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9633293 No.9633293 [Reply] [Original]

Is Krusty Burger healthier than the Krusty Krab?

>> No.9633304 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9633309

No. Fish is healthier than beef.

>> No.9633328

Oh how little you know

>> No.9633340

Sorry, steamed clam.

>> No.9633353

It probably has a lower amount of sodium per serving, simply by virtue of not being prepared in salt water.

>> No.9633362 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 640x920, 0539e82d2bdec90118e31969728bd2b3ca3bd6-v5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9633366


>> No.9633375 [DELETED] 


>> No.9633377


>> No.9633379


>> No.9633380

Depends, if I rub a Krusty Burger against a piece of paper do I get to see my window to weight gain?

>> No.9633384


>> No.9633389


>> No.9633391

What is healthier, a Krabby Patty or a frogurt?

>> No.9633399
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The more important question is how healthy is Sneed's Feed and Seed (Formerly Chucks?)

>> No.9633402

>Chuck's Feed & Seed
I don't get it.

>> No.9633411

Spongebob makes a few jabs at how eating burgers all the time isn't that good for you (NO SQUIDWARD THEY'LL GO STRAIGHT TO YOUR THIGHS) but in-universe Krusty Burger unironically promotes how shit it is. (We start with authentic letter-graded meat..)

>> No.9633415


>> No.9633417


>> No.9633426
File: 487 KB, 709x354, swan kino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sneed's F(eed) and S(eed)
Chuck's F(???) and S(???)
Do you get it now?

>> No.9633432 [DELETED] 


>> No.9633433

Krabby Patties are the size of thumb tacks.

>> No.9633437

Healthier than Cam’s spam and ham
Worse than Todd’s cod and sod

>> No.9633440

You've lost me.

>> No.9633455
File: 28 KB, 3834x1726, 141234351513513525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, take the three letters in "Sneed" that lie after the S. This yields us the phoneme "eed." Now, if we insert it into the second part of the title, F(????) and S(????) we get "Sneed's Feed and Seed." Now, what are the last 3 letters of "Chuck?" The Phoneme "uck" is the answer. Now look back at the first sentence for reference, and use the phoneme "uck" to complete the morpheme "F(???) and S(???)

>> No.9633461

>Chuck's Feed and Seed
Sorry I still don't get it anon.

>> No.9633464 [DELETED] 

I've never been good at math. Please help.

>> No.9633465
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Ok, so, it's a typical Friday night, and you bring a girl home after a long night of fun and partying with all your close friends. A girl does to you what Chuck does when he F(???)s and S(???)s people. You surely understand now

>> No.9633472

krusty burger is constantly the butt of jokes about the questionable quality of their food, unlike the krusty krab

>> No.9633480
File: 27 KB, 892x621, subtle dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did the girl you went to prom with do to you once you left the party. Surely you had it happen to you anon. That's what Chuck did to his clients before Sneed took over the business.

>> No.9633487

What is this cryptic bullshit.

>> No.9633491

>Going to prom
Get out, normies.

>> No.9633503
File: 22 KB, 892x621, Chuck's Fuck and Suck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9633509


>> No.9633511

Krabby patties are big in France. Just sayin.....

>> No.9633513

LMAO, are you srs this stupid?


>> No.9633516

Depends on what the secret ingredient at the Krusty Krab consist off.

>> No.9633517

It’s not chucks anymore though, it’s sneeds. Why are we arguing over the former ownership of an animated business?

>> No.9633519
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>> No.9633530
File: 1.37 MB, 3312x2412, bugburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the ribwich episode, krusty tells the ribheads that the creature the ribwich was made of had gone extinct. Someone asks if it's cow and he says it's smaller and has more legs, which sounds like any form of insect. Idk if it would be considered healthier than a krabby patty, but insects are high in protein and low on environmental impact. It could be healthier than a krabby patty.

>> No.9633541

Insect is a narrow generalisation. Arthropod would be a better word as then you include crustaceans.

>> No.9633569


>> No.9633795

there's nothing to get

it's a place that sells seed and feed

and the owner's name is chuck


>> No.9634056

Chuck's Fuck and Suck

>> No.9634097
File: 94 KB, 700x535, popplers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best fictional food

>> No.9634443

I got that "feed and seed" can be a sexual thing but im still not getting why the place would be called "chuck's fuck and suck" and not "chuck's feed and seed" or simply "chuck's". i feel this joke was poorly constructed

>> No.9634721

Anon, you can say fuck and suck here. Shit...