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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 48 KB, 397x336, booze3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9662653 No.9662653 [Reply] [Original]

Would a few beers be so bad Edition

Previous >>9654971

>> No.9662715

first for /benzos/

>> No.9662739

Who here ready2die to enjoy the sweet nectar of the afterlife?

>> No.9662744



>> No.9662751

On my 10th day sober and the sun has finally come out. Next 5 days are nice and sunny and I've got nothing to do over that time. Really feel like just drinking beer in the sun but worried about relapsing and buying a bottle.

>> No.9662835

my dad is dead. I have a lot of dead friends. not afraid of death but not chasing it.

>> No.9662842

Where I am, we are having the first cold snap of the year. Looks like five days around freezing. Not at all looking forward to it.

>> No.9662844

What's wrong with a few beers?

>> No.9662858

Ausfag so Summer is just a few weeks away here. Forecast is sunny and temperatures between 21 (70 fagenheit) and 29 (84f) until next Tuesday. Beautiful. I find it meditative to sit in the sun drinking beer.

Nothing provided it stays at a few beers. It's tough for some of us to do that.

>> No.9662904

outpatient rehab next week

havent been here for 2 weeks

drunk as fuck tonight

>> No.9662925

Your turn. I'll be there in six months. Enjoy it!

>> No.9662983

tomorrow I am going to get drunk as fuck

>> No.9663034

What's tomorrow?

>> No.9663065


Everyone at work has noticed that I show up drunk everyday now but they still haven't said a word to me yet. Not looking good lads. How long do you reckon I have?

>> No.9663092

Nothing will happen if you stop showing up to work drunk.
If you continue the first time it affects your performance or annoys someone who doesn't like you you'll be out on your ass.

>> No.9663102


>> No.9663130


Brother I've shown up blackout drunk, reeking of alcohol, face bruised from getting in drunken fights to work before so Im still not sure what it's going to take. It's driving me nuts wondering when the hammer is finally going to drop.

>> No.9663155

Never put off till tomorrow what you could do today.

>> No.9663220

what the fuck do you do m8

>> No.9663267


A white collar job where I deal with the public. Honest to God I'm not proud of myself but how the fuck am I I still employed? I've worked blue collar before and that kind of behavior was glossed over because you had literal meth and heroin addicts getting fucked on the job site and most of the other guys were "functioning" alcoholics.

>> No.9663332

Weak manager? Some bosses avoid confrontation as much as they can until things get really bad.

>> No.9663357


You're probably right. This place is full of women in management. The funny thing is when I was digging ditches and laying pipe plumbing I never worked drunk no matter how miserable the fucking work got.

>> No.9663366

>This place is full of women in management.

Ding ding ding. Women are fucking hopeless in management. You might have a job for a while provided you don't abuse anyone. I'd try and get it under control though, Even at my worst I didn't come to work drunk. Maybe hungover as fuck but functional.

>> No.9663563

I'm going to hell anyway, why not take the express?

>> No.9663570


Because liver failure is supposed to be an awful way to go.

>> No.9663613

i feel like whenever i drink i pee way more than is normal. but more than other people do when they drink, as well. it's actually gotten so bad that I have to wear diapers when I drink because it even dribbles a bit

>> No.9663621


Stop letting your boyfriend massage your prostate with his dick.

>> No.9663723

Shoutouts to the guy who fucking died last thread

>> No.9663746

You mean the leaf who drank some hand sanitizer, that was ethanol based, didn't have anything really bad in it and posted in the morning, very much alive?

>> No.9663748

No the man with coffee ground shits to was immobilised by pain

>> No.9663753


Maybe he just ate a lot of beans?

>> No.9663779

Nah that sounded really bad. Seen what he described quite a few times, it's pretty serious

>> No.9663846
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back to the real world lads

>> No.9663863

Nah he also said his tolerance was cut in half, his liver died that night

How many marijuanas do you inject

>> No.9663890


Fuck that, how many acids do you inject?

>> No.9663898

I caved and bought some beers along with some Thai food for dinner.
Would you believe I just had two beers and am done for the night? I actually feel really great. Really mellow, I feel like a massage but it's 10:35pm and the only place I'll be able to get one is at a brothel and it'll cost a shitload.

>> No.9663979

Fug thats bad man. How are you feeling? How long were you in for?

>> No.9664025

That’ll learn you for cannabising. May god have merci on you’re sole.

>> No.9664197

>crashing on friends couch
>they both have exams today
>it's 9:00 am and I still haven't slept
Fucking kill me, I'm useless. The only thing I have going for me is that I'm handsome and funny.

>> No.9664327

>9:15 am
>keep hearing friend delay his alarm
>other black friend is listening to death metal I've shown him, breddy cool actually
>I just want them to leave so I can day nap like a huge piece of shit

>> No.9664371

Why can't you day nap now

>> No.9664614

Careful man. I know that feeling of being content with a couple drinks after being sober for a stretch prior, but it always ramps up.

>> No.9664636

Dad's in jail today
His friend just dropped off his car
Power's out for some reason and my phone is running outta battery
Bought a liter of gin from the corner store since i'll need something to do in the dark

Was 3 days sober :(

>> No.9664665
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How do I into liquor? Any al/ck/ infographics?

Never really had much of it cos I've always stuck with beer. I want to get rid of my excess chub.

>> No.9664673

People here are drinkers not brewers or tasters

Just buy a cheap 1l bottle of 40 percent gin and a 2l of sugarfree tonic.

>> No.9664707

But I want variety in my drinks :(

>> No.9664721

Get a handle of plastic bottle vodka and 10 kinds of Gatorade to chase it down

>> No.9664734

Just to let y'all know, I'm a senior in chemical engineering and a functioning alcoholic. I've got a test tomorrow in mass transport phenomina, but I'm drinking 16 oz natty light this morning that I picked up from the corner store. Really need to study but I've been on a bender for several days now. I need to quit drinking.

>> No.9664739

no dude - push through!

>> No.9664749

Too late.

Such a monkey wrench in my week. I was 2 and some days into a fast to heal myself as well.

>> No.9664756

you will feel so much more comfy if you dont smash it tonight tho just get a lil tipsy and doze off

>> No.9664766

A liter isn't that much between passing out and hair of the dog. I'm typically a liter plus drinker anyway. Ty for the concern though

>> No.9664790

You people need to go to NA or AA or something.

>> No.9664796

Get vodka, gin, whiskey, rum, tequila. Bottom shelf of course.
Get coke, orange juice, multifruit juice, and gin. Or just an ice cube and water.

>Alcoholic discussion thread on an Anonymous image board
>not AA
Go pray Jesus somewhere else.

>> No.9664855
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>type one diabetes
something interesting I learned recently is that psychiatric conditions are co-morbid with type 1 diabetes
sorry for the slow response btw, fell asleep

>> No.9664866

Do all of us got t1 betus?

>> No.9664871

I have an office job and deal with escalated customer complaints. Been drinking a bit at lunch for the past 6 months. Now I have over a 750ml habit, usually have a drink on my way to the office and all day. Honestly they must know but haven't even led on a hint they do. My preformance has gone from the green to yellow metric and we have team members in the red so I'm not too worried.

I want to quit and find a new job, drinking is a way I cope with hating this job and the customers, but can't get unemployment bux if I quit so I'm hoping I get fired (and not for getting too sloshed at work cuz I'm sure that blocks you from collecting neetbux)

>> No.9664890

Drink water and eat lotsa salads with red meat. Booze ain't that bad if you've got the rest of your habits on the plus side

>> No.9664901


Damn. What did your old man do?

>> No.9664907

Relapsed after ten days.

>> No.9664910


If you want to lose weight and still get drunk then stick to vodka, fix up your diet, and exercise more.

>> No.9664912

Pretty sure I've consumed at least 40 ounces of malt liquor every day for the past two month

Am I an alcoholic yet?

>> No.9664917

I wish there would be a ‘super size me’ type movie, but with alcohol all day every day instead of mcd’s. I’d watch. In fact maybe I’ll make the damn thing.

>> No.9664923

Relapsed after 95 days. Feels sad mang

>> No.9664929

Not sure. Went through his phone that his friends brought home. Calls to his lawyer and his beat friends. He didn't ask for his medication so I'm guessing he'll be home tomorrow. As long as he didn't kill anybody with his car he's probably alright.

Most people itt have been in jail

>> No.9664933


Yeah, the only reason I started drinking so bad was because of the severe anxiety I get from dealing with all these people, mostly the fucking women though. When I was working in jobs where it was just men I was still anxious but it was bearable enough to deal with it and not have to drink.

>> No.9664943

How do you quit drinking when all your friends and fellow classmates all know you as that guy whose always down to pound some brewskis? I feel like I'll lose people and connections that may be important to me down the road. (Oil and gas)

>> No.9664947
File: 29 KB, 480x910, 0B1EE2F6-9A25-49A4-9233-ABDB7059F2FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. 3 months. I’ve only managed that long once, now 14 years ago.
I feel great right now. Just chucked an ocean of nicotine, tramadol, weed, booze and lorazepam at my brain after 10 days on the wagon. The feel I’m going to have when I wake tomorrow and realise I fucked up, ooft. Not looking forward to it tbqh phamalam

>> No.9664950


You're probably diabetic.

>> No.9664951

No you only get the badge and certificate after 3 months.

>> No.9664958


What's the problem chief? Are you also the guy that's known for doing reckless and regrettable shit after pounding all those brewskus?

>> No.9665035

Yes. The list is endless

>> No.9665085

Well I'm on my way then

Prediabetic for certain

>> No.9665106

I'm drunk right now and it feels so good. All you AA faggots are really missing out

>> No.9665130

My history medium length
>get drinking after work with colleagues
>I like this
>Always drinking after work with colleagues or friends
>Always drinking after work with colleagues, friends or alone
>Always drinking now
>Health issues
>Stop drinking, lose job, friends, colleagues
>New job
>Drinking with colleagues starts again
>Health issues start again

As I sit here in a pub drinking the feeling of déjà vu and repition and life is just the same old shit day after day is making me feel bored and wanting to drink. A lot.

>> No.9665154

That's why we have kids, buddy

You deal with monotony to observe the hopeful try their luck

>> No.9665197


can't stand the little brats and they would get in the way of drinking

>> No.9665210

Well then there's sports

>> No.9665252

Not that guy, but dude I can’t even lay down without getting out of breath.

>> No.9665270


Never stopped my dad from enjoying his alcohol.

>> No.9665284

I miss when it felt good.
It stopped feeling good after a while.

>> No.9665291


I meant watching sports

>> No.9665305


drinking is a sport right?
you need to train for it
doing a lot of it makes you better at it
do too much and you risk injury

all I need is corporate sponsorship

>> No.9665320


I'm getting breathless doing normal stuff and getting pains left side of body
hearts fucked and spleens swollen I guess
damn you alcohol... better have a drink to relieve the stress of drinking

>> No.9665346

tonight I am going to get drunk as fuck

>> No.9665347


Holiday season soon guys


>> No.9665358


Jesus lads, it's not that hard to at least do calisthenics to keep yourselves in shape. If you have severe self-loathing you can also buy a heavy bag and do 3 minute rounds imagining you're beating yourself up.

t. degenerate work drunk

>> No.9665388

Gonna die alone lads

>> No.9665391

>implying I gave my heart to anyone last christmas
>or the christmas before that
>or the christmas before that
>or the christmas before that
>or the christmas before that
>or the christmas before that
>or the christmas before that

>> No.9665402

>implying this isn’t the only Christmas tune. And that Sarah isn’t the only waifu

>> No.9665413

Pretty gay T B H

>> No.9665430


I get a lift to work and back
I sit all day in an office
Shops are a minutes walk from my house
Throw in drinking and I have no time to exercise
Unless you count lifting bottle to mouth and walking to toilet as exercise

>> No.9665445

Get a gym membership and just drink faster post workout

>> No.9665489


I'm not having a gym company direct debit money out my account every month for something I'll start then give up on after a few months

>> No.9665516

I would watch that.

I watched a documentary on HBOGO called 'Risky Drinking' the other day. The last guy chronicled in it is practically that. At a 0.43 BAC he was having full body shakes. It was amazing to watch.

>> No.9665534


That's why I said calisthenics. You can do them in the comfort of your own home. You won't get yoked but will keep the weight down which is the worst for chronic illnesses.

>> No.9665542
File: 104 KB, 1113x1000, 2F0EE0AC-1736-452C-BDC6-B81475F63C21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Egyptian Pharos, Xin dynasty folk and the like got to die in a room full of loli concubines who’d been put to death and entombed until this day at the time of their death, and even then, they were dead when it happened. Even the most powerful humans ever to live experience at best cruel and fabricated glimpse at what it’s like to take someone’s hand to the gates of eternal non-existence. Everything dies alone.

>> No.9665558

>Mr.Cheerful These books
My childhood

>> No.9665570


I've actually lost weight these last few months
... Wait that's bad right

>> No.9665582


Someone needs to update these to modern life
>Mr. Internet Troll
>Ms. Insinuated Rape Claim

>> No.9665627

Yeah it started as a way to unwind the afternoon since I'd be so stressed from dealing with upset customers or anxiety calling one back and I take a late lunch so I'd have a stiff drink come back and the day will be over. Now I basically get drunk stare at my computer and do as little work as possible. I've been trying to taper but it never works. I have too many bills to quit outright I need unemployment or a new job. Looking for a job here is a job in it's own. I feel trapped, hopeless.

>> No.9665664


You replied to yourself

>> No.9665736

Is the Anon who shat ground coffee yesterday still here?

There are Mr Dr Who (or Mr Eighth, Mr Tenth, Mr Eleventh, I don't remember.)

>> No.9665781

That could be the pre- (or full) diabetes.

>> No.9665791

I live alone in the house where I grew up. I say alone, but over the holidays all the ghosts come to visit. Used to have some great parties and get togethers. Nice then, nightmare now.

>> No.9665803

So I'm borderline broke and on NEETbux. I'm wasted because I'm a piece of shit. Do I get pizza?

>> No.9665807

There's only one answer

>> No.9665818

To be honest, it's inevitable.

>> No.9665854

The program doesn't do anyone any good unless they want help.

That being said, there is free coffee and entertainment there.

>> No.9665863

Is pizza the official food of /alck/?

>> No.9665957

Gonna try to start rehab today, or at least get it lined up. Wish me luck.

I plan on doing inpatient. What would I be in for?

>> No.9665977

Guys is drinking 5 liters of wine a day considered alc ? Im feeling fine desu and functioning

>> No.9665982

Definitly doing damage to your liver.

>> No.9665992

Sure i know that ,but im gonna be cutting down .Its pretty tiresome but i have that thirst everyday its pretty fucked up and the cashier from my local grocery chain already knows me and its pretty embarresing to go there so i mix it up .

>> No.9666008

The day you modify your buying habits so the store employees don't judge you is the day you're an alcoholic

>> No.9666012

>tempted to go get some 40s or hit the pub
>but know it wont make me happy
also it will involve going outside and being outside stresses me out

what should i do, i feel agitated and booze would calm me down but i feel like if i go out im just gonna get more agitated and ill probably just become angry and dumb and break stuff if i drink

drinking 5L of anything a day sounds like a feat

>> No.9666015
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Been on the boat for 2 weeks, Longest I've been sober in 3 or 4 years.

Today that ends, Woke up to some bad feels about my ex. Going to drown these feels in jim beam and coke all fucking night

Fuck happiness, That's never happening. I've given up lads

>> No.9666030

You were just looking for an excuse to drink anyway

>> No.9666034

what does malt liquor taste ? i always wanted to try it but there isnt any in my part of the world ...

>> No.9666039
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time to brush my teeth, I gotta go drive for 5 hours at work. Hope I don't kill my self or anyone else.


>> No.9666042

fuck them ive been considering just ordering booze online desu ,just to be comfy and not go to the store and endure glances from fucktards because i buy 2L plastic wine bottles in 8 AM when the store opens .

>> No.9666054


I'm hanging on but just barely. When I was sober I was a top notch employee. Now I'm just bang average. If the economy takes a shit I'm the first one out the door.

>> No.9666057

like shit

i meant a 40 of proper stronk beer

black bull is my favorite just because it's the best value and doesnt taste bad (its actually quite fruity imo)

>> No.9666061

how much alcohol has it in % ?

>> No.9666065

you'd think that the point where you no longer even care what they think and just want your ba-ba is where you're an alcoholic

caring what the store clerks think means you still have shame, and still have the power to control your drinking, or at least feel bad enough about it to modify your habits

>> No.9666068


Every proper alky has a week long rotation of stores they buy from just to avoid the judgement.

>> No.9666075

>worried about what cashiers will think about you buying lots of alcohol

I couldn't give a fuck, buy a bottle of vodka every single day at bottleshop near me and have done for months

It's my fucking life and my choice to do what I want with it, why would I give a fuck what some stranger thinks

>> No.9666076


It's not that bad. You just have to pound it so it doesn't get cold.

>> No.9666077

10.1% i think idk i smash the bottles in anger so i dont have one to check

its def. above 10% though but no more than 11%

>> No.9666082

sounds nice ,does it make you gassy since its beer ?

>> No.9666083


Be safe brother.

>> No.9666097

its not the same as going to the local grocery store they are more attuned to alcs then those old hags that are cashiers at normal stores

>> No.9666106


>> No.9666108

I've bought boxed wine from the grocery store regularly too, it's no different

>> No.9666111

aus ?

>> No.9666118
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Girlfriend is a nurse and she keeps insisting my eyes look yellow. Should I be concerned about jaundice?

>> No.9666128


>> No.9666183

Only if you don't want to die

>> No.9666223

>You just have to pound it so it doesn't get cold.

>> No.9666227


Deffo. If you're already losing weight you might be fucked.

>> No.9666239

Pounding means drinking it quickly.

>> No.9666242

Why would it get colder if you drank it slowly?

>> No.9666269 [DELETED] 

I know you're probably very drunk so I'll give you a few minutes to think about it.

>> No.9666280

>In a thread about alcoholism
>Being surprised a poster can't type a coherent sentence

>> No.9666283

>It's not that bad. You just have to pound it so it doesn't get cold.

Doesn't the beer start cold? Why would it get colder after you start consuming it? Is it supposed to be "so it doesn't get warm"?

>> No.9666290

Oh, I see. You're being pedantic rather than retarded.
You know what he meant, idiot.

>> No.9666299


>> No.9666382

I drank too much last night and talked to a woman on the phone I met in a chatroom for 4 hours. How much will that cost? My mom pays my phone bill for me, after I give her 100 dollars a month for it, beause I have no credit.

>> No.9666400

Was it one of those "pay by the minute" phone sex services?

>> No.9666406

I think that depends a lot on your plan.
Maybe you should use skype or discord or something in the future, if she's always from the Internet anyway...

>> No.9666499
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>"Okay I'll stop drinking"
>mfw nothing to look forward to anymore

>> No.9666507

I recommend hiking and snowboarding

>> No.9666516

It's a painful death, so get your ass to a doctor or an hospital.

Depends. Where, to where, landline or mobile, etc.

>> No.9666531

Not that guy, but working and hiking helps me moderate my drinking habit. As does cooking, leather maintenance, cleaning, knife maintence, fire-arm maintenance, window-shopping and people-watching; or watching Hulu.

Idle hands are indeed the liquors plaything.

>> No.9666542 [DELETED] 


>> No.9666781

should I have a couple of drinks? I finished my week and I feel like I deserve a few

>> No.9666788

what is drunk ?

>> No.9666801

go for it

>> No.9666802

have more than a couple

you deserve it

>> No.9666817

weed is the only thing that stops my hardcore alcohol binges. would probably be dead without it.

>> No.9666849

i lost out to a faggy kid who starts on anyone
im so pathetic i need to get built and knock someone out

>> No.9666875 [DELETED] 

just hit him with a cordless drill while hes not looking or smth baka

>> No.9666894

Kind of fucked up where you are forcing a life into this reality just to distract yourself or have your fingers crossed that they'll somehow magically turn out well.

>> No.9666919


>> No.9666934

I can replace alcohol with weed but not overnight. Going from drinking a fifth a day to nothing makes weed not fun at all. I think it triggered a seizure for me one time.

>> No.9666937


Did you at least make a fight out of it or did he just embarrass you.

>> No.9667053
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Relapsed hard and ended up grabbing two bottles of vodka. There goes my month of progress.

>> No.9667061

Inherited more than a million dollars earlier this year. My mom was a drunk who was apparently also a secret millionaire. I grew up modestly. Life is confusing.

>> No.9667065
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Fuck progress.

>> No.9667070 [DELETED] 

1-3 get some 40s
4-6 goto bar
7-9 abstain
0 or dubs BOTH

>> No.9667071

Don't blow it all on stupid shit. I inherited 15 mil a few years ago, and it goes quicker than you realize.

>> No.9667072

I'll take it off your hands pal, don't worry I'll make the sacrifice

>> No.9667080

What the hell did you spend 15 million dollars on and why didn't you invest it

>> No.9667089


>> No.9667093

Oh no, I only spent about two and a half million in the past few years. Thing is that it wasn't even anything stupid being purchased. I chucked a bit of it at some bills I had to pay, got an inexpensive home, and have been using the rest for groceries and utility costs.

Investing is scary as shit.

>> No.9667095

yea i understand. I alternate between them to try and avoid alcohol dependency.

>> No.9667099
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Guys which one?

>> No.9667100 [DELETED] 



>> No.9667134

you think it's hard to spend 15 million?

go speak to someone making 10K a year and they'll question how the fuck someone could spend $15,000

It's all relative, and when most people all of a sudden have 15 million chances are they gonna blow it just as they would if they 15K

Get some perspective

>> No.9667142

I made 50k selling questionable things before I got this money. I didn't spend it. I've only used it to pay rent.

>> No.9667145


I wish I could inherit a bundle of money but the only family member I have that is wealthy is my father and I've spoken to him twice in the last 12 years or so. He'll probably leave everything to my sister.

>> No.9667151

Why not talk to him

>> No.9667162

Feels weird and last time he was seemingly eager to reconnect and then it was like he just got over the idea and stopped texting.

>> No.9667202

I was responding to the person asking how someone could spend 15 million dollars

Wether or not you did is irrelevant

>> No.9667264

well you replied to me

>> No.9667272

sorry I'm drunk
it's the same person. I sold things and inherited money.

>> No.9667303

you responded to your own post asking how you would spend 15 million dollars?

that was who I was responding to

>> No.9667312

well aware it was the same person posting who said they inherited 15mil and made money selling things

My initial post was directed to the person asking how you could spend 15mil and that's what you responded to

>> No.9667315
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>alcoholic for 9 years and before I met my fiance
>puts up with me and loves me through it all
>holds me when I'm sick and going through withdrawals
I feel like such a piece of shit. I've tried to get her to break up with me because she deserves better, but she loves me so much. I don't want to drink. Please fucking hell make it stop.

>> No.9667325

She's got her own problems and she's stuck with you for a reason

You need to man up and do what's right by her, or leave her and stop treating her like shit.

>> No.9667331

She won't let me. I love her more than anything and she loves me back. But I know this addiction is killing us both.

>> No.9667332

Tfw I will never have this kind of love.

Keep her close, dude.

>> No.9667339

It's out there. It's hard to find and it puts me through hell that I'm wasting it.

>> No.9667340

>I love her more than anything
not true

if you did you'd stop causing her so much pain

>> No.9667342

If only it was that simple to just end an addiction.

>> No.9667349

then she's fully aware of the fact you can't overcome this and she chooses to stay with you regardless

You shouldn't feel bad for it when it's her choice to be with you

And if you feel bad for your own decisions then leave her

It's fucking simple.

>> No.9667392

>life is just THAT simple

>> No.9667398

Week sober and feeling happy. No psychological cravings but some sort of physical ones that are partly solved by dark chocolate.

Thinking about smoking some dank though.

>> No.9667419

It really is, people just create all these situations to avoid accepting the truth

>> No.9667423

It pretty much is.

You go from thinking "life is pretty easy" to "whoa there, life is HARD and it isn't simple", and finally to "Okay, yeah, it actually is pretty simple if you break it down, it's just that the vast majority of people, including myself, generally don't have the willpower to make those decisions we ought to make." Making it some "it's COMPLICATED, maaaaan" thing is just you making excuses for your own inability to do all sort of things, mostly motivate yourself.

>> No.9667427

yes, this person gets it

>> No.9667429

well it sounds like the problem is that you drink too much

>> No.9667435

Sounds to me like you don't actually have an addiction.

>> No.9667446

I've probably been far past wherever you think you are down the alcohol rabbit hole.

>> No.9667451

"sounds to me" like you're unable to accept reality of the situation

btw I'm a full blown alcoholic and I'm completely ok with that

I accept that it's a bad life decision
I accept that it's affecting people around
And I accept that it will one day kill me

If people can't accept the repercussions of their own actions they are weak and should either change someone in their life or get the fuck over it.

>> No.9667452

Please, do tell.

>> No.9667459

Anon, I already stated I understand it's horrible. I want this out of my life and I've been struggling with it.

>> No.9667460

>boohoo im al/ck/
>tell me how bad my decisions are and try to convince me to change
>but its not my fault because of reasons
al/ck/ the post

you're all such whiney fucking cunts

go fucking kill yourselves

>> No.9667462

No I'm the one who got more than a mil. Keep up.

>> No.9667467

>go fucking kill yourselves
We're already trying to.

>> No.9667468

>already stated
this is an anonymous forum, I have no idea what you stated already

and I'm not the same person you were replying to, I replied to your post because you're a fucking idiot

>> No.9667474

Yeah, I know I am. I'm glad we're on the same page.

>> No.9667478

No, you are the cry for help faggots everyone hates.

>> No.9667480


>> No.9667486

Why are you even here?

>> No.9667492

better question is why are you even here?

>> No.9667504

No friend, I think you need to reflect on that question. An actual alcoholic will understand.

>> No.9667507

this post below isn't you?

>> No.9667511

>an actual alcoholic

btw not the same person you were asking why they are even here

>> No.9667522

Have you tried rehab

>> No.9667527

How long?

>> No.9667528

>you have to justify your alcoholism to me
get the fuck out

go fuck yourself

>> No.9667533

>I've been drinking for a whole year

>> No.9667534

A man died last thread from his alcoholism
Can you hold a candle to that one

>> No.9667536

I want these fucking idiots to leave.

>> No.9667545

>i care how much other people drink

you're just fucking upset because of posts like this that you can't accept are true

>> No.9667554

>A man died last thread from his alcoholism
not true

unless you can provide evidence

>> No.9667556

You're drunk go home

>> No.9667570

Please elaborate. I know I'm being bad. I know the situation isn't good. I've tried to get my fiance to leave me and we both fell asleep crying. I know I'm a bad person. I understand, anon.

>> No.9667571

>using "you're drunk"
>in an al/ck/ thread

>> No.9667578

the solution is to take a sturdy material, hang it over a doorknob and hang yourself.

>> No.9667580

If only the rest of you would follow his example.

>> No.9667585

Yeah, I probably will soon enough. It's all good.

>> No.9667602

do it faggot

>> No.9667607

You try to get her to leave for the self esteem boost it gives you when she refuses
That's your real addiction

>> No.9667609


>> No.9667614

I don't have to. The doctors already told me my liver and pancreas are failing. It's only a matter of time.

>> No.9667620

I wish.

>> No.9667630

yes it is

>> No.9667637

>boohoo my lifes so hard
kill yourself now and get it over with if that's how you really feel

fucking pathetic fuckheads coming to cry and have a whinge over their life in /ck/ threads

>> No.9667639


This faggy attention whoring is why you fucks need to die.

Nobody in your real lives gives a fuck about you so you have to come here and find an equally annoying attention whoring faggot with who you can commiserate in faggotry while we are all forced to see this shit on top of /ck/ day after fucking day.

>> No.9667640

Lesson: Don't drink isopropyl alcohol

>> No.9667655


>> No.9667680


Yep, if you get fired for drinking on the job, at least if you're in the U.S., you won't qualify for unemployment. I think the term most states use is something like "gross misconduct." If you get fired just because you're a garden variety crummy worker, you can still get unemployment. But punch someone, drink on the job, steal, etc., and no unemployment.

And believe me, your employer will go out of its way to make sure you don't get unemployment if you were indeed fired for something serious, because their taxes go up when their former employees collect unemployment.

>> No.9667691


I'm not shitting on you but I always wonder if a woman falls in love with an alcoholic how will you if shell love you when you get sober?

>> No.9667725

i've done it twice. mixed it with sprite. it was awful. drank half a bottle

>> No.9667742


>> No.9667772
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Im quite fine actualy.

>> No.9667776

me on the left

>> No.9667812

Friendly reminder that naltrexone is a good option for most of you. I am on day 12 sober. It's not that hard to go sober from the cravings perspective, but the boredom and sadness remains. That being said, 2/3 is easier to handle than all three together.

>> No.9667883


Good lad. Next time mix your wine with handwash fluid like the Injuns do.

>> No.9667892

Just mix it with salt and drip it through a coffee filter or a cloth.

>> No.9667945


>> No.9667973

Just what it says. Hand sanitizer is about 65% alcohol. The salt absorbs the aloe or gel or whatever and what drips through is almost pure everclear. Probably tastes horrible, I don't know. I haven't got to that point yet. Some brands are clear and unscented. Would probably be the best bet.

>> No.9667986

cool thanks. and safe wise how much can I drink? I want to feel like ive had 7-10 oz of 40% whiskey

>> No.9667997

Probably no more than 4 ounces or so and mix it at least double or triple. Straight it will seal up your throat.

>> No.9668011

thanks man, Any last tips or important things I should know, I'm putting sanitizer on my shopping list

>> No.9668075

Better check the label to be sure there aren't any additives you never heard of. They might poison it like they do with rubbing alcohol. Also, I think cheap vodka is cheaper.

>> No.9668079

in Canada, all booze is expensive

>> No.9668139
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Man i love the bouts of insomnia i get while of the wagon
Being perpetually tired is better than not being able to fucking sleep for 28 fucking hours

Staying sober was a mistake

>> No.9668167

It will pass and then you’ll sleep like a baby.

>> No.9668185

I work around heavy machinery, I clock in at 8 and I've been known to be past the legal limit at 9, so don't feel bad if you're an office tycoon and have a drinking habit. Your mistake while drunk is forgetting a zero on the computer, my mistake is forgetting one of my fingers neatly sliced off in the pan of a CNC

>> No.9668204

whiney little bitch

aint nobody "died in the last thread"

>> No.9668213

you're all good people in my book

>> No.9668233

It's been one and a half week

>> No.9668327

I just woke poisoned after relapsing yest. I dreamt about my ex all damn night. She got married earlier this year.
This is horrific.
6.10am, ~200ml down, urge to live crumbling.

>> No.9668331


>> No.9668815

Woke up in the middle of the night in full withdrawal. Just puked my ass off too. Somebody hold me.

>> No.9668820

I've been sober with her and she prefers it. It's a very complicated situation.

>> No.9668843

What are the worst withdrawals you've gone through?

I've had seizures, been hospitalized 13 times in less than a year. I'm sitting here shaking and freezing after throwing up. I might have another seizure. Someone kill me. Please God just end it.

>> No.9668845

I feel you, man. Just know we're going through the same shit.

>> No.9668849

I've had DTs twice. Really scared of it happening again. Seeing spiders everywhere, being confused, and shaking. Never had a seizure though. Usually I just sweat, puke and shake. When I start to see things, I go to the hospital. My medical record looks TERRIBLE. So many fucking admissions for alcohol withdrawal. Makes doctors not trust me with medication. FIrst time I have WDs I was only 19.

>> No.9668856

Yeah I feel you man. I brought my meds with me when I went for a visit and they never gave them back. It was like $100 worth of medication. I've only hallucinated once. Some man kept popping up beside me. It was fucking horrific.

>> No.9668865
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Who else has pissed themselves?

>> No.9668868

Could it be close to over for me? I doubt it, but I sometimes wish it could.
>have drank hard liquor on and off since 16
>been through withdrawal many times
>nowadays, it happens far sooner
>on a month binge of a fifth a day
>threw up dark blood for first time
>constantly feel tired
>have always gotten the insomnia and sleep deprivation, but have never felt THIS exhausted
>feel like i can barely even walk at times
>jolt up at 4 am every morning shaking, sweating, bad dreams, needed some drinks

>> No.9668872
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Turns out their keeping my dad in jail until Tuesday.

For fuck's sake the guy is 76 years old.

>> No.9668873

>Could it be close to over for me

>> No.9668879


>> No.9668884

Wouldn’t worry too much. Going cold turkey in lock up is hopelessly nasty, but if he’s an alchie he’ll no doubt be used to it. Other than that it’s just incredibly boring being locked up.

>> No.9668887

None yet. I'll have more info once his friends come by

>> No.9668892

No, he's never touched liquor. Straight edge as they come. I'm the one sat at his house drinking lol. My life is basically jail I'm just free to come and go if I ever feel the need.

>> No.9668894
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I'm sorry, anon.

>> No.9668900

She probably has some daddy issues/messiah complex or other fuck-ups, don't feel bad about it, she's with you of her own will

>> No.9668902

Uncle's been dealing with alcoholism his entire life, he's in hospital right now going through withdrawals and hallucinating and making such a fuss he needed to be restrained, and they're monitoring his vitals because they're worried his heart rate is so high. He's been living in absolute squalor, my mum spent the better part of last year cleaning out his house and it's full of buckets of stale piss, blood on the ground from various injuries he's gotten while drunk, etc. She cleaned out over 400 bottles of vodka and has no idea when that stockpiling began, but I would assume a bottle a day.

I bought 1L Canadian Club and am having it now since I just got off work.

>> No.9668910

you're probably anemic, hence the tiredness

>> No.9668911

What if I told you I'm actually female and it's a male that's putting up with my alcoholism?

>> No.9668917

post a picture of your hand with a timestamp

>> No.9668922

Why? Who cares?

>> No.9668924

I've seen a lot of hands, and it functions as an evidence

>> No.9668932

It's fine, I was just joking. Give me one sec.

>> No.9668934

i'd believe you cause your a whiny little bitch that can't accept the truth

>> No.9668936

I’ve dated an alchie chick. I forgave everything and anything, and don’t regret it, because I love her. Might help that I’m like 3 times her size so could brush her off if she got violent, but even if she did manage to bottle me (she’s tried) it wouldn’t have changed how I felt about her. She’s with someone else now and I’m glad, because her happiness is more important than my own. If he loves you anything like as much as I love her, I wouldn’t worry if I were you. Drunken dudes are a fucking hazard, but grils are too feeble and adorable to be a real pest.

>> No.9668937

Go back to /b/ with this tits or gtfo bullshit, no one over twenty cares about girls invading their 'safe space'.

>> No.9668949
File: 928 KB, 558x748, 2017-11-09_02-54-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I know.

Also this.

>> No.9668955
File: 458 KB, 1338x275, titsorgtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9668964

It's okay. I don't give a fuck.

>> No.9668965

I don't enjoy it either you know. We love and respect you all the same. I'm sorry for what I've done.

>> No.9668968

>gets told to go back to /b/
>posts a five year old screencap from /b/
Yeah, we've all seen it. She mentioned her gender because someone else incorrectly assumed it was a boy. You've missed the irony of hating when people derail the thread on the topic of gender despite doing nothing but that by demanding she prove it.

I'm not trying to protect you, I'm personally tired of these spergs

>> No.9668979

>I'm not trying to protect you, I'm personally tired of these spergs

You belong on reddit. Go back.
The reddit faggots, pol boogeyman crybabies and now white knights are shitting up these once comfy threads.

>> No.9668982

>show hand
>does it
>lmao plebbit
Fucking retards.

>> No.9668987

Are you upset by girls?

>> No.9668988

I didn't ask for your fucking hand. I'm just irritated at the bullshit that has come to the thread. What possible need was there to bring up you're a female? Why did you change the original story?

>> No.9668989

Anyone watching Mr Robot? Downloading the new episode now

>> No.9668991

Pretty much. Women are fucking awful. Wish I was gay desu.

>> No.9668992

I'm sorry

>> No.9668994

Apology accepted.

>> No.9668995

Yeah me too.

>> No.9669000

I'm gonna fuck off guys. Sorry. i love you tho

>> No.9669001

Woman are hysterical, manipulative and unreliable anyway, doesn't matter if addicted to anything or not. If you're hot he's still a lucky guy.
You sound like a cuck

>> No.9669003

How could girls be alcoholics

>> No.9669011


>> No.9669014

Some sort of abuse when younger I guess. Women by and large really don't carry the sort of issues alcoholics have which they drink to forget.

>> No.9669030

they also get addicted quicker due to poorer tolerance and whatnot, plus they are less self-aware overall

>> No.9669033

New >>9669006

>> No.9669039

Yep, I've also shat myself.

>> No.9669069

Don’t worry about the fag. There’s someone in these threads who always throws his toys out of the pram if a girl shows up. Guessing it’s either a deluded homo or a fat chick, jealous that someone is posting who might be very popular here. Keep posting, and feel better.

>> No.9669072

Stop whining, you’re as bad as /pol/.

>> No.9669150

Any word from Smirnoff bro?

>> No.9669582

Getting rehabituated to not being poisoned all the time takes a while.

Of course you should practice proper sleep hygiene now that you can’t rely on just passing put as well.

>> No.9669740

I will never have this kind of relationship with a woman. I have given up any hope of it. Try to preserve this and do the right thing.