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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9708230 No.9708230 [Reply] [Original]

Is coffee the superior drink of them all? I seriously can't think of anything that has beat it.

>> No.9708305

For me, it's a tie between Pepsi and coffee (instant Nescafé preferably).

>> No.9708310

Oh, and next favorite drink would be strawberry daiqiri.

>> No.9708328


why drink coffee when you can take caffeine pills? huh?

>> No.9708351

Not OP, but I drink coffee for the taste.

>> No.9708384

*tips fedora* ah how nice to see a fellow patrician in this wasteland

>> No.9708397

1. Water
2. Coffee
3. Tea

>> No.9708449

Yeah, I remember when I had an immature palate and thought that people liking coffee were pretending!

>> No.9708478

Majority of people drink coffee for the caffeine, and merely tolerate the shit taste. (worse yet, mask it with sugar, milk, syrup, etc.)
>muh decaf
No one exclusively drinks decaf

>> No.9708489
File: 178 KB, 1280x961, bunne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Water
2. Vernor's
3. Tea
4. Coffee

>> No.9708495

I drink it black and not with the goal pf getting a boost. Also, what makes you think they are toning down the taste rather than enjoying the flavor combination?

>> No.9708518

>Also, what makes you think they are toning down the taste rather than enjoying the flavor combination?
>flavor combination
It's called neutralizing the bitterness of coffee with shit tonne of sugar

>> No.9708521

I have 100 mcdonalda coffee keurig pods vut my fuvking keurig machine broke. Can i just pour hot water through them?

>> No.9708530

Good coffee isn't bitter. It also should not have sugar in it, but I just figured I should mention it since everyone thinks coffee is bitter because they've only ever had shit coffee.

>> No.9708535

Even the shit ones shouldn't be bitter as long as they're not over-extracted or burned in water that's too hot

>> No.9708540

1)Milk Stouts
2)Chinese Tea from Arbor Trees
3)Western Tea with a Pinch of Buttermilk
4)Whole Milk
5)Real Espresso

>> No.9708541

All coffee is bitter you probably fucked up your taste buds already with your "good coffee"

>> No.9708551

I'm sorry you don't like it because I really do and it's too bad we can't enjoy it in the same way!

>> No.9708560

Drinking the sugary jew fucks your taste buds and gives you a much worse sweet tooth than any black coffee possibly would

>> No.9708575

>pinch of a liquid

>> No.9708598

buttermilk is a thicc pinchable liquid m8

>> No.9708614

>What is an expression?
Whole fat buttermilk is so damned thick that you could dip from carton to tea quite a bit of it.

>> No.9709559

I go an iced americano if its too hot for a standard coffee. No sugar just shot of coffee cold water and ice. Can't stand sweet coffee.

>> No.9710741

cold brew if you cant manage to brew non-bitter coffee

>> No.9710750


>> No.9710752

Fruit juice
Kofi Anan

>> No.9710753

Look out op, you're going to wake the waterfags..

>> No.9710976

I recently started drinking coffee and really like the taste of black

My problem is the aftertaste. Trying to find a way to fix this without diluting its taste with milk or sugar and preferably not adding calories

>> No.9710980

Coffee caused the industrial revolution and the enlightenment

>> No.9710989

Explain tira misu

>> No.9711020
File: 145 KB, 547x415, 49ERPEPE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ore-ground fags in here think they're drinking coffee
>not purchasing whole beans and keeping them in a air-tight container then grounding them right before using them
>not enjoying the smooth taste of whole bean coffee,no horrid aftertaste just smooth throughout the entire process of the sip
>fresh ground beans is like going to the Asian parlor and getting a nice rubdown and there's a happy ending at the end
>folders or that pre-groun crap is like going to the Asian parlor and then at the end the lady kicks you in the balls
>the ending is never happy like rooting for the bad guys in Marvel movies

>> No.9711025


I would've used the word drop.

>> No.9711102

Then why is there coffee flavored ice cream? Or coffee flavored candies and chocolates? Hell, I’ve even had a coffee flavored cigar.