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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 575x471, FB_IMG_1510164519399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9665101 No.9665101[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it true /ck/?

>> No.9665105

Well yeah. They got the order backwards though

>> No.9665107

How can somebody be so stupid and blind?

>> No.9665108
File: 150 KB, 800x643, thanksgiving-dinner-for-one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the one of the left a prison meal?

>> No.9665110

Wrong order

>> No.9665111

Blacks shouldn't celebrate thanksgiving, it's cultural appropriation

>> No.9665115

dass raysis

>> No.9665116

There's so much wrong with this post that I don't know where to begin.

>> No.9665120

Black people can't afford food lol

>> No.9665121

What's the visiting hours on Thanksgiving?

>> No.9665127

>paper plates

>> No.9665135
File: 566 KB, 2896x2896, pol couple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everybody! Let's start a shitty race-baiting thread on 4chan for fun! It'll be cool!

>> No.9665140

I guess it's too late to >inb4 triggered /pol/fags

>> No.9665144

why do people automatically just associate stupid and blind together. I have an iq 0f 130 and am blind. fuck off.

>> No.9665145

Exactly the problem with you liberals, you see racism everywhere.

>> No.9665147
File: 109 KB, 620x768, LZ5SAhpTbaMQ42sn30Kzad6ZbdeS5xz7w6RmCMFudso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry you're too retarded to hide a thread.

>> No.9665148
File: 1.37 MB, 1440x2560, 1508974071705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9665150 [DELETED] 

I've reported it already, I'm just here for the shitshow in the meantime

>> No.9665160

Fuck no. I’ve never been to a black family’s Thanksgiving but I’ve been to a few white familys’. It might lack spicy dishes but it’s far from bland food. Quit racebaiting with bullshit no one here actually believes.

>> No.9665161

>both look like total shit
Is there a point hidden somewhere in there

>> No.9665177
File: 27 KB, 400x347, sizzle-album-white-people-650114296937058304-Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't take a joke and now I am angry

>> No.9665179

>paper plate

Nigs lack so much self awareness.

>> No.9665184

you ever notice how white people are like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA but black people are like OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.9665187

black thanksgiving does involve paper plates, yes

>> No.9665219


>> No.9665221


>> No.9665225

At least you realize it. I assume you made your original post out of a misplaced idea of """irony""".

>> No.9665226

Must be why there are so many black Michelin star chefs

>> No.9665236
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>> No.9665245
File: 46 KB, 568x479, 1462152673589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black people bragging about paper plates

>> No.9665269

>blindness only has one meaning.
>this board is blind-friendly

I guess, for the sake of making you feel like I believe in your lie, "How can you be so stupid and 2. unwilling or unable to percieve or understand 3. not characterized or determined by reason or control"

>> No.9665278
File: 43 KB, 800x500, 49111476.cached.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9665280

White people don't eat on paper plates.

>> No.9665285

Americans do.

>> No.9665292

ITT: white people getting triggered abotu spice jokes.

>> No.9665318
File: 213 KB, 314x368, spice girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9665337

I'm American, and I've never eaten any holiday dinner off of paper plates in my entire life. And I'm not young.

>> No.9665356

I hate this white people dont spice shit meme, so retarded. let alone "white people" comprises countless cultures each with different types of cuisine. just another meme to shit on whites. normalize white hate. good goy

>> No.9665361

Most jokes and comments about CultApp, or WhitePriv just fucking irritate me, but that one is fucking hilarious for some reason. And, if you want to get to the nuts and bolts of it, kind of true. The Pilgrims and the story of the First Thanksgiving (even though it's half fairytale) were before slaves were brought here. That's fucking hilarious.

>> No.9665366

i love how their first reaction was to post pictures of themselves crying on social media

>> No.9665369

Yeah, it's stupid, especially since "we" have fought actual bloody wars over spices.
But let's just let them have their dumb fun. You wouldn't waste your time arguing with a child either, right?

>> No.9665373

We have prime rib for Thanksgiving and we don't eat off paper plates.

>> No.9665374

The white people dinner is neatly organized with the food separate, but equal, keeping the flavors the way they were intended to be. The black people plate is overcrowded and the flavors are contaminating each other, ruining the entire dinner.

>> No.9665375

Damn, if that’s true, just goes to show what EBT can get you.

>> No.9665382

Fucking trips of truth.

I really, really like this post. Can I save it?

>> No.9665383

>he doesn't dress up like a bum and go to homeless shelters for the free thanksgiving feast served on paper plates

You don't sound very american to me.

>> No.9665389

Dude, I don't know if you've noticed, but our fucked up country has been trying to normalize hatred against everyone. Blacks, whites, Asians, mexicans, middle easterners, Latinos, you name it. Why do thinks whites are too special to be included? The only people who are being left alone are the native Americans, and that's because we've already driven them to self destruct.

>> No.9665393
File: 63 KB, 500x534, marvel-tv-daredevil1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 std deviations above mean in (((IQ)))
You have text to speech or have someone read posts to to you?

>> No.9665394

That’s not really a good thing. That’s just affirmative action. Or maybe Michelin star welfare? Either way, no thank you.

>> No.9665396

This should come with the suicide prevention hotline number on the back

>> No.9665399

I have the Braile app for iPad.

>> No.9665403

And black people don't smile at all and are rude as fuck, so.

>> No.9665404
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 988471057611dccf87943c0fa937523c_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on a smooth surface tablet

>> No.9665411

It vibrates in accordance with actual braille

>> No.9665414

Fuck you're right.
It wasn't an iPad it was a cheese grater.

>> No.9665416

No, I make a massive feast for my family and we eat off china plates, with linen napkins and crystal glasses. Oh, and plastic forks and knives.

(Jk, we use flatware like normal people)
I DO donate turkeys and food to shelters for thanksgiving and Christmas, though. Along with other needed items.

>> No.9665417

>Exactly. The only whites that matter are Anglos.

>> No.9665422

the irony is that they had to take school meal for the "evil white nazi" meal when the "proud soul black food" is a bunch of shit colored crap in a carboard plate.

>> No.9665424


>> No.9665426


That's pretty cool, actually. Does it work well?

>> No.9665434

So it's like those camwhores who vibrate when they get money?

Missing laughinggrill.jpg

>> No.9665451
File: 38 KB, 625x415, 1506550108855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's more about the double standard desu.

Black people openly joke about white people, and that's fine. But god forbid a white person say something innocuous about a black person.

>> No.9665453

why the fuck are you taking it personally? it's obvious a mile away he wasn't referring to actual blind people; it was metaphorical

>> No.9665456

Underrated post

>> No.9665457
File: 128 KB, 800x531, mexicanfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Darkies and Amerifats can't even into good food in their own holiday

We don't even celebrate Thanksgiving and we cook better food on that day than you retards

>> No.9665460

>black people: DUDE CARBS LMAO

>45 years later


>> No.9665464

I don't think iPads are capable of faking it. Yet.

>> No.9665477

weak b8 m8

>> No.9665484
File: 73 KB, 790x1402, 13795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it true /ck/?
That niggers get everything shoved up their asses while the white man has to pay the (welfare) bills for the niggers and thus the white man can't afford a proper thanksgiving dinner?
Yes, that's true.

>> No.9665511

Dayum dis nigga thicc lol

>> No.9665541

>it's this dumb meme thread again

>> No.9666173

I agree, the one on the left looks like Thanksgiving at the public school now that almost all schools serve meals on Holidays and summer breaks because we can't expect parents to feed their kids anymore. #niggerparents

>> No.9666275


>> No.9666294

Blacks shouldn't celebrate thanks giving, they have never experienced any gratitude for white people civilizing them

>> No.9666312

Underreddit post.

>> No.9666325

Yeah white people have no culture and can't cook worth a shit. It's completely true.

>> No.9666347

The joke isn't really funny when the opposite is far more true. I've never even seen white people use styrofoam trays. But I have seen blacks use them. The whole joke is projection.

>> No.9666358


>paper plates

I agree, blacks are poor.

>> No.9666369

Not for Thanksgiving dinner. Not for any dinner where you have someone over or manage to get the family together at once, really.

>> No.9666374

Yellow press reader go away pls.

>> No.9666391

As a fellow Latin American... gtfo.

>> No.9666401


>Thanksgiving Dinner at a cheap-ass retirement home vs. Thanksgiving Dinner at home with loving relatives

fixed it for you

>> No.9666404

>Typical nigglets eat two out of three government provided meals per day at school off styrofoam plates

>> No.9666405

My family is super white and racist and the plates always look like the one on the right. I think it's just southern cooking

>> No.9666411

Tell me how black people celebrate Father's Day

>> No.9666414

they got it wrong
the left picture is the black family meal that they hand out for free at the local food bank

>> No.9666436

Why are blacks superior to whites? Why is their culture considered mainstream, and why is everyone on about black pride, diversity, and their slang? Must be because they are freer than whites. Why are all the commercials that I watch filled with people of color? Why do those commercials show white people as weak, nerdy and unhip? I need answers

>> No.9666452

>Cheap paper plates on what appears to be the end of a glass coffee table

Lmao in their wildest dreams they couldn't even imagine eating on real plates in a nice fully furnished dining room. They literally cannot comprehend what a white person's meal would look like.

>> No.9666473

Corporations and the powers that be have deemed white people to be a threat to global stability due to their past history of banding together and fighting for their principals. They are able to destabilize culture by bringing in competing cultures and glorifying them.

>> No.9666484

The only time I've eaten off of a paper plate was for picnics/barbecues or when eating pizza

>> No.9666525

Divide and conquer. Your average black is just trying to make it just like you.

>> No.9666564

>No money
>No family
>Not American
Blacks don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the first place.

>> No.9666571

>I'm gonna be the first to be drafted #1 in both the NBA and NFL
>My backup plan is my fire mixtape

Yeah, just like me

>> No.9666578


>> No.9666580

>Just trying to make it
>Always votes for bigger government
>Always votes to expand welfare give
>73% born to single mothers
>Almost always net drains on the tax system for their entire lives
>Just trying to make it
They're not even trying, anon.

>> No.9666639


>hard shell tacos

Más puto.