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9694399 No.9694399 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a meme? Saw it at this fancy little boutique that was selling the stuff, but curious if it's any good?

Living in the US by the way.

>> No.9694410

Bought some overseas when i was on the MEU for almost a year. Authentic, wormwood, etc. Even bought the special spoon and everything. I'd rather drink beer

>> No.9694412

mostly meme. just a higher abv drink than you're used to. if it's only like 50 or 60% don't even bother.

>> No.9694416

It's an extremely potent and odd-tasting liquor.

You might like it, but you're more likely to hate it.

>> No.9694427

Tastes like shit. I hate the relatively modern rituals that surround drinking certain alcoholic beverages. I really hate the banality of people.

>> No.9694484

Only time I've ever had it was when I was in Paris and they gave me a shot that I believe was absinthe and vodka with some sugar on a lime then set on fire.

>> No.9694493

OK so how was it?

>> No.9694511

I didn't drink it. I don't consume anything prepared by muslims

>> No.9694533

I went to this little place in Vegas that sold handmade liqueurs and managed to try some real absinthe, poured over a sugar cube with a sprinkling of water added in.

It was simultaneously the smoothest and most alcoholic thing I've ever had, and I kind of loved it (this is coming from someone who hates anise) I can see why it fucked up 19th century poets

>> No.9694568

Only thing I noticed was a bit of a licorice flavor

>> No.9694572

If they were Muslims, why were they serving alcohol?

>> No.9695423

>Is it a meme

There is definitely a meme around it but it does taste differently so much like some people are into scotch and others into gin, I'd believe a stranger who told me he preferred absinthe.

>> No.9695432

Eh. It is worth drinking once in your life, but I definitely prefer going easy with a nice brandy.

>> No.9695649

trust me have grappa instead

>> No.9695843
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If you like herbed spirits in general, you'll probably like absinthe. If you don't, you won't. Some absinthes are good, some are mediocre. That one is rather mediocre, in general you should disregard any that use an image of van gogh to sell the product.

On a related topic, why are americlaps so gripped with fear when it comes to enjoying life? Everything has to be googled first and a jury of your peers needs to give you written approval before you try anything new, is that it? Otherwise you might be the first in your peer group to enjoy something, and that's gay?

For all your obsession with the word "freedom" you don't seem to know what it is.

>> No.9695848

costs money.

>> No.9695858

Don't drink it at 8am diluted with tepid water in a toothbrush mug, just because it's the only alcohol left in the house. That's my advice.

>> No.9695936
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>> No.9695962

Absinthe is 100% a meme. It's a type of alcohol that was invented due to poverty. The reason absinthe has become a meme now is because a lot of hardcore alcoholics did absinthe, and those alcoholics went insane, so absinthe got the reputation of being a drink that ''makes you go insane.'' It was basically just propaganda to stop people from drinking absinthe, but nowadays that same propaganda has turned into ''woah, dude, just drink some absinthe! It's like taking shrooms! You'll hallucinate n sheeeet!!!''

I believe that the absinthe craze was started by Euro Trip
This is how they portrayed absinthe. In reality absinthe is just a high alcohol drink that has some green dye in it.

>> No.9695967

Nothing stopping them from serving booze as long as they don't drink it themselves

>> No.9695968
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>a beverage requiring a bunch of herbs and complicated distillation process was invented due to poverty
t. American who has no idea how economics works, let me guess if we destabilize the system, it will somehow make poor people rich?

>> No.9695976

Dumbest post of the year.
I am eastern european so I know a bit about poverty. I know that absinthe was consumed because it was a cheap alternative to regular alcohol. We know for a fact that absinthe was bought by pure people purely because it was more alcohol for less money than any other alternative, which is what earned Absinthe it's reputation of being a ''mind altering drink.''
Just do some quick google searching, fag.

>> No.9695995
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I don't know what kinds of stupid ideas the Soviet Army has been shoving down your throats, but there is no such thing as "regular alcohol" and I think you confused absinthe with gin, which is understandable because broadly speaking, they're pretty similar (high proof spirits with herbal flavorings, associated with bad behavior in antique times)

And take your own advice regarding google, Angie

>> No.9696009

Angie truly was the original sweaty poster

I hope she still lurks

>> No.9696021

>but there is no such thing as "regular alcohol"

I assume he was referring to the fact that most forms of sprits, like Whisk(e)y, gin, rum, brandy, etc, are normally around 40% ABV, whereas Absinthe had a much higher ABV.

>> No.9696045

The shit I can buy online in the US, is it "real" absinthe? It says its imported and all. I want to try it. The way people describe the taste sounds like something I would like.

>> No.9696066

You're not going to notice the difference unless you have been drinking a lot of wormwood-containing absinthe and prefer the specific flavor. There are a lot of things contributing to the flavor and aroma of absinthe, and wormwood is not particularly critical except if you are just looking to "stick it to the man"

tl;dr you are overthinking it

>> No.9696071

>The shit I can buy online in the US, is it "real" absinthe?
The taste is nothing all that special. It's just another herbal liquor. Ever had pernod, pastis, ouzo, etc? It's like that.

>> No.9696085

Ritual with firing and breathing absinth vapors is kinda cool, also drunk state is slightly unusual.

>> No.9696094

Spotted the naive child. For your next trick you will tell us that real tequila comes from cactus and has a worm, and if you eat the worm it makes you trip your balls off.

>> No.9696124

I’ve tried that brand before, I like it. Makes for a nice evening in. Rarely ever gave me a hangover and left me oddly cognizant while still getting me hammered. I personally love black licorice so the taste doesn’t bother me at all, but that’s what it tastes like.

>> No.9696366

I have no idea why your trying to subscribe classic groupthink to an entire country. You aren't special, and neither are we. Fuck off.

>> No.9696415

If I were gonna have a licorice tasting alcoholic drink, I'd definitely prefer this over Jager.

>> No.9697600
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Be careful with that shit anon. I'm a heavy drinker that had a crazy run in with a bottle of absinthe years ago. Long story shorty my 6 5 tall buddy ended up loosing his virginity in the pool of our hotel while we took turns on some slutty higher up in the company who was in town traveling. I also jerked him off in the pool while she blew me. Everyone got super blackout and in retrospect it was a good time but that shit will sneak on ya. The wormwood doesn't do dick though

>> No.9697621

I've always been way too drunk long before i felt the alleged effects of wormwood, so probably a meme

>> No.9697662

Ditch the sugar, add icy water, sip. Do not set on fire or drink as shots.
There, absinthe as it was meant to be consumed.

>> No.9697682

It may be the placebo effect but I think the wormwood does a little. Keeps you mentally lucid while still letting you get physically drunk. You have to drink it slow though. Sip on it like >>9697662
described for a few hours.

>> No.9697935

Had some mediocre absinthe once. Was alright, but it made for a good Death in the Afternoon

>> No.9697952

Drinking ritual/high alcohol is kind of a meme I guess but honestly I've enjoyed the herb mixture of the ones I've had a lot. Shots, diluted with water, sugar "ritual", quick burn, all work well from my experience.

>> No.9697998

it's an old meme but I like that shit
if you don't like highly alcoholic anise, it's not for you

>> No.9698055

It tastes like black licorice. It also makes me throw up, not sure why.

>> No.9698257

it's the equivalent of fancy plating for a dish with very stinky cheese.
some people will love the taste because the like stinky cheese and will appreciate the art of the plaing.
some people will scoff at the plating but like the cheese and some hillbilly will just puke his guts out because it's not pop tarts.

>> No.9698287

Sambuca's the king of them all though

>> No.9698303

I'll just say there's a reason you mix that shit with water and a big ass sugar cube

>> No.9698306

It's nice, makes you giggly and really really drunk. You don't actually hallucinate on it though, at best everything just seems to "shine" more. The old early 1900's stories of people tripping out and going absinthe crazy are just old wives' tales.

>> No.9698326 [DELETED] 

>I am eastern european so I know a bit about poverty.

Ummmm no you don't. You're a white male, you don't know shit about poverty or hardship.

>> No.9698340

The French try to make it sound like it's some mythic high living type of shit when really it's just a shittier Incredible Hulk that has like 15 more steps before you can actually drink it.

>> No.9698919

The poets were fucked up because of opium, not absinthe.
It just got kinda caught in the mess and banned in several places because of the association.

>> No.9698951

It's tasty and the ritual makes it tastier, if you like anise/licorice. If you don't, pass. If you're paying more than $30 a bottle, you're getting taken as a clueless hayseed, that's what it goes for here with the Jap memefood premium.

>> No.9699016

Jumping into situations without thought and research isn't freedom, it's foolishness.

>> No.9699287

It wasn't invented due to poverty. It became popular, more people started making it, Supply > Demand, then it became the cheap drink of alcoholics.

>> No.9699342

You don't pour it over the sugar cube. You pour it in a glass, put a absinthe spoon over the glass holding a sugar cube, then drip ice water over the cube until it dissolves. Then drink it.
That's the French/Swiss way
Alternatively, you can pour the absinthe over the cube and then light the cube on fire to melt it. That's the Czech way.
The first way has a licorice taste. The second tastes burnt and generally not considered the 'correct' way outside that country.
Either way, the preparation is part of the fun and the allure of the drink. But it doesn't do anything to you if you get wasted on it.

>> No.9699397

Sambuca is disgusting.

>eastern european

Not so fast, Pyotr. I can spot your tracksuit and huge Slavic nose from here.

>> No.9699970

American absinthe has thujone levels regulated by the FDA but anyone who tells you it's just a green ouzo are full of shit

no green fairy, not like tequila and blow either, but it'll keep you going longer than you should if you keep on going, you feel?

>> No.9699995
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forgot pic

>> No.9700006

>Sambuca is disgusting.
You're an ignorant fag

>> No.9700044

all i can say is i bought a bottle of distilled wormwood herb, without alcohol, and drank it with some water and sugar, and wanted to write poetry. i think there is something to that damn herb and its active substance, thujone

>> No.9700054

Wait so hold up. What exactly do you need to prepare absinthe?

>ice water
>sugar cube
>absinthe itself

And the wormwood is another component?

>> No.9700075

Wormwood is in absinthe

>> No.9700094

Do you like licorice?

If yes, you'll like it. If you're normal and late licorice, you'll also hate it

>> No.9700106
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OK thanks anon. Sorry for the dumb question.

>> No.9700132

I learned in Germany to do it the fire way. You only let it burn for a couple seconds before dousing it with a little water. Doesn't taste burnt at all, just nice and licorice-y and a little sweeter than just water.