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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9623015 No.9623015 [Reply] [Original]

I skeletons are real, what do they even eat?

I don't get it.

>> No.9623029

Dumb frogposter

>> No.9623060

You mean dumb frogposters.

Skeletons eat dumb frogposters. They prefer the smart ones, but those really don't exist. Now go back to >>>/r9k/ where you belong and stop escaping.

>> No.9623072

they don't eat, they absorb the calcium from your body like some kind of horrific parasite
i'd recommend having a doctor remove the skeleton, unless you like having your calcium stolen

>> No.9623078

bone healing juice

>> No.9623222

what the fuck do they not even teach basic necromancy in american schools these days?

>> No.9623532
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be careful your skeleton doesn't consume you from within

>> No.9623539

>being THIS intimidated by a cartoon frog

>> No.9624157

They eat shit but like 1500 cals and usually 6ft+
Where the average maintenance is 2200-2600

>> No.9624240

They crack open their bones and put their victims’ Bone marrow in there.

>> No.9624248

there inside you dude

>> No.9624262
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>> No.9624276

You see OP, in actuality skeletons are the ones that eat, not us. Our teeth are the only part of the skeleton that has broken free of its fleshy prison. When you chew things that is really the skeleton inside of you chewing things. The real reason why vegetarians exist is because people are trying to prevent the skeletons from getting a taste for flesh before they are free. This rarely works however.

>> No.9624283

This real?

Did he died

>> No.9624285


This is also why you lose weight if you eat less. The skeleton compensates by eating parts of you from the inside and you get thinner.

>> No.9624297

he's ok

>> No.9624303

k good

>> No.9624310

If you had to cook a bone-dry skeleton, how would you do it?

>> No.9624392

I would agree not to cook the skeleton, if he becomes my ally in escaping whatever madman is forcing me to cook a boney boi.

>> No.9624407

They wait inside you in a dormant state until you die, then they eat their way out of your fleshy body and rise from the grave.

>> No.9625733


>> No.9625756

that is simply not true

>> No.9625767

I underwent a procedure to have my skeleton removed. The doctor called it an exoskeleton.

>> No.9625996
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>> No.9626005

every time they have a bath they drink the broth left over afterwards.

>> No.9626007

pe pe is a nazi symbol

>> No.9626050

No, he's been drinking a gallon of milk a week and his back up to weight.

>> No.9626375

That's fucking gnarly.

>> No.9626380

Boil it.

>> No.9626417

Fuck these spooky skeletons. We should all eat bones to get rid of them.

>> No.9626616
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...bone broth.