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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9675962 No.9675962 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9675969

Stab the food with one chopstick, bring to mouth.
The other chopstick should be used to pick food out from between your teeth.

>> No.9675987

Hiding this thread because of the image.

>> No.9675990

Fuck you

>> No.9676241

Frogposters should be rounded up and shot

>> No.9676244

The anti-pepe meme is fucking retarded fuck off newfag

>> No.9676256

I think I've come up with a compromise.

Both meme posters should be hung from a short-rope.

>> No.9676266

Hold the first stick like you would a pencil. Hold the second one with your tumb and ring finger. Move the first chopstick only. Pinch chunks of food between the sticks, deliver to mouth. Simple. It only feels hard because you’re starting from scratch.

>> No.9676269

dumb frogposter

>> No.9676281

Get one of those dinosaur chopstick trainers, more fun and less work.

>> No.9676284

just copy what they do in your cartoons

>> No.9676286

Nigga just use a fork

>> No.9676375


Get an elastic band and tie them at the ends. That's how children used to learn in Japan

>> No.9676402

That's not pepe you mongs.

>> No.9676414

But it starts to hurt very quickly whenever I try this.

>> No.9676424

Well then get some finger muscles.

>> No.9676445

I literally just hold them in one hand and manually open and close them. It's a lot easier on the muscles and tends to pick up more food but with less precision the normal way does. The restaurants often think I'm fucking retarded for doing it but fuck it it works.

Reddit reject crew has arrived.

>> No.9676457

You literally have to have some kind of neurological condition to not be able to figure chopsticks out.

>> No.9676468

This. This is just another shitposting board lowering thread.

>> No.9676473

I bet you like the flicks of Villenueve and Tarantino.

>> No.9676481
File: 323 KB, 480x953, 1497308752523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frogposters are cancer.

>> No.9678012

>Hold the first stick like you would a pencil
lies, that is NOT how its done

you start by resting stick one on your thumb and end of your ring finger. Hold it like this, should feel sturdy and you can lift it with your ring finger and hold down with your thumb

then stick two goes from the end of your thumb to tip of your middle finger. You should then be able to press down on stick 2 while holding with thumb against hand.

Now you can hold things with chopsticks

>> No.9678131

It's really terrible how our collective sense of humor has become so depresingly ironic. It's so steeped in ironic self loathing that it actually makes people depressed, as if only to add an other layer to the joke.

>> No.9678332

I hate that image because it's so fucking accurate

>> No.9678362
File: 23 KB, 483x324, ohashi skills desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9678391

Haha I know some of those words

>> No.9678396
File: 43 KB, 626x835, 0ec53215-013c-4317-b494-d628925ef16a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its really fucking easy actually. but then again, i've been working at a rinky dink chinese restaurant for the past 5 years and eat there literally every day

>tfw i can successfully eat globs of sticky rice with chop sticks

>> No.9678400

the 'collective' always has been and always will be fucking terrible

frogposting is cancer but i'd rather not go back to the days of LOL LIMEWIRE either

>> No.9678408

>first panel

man i miss the old days. i've been here for 12 miserable fucking years

>> No.9678587

snap them in half horizontally

>> No.9678641

snap them in half, roll up the paper they came in, put the paper in between the ends you hold, and secure it all together with a rubber band. Once you start feeling shame, learn to use them without the rubber band.

>> No.9678693

>tfw i can successfully eat globs of sticky rice with chop sticks
Why is that an achievement? Eating sticky rice is easy. Eating a single grain of rice at a time might be an achievement, not eating globs of sticky rice.

>> No.9678860

Stab mr. wang chan with the chop sticks (They aren't sharp, so aim for somewhere squishy) and then grab a fork while they are bleeding out.

>> No.9678872

am i the only one who really enjoys current 4chan humor?
been here since 2005, but pink wojacks and frogposting is hilarious

>> No.9678875

I always thought I was decent with chopsticks (for a white guy) having used them since I was a kid. until I started dating a Korean girl and realized I had no idea what I was doing. She makes me feel better by saying a lot of Koreans are full retard with chopsticks however.
Korean chopsticks are way skinnier and heavier than other types I also noticed.

>> No.9679354
File: 186 KB, 400x300, Clothespin-Chopstick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9679510

jesus fuck,calm your hysterical tits.

>> No.9680866

Second panel was best 4chan.
>still posting pepe

>> No.9680880

if the food right for it i usually just angle them and use them as a shovel.

>> No.9682263
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Pepe collection i started a couple days ago pls r8

>> No.9682271
File: 599 KB, 1404x602, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bonus wojaks

>> No.9682285

dumb frogposter