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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9637674 No.9637674 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw eating all my kid’s candy while she’s at school

>> No.9638768
File: 27 KB, 720x402, Im_brining_the_party_to_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not only a /ck/ user, but a mentally impaired frogposter reproducing
there is no hope remaining for this earth

>> No.9638780

just sit back and let the diabetes do it's work

>> No.9638808

only way that little fuck will ever pay you back, might as well enjoy it

>> No.9638889

You suck anal cock at parenting then
I'd do anything for my family and am going to raise my kids the same way

>> No.9638975

Show pics of your kids

>> No.9638981

To be a shitposting faggot?

>> No.9639001

>my parents are guilt tripping me into taking care of them if they become unable to feed and bathe themselves instead of them saving for their own retirement so they can pay for their own in-home care
>and I'm going to do the same to my kids

>> No.9639004

wait... you do know two men can't conceive right...?
oh, you'll figure it out one day

>> No.9639008

check you're privileges, shitlord

>> No.9639063

Go home, Kevin Spacey

>> No.9639852

>have leftover candy for trick-or-treaters
>already too fat anyway
>see kids passing house
>realize they'll take the candy
>realize my mistake the moment it passed my lips
>dumb little fuckers made a beeline for my door, tried to enter my house anyway
>gave them candy
>thanked god I was not arrested

>> No.9640228

>teaching them not to be gluttons
>teaching them not to be too trusting
>eating delicious treats at the same time
Are we entering a new Age of Responsible Parenting?

>> No.9640338

Teaching her a lesson about socialism I see

>> No.9641177
File: 166 KB, 833x789, 282FD605-B639-4216-8BFA-9342B757C97B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my daughter more than anything in fact I know I’m a better parent than you two clowns so I really don’t owe either of you a response but here you go anyway - I’m a self made millionaire with my own cooking show had which grown exponentially popular within the past year. I have a more refined palate than you will ever know yet I continue to grace you idiots with my presence on this board. So actually, if I want to eat my kid’s candy I will go ahead and do just that since I’ve made a name for myself unlike either of you two kids. Now fuck off out of my thread

>> No.9641357
File: 35 KB, 600x600, hook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone on /ck/ will actually reproduce

>> No.9642558


Go home joey

>> No.9642590

Okay, your children won't be gluttonous, next is envy, and depending on their age Lust,

>> No.9644444
File: 5 KB, 225x225, Chis Hansen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9644468

>>>((("""cooking show""")))<<<

>> No.9644499

How the fuck does someone from here manages to reproduce? Something is terribly wrong with the world.

>> No.9645414

kek'd desu. Its the subtle bantz like this that get me

>> No.9645556
File: 2.46 MB, 300x300, the big reveal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with my own cooking show
Jack posting has gone too far

>> No.9645584

How does...manages.

Yep, another channer with a firm grip on the english language.

>> No.9645674

>nobody acknowledges these digits
nice quints my man, really nice. From now on I'll call you Harley Quints

>> No.9645708
