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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 170 KB, 1080x1080, 1510176637191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9667457 No.9667457 [Reply] [Original]

This picture always makes me feel comfy because of the steam coming from her mug. I'm really so happy that it's wintertime in the States. It's hot cocoa season and there isn't a more comfortable time to be alive.

>> No.9667633

I work outside, I hate the winter.
Canadafag reporting in

>> No.9667995

Southern California reporting in. Only time it's tolerable to be outside.

>> No.9668044

Then fly south little faggot, and leave this winter wonderland for those of us who can appreciate it.
I know that feel. I love being outside during the winter and my thermos is always filled with hot cocoa or coffe or a mix of both.

>> No.9668077


You should just hate life fullstop desu.

>> No.9668097


Winter is fucking godawful and so are hot drinks. But MJ is top tier, so I don't know how to feel.

>> No.9668127

This picture makes me so fucking mad. Fuck Mary Jane. Boo hoo being spiderman's girlfriend is suffering

>> No.9668131

Who is this semenous demon?

>> No.9668153

It's not winter bitch, it's november.

>> No.9668587

Move to Iceland.

>> No.9668649

>Southern California reporting in. Only time it's tolerable to be outside.
What? You can't tolerate it when it is 78 degrees and fairly arid? What a faggot.

t. Georgiafag (Try 105 and humid AF)

>> No.9669713
File: 5 KB, 239x258, 1497862806971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gwen Stacy is best girl

>> No.9669788
File: 214 KB, 833x647, Chat-with-Avian-accompaniment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incorrect, Chat Sanduval is Best Girl

>> No.9669823

Objectively incorrect.

>> No.9669824

This, /an/ gfs are best gfs.

>> No.9669827

Cocoa is seasonal?

>> No.9670182

78 degrees is early morning temperature in So Cal from May to October. Gotta get any outdoors stuff done before 9 AM.

>> No.9670190

Who the semon bitch

>> No.9670223
File: 8 KB, 304x166, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>TFW its a balmy -15°C on this oilfield lease site in Northern Alberta, up from -25°C this morning

You spund like tiny babies.

>> No.9670406

holy shit that's a slutty belly

>> No.9670436

Worked outside at Oilsites all over Western Canada. The one worst place to be during winter is Southern Saskatchewan.

>> No.9670484

Glorious high 30s rn in Iowa

>> No.9670545
File: 63 KB, 680x849, 959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw florida
>still 80 degrees outside
It's not fair

>> No.9670599

hahahahahahah winter

fucking 72 here in commiefornia. going to the beach and getting wasted.

>> No.9670603


nignog detected

>> No.9670613
File: 110 KB, 260x390, 74574864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9670621

>living outside of the GTA
Literally why? What is there to do except oil farm, pig wrangle and getting eaten by wolves and bears? Why the fuck is it so cold in the prairies?

>> No.9670639

Same thing there is to do anywhere else. Hobbies. Read a book. Work in your yard. Go hunting, fishing, shooting. Work on your car. Ride motorcycles. Enjoy nature. Plus you can do all your neet shit too: vidya games, internet, watch movies/TV/etc,

>>Why the fuck is it so cold in the prairies?
It's not. But, the lack of windbreaks can make it feel like that if it happens to be windy.

>> No.9671152
File: 781 KB, 682x1029, ZBD8ZPl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in that hideous blight of suburban sprawl

Not even under pain of death, eh

>> No.9671181
File: 9 KB, 661x265, winnipeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>Why the fuck is it so cold in the prairies?
>It's not.

>> No.9671576

>only 12 below

It's not.

>> No.9672062

Not him, but you niggahs don't have any humidity so 78 feels like 68. Try 84 at sunrise with 90% humidity when you have 5 hours of work that has to get done in the yard and garden no matter what. Your clothes are soaked within 30 minutes and the temp will be 95 when you finish at 11AM in MS. Why do you think us southerners are the hate filled assholes of the US?

>> No.9672079

>steam coming from her mug
im pretty sure thats spideys web
just look at how upset she is

>> No.9672095

>it's wintertime in the States.
We aren't even half way through Autumn for fuck's sake.

>> No.9672126


>> No.9672133

Sorry, barely more than half way.

>> No.9672160
File: 48 KB, 600x450, hemlagad-glogg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to come to Sweden around Christmas time and have some hot glögg, OP.

>> No.9672162

Because the vast majority of the GTA is filled with human trash. Literally why would you want to live there unless you're trash too?

>> No.9672207

Fucking women need to leave this board.

>> No.9672576

Maybe instead of succumbing to the retarded urge to have a "yard and garden, no matter what" you could save yourself the fucking trouble and just not.

>> No.9672647

Bitch is amouranth and she a professional twitch whore. She likes to cock tease you to make you support her patreom but never actually gets nude. Basically don't give her money unless you are some cuck. Also she can't dance for shit.