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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9706002 No.9706002[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>eating lunch
>chinese person sits nearby

>> No.9706007

they are ants with thumbs

>> No.9706008
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>eating lunch
>indian person sits nearby
>try to get up
>he grabs my wrist
>I pull away
>he won't let go
>I tell him to stop
>he finally lets go and winks at me

>> No.9706044

Chnesee are pretty cool and i dont get why you all dislike them

>> No.9706063

Light skinned Chinese girls are so fucking hot. Dark skinned ones usually have awful genetics and look like subhumans though.

>> No.9706096

It's not normal to like people who look radically different. Diversity plus proximity leads to conflict

>> No.9706104

bad parenting, same reason why half of /ck/ can't even go to a restaurant without googling "how to interact with people"
opposite for me, light skinned chinese girls look sickly to me, dark skinned though are delicious and I want to make infinite healthy babies with them

>> No.9706107

because the average joe chink is loud and unpolite, they have no idea how to act outside their own country

this applies to a lot of americans too

>> No.9706118
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>chinese people = RMB devaluation refugees from the PRC
>out of nowhere, random anti-american butthurt
Spot the Canadian

>> No.9706131

>chink feelings hurt
spotted the ABC

>> No.9706135

>not slurping your noodles

How are you supposed to aerate the broth then, gweilo?

>> No.9706138

That's just your Canuck butthurt talking. Down here I'm a "model minority" and have nothing to be butthurt about, no matter what terrible thing one of us does that makes the news, it's spun in the best light possible.

You on the other hand are very butthurt. Over the lambos that don't pay parking tickets, the real estate you can no longer afford, etc. As your countrymen might say... "sorry" :)

>> No.9706149

How'd you get past the great firewall Chang?

>> No.9706174

unless you're a girl, you're cucked (literally) for life if you're a chink in the US because your own race prefer white males

I'm not even canadian though so i win :^)

>> No.9706184

>race mixing is bad
statistically it would make no sense for us to only date within our race.

also, chinese chicks who only date chinese guys are invariably super conservative, weird, and have overbearing parents. I know because I dated one in college. I will not repeat that mistake.

>> No.9706194

Stastically, you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.9706199

genelet detected

>> No.9706200

>implying i implied that race mixing is bad
it's just easier to get a chinese girl if you're white than if you're chinese

I honestly thought it was just a meme until a chinese girl literally told me she only likes white guys

>> No.9706208

you did imply that

I prefer people who look very different from me. very pale blond women, and dark skinned indian women

why shouldn't chinese women be permitted to do the same? it's not my dream to have a traditional chinese wedding and an overbearing chinese mother watching us fuck every night

>> No.9706212

>go to chinese restaurant to pick up some food
>their bodylanguage is like I've broken into their home and they talk like they're scolding me

>> No.9706215


Today I go to market for breakfast and I sit with friends in cafe shop near courtyard area, we laugh and drink and then look over, two Chinese walking, a little girl and father

Mood immediately becomes poorer, we look and more Chinese come

Soon there is sounds of the birds like 'CAW CAW CAW CAW COCOK COCOK COCOK BA BA BA BA BA BEIZAI BEIZAI' and I begin to become afraid because I can't remember if my cat is inside or outside, Chinese sounds like penis fucking my ears, CAW BA SHURE ZAI WOOOO PING PONG CHING CHONG, fear for my cat becomes stronger

and then the little girl,looks like 12 years old or so, she then pulls down her pants and SHITS ALL OVER THE COURTYARD


I look at Chinese and they continue talking about how to eat cats and hire Indonesian prostitutes or something, no one cares. Courtyard is filling up with shit, NO ONE CARES

and then the little girl's father comes by and I think 'good, now he will slap more shit out of her because she is acting like a barbarian overseas turtle' BUT NO, HE PICKS HER UP USING HER SHOULDERS AND GIVES HER A SUPERIOR ANGLE TO SHIT MORE








>> No.9706229

>I can't remember if my cat is inside or outside, Chinese sounds like penis fucking my ears

>> No.9706300

>posts anime picture
>is unaware that he is supposed to slurp noodles
you can't even weeb right

>> No.9706388

The Chinese are not human, they are humanoid insects with no sentience or empathy. They also spit all over the fucking place and cough openly wherever they fucking like. They are also directly responsible for causing the extinction of several previously endangered animal species and are still causing many more to creep slowly towards extinction because they need their magic boner pills made from rhinocerous gallbladder.

>> No.9706411

He's eating good food and enjoying it while you get disgusted and post about it on 4chan. Now tell me who is the pathetic one here

>> No.9706418

Both. Also OPs point was that he was annoyed, not that the chinese was having a bad time, what were you trying to prove with that post?

>> No.9706506
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>eating chinese person

>> No.9706507
File: 946 KB, 1400x5552, fuck china.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9706509

>Chnesee are pretty cool
No they aren't, with a few exceptions.

>> No.9706521

Chinese actually sounds lovely. Problem is, most Chinese squawk it rather than speak it.

>> No.9706532

Every time

>> No.9706546

This seems to be a problem of China's legal system.

>> No.9706553

The deeper problem with Chinese is their culture of purely hierarchical authority. If someone senior to you says something, they're right end of story. You're only recourse is to jump through a billion hoops to let them think something is actually their idea. Chinese think people simply age their way into wisdom.

>> No.9707300

Actually it's their culture of tribe-exclusive empathy. China has a culture of seeing empathy as only for those directly associated with you. General good will towards the common man is not a thing

>> No.9707306

>t. Chang Shuan Chong Ming

>> No.9707326

Yeah, it's so much better to believe in universal brotherhood with primitive Muslims.

>> No.9707334

Universal empathy is a good thing, it doesn't translate into brotherhood.

>> No.9707341

The only people who believe in universal empathy are people who have nothing truly dear to them. The more you love everything, the less you love anything at all.

>> No.9707352

Nope. You can have universal empathy and still love one thibg more than another. Empathy is a matter of comprehension, not priority

>> No.9707369

>very pale blond women
kill yourself nigger

>> No.9707878


>> No.9707946

The only foreign language most Americans are exposed to is Spanish, so they default to that when they hear another language

>> No.9708145

simply obsessed

>> No.9708161
File: 410 KB, 603x334, 1465527557340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black women
Nothing happened.
>black women

>> No.9708180

This shit infuriates me. So fucking rude.

>> No.9708183

Nigger I have multiple Chinese friends and even they'll shit all over other chinks

>> No.9708194

If you slurp noodles, you are an ingrate. Parents should have shipped you to military school.

>> No.9708571

you seem stressed. why don't you find yourself a nice chinese lady and calm down. a little race mixing would do you good.

>> No.9708632

this kills me

if it's not ramen or other long noodle where it is appropriate to slurp don't slurp pls

>> No.9708711


Basically whats wrong with China condensed into one sentence.

>dont want to look like a farmer.
>lol better wear oven mitts and a solar panel on my fucking head when I drive my scooter.

>> No.9708730


T. Korean/Jap

>> No.9708732

came here to post this.

>> No.9708757

Original poster was Indonesian, newfriend.

>> No.9708802

So basically everyone shits on everyone thread?

>> No.9708827

ebin :DD

>> No.9708838

Even worse you literal Brazilian of Asia

>> No.9708868

>reddit spacing

>> No.9708873

Subhuman muslim scum have no leg to stand on

>> No.9708910

top kek China isn't sending their best it's all a bunch of dirty farmers who manage to suck PRC police cock long enough to secure visas and then squat with their relatives

>> No.9708938

t. has no idea of the history of Indonesia or that Indo-Chinese were killed by the thousands for not being Muslim

also why the FUCK do I have to fill out 15 captchas in a row to make a single post

>> No.9709385

Because you're poor and don't have a jew-pass

>> No.9709408

Yet it's polite in more of the world than it's rude.

>> No.9709417

No it isn't.

>> No.9709431

I know a chinaman whose family owns a couple of restaurants, and man, he fucking HATES FOBs and mainland chinese.

>> No.9709846

I went to China for 2 weeks, mostly to visit a family member there. 3 regions, eating everywhere from the family home of their coworker to tourist traps to fancy fucking restaurants getting hammered with the head of a school district equivalent, to KFC because it was the only restaurant in walking distance of the Summer Palace. Aside from shitloads of kids underfoot with no one managing them, their food noise and table manners were pretty reasonable aside from a grandma who was completely out of fucks to give.

The food itself ranged from delicious to "goddammit, you can't just put cartilage in broth and call it a dish."

>> No.9709860

>The rules I learned as a kid are correct
>The ones others learned as kids are wrong

>> No.9709862

Lee Kuan Yew had to ban chewing gum in Singapore because his Chinese populace were sticking chewed gum on elevator buttons, in mailboxes, in keyholes, on stairs, and on train door sensors.

Chinese are at least as disgusting as niggers.

>> No.9709868

Mainland chinese are literally the worst. It's why all the non-mainland Chinese hate them.

>> No.9709877

A legal system can't overcome cultural issues.

>> No.9709912

>go to another country
>don't adopt their customs of what is polite
If an American did this you would be shitting your pants and crying.

>> No.9709983

I got a Chinese guy thrown out of a hostel for this once. Was pretty funny.

>> No.9709986

It's not quite bad parenting, just in Chinese culture literally only you and your family matter. They literally consider everyone else around them too be disposable MMORPG NPCs to exploit money from.

>> No.9710007

They're not wrong.

>> No.9710090

>go to a restaurant
>chinese people sitting a few tables over
>CHING CHONG YE YANG DING DONG, no idea what an indoor voice is
>kids running up and down the isle no fucks given for anyone walking around them
>always flagging down wait staff for dumb shit
>never tip

>> No.9710818

as opposed to american culture where you drop off your mom at the garbage dump when she's too old and weak to work and pay for your tendies

>> No.9711389

Slurping makes every liquid food or drink taste better. Fuck you.

>> No.9711393

And the legal system is developed based on the moral fibre of the country and China hasn't had one since the Qing era fucked it out of them.

>> No.9711419

Fuck you