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9684703 No.9684703 [Reply] [Original]

Animals are eaten alive, die to injury or disease, or best case scenario they make it to old age before dying gracelessly out in the wilderness while cold, weak and alone.

Now a farmer comes along and gives the animals a comfortable life and saves them from a slow and horrible natural death, too. The animals are healthier and more numerous. They live on a cleaner, safer and nicer pasture than before. Their deaths are dignified. A farmer is not a Monsanto employee, so the cattle aren't being fed soy or antibiotics.

What could possibly be wrong with this arrangement? Why would eating meat be wrong? Don't start talking about junk food or cheap food because that's a separate menace.

>> No.9684849
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I think that vegans or vegetarians are the way they are because they see "human" characteristics in the animals that we kill. Maybe they've seen some videos where a cow is running around all cutesy as if it was a dog or some contrived video from PETA. Either way I see it as some dumb emotional attachment brought on by the fact that these animals look cute (by human standards). The bigger the head (in comparison to the body) the more "cute" we would find something. I personally think that the further away a creature is from our standards of cuteness, the more likely we are to simply not give a fuck about them (like spiders or snakes).
tl;dr I think we only care about things that fit into our definition of what is cute. If we farmed giant spiders or snakes I think that essentially no one would care about their living conditions.
I can't really cite anything though, I just kinda made this opinion after some vsauce video I watched.

>> No.9684854

99% of meat comes from factory farms. Tiny cages, death at adolescent age if you're lucky or right after being born if you're not, and often times they die of pneumonia (they are then chopped apart anyway.

Meat is literally cancer/disease.

>> No.9684862
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You've found a long, retarded way to say "animals aren't sentient". You're wrong from however you argue it. They are. Btfo.
Also reported, this thread is not about food, but vegans.

>> No.9684898
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>You've found a long, retarded way to say "animals aren't sentient".
That's not what i'm saying at all. Try and re read it, because what I was trying to say was that the only reason people care is because they see things in the animals that simply aren't there. They are sentient, but if i can shoot a cow in the head in front of other cows and walk around to my shed and back with its organs and meat in hand (which I have done) without the other cows being startled (except bu the gunshot) or remotely give a fuck, then I really can't bring myself to care for their emotional well being.

>> No.9684943

Vegans don't eat honey or fish, both of which aren't cute. Argument invalid.

>> No.9684960

I think the mind virus that is veganism stems from the cutesy shit. Not eating byproducts of animals like honey is just virtue signalling in my mind.
>fish aren't cute
Maybe, but I know of some that eat them anyway. PS, you can't make an argument with these one liners.

>> No.9684964

>the more likely we are to simply not give a fuck about them (like spiders or snakes)

Wtf? I care more about spiders and snakes than pigs or cows because they provide environmentally beneficial services by eliminating pests. I don't care if you're a vegan or carnivore, do not harm non-dangerous spiders or non-venemous snakes.

>> No.9685002

I used spiders and snakes as an example because I think people are scared of them simply because they look creepy. Even though they don't kill that many people and would generally try to run away from a human, a lot of people are irked or terrified of them because of their appearance.

>> No.9685017

Yes, they don't understand the difference between a human being and an animal any more, and wish to be an animal themselves. Therefore animals should be treated the way they want to be treated themselves or it will make them uncomfortable.

Your guilty conscience for eating nothing but industrially farmed chicken tendies and burger king is not my problem. I buy organic produce. You should do the same. Do not pull numbers out of your ass like that.

>I care more about spiders and snakes than pigs or cows because they provide environmentally beneficial services by eliminating pests.
Are you retarded? Cows and pigs are an extension of the land they live on and are a part of the ecosystem. Even worms boring through dirt improve the quality of that dirt.

>> No.9685021

>like spiders or snakes
>has never seen cute spider and snake posting

>> No.9685030

Have you ever seen an animal be hunted by another animal? A fox kill a chicken, a wolf kill a deer. They experience pure terror and then are killed painfully.

I doubt many vegans or vegetarians have seen the aftermath of a successful kill, they would think twice about the 'brutality' of our methods. Nature is more of a cunt than we ever could be.

>> No.9685042

Cows and pigs are non native and can destroy land in a heartbeat. Just like invasive worms have done, ironically. They've destroyed the forest floor in quite a few states now.

>> No.9685048

That was the point of the OP. Death in nature is always a bad deal. Man can give animals a swift and graceful death. We just have to make sure that farming the animals doesn't lower their quality of life.

>> No.9685051

You are avoiding the point. Cows and pigs are a part of an ecosystem and thus can serve a purpose if put to good use. Are you going to try and avoid this point again? Are you going to pretend a spider can benefit nature but a cow cannot?

>> No.9685061

Most vegans especially are city dwellers, if I could stand the smug cunts I'd bring some over the morning after a fox has got into the chicken pen. They live in a bubble.

>> No.9685129
File: 25 KB, 329x500, 5_better-never-to-have-been-the-harm-of-coming-into-existence-by-david-benetar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm antinatalist ;)

>> No.9685131

Pigs and cows aren't part of an ecosystem. They are contained in their own biosphere on a farm. Wild hogs and wild cows are part of an ecosystem that will benefit nature. I wouldn't consider farm animals as part of an ecosystem as they're man made and closed off

>> No.9685138

>I wouldn't consider farm animals as part of an ecosystem as they're man made

Who cares what your silly little brainfart made you think. It's clearly irrational.

>>and closed off
Lol, what? They breathe, fart, and belch the same air as everything else on earth. They drink the same water, their waste ends up in the same places. The only thing closed-off here is your brain.

>> No.9685145

I don't think you know what an ecosystem is. Domesticated animals are not part of an ecosystem. If I let my cat outside it will fuck up birds and other animals and disrupt the actual ecosystem of where I am.

>> No.9685163


noun Ecology
a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.

>Domesticated animals are not part of an ecosystem.

>> No.9685170

>Even worms boring through dirt improve the quality of that dirt.

No shit, I rank them on the same level as spiders and snakes as an integral part of a healthy ecosystem. Cows and pigs otoh are invasive species that wreak havoc on ecosystems.

>> No.9685180
File: 64 KB, 579x646, Local Ecosystem Overview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alien species
>(of a plant or animal species) introduced from another country and later naturalized

>> No.9685186

im slowly transitioning into eating only animals with no emotional-intelligence... like, i'd eat a shrimp, but not a lamb -- but shrimp r pretty cool, they clean other fish & get rid of parasites on them ;3

>> No.9685192
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>> No.9685199
File: 369 KB, 500x664, Coincidences In Foods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do u eat dog? people?

>> No.9685204

what are cats to a local ecosystem?

>> No.9685206

cats are pretty tasty, skin is good to wear. you need to skin a lot of cats to make a nice coat tho

>> No.9685215

Great image, got any more?

>> No.9685225
File: 1.04 MB, 801x1920, Growing Seasons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is y its a slow transition 4 me -- cause i do think cats r assholes; but i do think they're capable of emotional-intelligence 2 balance their behavior out; ultimately i really dont believe in karma tho

>> No.9685233

They aren't. If something just takes, it's not part of an ecosystem. It's giving nothing back.

>> No.9685239

they hunt pests, leave their droppings, fertilize the soil -just like any other predator

>> No.9685240

Thread is ruined, the ecosystem retard showed up to argue that farming cows and pigs is bad because they're not native species even though a farm is an artificial environment from the start.

He probably believes in global warming too. Make your own thread and ruin that instead.

>> No.9685258

I don't think it's a matter of feeling akin to any animal. It's about refusing to get involved in the suffering of sentient beings.

Also, I don't know if you got any idea about how a farm works, but the animals actually aren't captured in the wilderness. They are litterally born and bred to be killed. From some people's point of view, it's just creating pain from scratch.
Since nowadays meat really is optional to our diet, it may look like cruelty.

I'm omnivorous as fuck, but meat advocates like OP are pointless cunts. Yeah, some people refuse to eat meat because of their standards. You don't have to give a shit. You don't have to be aggro like this.
The same goes for veganazis, just because I eat cheese doesn't make me a horrible person.

>> No.9685264

Pests according to who? Their shit also doesn't fertilize anything.

>> No.9685317

The thread was an abominatomion when it was posted, tard. It's only purpose was to start a shitflinging dickwaving contest between vegans and carnists.