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9701654 No.9701654 [Reply] [Original]

Eurofag here. I just bought a very expensive little glass of "Guacamole" and I feel like I've been cheated.
It tastes like Pesto Genovese mixed with like 80% cream cheese. Is it supposed to taste like that?
It's just bland cream cheese with a hint of herbs.

>> No.9701660

you need to make it fresh or buy it fresh. if its out of a jar its shite.

stop giving Europeans a bad name

>> No.9701662
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>a glass of guacamole

>> No.9701663

Just shut the fuck up

>> No.9701666

I just wanted to know what it tastes like. It's not a thing in Germany.

I just feel like someone really fucked me out of 5 eurobucks right there for 290 grams of what is supposed to be Guacamole.

>> No.9701669


Guacamole is just mashed avocado + lime juice + salt + red onion + cilantro + tomato + jalapeno, generally.

It shouldn't have cream cheese or basil in it at all.

>> No.9701673

Stop making fun of me I'm serious. I bought this shit for 5 euros from a deli store.

They totally fucked with me, right?

>> No.9701677

imo guacamole tastes like boogers and cum.

>> No.9701678


Are avocados and jalapeno a thing in Germany? If so, it's easy as hell to make on your own.

1. Finely mince red onion, jalapeno, cilantro, and garlic if you'd like
2. Mash up an avocado
3. Seed/core tomato and cube it up
4. Mix everything together and add fresh lime juice and salt to taste

>> No.9701683

You got fucked or the peoples of whatever country you live in don't know squat about guacamole. Even shitty jarred guac shouldn't taste the way you described it. You really should just make your own, it's easy peasy.
Also this>>9701669

>> No.9701686

Yeah you got fucked. Buy a couple avocados, smoosh them after they turn soft with a generous amount of lime, add minced cilantro, salt, pepper, cayenne and raw minced onion/garlic in there to taste, add some tomato in tiny cubes if you like them in your guac.

As additional things you can add for interesting tastes™ consider Rosemary powder, or Coriander powder.

>> No.9701695

You already messed up there, and I'm not making fun of you. Guacamole is pig simple to make from scratch, and you can have as much as you like without breaking the bank (relatively, as avocados are still quite pricy).

>> No.9701696
File: 119 KB, 396x385, 1505444928016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they've totally fucked me over. The only ingredient from that recipe I'm reading on the glass is "avocado extract" and garlic.

Fuck this shit I'm never buying expensive deli shit in Germany again. It literally tastes like someone mixed Pesto Genovese with cream cheese.

>> No.9701697

You don't need the tomato and red onion. Better to serve it with salsa and let the individual flavors shine through rather than muddle them by making the dishes too complex.

>> No.9701702

Habañeros and Jalapeños both work well for spiciness in guac as well (and are more authentic) but you have to mince them and I usually just use cayenne if I'm craving guac and don't have any peppers lying around.

>> No.9701703

I will do that. Thanks.

>> No.9701705

Yes. Prepackaged guacamole isn't rare, but it will always be way worse than freshly made. You should make it a point to find a restaurant that serves it fresh if you don't trust your skills (although it is very easy to make). Many restaurants in the states have a "guacamole boy" who carts around the restaurant, making fresh guacamole for the patrons.

>> No.9701707

>avocado extract
Hahaha, christ. Can you show us some pics of this shit?

>> No.9701714


Huh, I always just figured guacamole was basically pico de gallo mixed with mashed avocado

>> No.9701716

I can't believe that I paid premium for that shit. It's like they just think "those fucking Euros don't even know what it tastes like so let's just mix some cheap shit and call it a day" and I fucking fell for it.

>> No.9701721

My phone doesn't have a camera, sorry. I'm from /g/..

>> No.9701722

That's one way to make it, but I find it best to separate the two. Even chiles aren't completely necessary, although I find that they don't overpower the avocado in the same way tomato and onion do. Lime, salt, and cilantro are all necessary, however.

>> No.9701723

This. The best guacamole is just:
Minced Serrano chile
Lime juice

Cilantro is good, but optional and not necessary.

>> No.9701727

SoCal fag here, you got fucked massively if it even remotely tastes like pesto and cheese.

Easy Guacamole recipe straight from my Half-Mexican roommates:

3 whole Avocados (preferably Haas)
1 tomato
1 red or white onion
Lime Juice

Optional: Garlic and Salt

Peel or score and pit the avocados
finely dice your tomato and onion
Dice up cilantro and jalapeno to preferred taste and heat
Add lime juice, again to preferred taste
Combine either using a pestle and mortar or with a fork in a large bowl

>> No.9701737

>Lime, salt, and cilantro are all necessary, however.

Aren't those generally in pico de gallo anyway?

>> No.9701738

Why do you know what either of those taste like anon?

>> No.9701739

Saving the recipes in this thread. I'm not getting ripped off again.

>> No.9701741

Alright my sexy compadres, now that we have gotten to the bottom of OP's issue, let us advance into more complex discussion of guac.

What are your favorite secret guacamole ingredients? I have used cinnamon and soy sauce successfully in mine.

>> No.9701754

I feel like having red onion in there really helps to take guacamole to the next level, because I'm not particularly fond of the fruity/estery overripe avocado taste (which is technically what you should be using anyway), and avocados are pretty bland by themselves otherwise, basically just butter: the fruit with a couple of subtle nutty? tastes (hard to describe it without it in front of me). I feel like the avocado is a base tone, but not really the end-all-be-all of guac.

I agree with the tomatoes though, they're pretty unnecessary except for color.

But in the end you should just be making what tastes good to you.

>> No.9701760

>he doesn't eat his boogers (in private) to strengthen his immune system
>he doesn't reintroduce his seed back into his body to increase manliness
lmaoing at ur life

>> No.9701763

They're seasonings, not main ingredients. They accentuate rather than overpower. Also, you need the salt because it's food and food needs salt, and the lime prevents browning. Cilantro because cilantro is delicious and goes well with basically every Mexican dip/sauce.

>> No.9701768

Don't ever buy guacamole. Make it fresh or don't eat it. If you can get the fresh ingredients it's incredibly simple, but if you don't have access to avocados/chiles/limes/cilantro, make something else instead.

>> No.9701776

Posted earlier in the thread, just coriander powder or just Rosemary powder in addition to the base ingredients is nice.

Swapping out Jalapeños for Habañeros is also nice because it compliments the fruitiness of the avocado, though you obviously have to have a higher spice tolerance for it.

You can also add smoked paprika if you want smoky guacamole.

Truly, there is a world of options.

I wouldn't try soy sauce or cinnamon tho desu. Fish sauce > Soy sauce. I just don't like cinnamon.

>> No.9701785

Guys thanks for confirming that I've just been eating shit. I'll do it by myself now and drink a glass of rum for you right now.

I knew that something was fishy with this bullshit paste..

>> No.9701793

>he does not eat boogers and cum
This is why you don't have friends.

>> No.9701800

Honestly, I just mash mine with lime juice and sea-salt. Don't see the need to overcomplicate things, though if I were to enhance it I'd consider grating some Parmesan and adding basil.

>> No.9701805

>coriander powder
Never thought of using that in addition to the leaves, but it makes sense. I might have to try that.

>> No.9701811

When I was a kid I had a friend who ate tissue papers all the fucking time. Not even making this shit up.

They amassed in his bowels to a big clump and he had to go the ER for that because it got life threatening.

>> No.9701822


A small amount of marmite blended with the lime juice until smooth. The extra savory kick is pretty good.

Almost as good as tahini with a marmite smear on banana

>> No.9702112


What could possibly go wrong? But anyway, I'm American and I think avocado/guacamole tastes of absolutely nothing and is weirdly overrated. What did you eat it with?

>> No.9702136

Going to try this next time I make guac, thanks Anon!

>> No.9702531


>> No.9702535

That being said.
Make your own. It's an idiot proof recipe