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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9639505 No.9639505 [Reply] [Original]

How do people eat so slowly?
When I eat a burger meal, I can finish it in 10 minutes tops and that's with me really slowing down. I already take small bites and chew up to 20 times before swallowing but I still finish much quicker than my coworkers.
I skip the drink

>> No.9639514

Conversation and other social interaction.

>> No.9639515

They're probably busy talking or dicking around on their phone between bites

>> No.9639523

I need to chew my food above a certain amount and always end on an even number.

>> No.9639526

yeah but it's harder to eat slowly with my coworkers
>chewing my food
>they ask me a question
>immediately swallow instead of continuing to chew so I can reply

>> No.9639529

>asking someone a question with their mouth full


>> No.9639535

Is that poop between the burgs?

>> No.9639546

This burger looks both fucking disgusting and amazing.

>> No.9639556
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>people who eat so slowly put down their silverware between each bite

>> No.9639576
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Rendang is a spicy meat dish which originated from the Minangkabau ethnic group of Indonesia, and is now commonly served across the country.

that's what normies do and they get offended if you continue to chew and not reply them imediately

>> No.9639591

Do the one finger hold up. It's basically sign language for give me a sec.

>> No.9639594

it's because they actually stop eating to socialize with their peers, you silent, autistic fuck

>> No.9639599

>Casually mention that someone chews with their mouth open or speaks with food in their mouth and it's annoying, not to mention hard to understand.
>Why not just tell me?
>Tell someone they do just that while eating with them.
>They act offended as if I did something rude.

It also boggles my mind why someone would speak with food in their mouth, at least they could cover their mouth and not sure WHILE they speak. It's a casual lunch/dinner, no reason to try to shovel in as much food and conversation as physically possible.

>> No.9639603

>"don't speak with your mouthful!"
>chewing food
>"hey, what do you think of ....?"
>"you should reply to me and not keep me waiting, anon. that's rude"

>> No.9639607

rendang makes my dick hard, can't get enough of that shit

>> No.9639804

I slayed half a pizza in like 3 minutes at work while the rest of my coworkers were talking/heating up their food

just gtfo of there and went back to work

>> No.9639814

Downed a subway footlong in like a minute thirty at work once.