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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9685626 No.9685626 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you such a fat piece of shit? Pic related, it's why I'm such a fat piece of shit.

>> No.9685640
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At least I lift so I still look half-decent

>> No.9685654

Lack of portion control around delicious food. I don't even buy things like fast food. Say if I buy a $18 package of ribeyes and cook them with a rosemary garlic butter, I'll wind up eating both steaks throughout the course of the day.
16oz package of smoked salmon? Gone in one go.

>> No.9685663

seconding beer, but ironically I've now lost weight from it since I started replacing dinner with just beer and stopped having easy access to craft brews

>> No.9685672
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Because I'm married and I don't give a fuck. We're all gonna die somehow, I'm going to die doing what I love: eating.

I've been the same weight for 10 years, as long as I don't get any bigger, I'm all set.

>> No.9685687

Are you fat though?

>> No.9685711

BMI of ~29-30 since high school.

>> No.9685713

#1 reason is too much fat and sugar in the diet.

>> No.9685878

Alcohol and soda.

>> No.9686036

I'm not any more, but when I was it was because I drank too much, and my default dinner was a big plate of spaghetti with whatever pre-made sauce and meat.

>> No.9686077

beer and frozen pizzas every day

>> No.9686086

i have been doing this for the past week and a half straight. I am on my 7th 24 pack. Also, chicken burgers, with a thin slice of tomatoe, and some onions. I have been taking 2 multivitamins a day on this binge....

>> No.9686202
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>> No.9686792

I used to be. Never felt full, kept eating another small thing over and over until I suddenly realised I had eaten well above what you should be eating in a day. Then the amount I'd eaten would kick in, I'd feel bloated and pathetic. I'd convince myself that since I already felt bad I might as well have something else, and get back to a proper amount of food the next day. But that just increased my threshold for food, the next day I'd want to eat just as much because I wanted to feel full, feel satisfied. It was really difficult to hit the balance between peckish and overfilled.

>> No.9686868

Videogames and none-moving lifestyle

Also mum is a cook

>> No.9686883

i eat mostly just protein and fat and do construction for a living

i'm not fat

>> No.9686913

>Why are you such a fat piece of shit?
Is a BMI of 21 with 9% bodyfat fat?

>> No.9687018
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>> No.9687291

Bacon Cheeseburgers
Miller High Life
Ice cream

>> No.9687301

fucking americans

>> No.9687319
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45 lbs overweight

>> No.9687456

Alcohol, ice cream, potato chips, candy bars, and big carby dinners, almost every day for the last 10 years. About 40lbs overweight, but surprised it's not more considered the amount of junk I've eaten.

>> No.9687503

I gained 40 pounds in a month when starting my new medication i posted earlier lel you got off light.

>> No.9687528

>It can also treat irritability associated with autism

>> No.9687532

I have severe anhedonia and so far its the only thing that gives me relief for a few months.

>> No.9687534

Never eating a normal light dinner like I should, that and alcohol

>> No.9687540

That's pretty insane, but I have heard of some anti-depressants having that effect on people. We're you eating a massive amount of food during that month? If not it could be due to hormonal changes, or the medication causing you to retain excess water maybe?

>> No.9687545

Cheese, bread, and soda

>> No.9687557

These days, chips and alcohol.

I used to drink a lot of soda, but I pretty much replaced that with alcohol.

>> No.9687567

Bread. My job consists of lifting all day so my arms and legs are thicc but I got that skinny fat going on my stomach.

>> No.9687581

Nothing im 137lbs, get some willpower fatties

>> No.9687691

>I'm only 20yo and 137lbs
>If I can do it, anyone can!

>> No.9687708

Alcohol. So much alcohol.

>> No.9687730

>using age as an excuse for being a fat shit
Eat less calories it's that easy.

>> No.9687734

>I'm proud of being a feeble little bitch
You're as bad as fatties

>> No.9688056

Soda and too much snacking. Actually I'm relatively thin now. I've lost about 50 pounds since january.

>> No.9688078

how you do it chief?

>> No.9688079

what's your go to beer?

>> No.9688398

Well it started when I got sick back in december and could only manage to eat plain oatmeal for like a week. At that point I lost a couple pounds and decided to keep going. I just started small by cutting soda except once or twice a week. Then I cut down on my snacking. After that I worked on cutting more sugar out by eating small portions of other things I like or drinking some plain black tea or coffee instead of sugar when I craved it. Then when I realized the progress I was making at that point I did more research into vegetable heavy dishes and really upped my vegetable intake. Oh, I've also had a glass of water with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and some honey before breakfast and dinner most days this year. Sorry for the blog post. Hope this helps at all. I find that making even the smallest bit of progress really helps to motivate you to try more. It's a self-perpetuating cycle.

>> No.9688402


>> No.9688411

So yes?

>> No.9688443

thanks for the detailed post, it's helpful

>> No.9688679

fucking alcoholic

>> No.9688837

did you "fix" that impulse? how did you defat?

>> No.9688852

I dropped upwards of 15k a year on delivery/seamless/grubhub and binge eating from like 2011-2016.

I swore off delivery and started cooking, started losing weight, but I'd pack it back on by binge eating sweet shit.

now I work out 4x a week, still cook for myself and avoid sugar binge eating. down 30lbs.

hilariously I used to be a scumfuck junkie, I started eating to fill the emptiness that heron left behind. went from 150 to 275 in like 1.5 yr.

enjoy the blogpost, eat my shit haters.

>> No.9688870


Seems like you are doing your best to improve yourself one day at a time. I respect that a lot.

>> No.9688918
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Sam's Club 'Za. A single slice for $2 has more meat than an extra large pizza from Dominos

>> No.9688988

Playing vidya all day and eating fast food so I can play more vidya.

On the plus side, I cut my portions in half, cut soda entirely, and now I go to the gym 4 days a week and do 45 minutes of cardio. Started at 299, down to 275, trying to hit 250 before I even consider weightlifting. Gotta burn this shit off.

>> No.9689250

Eventually, it took a long time of dieting and forcing myself to be content with not being full. The joy of food was a major barrier, treat it as a simple necessity rather than a treat and it is easier to eat only what you need. After a while, the good feeling from not being bloated outweighs the good feeling from eating that food in the first place. From then on I haven't had those impulses, maybe a couple of times however I knew it wasn't worth giving in.

>> No.9689267

I'm not, I'm 5'11 and 60kg

>> No.9689406

>blaming the food and not yourself

>> No.9689412

I'm losing weight, anons!
I'm down 40lbs in 2 months.

>> No.9689443

Other that saying "haters" non-ironically, I'm proud of you for getting your shit slowly back on track.

>> No.9689448


>> No.9689459

Can you really get fat off beer?

>> No.9689464

I got a job after being neet for 2 years, was tired of days where i had nothing to drink but tap water and nothing to eat but oats or dry cereal. Ended up buying food with every paycheck, never again

>> No.9689474

yes, in a big way

>> No.9689510

Antidepressants don't normally have weight gain as a side effect but for antipsychotics like Abilify it's a huge risk.

>> No.9689522

How so?

>> No.9689529


>> No.9689583
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There is no way out.

>> No.9689828

Drink water. It's surprisingly easy.

>> No.9689957

I eat a lot of breads, most are homemade like pancakes and muffins. Also I go to in n out like once or twice a week.
But I can't gain weight for some reason, I weigh 130lb

>> No.9690174

Carbs, a lot of milk, and lack of exercise. It's mostly the lack of exercise though. I'm just a lazy sack of shit.

>> No.9690205


It's not really alcohol's fault though, I just have zero willpower when drunk/hungover, so I binge eat food.

>> No.9690208

fuck yeah you can, a pint of beer is like 200 calories and i'd drink like 6 pints a day

it's barely even the carbs, just alcohol in general has a lot of calories

>> No.9690595

>Antidepressants don't normally have weight gain as a side effect
Yes they do...

>> No.9690601

> It's mostly the lack of exercise though.
No. You don't get fat simply because you don't exercise. And in any case, exercising a bad diet away is almost impossible if you are not a professional athlete. You greatly underestimate how efficient the body is.
The most important component of losing weight (or keeping a healthy weight) is a good diet.

>> No.9690811
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Pic related, also Taco Bell.
This. I swore off beer about a week ago, looking forward to shedding some of those pounds if I can since I'm still young.

>> No.9690926
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These bitches are dangerous.

>> No.9691854

I'm with you on this one, I'm 6,1" 230 (I'd say 190-200 is my healthy weight) all because I eat until I'm uncomfortably full every. single. time. I go to all you can eat buffets occasionally or cook extravagant meals and won't stop until I'm groaning.

>> No.9691936


>> No.9691954

Can't spell
>Heroin dumb fuck

>> No.9692001
File: 99 KB, 640x640, 1502638833216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to be fat back in high school
>was never a huge fan of consuming junk food, but was always eating something while playing video games
>one day I get sick with some flu-like illness
>lasts for 2 weeks
>one of the symptoms is loss of appetite
>barely eat anything and lose like 15 pounds
>notice the difference
>when my appetite comes back, start cutting portions in half
>by the end of the year I'm no longer fat

Best flu I've ever had desu.

>> No.9692008
File: 85 KB, 483x368, feastings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to freeze these and the sundae ones as a kid, they were surprisingly tasty
Haven't had a poptart outside of a college vending machine brown sugar late night desparation cramming session. You know, the ones that taste like stale maple syrup and remind you of the fact that you're a failure and will fail that biochem test.

>> No.9692441

What do you recommend then

>> No.9692650

google scooby tdee calculator, figure out how many calories you should eat and go from there nigger

>> No.9693147

If this were true the "if it fits your macros" diet wouldnt exist

>> No.9693484

Good for you Anon keep it up!

>> No.9693490

Great job Anon, keep it up!

>> No.9693547


Damn it /fit/.

>> No.9693637

enjoy your xenoestrogens

>> No.9693682

>Relying on sugar and lard for flavor instead of herbs, spices, and searing/maillard.
Only manchildren get fat.

>> No.9693891

dumbass underage hasn't even seen The Wire. fool.

>> No.9693924

i eat when i'm not even hungry which i've been making an effort to stop

>> No.9693948

what are some good herbs and spices? ive resolved to just making burritos and adding just a little bit of old el paso mix and sriracha, hot sauce, minced onion, and a bit of lemon juice

>> No.9693958

Their gummy bears have a superior chew in my opinion to other brands because they offer more resistance to the tooth but I've heard others trash them.

>> No.9693962

cumin, coriander seed, fresh italian parsley, cilantro.

>> No.9694069

bay leaf and bay leaf extreme

>> No.9694382


>> No.9694523

obviously nobody is expecting or really wanting you to post here if you're not fat, you skinny jean wearing kale munching bear rimming faggot

>> No.9694525

If you only drink once a week no

>> No.9694535

I agree. Haribo's resistance to crushing and simple but good flavors make them stand out IMO. I could eat handfuls of them no problem.

>> No.9695067

kill myself

>> No.9695778

laziness. I don't eat alot but I also don't workout so I never burn any fat.

>> No.9695789
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I have a beer belly