, I ordered all the things I need that I didn't already have (eg rye flour), and I'll start my starter sometime this weekend

>> No.9709905

>buy chicken breasts and pork chops at about $1 each
>buy beans and rice for pennies a meal
>spend the rest on some fruits and veggies
>have free water


>> No.9709908

you're a retard, you know that? You're comparing the price of fast food to the price of cooking a high quality meal at home. Yeh, for one person, the fast food is cheaper. But you're comparing two completely different things then.

Also, it's actually possible to make many dishes that don't have tons of fresh meat in them for less than even the price of McDonald's if you do it right.

>> No.9709911

You're going to throw most of that out when it spoils, be honest.

>> No.9709913

enjoy that overpriced slimfast, soyboy

>> No.9709915
File: 419 KB, 960x1280, 1st sourdough crumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smart to go with a rye starter, it's way easier to build and maintain than regular flour-fed starters. keep in mind that your starter might not rise and fall to the same degree when building your starter -- most starters use a 1:1:1 ratio of starter:flour:water, but with rye you might consider using 1:1:1.5

check out the stretch and fold method advocated by chad robertson ("tartine") or ken forkish ("flour, water, salt, yeast"). there's no kneading involved, and it takes a bit longer (hands off, passive time), but the results are delicious. pic related is my first sourdough, i used the tartine method.

>> No.9709919

>when it spoils
quit fucking projecting, I know you bought some lettuce that one time and let it rot in your fridge but I can go through a bag of apples or two bunches of bananas in a week, easy.
meat can be frozen and lasts for 6 months.
beans and rice take literal years to go bad.

>> No.9709920

what even prompted this. it's not even related to anything that was said. you're just spouting some meme you saw someone else use and it was funny when they used it because there was some context but you didn't catch that the context is what makes it funny, you thought that just saying the meme on its own is hilarious, and that's how I know you're from reddit.

>> No.9709922

You don't cook "high quality meals" at home. Stop memeing.
You buy a bunch of fancy food at the grocery store then throw most of it away when it goes bad and then you run back to the grocery store and buy a bunch more fancy food for your "high quality dumpster filler"

>> No.9709927

Looks like I hit close to the nerve.

>> No.9709929

>why is cooking such a meme
That's what prompted it.
Any post like this is a discreet shill for soylent or fast food.
Good job though, 0.05 has been deposited into your account :^)

>> No.9709931

>"You're a fucking retard"

>> No.9709935

Fucking hate cooking, got a Dutch oven to throw stews in now.

>> No.9709938

And just like that, the idiot gives up. He can't process an intelligent argument so he resorts to childish shouting.

>> No.9709943

holy shit get off this board you are fucking cancer m9

>> No.9709945

looks great, especially for a first time. I'm hoping to pick up tartine soon and use that. I'll definitely try out the stretch and fold, looks interesting.

I almost never throw anything out, pretty much everything gets eaten before expiration. My meals aren't particularly well executed, but it's difficult to deny that a nice steak, even cooked a bit suboptimally, is higher quality than a McDonald's burger.

I think you think everyone in this thread is OP. I'm OP, I was being sarcastic when I called cooking a meme, and I'm not the guy you're replying to. You are aware that multiple users use this site, correct?

>> No.9709955

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>> No.9709962

for what it's worth, it looks like you got good gluten development in your original pic.

here's a good intro to both making a rye starter as well as making a sourdough using the tartine method. the recipe calls for semolina flour, but you can replace it with whole wheat flour or use 100% white/bread flour.


>> No.9709968

>Heh heh jokes on them I was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.9709972

Why would you fart on your food?

>> No.9709973

Why is going to a grocery store such a chore?

>> No.9709992

I don't know what you are cooking but maybe don't go for the really exotic stuff?

>> No.9710034

>not planning 5 recipes before going to the store
>not buying large quantities so you have leftovers and can eat for 2-3 days without having to cook every night
>not choosing simple and healthy recipes that take 10mins to prep (such as roast chicken or salmon w/ veg)
>not investing in time saving unitaskers such as rice cooker or slow cooker so you put little to no effort into some meals
>not enjoying the peacefulness of meal prep at home to begin with
>not using the time while meal is cooking to read a book or do something productive

I know it's b8, but in case anyone took it seriously

>> No.9710046

I do it a couple times a week but I always feel warm and fuzzy inside when I enter the grocery store knowing exactly what I'm going to buy and what I'm going to make with it. Cooking for yourself is even better than cooking for other people.

>> No.9710054

to all the idiots out there, you are their savior. Including me, I fell for the meme :(

>> No.9710138

Realize food is fuel
Realize that what we normally eat is just different configurations or cooking techniques using the same ingredients
Cut everything thin as fuck to cook faster or throw everything in a slow cooker and eat as stew, or into a pressure canner and eat as soup

You are responsible for making things complicated.

>> No.9711812
File: 248 KB, 480x640, 1449184676370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you doing cooking gourmet meals for yourself every night

>> No.9711860


>make meal for 2 people
>have meal for 2 days
What are you going on about?

>> No.9711864

I'm sorry you don't know how to use a freezer.

>> No.9711870

Why don't you?
Who in your life is more deserving of a nice meal than yourself?

>> No.9711875

I enjoy all of those things.

>> No.9711901

Dude, you have shit management skills.

>> No.9711922

yeah if you cant treat yourself then who can you treat? :^)

>> No.9711937

Love of cooking of proportional to your importance on this planet.
If you have things to do, its a hassle, a chore, and a bullshit waste of time.
If you have NOTHING to do, it can be a hobby to consume a lot of time.
There is the difference. If you love cooking, you're probably boring and worthless, just a doddle to waste time. If you hate cooking, you are probably spending your energy on much loftier pursuits.
Remember, all that work gets squirted into the toilet 8 hours later. The fruits of your labor.

>> No.9711944

yeah or you're just straight up lazy

>> No.9711945
File: 23 KB, 322x322, comfy386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remember i'm starting new job soon where I get to meal prep all my lunches
>just got a new couch

>> No.9712000

Cooking isn't an ends in itself. Everyone must eat. Why not do it properly, and save yourself time, money, and your own health? Extending your lifespan is another good way to ensure you'll have many more hours spent on your "lofty pursuits".
It's okay to relax and enjoy life anon.

>> No.9712015

>you are probably spending your energy on much loftier pursuits.
Like the manchildren who constantly claim "they don't have time to cook" yet apparently have plenty of time for inane shit like facebook, video games, and shitposting here.

>> No.9712157

>why is cooking such a meme?
It's not, unless you're a retard.
>you should try making pic related
It takes like 15 minutes of total effort to make a single loaf of bread, and that includes hand kneading.

You need to learn how to make LARGE batches of food and just freeze what you don't use. That way you won't be cooking every single night.

>objectively cheaper to eat out if you're single
Then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.9712293

>the whole history of humanity and its survival depended on food and its preservation as to not get spoiled
>op in 2017 hundreds of thousands of years of evolution cant figure out how to cook and then preserve the left overs for another time

>> No.9712375

Depends where you live... That $17.00 roll of aluminum foil and $14.00 milk add up in Honolulu... it was actually cheaper to get takeout (factoring in that one plate lunch fed me twice due to giant portions).

>> No.9712478

You're still improving op, but also, everyday cooking doesn't have to be a huge ordeal. Cook simple most of the time, this kind of effort is for special occasions.

>> No.9713642

Why not just make smaller portions? Portion things out across a week? Freeze things?

>> No.9713649

Yeah that sounds wonderful. Eating the same meal 7 days in a row instead of actually having enjoyable diverse kinds of food any time I want for less. Also stop implying all restaurant or fast food is unhealthy.

>> No.9713665

>stop implying all restaurant or fast food is unhealthy

Fast food IS unhealthy because they have to make it tasty, otherwise they would lose customers to other fast food places willing to make their food unhealthy and tasty. Like it or not but you're dead wrong about this.

>> No.9713717

This is correct. These companies dont give a shit about your long term health, they just want to pocket your cash.
So the meals need to be big, they need to be salty, they need to be greasy. They need to be easy, fast, and also cheap. So that is what they optimize for, then profits roll in. This isn't a difficult business concept.
There is a small portion of customer base that is actually looking for other things, like health or flavor, etc. But let me repeat that, its small. The bulk customers are looking for big, addictive, and cheap, so that's where lies the success.

>> No.9713831

>Eating the same meal 7 days in a row
Nah, you got it all wrong, dude.

You can get buy doing only 2-3 days worth of heavy cooking per week when you focus on large pieces of protein like whole turkeys, chickens, beef and pork roasts. You freeze what you don't use, then just pick and choose the protein you want throughout the rest of the week and use it with, or add it to your desired veggie / starch for the daily meal.

When I do a pork butt, it gets turned into: pulled pork sandwiches, stir fry, taco's, and sometimes ravioli. Beef ragu sauces get used with pasta, served over rice, or used to make stuff peppers. You just have to be creative and you can eat healthy without spending an assload of time cooking every single night.

>> No.9713851

>never need recipe
>15 minutes shopping buying whatever is cheapest
>3 mintes prep time
>10 minute of cooking
>3 minute of dishes

Its nice being good at simple things.

>> No.9713871

>two minutes cutting up chicken breast and vegetables. Fun to try and cut them as effeciently and finely as I can
>"Pan hot, oil goes in"
>clean cutting board and knife while the stuff browns
>add further ingredients once brown, let it simmer
>add a couple of eggs, get some toast going
Almost daily I have salsa chicken and beans with eggs on toast.
It literally takes 10 minutes to make, tastes better than any takeout, has good macros, and requires and can be cleaned up for while you let your food sit.
I know you're b8in though.

>> No.9714128

OP here, this wasn't actually supposed to be b8, I meant to provide relatable (albeit exaggerated) feelings to you cu/ck/s while also providing the uplifting ending where it's implied that I will continue to do this forever for some reason, ie that I /enjoy/ this process, in spite of how much time complicated dishes take to prepare in comparison with the 5-10 minutes they take to eat. And yes, I know cooking can be very quick, too, but when you have nothing going on in life outside work, it's fun to make time-consuming dishes.

>> No.9714706

Let me fix that for you
5 minutes thinking of food you want to eat for the week
5 minutes finding recipes online for each of the things you thought up (less if you decide to eat things you have eaten before) once again, for a week worth of meals
20 minutes at the grocery store, because it doesn't take me nearly an hour to waddle down each isle trying to remember what I needed for each recipe, because I decided to not be retarded and prepare a list. This once again, is for a weeks worth of meals.
20 minutes doing cooking prep, assuming a recipe with a LOT of prep. Can realistically vary from 5-20 minutes.
10 minutes to an hour for other things to cook, with some outliers that take a few hours, and likely don't have to be watched. Either way, I enjoy the process of cooking, so I don't mind.
20 minutes to savor a delicious homecooked meal because I don't shovel food down my gullet like a fat autist, better than what every nearby restaurant serves, and for a fraction of the price.
0 minutes cleaning up, as grateful housemates do it for me in exchange for delicious food.

>> No.9715352

there's no way you can write a shopping list in 5 minutes. so many hard to spell words you need to look up...