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9683363 No.9683363[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9683371

What happens when they nick themselves?

>> No.9683375

Don't be such an insensitive cunt

>> No.9683380

Libs say it doesnt matter because you dont digest aids. They forgot about cuts in your mouth and esophagus though.

>> No.9683386

Maybe if you could stop chewing glass like the dumb Republitard you are it'd be safe.

>> No.9683395

Great argument wtf i love getting aids now! Thats what you wanted to hear right? Just contract it yourself hypocrite.

>> No.9683399

Uhhh, 96% of people have STDs anyway, by being so bitchy about it you've only outed yourself as a virgin.

>> No.9683411
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Thank you for confirming everything about my worldview with your post.

>> No.9683415

I can totally see people lining up and waving their money to buy food made by cooks with a deadly incurable infectious disease.

Protip: this will be the very first and the very last "HIV+" retaurant to open in the world once everybody elese has seen how "successful" they are.

>> No.9683424

doesn't matter if u are conservative or liberal or whatever. This is ridiculous not matter how you slice it.

consider this: i wouldn't balk at eating at a restaurant that has an HIV+ chef. fucken who cares, this isnt the 1980s and GRIDS. I would never, ever eat at an HIV+ restaurant tho, cuz what the fuck, I am not out here trying to pay money for food to have disease and someone's agenda shoved down my throat. I'm trying to shove chicken tendies and big macs down my throat.

>> No.9683425

You're the only one complaining about people having different opinions than you, snowflake. Sorry that this isn't the stormfront safespace you though it was.

>> No.9683427

If this was the US, they would be shut down by their county health department before it even opened.
Literally promoting a deadly incurable disease as the SELLING POINT of your restaurant.
How fucked in the head do you have to be to go to something like this?

>> No.9683435

Seriously. I know some HIV+ people and for some of them, not being able to be public about it is horrendous for their relationships and mental state, but I feel like this is not the way to go about making these unfortunate people feel more "normal". I applaud the hiring practice, I really do, but it's not a fucking selling point.

>> No.9683438

Umm no one is disagreeing with me though. What thread are you reading? The aids is rotting your brain faggot

>> No.9683453

>have deadly homosexual disease from having lots of indiscriminate unprotected sex with degenerates

HIV+ individuals are the modern day leper, and they deserve it.

>> No.9683457

Whatever homophobe, enjoy being on the wrong side of history

>> No.9683473
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bro, I am politically the same as you, but you are a fucken turd.

leave this place.

>> No.9683480

Go lick some aids to teach him a lesson about tolerance

>> No.9683481

Shame on you, anon. Life's not a competition to see who deserves the most pity; a little empathy for all of god's creatures really goes a long way in cooling that raging fire of frustration we all live with.

>> No.9683484

Enjoy eating aids soup

>> No.9683489

AIDs doesn't even live outside of a body, unless you're literally assfucking there's no chance of catching it.

>> No.9683497

Did you know that most aids cases today are intentional?
Homosexuals are so fucked in the head, they've fetishized their fantasy of getting "pozzed up" and then "pozzing some negs" with their deadly seed.
They call this "bugchasing" look it up.

>> No.9683496

Fucking retard, how can you be this stupid?

>> No.9683508

Sorry, I forgot the Earth is only 6000 years old and that if you're sinful at all you gets AIDS automatically.

Shouldn't you be in confession because your priest diddled you or something?

>> No.9683516


>> No.9683522

You what? Suck cock? Spit it out, faggot.

>> No.9683523

>how dare you call me out on my bullshit
>muh question begging epithet
Sounds like projection
Want to talk about it?

>> No.9683525

HIV can survive outside the body, inside body fluids, and have been shown to do so for several weeks.

>> No.9683527
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Timestamo yourself licking up infected blood thats "so safe bc its outside the body" or literally shut the Fuck up and stop posting. No more responses for you until you eat aids blood. Otherwise youre a posturing hypocrite

>> No.9683530

Very few humans are that pathetic or destructive. It may feel good to be on your side of this debate but trust me, you've been pozzed up with misinformation and caught the AIDS - anti-information dickhead syndrome. Shame on you for your hate, but most of all for spreading lies.

>> No.9683546

You've undoubtedly been consumed by propaganda on the television. Homosexual is a fetish and the vast majority of them are twisted perverts. Hell, with population sizes adjusted for, there are 11 homosexual pedophiles for every 1 heterosexual pedophile

>> No.9683548

A whole lot of acting superior and literally zero facts. Libshit detected.

>> No.9683550

Try getting aids, faggot.
Then you'll see things my way.

>> No.9683779

California made it so giving someone aids is no longer a felony.

Now Ontario has sharp knives, food, and aids all in the same place.

I get wanting to stop treating people with hiv/aids like they're Untouchables. Yet they are taking it too far. It is a disease that costs a lot of money to treat in order to live, and still takes decades off your life.

>> No.9683821

>Fidel Gastro

This actually makes me happy that some cuck is naming a business after that savage commie. Its almost as ironic as selling a Che Guevara shirt.

>> No.9683865

no they don't forget that, it's just not relevant

>> No.9683884

Its how anderson coopers bf got aids...

>> No.9683908

what's the secret to pulling shit out of your ass with such an effortless, breezy confidence despite there not being even a hint of truth to it?

>> No.9683912

you're doing the same thing baka

>> No.9683917

100% this is not the first joint ran by a bloke with HIV ha ha ha ha, let alone the head chef

>> No.9683936

Who knew lifelong sexual diseases wouldn't give person a second chance from sticking some degenerate. You reap what you sow I guess.

>> No.9683941
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>tfw I know you aren't lying.

>> No.9683949

Lol pls go kys poz retard faggot
You make people look at gays like theyre monsters, and reinforce their point by acting like one
Gay people who purposely try to give aids to unknowing people need to be listed and locked in prison, and anybody who supports HIV positivity(acceptance) needs to outed for supporting and helping spread a deadly epidemic
Fuck you you stupid liberal price of shit, and fuck any other gay person who supports aids positivity

>> No.9683976

Fuck you you right wing human-hater and all the mental gymnastics you do in support of human-hating, Every gay person I know is horrified by bug-chasing behaviors and you don't even care, You're committed to this shit.

>> No.9683982


>> No.9683999


>> No.9684000


>> No.9684016


>> No.9684025


>> No.9684043

I can't imagine living a life where your whole existence is just "FUCK YOU DAD". Because that's what this amounts to.

>> No.9684062

lmao at people thinking HIV is "deadly" in 2017. this isn't the stone age we have a thing called medicine

>> No.9684075

and that medicine isn't cheap
if you're not wealthy as a faggot with HIV you literally die

>> No.9684144

Yeah and the quality of life is great. No side effects either

>> No.9684177

I lost faith in coasties when they made purposefully giving someone else HIV have the same criminal weight as purposefully giving someone a cold.

>> No.9684183

>They forgot about cuts in your mouth and esophagus though.
Have you tried not being so sensitive

>> No.9684225

This isn't even from a coast though. It's out of Toronto.

t. Ontariofag

>> No.9684244

But Obamacare made it so you can get AIDS cured instantly with magic!

>> No.9684254

they arent giving you HIV they are just saying they will hire people with HIV

>> No.9684259

in most countries its subsidized so most people can get it.

in america we have obamacare so you can get it but you will be poor

>> No.9684267

Ooor, and this is a big or, you can not be a faggot and not worry about catching it.

>> No.9684268

you know how when you send food back at restaurants you can pretty much expect a nice spitwad cooked into the food?
that's all fine and just a part of life, but what happens when the chef spits in your food at JUNES????

Enjoy your AIDS

>> No.9684272

>I could eat at this AIDS restaurant and probably not get AIDS.
>I could not eat there and almost assuredly not get AIDS.

Gee, tough choice.

>> No.9684293

But if you don't eat there you won't know what it's like to pay 100 bucks + tip for shitty food so you can tell all of your progressive friends how you are making the world better.

>> No.9684344

The PC tards are going too far. I'll be damned if I'm going to allow some sick motherfucker handle my food. There is such a thing as too much appropriation. I hope they go bankrupt in less than a year.

>> No.9684348

>medicine is free

>> No.9684358


Xir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

>> No.9684370

>not responsible enough to fuck using protection
>not responsible enough to use clean needles when shooting up their drugs
>responsible enough to handle and prepare food safely

>> No.9684384

>that grinning faggot
>that fucking red "positive" sign
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.9684394


>> No.9684435

If someone has the best trigger discipline in the world, I'm still going to get upset when they aim a loaded gun at me.

And these liberal fags don't like it if I don't let some AIDs ridden fag handle my food?


>> No.9684436
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>Judging the cooking, not the cook
I come there to fucking eat and not ask about your terrible life decisions.
This is just further incentive as to why I wouldn't visit your restaurant, who thought this was a good idea? Who was in charge of marketing?

>> No.9684438

Do we need fag control?

>> No.9684444

>Admitting he has aids
Wee lad

>> No.9684445

i know reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, but "my way" is in reference to my previous post >>9683497

try to keep up

>> No.9684505

If the only way to see things your way is to get aids, doesn't that mean you have aids? Checkmate, atheists

>> No.9684519

The fuck up faggot

>> No.9684539

>some time from now
>Here's why the first HIV +restaurant didn't get off the ground by some Jew or cuck at huffpost

>> No.9684544

>Something something racism, something something Trump made them fail.

>> No.9684564

>just get AIDS lol who cares, you wont die

>> No.9684578
File: 5 KB, 235x250, d368ba55-512c-4a59-90c9-9ea0fc6c54bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all dumb fucks either go or don't who the fuck cares

>> No.9684691

you'll have to explain that to me