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File: 91 KB, 1200x1800, Easy-Potato-Salad-Recipe-1-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9651415 No.9651415 [Reply] [Original]

So apparently it's a thing in southern black communities to not trust other people's potato salad.

Have you heard of this?

>> No.9651429 [DELETED] 

Niggers dont trust other niggers...potato salad or no potato salad.

>> No.9651448

That's not as unusual as it seems. I grew up in a small German town, and it was "you eat OUR potato salad (kartoffelsalat) or else" at community dinners. People get oddly defensive of their tradition foods.

>> No.9651469

People are egotistical dumb animals. Nothing unusual.

>> No.9651478

Potato salad contains mayo, which could make you sick if left out too long (when people actually made mayo) Only you know how long your potato salad was left out of refrigeration so to be cautious you only ate your own.

>> No.9651487
File: 49 KB, 600x460, Sand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9651496

i'm a white person from the south and i don't trust other people's potato salad. it's a tradition thing -- every family has their way of making it, and no one else's is gonna compare.

>> No.9652138


>> No.9652148

Never heard of it, but I kind of think there are two possible reasons:

1. I've heard of too many tales of white ladies who can't cook leaving potato salad out too long and giving everyone food poisoning
2. Spices/ingredients can vary a lot and some people are autistically particular.

>> No.9652177

Southern potato salad is all the same
>too much relish
>too much mustard
>too much sugar

>> No.9652182

I'm not black, but I don't trust other people's potato salad. Fucking no one knows how to make it right, it's always nasty.

>> No.9652188

potato salad is for yucky fat nigs and white trash

>> No.9652209

You're a fucking moron with bad taste, or just bad experiences.

>> No.9652211

He's totally right, though.

>> No.9652219

>muh icky mayo

Stop being a baby and make it yourself. You only have yourself to blame if you've been buying shitty mayo from a jar.

>> No.9652225

mayo is for fat people and/or poor people. you’re gross

>> No.9652236

It's oil, egg yolk, and vinegar. That's it

You never use oil?

>> No.9652249

it’s gross, yucky, and nasty

>> No.9652286

No, he's not. He and you are fucking babies with no taste. This is not up for debate.

>> No.9652292

Go make your "hubby" some bland chicken breast and boiled vegetables and STFU.

>> No.9652299

Like, trust it with money, or secrets or taking care of your kid?

>> No.9652304

potato salad is for blacks, fats, poors, and children, despite what your mom reassures you of when she brings it down to you in the cellar

>> No.9652305

Everyone knows that you shouldn't trust a nigger, only niggers are allowed to say it out loud though.

>> No.9652349

You are fucking retarded if you actually believe that. Every great chef in the world makes some kind of potato salad. Every cookbook from any country that grows potatoes has recipes for potato salad. The fact that you think potato salad is a singular item shows how ignorant and low class you are. Your opinion is worthless trash.

>> No.9652358

chefs don’t make potato salad, fat people make it with their stubby fingers in salad bowls at cookouts

>> No.9652369

Tell that to Thomas Keller, James Beard, Jaques Pepin, Martha Stewart, Julia Child, and any other number of famous and world renown chefs, you fucking tard. Dumbass.

>> No.9652372

yeah tell the chef of mcdonald’s about it too you booger eater lmao

>> No.9652373


>> No.9652382

Really? You can't justify your shitty opinions so you resort to just insults? Thanks for admitting you're fucking STUPID and wrong.

>> No.9652392

You don't fuck around with strange potato salad.

>> No.9652415

just cause you call everything with potatoes in it potato salad doesn’t mean chefs make it. chefs make hamburgers and hot dogs too at mcdonalds you fat mutant

>> No.9652581

Like I said before, you're a fucking moron. You don't even bother to try and look up the facts, you're just talking out of your ass like a brain dead goldfish.

>> No.9652595

listen man you just don't go around eating other people potato salad that the unspoken rule if you go to a pot luck and see a potato salad don't eat it, that how we know who not to trust

>> No.9652601


While true, I don't think this is the reason people have distrust over other people's potato salad.

>> No.9652604

>too much mustard.

How is that even possible?

>> No.9652610

And pref some pepper and mustard.

>> No.9652704

no one trusts others potato salad because you dont know what crazy bullshit they put in it

>> No.9652728

This. I only eat my grandma's at church.

>> No.9652731

I'm also a white Southerner and I haven't heard of this, but then again I strongly dislike potato salad.