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9599586 No.9599586 [Reply] [Original]

I love coffee but I have acid reflux. I saw online cold brew coffee is less acidic so I wanted to try it.
I added 250g of coffee powder to about 1,5 of water and left it over night. Next day I filtered it and tried 50 ml of it with 150 ml of cold water, ice and a teaspoon of sugar and it tasted disgusting.

Did I fuck it up or is it normal to find it terrible if I only drank coffee hot before? I don't know anywhere that sells iced coffee here so I don't know how it's supposed to taste.

>> No.9599595

What do you mean by "coffee powder"? Instant coffee? Ground coffee beans? If the latter, what kind of coffee and what was the grind like?

>> No.9599622

I bought a package of finely ground arabica coffee beans, medium toasted.

>> No.9599633

Shit nigga how can you fuck up cold brew. Just follow this guide


I like to drink the concentrate straight most times. Yes you need coarse ground coffee, not instant, not powder. You COULD do it with something like supermarket espresso machine coffee (think lavazza or illy, again NOT instant). Leave it in the fridge for 12-16 hours, not more. Try without sugar first, 1:1 diluted with water or straight. Light roast works better than medium imo.

>> No.9599698

I'm not using instant coffee. The coffee packages are all ground like that here. I don't have a coffee grinder and I don't know where to buy whole coffee beans.

>> No.9599768


>buying pre-ground coffee
guaranteed way to fuck up every single time

>I don't have a coffee grinder
mortar and pestle is literally stone age technology

>I don't know where to buy whole coffee beans
the grocery store you dumb idiot, stop buying your food from 7-11

>> No.9599797

Not everyone is an amerilard.
Just try the way i linked above and leave it for 12h, if too strong go for 9-10.

>> No.9599829

Grind 110g of medium roast good quality coffee beans very coarsely, throw it in a jar with 1L of water. Shake every now and again. Remove after 24 hrs, put through a sieve then through a pour-over filter. That's it

>> No.9599837

Cold brew coffee may not be acidic, but you still end up with an intense, distinct flavor. Maybe you should try it plain before you water it down or add ice. I think cold brew is greatly improved by a splash of milk or cream (personally I'm not one for sugar in coffee, but you do you).
If possible you really should grind your own beans. See if your store has a self-serve coffee grinder, lots of them do.
I'm not sure what difference this really makes, but I like to chill my cold brew in the fridge for a full 24 hours before I strain it.

>> No.9599853

Forgot to add that I prefer to use a 2:1 water:grounds ratio.

>> No.9599991

you can try putting the cofee in a shaker with egg yolk