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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9654971 No.9654971 [Reply] [Original]

Roasties welcome edition.

>> No.9654981


>> No.9654995

How long can you go without drinking until you start to feel horrible?

>> No.9655013

You mean physical or mental dependence?

Once I reach bottle a day mode I rarely make it past 8 hours or so, including sleep.

When I dry up I can feel great for weeks.

>> No.9655172

>therapist appointment is on my only free day during the week in the morning
>have to drive there
fuuuuuuuck, I don't want to wait till friday

>> No.9655187

I feel horrible by the time I wake up in the morning. I'm either hung over or withdrawing.

>> No.9655271

>hung over or withdrawing
same thing.

>> No.9655390

6 days now, feeling pretty good.
Just keeping busy and going on walks.
Few family functions where everyone else was drinking and I'm there with a juice, got the obvious "why aren't you drinking?" "Just have one" lines but powered through.
Weekend was the bigger challenge, back into the working week so will keep active and cook to fill the time before bed.
Listening to Bill Burrs whinging about being sober always makes me laugh so i'll have a podcast or two when I really want a glass.

>> No.9655406

Impressive mate, especially given the social events.

>> No.9655523

hungover is the same as withdraws? Are you retarded?

>> No.9655530

Jury's still out, but some evidence points to hangovers being a mild form of withdrawal.

>> No.9655533

thread theme
I cried when I first heard this, i've never heard something so accurate in relation to my withdrawals

>> No.9655544
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hair of the dog in the morning sure helps the hangover but it never gets rid of the hangover....

The shakes however is a form of withdrawl. I don't have them yet thankfully

>> No.9655550

song is terrible but check these trips and dubs out

>> No.9655551


>> No.9655553

Just started drinking rum for the first time. What are soon good cocktails to try? So far I've just been mixing it with juice and drinking it straight

Also, is it OK to buy bottom of the barrel liquor for mixes? And save the good stuff for sipping

>> No.9655558

I just drink whatever is cheapest because being a functioning alcoholic in Canada is expensive and I'm a broke boy already to begin with

>> No.9655563

what kind of rum?

>> No.9655570
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It's 3:15 p.m and I'm drunk as fuck/broke/want pizza. I'm trying to jew Domino's as hard as I can. Help.

>> No.9655584
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>had to finally leave my house to replace my bank card so i could buy more beer and groceries
>at the bank, feel stressed the entire time
>whip out my wallet to produce id when asked, teller asks if it's handmade
>"yeeeah-- tape"
>feel genuine anxiety at this point
>go back home quickly and stressed out the whole way

i think im developing agoraphobia

theyre literally not, withdrawal is literally going into shock due to changes in your body chemistry from suddenly not having to process alcohol anymore

hangovers are usually just mild dehydration and poop problems

hair of the dog works the same way a morning cup of coffee works; it gets your digestive system going a bit

get pizza from a proper local pizzaria instead of shitty corporate food

>> No.9655589

google some coupons.

how much ya workin wit?

>> No.9655593

You think I want to spend money on good food while I'm wasted? Not a chance.

>> No.9655603

About $100 to spend. On anything. Food and clothes, etc. for about a month.

>> No.9655609
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>tfw always enjoy Forza and DiRT a lot more after drinking
its a good thing i dont own a car, id probably drive drunk and die a lot

>What are soon good cocktails to try?
bedbugs and semen

rum and basically any fruit juice go together very well, and theres always the classic Cuba Libre (rum, coke, lime)

idk man in my experience local places give better portions than dominos or pizza hut for about the same price

>> No.9655612
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comfy picu

>> No.9655623
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just go walk to your local grocery, buy a frozen bag of tater tots, walk home, put the bag of tater tots in the oven, forget to turn it on or remove tater tots from bag and fall asleep with you cloths on stomach down on your bed

>> No.9655628

save it and get a slice at a local pizza spot if you can.

if you live in the middle of nowhere then save the money. Dominos here is like 11-20 bucks easy

>> No.9655633

Beans are pretty cheap. Oh and faygo soda.

>> No.9655646

brown rice, dried beans, kilju

>> No.9655647

>she blocks you path and vomits on your girlfrinds ass
>what do you do

>> No.9655660

6 dollar gold rum

>> No.9655669

>About $100 to spend. On anything. Food and clothes, etc. for about a month.
that youve lumped together food and clothes into the same bracket tells me you're either living at home (and there is literally nothing wrong with that), or you are an utter retard who needs to buy You Need A Budget 4 on Steam right now

>> No.9655693

Don't they offer a large 3 topping for like, 8 bucks every day now? It used to be Monday through Wednesday, and back in college I ordered one on Monday night and lived on it until Wednesday. Sometimes I ordered another one again that Wednesday night, but usually I was so sick of it by then that the smell of the melted cheese made me dry heave. Anyway, yeah. As long as you can pick it up, you're not in too bad of shape getting one of those every week.

As for clothes, I hope you have shit already. If you're working from nothing, you're already fucked. Start cutting holes in blankets and wearing them as ponchos. 100 bucks will pay for one winter coat and then you're eating rats until Christmas.

>> No.9655695

if he only has $100 to spend this month on food and cloths do you think he has extra money for steam excel spreadsheets simulators?

he should pirate it

>> No.9655728

For any Nova Scotians, what's the best bang for my buck at the government liquor store? I've found they don't sell anything higher than 90 proof.

>> No.9655734

>you're either living at home
The only people to whom living at home means "living with parents" are people who live with their parents. Everyone who isn't homeless lives at home.

>> No.9655736

Ottawafag here, box of 12.5% red wine is 33.46$ at the lcbo

>> No.9655740

Suprising how quickly your skin clears up after not being on drinking, I was like the grease teen from the simpsons before

>> No.9655748

not that i dont have problems and feel my house is not my home, but where i live "living at home" generally refers to "living with parents" -- if you meant otherwise, you'd say something more specific like "living on your own" or "living in residence" or somesuch

prolly comes from the old days where houses were bigger and family-owned and passed through generations, 2bh, so "at home" ran counter to other places you could live, and the implication of it being with parents wasnt positive or negative, it was just "at home, with parents" or "not at home, because you're in factory housing/school dorms/the poorhouse/etc"

it prolly cleared up because you werent too drunk to wash ur fuckin face u coward

>> No.9655757

What is the Dark Souls of liquor?

>> No.9655760

Expert pizza time coming through:

If you wait till about 10 minutes before most pizza places you can obtain very cheap pizza. Typically from unclaimed ones. I used to do this all the time - get an X-Large for like 5 bucks. However, I would recommend applying this technique at a Papa Murphy's for best results. Cooked pizza could have been sitting for over an hour.

>> No.9655768

>he washes his face
Calm down there princess

>> No.9655771

Whisky and its related grain boozes (bourbon, scotch, etc)

hands down

>seemingly obscure or hip or "not for everyone"
>but everyone drinks it or has at least some knowledge of it and it's objectively plebeian
>everyone thinks it's hardcore
>but it's not actually that hard to deal with once you get used to it, and the higher tiers of it are not hard, it's just about attention to detail in execution and actually very satisfying and palatable, if expensive
>everyone thinks there's such massive variety
>but there's basically one way to make it, one way to do it, and everything else is just elaborate yet ineffective self-harm if you know better

>> No.9655775
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>If you wait till about 10 minutes before most pizza places you can obtain very cheap pizza

>> No.9655780

If you wait till about 10 minutes before most pizza places 'close' you can obtain very cheap

>> No.9655781

>If you wait till about 10 minutes before most pizza places you can obtain very cheap pizza. Typically from unclaimed ones.
I think this is just a smaller town thing. I've seen this literally once, and it was at a Timmy's with doughnuts.

Pizza places, either the staff take the lost pizza home themselves, or they just sell it off as slices.

In fact, at my local places, when I get a deal, it's the opposite -- they refuse to make me a whole pizza, but say they'll give me the day's slices that have been left there unbought under heat lamps instead. It's an okay deal at best, too, these lebanese boys know how to fleece a nigga

>> No.9655793

The most pathetically worded question I've seen on this board.

>> No.9655797

Maybe.. I haven't tried it at a cooked pizza place in a long timer. I live in a pretty big city with 4 Papa Murphy locations and usually will stop by 1 of them if I'm broke and always score.
They don't always take the leftovers home. Also, they have lots of premade pep and cheese pizzas and will just throw toppings on them. Saves me lots of bucks if I'm over short on cash or just feel like being a cheap little shit.

>> No.9655938

if you arent totally desensitized to "What is the Dark Souls of [thing]?" you havent lived in a major city nor have you hung with enough nerds

i'd recommend keeping it that way. it's a happier life.

it's literally one of the reasons i drink

>> No.9655959
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how long till i start puking?

>> No.9655966

Is it with Isopropanol? Also shouldn't it be denaturized?

>> No.9655987

that's fuckin nasty dude

>> No.9655993

>Food and clothes, etc.
I only shop for clothing two or three times a year. Who buys clothing on a monthly basis?

>> No.9655995

>that alcohol

also very soon, they put agents in rubbing alcohol specifically to induce vomiting.

>> No.9656004

>Reddit summed up in one post.

>> No.9656014

is that true? I could google it but im not going to

>> No.9656021

what the fuck are you drinking iso?

>> No.9656023

Is that isopropanol? Half a liter (2 cups) will kill a 70 kg / 150 lb human.

>> No.9656027
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>> No.9656028

Sobriety isn't worth the thoughts that are flooding back to me. 3 weeks is my high score. Going back to drinking ASAP.

>> No.9656035


that's not even the right kind of alcohol, dumbass

>> No.9656036

you're going to die

>> No.9656042

most normies these days are reddit and it's a bad thing and you have to get used to it if you wanna live in the real world

its foul but life has never been fair, has it

not what i meant

it's true. i've never drunk it myself but there's plenty of tales ive heard of abbos drinking iso right in the aisles of the pharmacy, but many a teenager fukken tossing after one shot of rubbing alcohol because of that vomit agent.

>> No.9656043

do NOT drink that. boxed wine is for plebs

>> No.9656051

You can still get drunk from it, I think

>> No.9656053
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>drinking rubbing alcohol

are you trying to kill yourself?

>> No.9656065


you're better off drinking mouthwash tbqh

>> No.9656069

Haven't drank in two months. I really want to go buy a 6-pack and drink the whole thing. Better yet I want to buy a half pint and chug it then go to town on a handle. I miss having the room spinning and being blasted all day.
I'm not going to though. I'll return one day but I just want to save money or something. Idk
I wish I could find weed. Fall into some weird disassociation

>> No.9656070
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im mixing it with red wine for that extra kick. ill let you guys know what happens

>> No.9656074

i laughed at this, thought id let you know your post was pleasing + was a good joke

>> No.9656091

good luck I guess

>> No.9656127

No hand sanitizer back?

>> No.9656138


>> No.9656144
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I feel pretty wasted after 2-3oz mixed with about 2-3 cups of wine. My stomach had a nice burning sensation like i just ate a bowl of curry

>> No.9656146
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12 pack every night - even work night for going on a decade.

The gnats from the empties are worse than my fear of the future.

>> No.9656147

The large toxic sign would put me off.
What makes you think it’s not denurated?

>> No.9656152

I don't? What does that even mean

>> No.9656160

It’s when poisons are added to alcohol products like cleaners, to stop people from drinking them

>> No.9656163
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>> No.9656166

30 minutes.

>> No.9656172

I am interested in your knife.. Custom?

>> No.9656183

Embalming fluid and an agent to make it taste extremely bitter. Would not drink

>> No.9656187
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you i make them occaisonaly

>> No.9656190

It's usually not actual poison, but certain chemicals in low concentration that make it extremely bitter >>9656163 denatonium benzoat is what used here, but it isn't poisonous. It's to make sure that people don't drink it, since then it can be sold without the added alc-taxes

>> No.9656191

how you feeling champ? you ralph yet?

>> No.9656198

man, good for you, anon. seriously. i have no will power.

>> No.9656199

thnx, I figured I'd be alright

I feel drunk friendo

>> No.9656201

There's no embalming fluid in there, camphor just makes it smell better

>> No.9656205

You should be fine, nothing in there is at high enough levels to be dangerous (as for taste, no idea), you def bought the right sanitizer, since most have isoprop or other things in it

>> No.9656206

Alcohol taxes only apply to drinkable alcohol. So they make it undrinkable when it's for other uses.
Methods vary country from country, some make it taste like shit, some make you puke, some kill you. Depends how retarded brand and local legislation are.

>Water, ethanol ("regular" alcohol), bittering agent, bad smell agent.
Camphor can be poisonous, hopefully not in the dose you took.

Consider distilling for cheap booze instead.

>> No.9656209

You watching F is for Family? Pretty good, guy.

>> No.9656210

m8 please get a real sharpening stone and dont use your serration sharpener for everything

also i like the tang being full and pinned but the shape overall is very memey, its bad for stabbing but cant be used for cooking or bushcraft either. the serration is also in a bad spot and there isnt enough of it. it looks like a knife you bought at an anime convention and then modified

please tell me its not a knife you bought at an anime convention and then modified

>> No.9656213

>When you wake about to turn to dust from thirst, but your trusty water bottle is full, next to your bed, and from the moment that first atom hits the tip of your tongue until the last few gulps swish down into your stomach, then every cell in your body has an orgasm because of the soothing, healing water being soaked up hungrily by your body and flowing amply around you, regenerating your very soul with its soothfulness and making life worth living by it’s deliciousness.

>> No.9656219

To be fair, anon said they do it occasionally.. The first knife pictured looks like it has a solid convex grind.

Everyone has to start somewhere.

>> No.9656220

6 black label supreme 8% for $9

>> No.9656224
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i use stones. the following pics should let you know if these are infact hand made.

also, im a little embaressed for you to explain this but every knife is meant to be greatt at everything. I make what i want to make when i feel like making it

>> No.9656226

Yea - that, Bo Jack Horseman,Trailer Park Boys, and a few others I can't recall are my go tos

>> No.9656231

>The first knife pictured looks like it has a solid convex grind.
the leading edge looks great but it also looks machine-made, and the rear of it is an utter mess that looks like it was made with one of those sharpening wedges for serrated knives and no other tool

>> No.9656232
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>> No.9656233

come on, man, are you fucking kidding me? i hope this is a joke, bro. you can die from that.

good bait tho if it's a j/k, you got me

>> No.9656240

I was referring to this one

>> No.9656245
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these were both were grinded down from 1/4 inch steel billets. the fancier of the 2 being alabama damascus.

anime convention or hand made. wat u think friendo?

>> No.9656247

empties are a curse bro, my family would never know a thing if i wasn't lazy with the fucking empties.

>> No.9656254

With an edge that messy, that has discrete edges, I don't believe you for a second that you even own a stone.

>every knife is meant to be greatt at everything
If that were the case, my rasp would have come with an edge and chisel point. Y'know, for chiseling.

>the rear of the knife is still a complete mess
>instagram filters
the absolute state of american manufacturing.

>> No.9656264

o thats one of the first ones I made and never finished, the handle is still in rough shape.

I am a stock removal knife maker. google it. They look factory made because that is one way to mass produce knives. also thabnk you its a compliment to say my work looks "factory"

>> No.9656266

oh ok yeah the knife in >>9656144 looks not bad for an amateur job, id carry that shit 2bh.

i was talking about >>9656187

also just noticed
>the fucking handle is serrated but only for 4 teeth
l m a o

>> No.9656272

You're confusing posters. I was the one who had interest in the first place. It looks handmade, and I like the unfinished look. Seems like a versatile tool.

>> No.9656276

yo its a knife, who gives a fuck

>> No.9656278
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you mean this? yeah purely deco

ps i meant not every knife is meant to be great at everything. you wouldnt dare try to baton with a paring knife now woukd you?

>> No.9656285

A knife is a tool. Only a shitty craftsman blames their tools, and only a shitter one blames other people's tools. But it takes a special kind of shitty to make their own shitty tool instead of seeking out a proper one for their work.

>> No.9656302

i lol'd. The ones I still own I either couldn't sell or early works that i keep as mementos like the rip popper, green handle

>> No.9656308

dude crack a fucking beer or something, your autistic assblasting is spilling out all over the place

>> No.9656317

Read the thread. He really isn't in all that much risk.

>> No.9656341
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im already a 40 of 10% deep and my hatred has only grown. I have never been in a place where my frustration has lessened, where someone has proven to me that they are not either incompetent or malicious, and since sequestering myself to my own damn house ive noticed an overwhelming majority of outside influence that makes my life worse has always been american or american-inspired

>> No.9656345

anyone else here in school?
I've got an exam in two days that I haven't started studying for. just been drinking in bed

>> No.9656346
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update another 3-4oz down. i feel pretty drunk. like im drinking hard liquor. taste like ..... what you woukd imagine rubbing alcohaul mixed with red wine would taste like

>> No.9656349

God and how they rack up! I store them on top the fridge, then crush them in the garage and wait till I have a load full to dump and make the firefighters happy in the collection trailer.

Took a load last weekend and there are still gnats in my car.

>> No.9656356

i wouldn't dare try batoning with any knife because i have a fucking axe and i'm not some drunken hipster

your knives look like shit and demascus is a shit type of steel

>> No.9656361

you're going to die bro

>> No.9656372

gnat like bug?

>> No.9656380


>> No.9656381

what are you going to make as your last meal?

>> No.9656388

re heat some lentil curry over red cargo rice topped with a table spoon of sour creme and half table spoon of garlic chili paste.

im still alive ill post pic lol

>> No.9656394

having a bad day sir?

>> No.9656396

yea. Fruit flies - whatever. The annoying little shits that multiply like ... flies?

>> No.9656418

>your knives look like shit and demascus is a shit type of steel
true facts the only reason its popular is because of retards going OMG THEY CANT FIVGURE IT OUT? MUSS B MAGIC even though the "they cant figure it out" is literally as mundane as "we can't find historical records of their economics, but steel-making process itself is well understood"

>> No.9656423

fuck it I'm drinking some seagram's

>> No.9656426
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sounds good, though i suspect you'll need this in the morning

>> No.9656433

lol, probably

>> No.9656435

yeah me, got a 200 word essay due next week

>> No.9656592
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taking sip from the container and chasing with wine. not dead dont feel dead prob wont be dead.

sound track for the adventure

cheers poorfags

>> No.9656601

go get em

>> No.9656604

5 days sober. Drinking herbal tea and feeling happy, strangely enough.

>> No.9656673

>sip from the container

yeah how about you sink the whole thing in 5 seconds, see how you feel then you silly bitch

>> No.9656714

lol naw i'd rather not go to the hospital

>> No.9656724

>drink in hand, think,
>"maybe i can at least play a video game, surely that wont go wrong like everything else does all the time"
>pc fans spool up like fucking jet engines
>entire computer crashes
>have to pull plug from wall to get it to restart

im done with this whole "life" thing
its clearly not for me

>> No.9656768

Didn't you already post this exact post?

>> No.9656793

no i didnt. thanks for reminding me to throw bottles in the street

>> No.9656801

somebody is drunker than me

>> No.9656813

it's posts like this that make me feel better about my alcoholism.
i've had some pretty rock bottom moments but i've never tried to drink rubbing alcohol.

>> No.9656821

does the red lentil curry pair well with the isopropyl alcohol?

>> No.9656831

haven't eaten yet. Going for maximum buzz on my empty stomach friendo

>> No.9656832

>i've had some pretty rock bottom moments but i've never tried to drink rubbing alcohol.
probably because youre not some dumbshit abbo drinking it to prove a point against the white man

>> No.9656892

I barely have any money and I just spend almost $20 for pizza delivery. I was also supposed to have a meeting with a therapist today and didn't go.

What am I doing.

>> No.9656895

It's been rough, boys. I fucked up my taper and landed myself in the hospital for a week after having a seizure at work. I don't know if this is a blessing in disguise or not, because it means I'm through the DTs. However I lost a week's worth of wages. It looks like I don't have a choice to keep it up this time because I won't have the money for booze.

Fuck I want a drink. Wish me luck.

>> No.9656924

Yeah isopropanol is just isopropane with an alcohol molecule bonded to the outside. Sole purpose as an antiseptic and way harder for your body to process. It won't even get you drunk I don't think, just poison the dogshit out of you.

>> No.9656996

I had my first seizure last time I went cold turkey too. I wound up in the hospital but they just sent me home with some ativan. Might have been from the time before that I was hospitalized from going CT and had a crisis team called on me.

>> No.9657069

I underestimated how much I would need to maintain without severe DTs. It was goddamn embarrassing and pretty damn scary. I'm hoping I can keep it up. I've got a crisis team in place now, too. I was shocked when my blood work came back and I had 0 alcohol in my system because I usually sneak shots throughout the day. I guess my liver isn't as shot to shit as I thought it was.

Cold turkey is never a good idea, I'm just glad someone found me before I hurt myself and I wasn't on a ladder or something.

>> No.9657126

>. I've got a crisis team in place now, too.
how fucking rich are you that you have your own personal rapid responmse team

>> No.9657136

i hate to undo progress and indulge illness and all that, but therapists are shit. ive seen a three so far and theyve all been shit. counsellors in general are shit, and workplace ones are just an excuse to get fired and school ones are just ann excuse to expel you all the sooner once you run out of money.

>> No.9657176

I live in Canada. It's covered by OHIP and it is like 3 people.

>> No.9657186

>I live in Canada.
Me too. Wher--


I see. No wonder the worst province remains such a mess.

>> No.9657324

>stopped drinking
>life isn't any better
gee really makes you think

>> No.9657343

if you are THICC say you are trying to cut down on calories

>> No.9657347

mint.com is free nigga

>> No.9657522

I live in Canada too and it's covered by Alberta's healthcare. There's a guy on the response team who actually knows me now because he's been a part of 3 calls on me due to my alcoholism. It's so horrible.

>> No.9657553


>> No.9657585


>> No.9657592

What's the definition of roastie? It's basically just female, right??

Had 3 or 4 straight wiskeys, now having a beer. I like to end with beer so I don't get too sloshed, but it's kind a early for me to be settling. Maybe I'll do a shot or two later.

>> No.9657836

Allegedly with a gross vagina. Like roast beef.

>> No.9658091

Just quit my job

The only time I wasn't drinking nonstop was at work where I would get drunk beforehand and during lunch

I'm not sure what the future has in stall for me but I've got 40K savings a stable home and I just bought a bottle of vodka

I may just stock up on hundreds of bottles of vodka and drink myself to death inside my home.

>> No.9658105
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Isn't this pretty much the al/ck/ dream life? It's definitely what I want.

>> No.9658134

yeah I am kind of excited, not going to lie

also, wasn't clear but I live alone so nobody gonna bother me

>> No.9658159

I'd buy solar panels, vodka, weed grow kit and tinned food, then salute the world, close the door for the last time, lock it forever and rapidly descend into madness. am jelly.

>> No.9658318

I got enough savings to not have to worry about bills before I die I think

Still another 2 awkward weeks of work to go though

>> No.9658417

>sat on a park bench drinking 89p/pint, 7.4% cider
Wait, I’m that guy?

>> No.9658654

Why not drink indoors?

>> No.9658663

Moonshining. Buck a bottle vodka.

>> No.9658678

I live in BC which is the only province where you actually have to pay MSP, it's fucked. I've got the CRA on my ass because I've never paid for medicare. It's only $1600 for like nine years of unpaid taxes but it's still a pain in the ass.

I got taken to the hospital for passing out in the snow. I got the fuck out of the hospital as soon as I was left alone but I still ended up with a $500 ambulance bill.

>> No.9658709

Yeah.. at least when you're drinking, you can tell yourself that everything will get better if only you get sober. But then you finally get rid of all your demons and all you find is complete nothingness beyond them, just the dull monotony of sobriety. Waking up without a hangover is now one of the highlights of your week, right up there with doing a Great Job at work. Maybe you'll even be so thrilled that you post on reddit about it, reminding yourself just how thankful you are to be Not Drinking.

>> No.9658771

Sounds like you need a hobby.

>> No.9658791

Bought a Glenlivet 15yo because it was on sale, most disappointing bottle I've ever had

On the bright side I'm putting off drinking it so I've been drinking less

>> No.9658827

How much alcohol do you have to drink to suffer withdrawal when you quit?

>> No.9658850


>> No.9658853

Are you even trying.

>> No.9658887

woke up
took my klonopin to stave off withdrawal
time to study

>> No.9658891

Differs per person. Tapering never hurs though.

Switch to beer and drink one to three less every day. Never expect it to be completely comfortable though, even with a taper people get jittery and restless and miserable, which is why they overshoot the mark and relapse.

Figure out what your daily intake is in 5% or weaker beer and start from there.

>> No.9658913

Depends on the person, how much and how long.
You also usually have psychological withdrawals before physical ones.

>> No.9658956

Am I alcoholic? I've recently started drinking a glass or two of whisky when I get home from work. I'm not very old, but I am scared of it becoming a daily habit

>> No.9658969

You're an alcoholic if you have withdrawal symptoms when you aren't drinking.

>> No.9658972

The meme is that if you have to ask there’s a problem, but a lot of people today also love to self-diagnose all kinds of things given our culture of pathology were everything is an affliction or disorder.

>> No.9658975

I wouldn't say I have withdrawal symptoms, but for the past two weeks, I've had a hard time not pouring a glass when I get home and relax

>> No.9658980

And it has been every single day, mind you

>> No.9658982

Alcoholic is a bit of a dated and vague phrase. There are plenty of ways of having a drinking problem that don’t involve physical dependence. Shrinks use ‘alcohol use disorder’ these days.

>> No.9659041
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forgot to post "last meal" pic. passed out

>> No.9659140

There's definitely a difference between someone who just drinks and someone who has an actual physical dependence on it.

>> No.9659156

Of course, but people shouldn’t think they don’t have a problem as long as they’re not physically addicted.

I was ruining my life with booze well before I ever got to have withdrawals.

>> No.9659254

I need to taper off the beer. I don't want to, but I need to.

I go home after work and Netflix & drink til I go to bed. Super light beer a good start? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. All I want to do is get drunk. Fucking gay.

>> No.9659263

>I was ruining my life with booze well before....
While that may have been true, it's not part of the definition of "alcoholic".

>> No.9659266

Tastes a lot better when the bottle has been open a while and it has been exposed to air. I thought the same initially but it is actually a really nice malt.

>> No.9659272

How are you feeling today? Can you still see? Fuck even contemplating drinking that

>> No.9659283

yeah I'm fine, woke up with usual hangover. My shit was a little bloody but that's the stomach cancer Ive been ignoring

>> No.9659289

Are you worried about calories or dependency? If the former, switch to hard liquor and no mixers. If the latter, then try super light beers I guess.

>> No.9659356

Trust me, I've gone through both and having an actual physical dependence on the substance is far worse. I've been in the hospital 14 times this year alone due to seizures and other withdrawals I couldn't control alone.

I would never wish this shit on anyone. Not only is it a massive drain on your wallet, but it's just an embarrassing, slow, silent and deadly killer.

>> No.9659418

Both. I tapered off from hard liquor (1/2 a 1/5 every night).

Now I've gained 20 lbs from what I guess is the beer.

>> No.9659468

About to go buy more alcohol.

Please kill me.

>> No.9659489
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Or maybe I could just go on the beer diet. 22/day shouldn't leave me room for anything else. Not even my will to live. Ha.

>> No.9659496

Good luck anon. One day we'll figure out how to be normal people.

>> No.9659558

Not him but nothing really seems fun sober anymore
Getting really invested in any activity seems impossible now

>> No.9659602

I'm not sure that will ever happen. This has been going on for 9 years now.

>> No.9659619

One sip of beer and I'm snapped right out of my mood

>> No.9659626

Good stretch, I'm looking to do the same - Christmas is coming and there's going to people drinking all around me non stop for 3 days.
This sip of shit green tea is to you good buddy.

>> No.9659628

6 months

I come back every once in a while and go nuts as I feel I've "earned it"

I do the same with drugs and cigs
While all my friends have a tolerance, I'm still a lightweight and get a nicotine buzz after 4 years

Since I only smoke when I'm drunk too

>> No.9659633

this is me but I last a week be caving, just under a week to be more accurate

>> No.9659638
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>tfw you want to quit so badly and everyone around you doesn't stop
It's basically torture.

>> No.9659650

The longest I've ever quit for is 2 weeks. Then something in me clicks and I can't stop thinking about it. This is when I'm actively trying to stop drinking, otherwise maybe 1-2 days.

>> No.9659681

Yeah I sometimes have a double month too. It's usually when I'm depressed and need a pick me up

>> No.9659872

"Hey anon, nice to see you again! We're just sitting outside having a drink before dinner, everyone's just got here come on out!"

"Uhhh I n-need to go I have to take this call"
>ruffle through pockets
>no phone
>take out wallet and put to ear
"Hey Steve, O-Oh really? A car crash?!"
>couple of pennies fall out your wallet and noisily hit the cement floor
"I'll be right there! Sorry guys, my friend Steve's girlfriend was in a carcrash, I need to get to the hospital right away."
>steve coughs loudly from the picnic table and his girlfriend stifles laughter
>turn and sprint walk out tripping over the hose and running past the front door

works every time.

>> No.9659910

this shit irks me way more than it should

>> No.9659933

It is actually. A problematic alcohol consumption is one that causes problems in your life or the life you want for yourself.

>My shit was a little bloody but that's the stomach cancer Ive been ignoring
Have you considered switching to pot? Not that it'll magically cure your cancer, but getting high helps a lot with alcohol sobriety, and it won't fuck your stomach.

>> No.9659937
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? because not 500?

>> No.9659950
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I smoke when I wake up as per my hangover ritual.

and through out the day to be honest

>> No.9659960

>A problematic alcohol consumption is one that causes problems in your life or the life you want for yourself.
Yes. Do you think that "alcoholic" implies that? It doesn't. Alcoholic implies that you are addicted. That is totally independent from whether or not it is causing problems in your life. It is possible for alcohol to cause problems without being an alcoholic. It's also possible to be an alcoholic yet be high-functioning.

>> No.9660012

Yes, of course it’s way worse. But people get to that point when they’ve had a drinking problem for a long time.

Better to nip it in the bud than thinking you’re fine until you get the shakes.

>> No.9660032

So please stop before you develop a physical dependence on it. It's horrible. I just don't want people to go through what I have.

>> No.9660069

>Have you considered switching to pot
Fuck people with this mindset.

>> No.9660078

What's the problem? Granted any sort of drug dependency can be a problem but surely you'd agree that the safer substance is preferable to the other.

I'm not the person you're replying to, but pot was instrumental in helping me get off booze. The real problem I had with quitting booze was the insomnia. Pot fixed that problem so I could sleep while I was quitting the booze. I've been off the bottle for more than 2 years now.

>> No.9660082

Uh, back at you.
It worked for me, I no longer end up covered in blood or in court. Every alchie should be encouraged to try it as a way out of the HELL which is excessive alcohol use.

>> No.9660095

Because I'm literally physically addicted to alcohol. Telling me to "just do pot" instead is fucking stupid. You people are morons who have no clue what they're dealing with.

>> No.9660097

I do alchol and pot on occasion. It's so good

You get 150bpm while sitting down

>> No.9660104

Hee hee

2.5 beers in and I'm giddy and my sad mood is gone

>> No.9660111

typical angry alcoholic. you can't be angry at them for being ignorant as fuck. but you're right, if you're phyisically addicted to alcohol, weed ain't gonna do shit when you start convulsing. i bet those other fags think they were alcoholics for drinking only a liter of hard alcohol a day. weed ain't gonna fix that.

>> No.9660120

Yeah, we are angry, I won't argue with you. But we just want out and we want to stop hurting ourselves and others. I'm sorry, anon.

>> No.9660122

It's not stupid, I was literally there. Physically addicted to alcohol. Drinking the better part of a 5th a day.

I tapered myself off the booze over a period of a month, using pot to deal with the craving to drink more & insomnia problem.

>> No.9660126

Not everyone is the same.

>> No.9660132

>weed ain't gonna fix that.
Nobody said pot is going to magically fix anything.

But it can make the symptoms of withdrawal bearable while you taper off and it can help with cravings as well.

>> No.9660137

Calm down, you sound like a cunt.
It works extremely well for a lot of people. I’ve been drunk for decades, but I can still quit if I’ve got weed. A few days of cold turkey and it’s effectively done, I’m off booze, because weed smashes the shit out of PAWS, everything is fun, sleep is plentiful and nourishing, appetite thunders back, no cravings for booze - weed fills the addiction gap and I have a real chance to heal.

>> No.9660142

How long have you been drinking? I'm 2 years sober but was drinking for around ten years, around a fifth a day like others in this thread. Weed helped distract me when I was quitting, but its effect was negligible. Quitting wasn't the hardest part, staying quit was much harder.

>> No.9660148

I'm just saying that not everyone takes to weed, dude. I don't enjoy it at all and I know several people who also hate it. Stop thinking everything can be solved with pot, for fuck sakes.

11 years. Went from a mickey a day to 1-2 liters a day.

>> No.9660150

It doesn't work for everybody, plenty of people hate how pot feels. I'm one of them. You can't just tell people to solve their problems with DUDE WEED LMAO and expect everybody to say "Okay that'll work for sure!". That's fucking retarded, like you.

>> No.9660152

it's a great crutch for sure. Nothing wrong with it. Im not trying to quit either, I think I have an alright grasp on my booze consumption. I smoke weed to intensify the buzz or as I said earlier its great for hangovers

>> No.9660174

They're just trying to help, anon. Weed isn't for everyone. I haven't read the whole thread, but do you feel you're getting to the point where you want to quit?

>> No.9660186

I've tried to quit. I'm the anon who's been hospitalized 14 times this year and I've had the crisis team called on me 4 times. I want out badly, you have no clue.

It's just always on my mind. I'm even on medical income support. I have no job. I'm worthless.

>> No.9660190

Yeah, fuck people asking questions or trying to help others. We all deserve to die in pain.
Especially you, idiot.

Taper or detox with benzo was implied when I talked about switching.
Don't assume every person suggesting pot is a retarded DUDE LMAO, most pot users over 25 grew out of it and hates them as much as you do.

Thus the question form.

>> No.9660191

>stop thinking
I’ve never thought that, and no matter how much you rant wont change the fact that for a lot of people, it’s going to prevent a vast amount of suffering. Even my GP urges me to illegally use it if it stops me drinking.

>> No.9660195

this fucking idiot

>> No.9660201

I'm not saying everyone who tapered off with weed was stupid. I'm saying that the suggestion is stupid because a lot of us dislike it.

>> No.9660205

That's rough. Don't stop trying to quit, anon. What's the longest you've gone without drinking in the last year?

>> No.9660207

>what works for me works for everyone

>> No.9660214

Who cares what you like? If it can transform people overnight, why would you think people would stop talking about it just because you don’t like it? It works for shitloads of people

>> No.9660220

>what doesn’t work for me won’t work for anyone
Gonna go smoke a joint and hope you’ve shut up by the time I’m back. Al/ck/ is almost always free of tedious anons like you.

>> No.9660235

>a lot of us dislike it.
And many like it. I'd say it's about 50/50.
I'd say we're equally stupid for suggesting pot and for claiming it shouldn't even be suggested, except I don't try to stop people from enjoying things I don't like.

>stop drinking red wine everybody, it's trash and puking it is horrible.

>> No.9660236

Hey it wasen't bad, Got pretty wasted. Didn't die. Would do again if bored

>> No.9660367

>Tfw psychologically addicted
I don't even have an excuse except for being a pathetically weak human being. I am trying to quit for my significant other and I can't, now they're getting all pissed off at me. I'm failing out of college. At this point I'll be NEET and single by my birthday.
Please kill me.

>> No.9660447

I wanna be a woman

>> No.9660451

If I walked across that on my way home I'd totally squeeze a titty and run off.

They sell 91% in the USA, some states make you ask the pharmacist for it instead of putting it on the shelf. I use it to clean PC parts, would never drink that shit, you can die. Go get some cheap malt liquor.

At first was gonna say desk is way to clean for a rack a night but read through the thread. I used to crush and recycle my cans I'd make like $12 back a month (pick up litter while walking my dogs too) the scrap guys stopped taking them crushed here cuz rehabbers we're filling the crushed cans with sand, so I stopped collecting.

Spend less of your neetbux on weed and stop mising ethanol with box wine and buy real booze

>> No.9660476
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Is it possible to reach a state of alcoholism so severe that you start injecting Everclear directly into your veins?

>> No.9660489

It's roasties welcome edition m8 you can be a girl or a fag, no need for strange plurals

>> No.9660540

I injected red wine once. When it hit my lungs I had the worst coughing jag of my life. Came pretty close to dying. I think it would be better to use a syringe without a needle and shoot it up your ass.

>> No.9660578

What else have you injected?

>> No.9660582

hot cock into my ASS

>> No.9660585

Are th- I'll assume they're a single he.
Is he supporting you to quit? Does he knows what alcoholism actually is, or it's just stuff he heard about?
One of the point of addiction is to make you weak against quitting it. It wouldn't be an addiction otherwise.

You'd have to dilute it first to not kill (as in necrosis) your veins near the injection.
Why do you think it's used as a disinfectant? It kills cells.

You have to dilute alcohol for enemas too, same reason.

>> No.9660592

ha ha ha Roasties welcome, your a clever girl you are.

>> No.9660657
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I think he tries to be supportive, but he gets pissed when I can't keep up with his expectations. I don't know about his experience with alcoholism, I only know he has a friend who told him to 'be careful of alcoholics', something about alcoholics never loving people and only loving alcohol.
Im sure it is but im sure most people die before they can reach that point.

>> No.9660683

Injecting is a little extreme but I think there's a way you can huff alcohol and go from 0bac to drunk almost instant

>> No.9660688

Recovering from a week of all day drunkeness. Want to start again. Feeling so anxiious and sick. It's been 2 days since my last drink. I'm jittery, sick to my stomach and can't think straight. I just want another drink. Should I give in? I gave this up months ago but started again.

>> No.9660691


>> No.9660709

You need a drink dude. You could die from withdrawal. Have a few less every day.

>> No.9660736

Two days as in a full 48 hours? If so you're probably at the peak of misery but don't be an idiot and taper.

Beer is your friend. Just 5% ABV or less beer. You can't really get proper drunk but you won't withdraw hard either. It's the perfect transition.

>> No.9660802

Ughhhhh fuck beer

My stomach

>> No.9660859
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Post kino albums to drink to? Here's a go to of mine

>> No.9660924

thanks for the laugh

>> No.9660952

Don't drink iso ever again, it's not even the right strain of alcohol to get you drunk. It only hurts you with no high.

>> No.9660963
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not even kidding

>> No.9660974

IT'S NOT FUCKING ISO! He posted the label, just read the thread.

>> No.9661067

You need to taper.
Have a drink first, now. Or benzodiazepines.

Withdrawals peak around day 3 or 4, and you're at risk of delirium tremens and seizure.

Canada doesn't put lethal poison in disinfectant, only make it biter as fuck and fool smelling.
It's as if they cared about their citizen enough to not blatantly murder them.

>> No.9661072

Alright, I won't judge. And I can't deny it's catchy as hell. It would make a nice ironic juxtaposition for someone drinking their life away.
>Welcome to new York welcome to new York
>*Sips straight whiskey*
>Welcome to new York welcome to new York
>*Finishes in a single gulp*

>> No.9661087

Drank too much last night

I'm not yet at the point where I can wake up with a very bad hangover and continue drinking

Need to take the morning off, eat some food and lots of water

Wish I could just continue drinking but I feel so horrible, couldn't make it out of bed

Really need to not do this, I've been getting pretty good at balancing the drinking so that I'm not too sick to continue as soon as I wake up hungover

>> No.9661120

Okay I'm getting something to drink. Thanks. IT's gett worse my hand is shaking so much now. I shouldn't have waited this long, I'm worried. Also I just a wicked pain in my side.

>> No.9661138


>> No.9661140

I force myself to drink even when I'm puking. It's the only way to eventually feel better. It's a lot of work, those first few drinks.

>> No.9661180

what would you do if a man came up to you and said

"You will pay for your crimes"

>> No.9661186

Have a drink

>> No.9661192

Tell him my conscience is clear, which is the truth.

>> No.9661195

Did that happen to you?

>> No.9661196

Damn. I really liked that. I'm going to go home and smoke a cigar and drink and listen. Probably just close my eyes for a bit and think about shit

>> No.9661202

Y-you too

>> No.9661209

Yes except he was dressed In black shadowy robes and disappeared

This was after I took one of those free pens at the bank

>> No.9661211

Yeah it's great music to relax to. A lot of other good recommendations following it as well, apparently people upload a lot of instrumental 50s/60s music to Youtube.

>> No.9661212

>Get drunk
>desire to be held and cuddled by a man intensifies


>> No.9661217

Currently sitting with some shitty red wine.

I need to start buying ingredients and making cocktails at home so I can be a classy drunkard

>> No.9661221

Based bro.

>> No.9661226

I'm trying to quit drinking but I'm starting to go insane with rage and all I can think about is downing a fifth if for nothing else to continue destroying myself, what's some other self-destructive activity I can engage in so I can at least know I did it soberly?

>> No.9661241

Smoking cigarettes I guess.

Side effect is it makes you cooler.

>> No.9661252

Weed lmao. But srsly

>> No.9661270

Caffeine and some form of rage venting such as gardening, sex or diy. Something where your get to smash something into something else

>> No.9661320

We often times discuss how much we drink daily, but I feel that time frame is more relevant as to figuring out who here is the most hardcore. I generally take my first drink at 4:40pm (I wake up around 6:30am), and I'm usually asleep by 11:45pm. Within this 6hr 55m window I consume over a half a handle of 70 proof rum and smoke approximately 2 1/2 packs of Camels. What's your somewhat precise drinking schedule?

>> No.9661365

Just remember if you can’t hide that you’re drunk you aren’t a true alcoholic

>> No.9661380

Wake up around 10/1030 go get a 12 pack of tall boys around 11 maybe a 6 pack if I know that im getting more later drink through the day till around latest 930 then go and get another 6 or 12 pack also I grab a pack of pall mall red special with my beer if I don’t have any

>> No.9661400

Hard to hide a drink-induced wonky right eye. If not for that I'd be pretty much undetectable.

>> No.9661415
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I'm more of a slow drinker throughout the day. I have a flask to keep track of how much I drink. I usually start around 10-11am and go to bed around 11 to midnight. I don't really like to boast about it though, it's not a pissing contest for me. Just makes me feel like a degenerate.
diy probably not a good thing for someone who has anger issues. it can be very frustrating and then you end up just breaking things.
I second smoking, if you live in an area where it's cheap. its $10 a pack around here, so not a very good alternative money wise.
What if you think you can hide it but in reality people just don't want to address it? I've been good at 'hiding' that im drunk since I started drinking. It's what lead to many vomit filled nights, especially when I was young

>> No.9661418

Wake up, get 15 beers. Drink them, fall asleep for a bit usually, wake up buy 15 beers drink them fall asleep again, and wake up again and start over the next day.

Needless to say I have a lot of diarreah.

>> No.9661431

You sound drunk right now and I don't understand you. You buy a 12 pack, or maybe a 6 pack if you plan on buying more later? Are you even American?

>> No.9661439

I used to wake up withdrawing, so I drank about half a bottle during the day to avoid shakes and the other half during the late evening to get to sleep. At least when I had some sort of day/night cycle.

Just remember, if you don't know alcohol in your blood evaporates through your lungs into your breath, you may imagine it's possible to hide you're drunk.
Normies won't say it to your face if you reek of alcohol.

>> No.9661454

My family can always tell. even if I'm not acting drunk. Because of the smell. "10 am and you're drunk already? the fuck man get yourself together"


I wish it societally more acceptable. If this was the 1950s, they probably wouldn't give a shit. Now alcohol is a DISEASE and everyone who drinks more than the normal amount is SICK. I'm pissed about it. My family drinks 3 drinks a day and says anything more is wrong. Sucks when I visit.

And no, 3 is not their average. 3 is their maximum. It's normally a glass of wine and they're tuckered out already. God forbid anyone actually gets drunk. What's the point of drinking one? It does literally nothing.

>> No.9661470

Wine is supposed to taste good.

>> No.9661481
File: 2.86 MB, 298x200, Batman Chillin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now alcohol is a DISEASE and everyone who drinks more than the normal amount is SICK.
Oh, try being exposed to assholes that lost love ones to true alcoholism. You can't get a single beer down without them ranting for three fucking hours.

Yet somehow it's okay if I smoke.

>> No.9661500

Something like that and yeah I am drunk right now pretty much just it varies between 6/12 packs and I’m Canadian not american If I were american I’d be dead from alcoholism

>> No.9661509

Yeah you’re right, even at the spot I buy beer at obviously I stink of beer but they stil sell to me, I think you’d have to be so fucked up (falling down etc) for them not to

>> No.9661510

>figuring out who here is the most hardcore

>> No.9661531

Yeah no.

>> No.9661546

If you make cocktails and try to enter competitions you get a free pass by everyone to be drunk as fuck all the time.

Just be like "thought I had something good with my rye whiskey variation of a sidecar with a flip, but it didn't work out fully" and you get off with it

>> No.9661565

When I first started drinking at 14. I could chug down 7 shots of whatever was in the liquor cabinet and get wasted as fuck. It was a lot of fun and I never puked.

Now I have 1 shot of hard liquor and I vomit. I have to mix and drink cider/beer. If I have any hard liquor, I puke after 1 shot. I sometimes puke after the first beer of the day.

Did I ruin my stomach lining? I'm 28 now and I've drank a lot of whiskey in the past.

>> No.9661567

>If I were american I’d be dead from alcoholism

Why? Alcohol laws are much more lenient in Canada. You people aren't even descended from religious and racial puritans. Is it because alcohol is cheaper in the US? I can't even purchase alcohol on Sunday. This is a major bitch. Do you know what it's like to live in a place where you can only buy alcohol on certain days and during certain hours?

>> No.9661569

A hangover is from a combination of things. Stuffy sinuses from allergens in certain types of booze. Nausea from dehydration and depletetion of electrolytes (which makes it hard to rehydrate without salt). Headache from dehydration and/or actual withdrawal (headaches can be caused by a bazillion different things so the exact cause can vary). Laziness (or rather, lack of motivation) from the decreased release of dopamine the next day (which hair of the dog fixes quickly). Not to mention that everything is worsened by ruined sleep quality caused by alcohol in your system while asleep (it impacts hormone secretion during sleep and fucks the whole thing up). Alcohol irritates your intestinal lining and can give you the shits the next day.

It's complicated and hard to determine what is meant by withdrawal. The headache (sometimes) and general unpleasant and lazy feeling are probably the easiest to classify as a sort of short term withdrawal (as a result of dopamine levels being lower than is normal) but I would be skeptical of classifying the other symptoms as withdrawal. Most of the hangover symptoms can be eliminated by eating a decent meal and drinking a good amount of sprite or sports drink near the end of your evening. Stuffy sinuses can be avoided by being more selective about what you get drunk on and staying hydrated.

Link for those interested in alcohol and dopamine interplay:

>> No.9661580

>work day
5am 150-200ml of vodka as I get ready for work
6am 100ml vodka when I get to work
11am 150ml vodka during lunch
3pm'ish 400ml vodka from the time I get home to sleeping around 9 or 10

>non-work day
nonstop drinking from when I wake up to when I go to bed
usually around 700ml vodka a day sometimes 1L

>> No.9661582

Have you seen the price in Canada? It's 2.50 dollars per can of the cheapest swill beer. ANything good is 18 dollars a 6 pack. Liquor is no better, 30 bucks for a fifth of the cheapest swill, 50 if you want something nice. In USA I hear the cheapest goes for 5-10 dollars a handle. What the fuck. I can't even imagine.

>> No.9661584
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Havent been here in a while...

Had a complete shitty day today and I've known for weeks about these meetings.

Monday - things go well
Tuesday - everything went to shit today and I feel like shit tonight
Meetings didn't go over so well and I'm just sitting here trying to forget
Wednesday - have more corporate meetings
Expecting things to go over well and will be mediating tonight
Thursday - continued meetings and probably shtf around this time
Friday - Probably going to get some alchol Friday night or weed to get blasted out of my mind from the pain

Logical thing is probably to not stress out, take it in the ass for the next few days and let me ego get hurt and stained.

>The worst thing of all is 1st-2nd week of December I have same meetings again with larger teams
>Preparing to be drunk out of my mind the last week of 2017
>I know I'm going to drink these feels away

>> No.9661601

>tfw I miss when I'd wake up at 3AM and chug vodka until I pass out again
There was something pure about those three months I barely spent awake

>> No.9661630


>No russian midget gf.

>> No.9661644

I have no vices left after quitting drinking.

Feels monastic and sort of empty.

>> No.9661646

leave your job and become a full-time alcoholic

>> No.9661651

I drink mid range vodka and it costs less than $20 for a 1.75l

>> No.9661659

MY neighbor always has a beer in his hand. Sometimes I talk to him about beer. But we aren't friends. He's twice my age. How do I make friends with him? I don't have many friends in real life. Would be nice to have someone to drink with again. Should I just knock on his door with a case?

>> No.9661661

You gotta get into cocktails. Best way to feed your alcoholism.

>> No.9661665

ask him over to help out with something you would ask a neighbour, like moving a big piece of furniture or whatever you can think of

then offer him a beer to say thanks

>you are now drinking with your neighbour

>> No.9661747


so you drink more at work than on a day off? I'm calling shenanigans on that one

>> No.9661756

yes, I hate my job

>> No.9661761

Here in Mx they sale It in blue bottle and a red one. I choose the red one because its drinkible

>> No.9661764

I saw them in France (they're famous here because of this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcaRKNcxyRk (there are English subs)
The concert was great, but I think I drank too much. Don't remember much.
I think I have a picture with the dwarf.

>> No.9661788

Alright so. I drank for a week. I didn't get THAT drunk but I got drunk all day everyday.

Get withdrawals somehow after only a week, okay kind of mad but I end up drinking again to get rid of it. Near the end my side hurt like FUCK, before drinking. It still hurts but I don't care. I had 6 drinks. I'm feeling tipsy. This hasn't happened in years. It usually takes me 10-15 to feel anything. Did I shoot my liver? I heard that a symptom is less tolerance.

>> No.9661829

>Getting withdrawals after a week.
Kindling. It worsen each time you go through withdrawals. You really have to taper.

What does your shit looks like?

>> No.9661839

Oh okay. I've been in hospital for DTs twice so it's not surprising.

Looks like sludge. Coffee grounds kinda. But darker. And it's A LOT. Like, 10 times per day. It's annoying because I barley get a chance to relax before I can get to the toilet in time.

>> No.9661841

I disagree with this. I am a beer/cider/wine drinker. I've been a 'problem drinker' for close to nine years. it started out slowly but the pattern was there an in the past few years it's gotten to be a serious issue. Ruined relationships, money problems, it's all there, and I don't get withdrawals. A handful of times in the past year I've spent the day after a heavy binge being shaky and scattered but 99% of the time when I go dry for a day or two I don't have any lasting affects other than feeling a bit shitty. In many cases alcoholism is a mental issue, not a physical one. I think you can DEFINITELY be an alcoholic without experiencing withdrawal. It's all about your relationship with alcohol. I don't get withdrawals and I have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol.

>> No.9661849

Carly Rae Jepsen's 'Emotion' is literally a thousand times better than this

>> No.9661870

Sometimes in the past, i'd shit pants. Like 5 times in the past 10 years. Very worried about it happening again. I don't have any change of clothes this time, living on the edge.

>> No.9661873

if you're being serious and not RPing, coffee ground shit is a fucking serious issue. It means your liver is dying. Stop drinking immediately and get your dying ass to a hospital

>> No.9661882

>Coffee grounds
You won't have to bother about tapering.
Go to the hospital now, your liver is killed. It may or may not be saved, but if not you have a week or two to live.
It's extremely painful, you'll want end-of-life medical assistance even if you don't care about surviving.

>> No.9661935

Seriously? I just wanted to relax tonight. My pee is normal though. Slightly yellow. I thought liver failure meant brown or was that kidney?

Tbh I'm going to keep drinking tonight and get help tomorrow. Yeah, I don't really care as much as I thought.

>> No.9661959

That's kidney mate
Liver failure hurts

>> No.9661963

evens I drink

>> No.9661984


I knew i drank a lot but I thought i'd be in my 40s by the time this happened. I'm not e ven quite 30 yet.

>> No.9661996
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Get in the nanosuit so I can fix your liver.

The cost is you have to be a super soldier

>> No.9662012

Pain is so bad that I just spent 4 hours unable to move. I felt like I was about to lose consciousness if I moved anything but my lungs, to breathe. Hurts a LOT below rib cage on both sides, in both kidneys, in stomach and in my spine.
Christ this is a shit way to die. If this post is >>9662012 then I sell everything and go fully leaving Las Vegas.

>> No.9662014

Some people get sick of alcoholism sooner than others.
I'm sorry Anon.

>> No.9662049

At least you got to use your script.

>> No.9662061

>If this post is >>9662012 then I sell everything and go fully leaving Las Vegas.

>> No.9662077

My uncle drank more than me and made it to 45. He drank bourbon everyday and was always in jail. Maybe the time in jail saved him? I haven't been in the drunk tank since 2008. And that was only because I got lost and passed out in an alley and they found me there. They didn't charge me with anything and let me out as soon as morning came. They even apologized (they were mounties, RCMP, total bros).

>> No.9662078

Keep us posted

>> No.9662155

I think even drunken roasties are scared to reveal themselves in al/ck/. Fucked if I know why.
It’s their loss, they won’t be having any sex with us. One day it’ll hit them what they could have had. They missed out. They lose.
>shits self and falls over

>> No.9662236


Bud Light is $20USD for a 30 pack. Pints of bottom liquor can be had for $6-8 USD.

>> No.9662401

Just relapsed on the hooch after 1.5 years of sobriety, ask me anything, or just call me a fag

>> No.9662416

what drink are you drinking to get back into being a drunkard?

also, [spoiler]nice going [spoiler]fag[/spoiler]

>> No.9662418

it was total impulse, some weird cuban rum my roommate had on his decorative booze platter

washed it down with orange-flavored Emergen-C

>> No.9662419
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This morning as I was going in and out of sleep when I remember sort of waking up and staring into blackness and all my muscles rapidly pulsed and I had no control over anything and I was still half in a dream, sort of.

A few months ago I had similar, but I watched myself collapse on my couch straight out of consciousness and had vivid hallucinations.

Both times were after extreme drinking (20+ a day) and coming down without a drink in me. Were these seizures or some other issue?

>> No.9662424

When I say "pulsed" I mean rapid tremors and twitching violently.

>> No.9662426

those are called myoclonic seizures / jerks, happens to normal people too, odds increase if ur in withdrawal or even mild withdrawal

>> No.9662437


>> No.9662439


>> No.9662477

I used to be able to induce those by crossfading. Sometimes now I get them from coughing really hard. It's like no blood getting to my brain for ten seconds or something. I call it "getting my bell rung," and I kind of like it.

>> No.9662480

done studying, time to drink

>> No.9662506

Decided to pour down 8 shots last night before work the next morning. Proceeded to have the worst day ever.

People kept asking me if I was okay. I've never really been out of the loop but being spacey, depressed and not motivated blowed. Gonna stick to killing two handles on the weekend and not on a work night.


>> No.9662525

Give me 5k and I'll get to work on your new life source aka cryptocurrency.

>> No.9662689

new >>9662653

>> No.9662918


>> No.9663044

Please drink more

>> No.9663539

Thanks for the tip, anon, I will listen to it.

>> No.9663542

my shit looked coffee-grounds black last week after I drank a bottle of shitty red wine

it was regular brown again the next day

>> No.9663554
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>> No.9663591
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I have a local apple wine.
Super tasty, I'm approaching hammered.
Watching Deathproof.