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File: 383 KB, 1500x1125, 20150901-frozen-pizza-shutterstock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9597799 No.9597799 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the best frozen pizza?

>> No.9597802
File: 93 KB, 601x601, excommunicado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's a jacks supreme slathered with retarded amounts of hot sauce

>> No.9597805


However, I base that opinion off of 15 year old history. I haven't purchased a frozen pizza in quite a while.

>> No.9597815
File: 36 KB, 594x594, img-products-brick-oven-5-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally I'd say Red Baron. But I bought pic related on sale a while back and was actually very impressed. I wouldn't buy it unless it's on sale though, I think they're normally like $8 but was $4 on sale.
Every single "rising crust" pizza sucks ass.

>> No.9597822

Wegmans Italian Classics Wood-Fired Crust Pizza Puglia
Red Baron Brick Oven Crust Cheese Trio

>> No.9597833

Trader Joe's is my favourite oven bake one, but for microwave quick lunch it goes to Red Baron.

>> No.9597836

Just bought a Freschetta Hawaiian thats in the oven now. Had some Red Baron yesterday because the target near me sells them for $3. Thought it was pretty good for the price. Good to know the rising crust is a meme. I almost fell for it.

>> No.9597854

Good taste. Sometimes when I buy a plain frozen pizza I add my own toppings. Ham, pineapple, onions and green bell/jalapeno peppers make a god-tier pizza.

>> No.9598274

Why are American pizzas floppy?

>> No.9598406

They're the best. Are you one of those fags who like thin pizza? Fucking pleb.

>> No.9598409

Can confirm, tombstone is an excellent pizza.

>> No.9598488
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>> No.9598644

These would be perfect if they weren't so salty

>> No.9598661

The best risng crust frozen za is cosctos 3-4 Pack of pepperoni ones.

>> No.9599192

Tony's in the Midwest. Aldis on the east coast.

>> No.9599294

I'm not gonna say it's the best frozen pizza, but I was legitimately surprised the last time I got a Safeway Signature pizza.
Safeway has really stepped up its store brand game.

>> No.9599334

Wild Mikes or Mama Lucias, cream of the crop.

>> No.9599393
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This used to be my favorite but I tend to get takeout now.

>> No.9599405

Home Run Inn

>That flaky crust
>That thick layer of cheese

>> No.9599446

we've got Tony's on the east coast but i haven't tried it yet, now I'm probably going to aldi after work and getting some za

>> No.9599449

I wouldnt eat them after the owners son brain damaged a 1 year old and blinded a man in a bar fight.Plus the company repackaged out of date chicken then resold it.

I don't take many ethical stands but you've got to draw the line somewhere.

>> No.9599457
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Pic on the left is the best. For some reason they only stock the supreme pizza and cheese variants at my local store.

>> No.9599486

I stopped eating frozen pizza when the prices became higher than getting a costco pizza.

>> No.9599502

I never even knew about that.

>> No.9599522
File: 45 KB, 450x450, 23735-Tombstone-Garlic-Bread-Pepperoni-Pizza-27-7-oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 pizza.

>> No.9599532

Sounds like my kind of company.

>> No.9599561

this pizza is fine, I just wish they didn't try so hard to look hipster chic

>> No.9599604
File: 536 KB, 780x550, pizzerias_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solid choice.
The crust is unique and buttery.
The cheese is different too, its like a solid layer applied to the frozen pizza, not a falling apart mess of freezer burned shreds. Not sure how they do it, but it makes a difference.

>> No.9599614

"made with pork, chicken and beef"
Always a quality seal

>> No.9599624
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It's this one for me.

>> No.9599678

I used to get tombstones but now I get red Baron brick oven and I eat it all in one sitting and question my life choices after

>> No.9599683

>owners son
I could understand if it was the owner who did it, but he has no control over his son.

>> No.9599688


I don't know how it used to be, but Tombstone is fucking garbage-tier now.

>> No.9599693

I've been eating Jack's pepperoni for years now.

>> No.9599696


>unironically enjoying bottom-tier frozen pizza

Reevaluate your life.

>> No.9599697

>eating pizza for lunch
Do you enjoy working through sludgy blood?

>> No.9599705

Quit acting like an emo bitch. Red baron's awesome drunk at 3am.

>> No.9599708


Good brand but their cheese pizza is really fucking nasty for some reason. Just has an off taste.

>> No.9599714

How do you know he's not pyramid head from silent hill?

>> No.9599715


Unironically kys.

>> No.9599720
File: 71 KB, 640x480, chefboyardee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the chef boyardee pizza kits. Yeah, you dirty up a bowl, but it's just a little more effort to wash it. I use a cast iron skillet to bake it in and it just wipes clean.

>> No.9599745

Does the owner's son have a big role in the company?

>> No.9599751


Holy shit, I remember those from when I was a kid.

My brother and I would make one and it would take forever but it was always super-good.

Now I'm craving it.

>> No.9599765

He's the managing director.

>> No.9599772

Nice spacing.

>> No.9599781
File: 153 KB, 974x338, dr oetkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately there's no tombstone pizza in canada, but this fills the void

best dough from any frozen pizza period, shit fuckin costs you though $7 for a smaller than average 'za, but it feels healthy and good when you it eat, just good shit

>> No.9599787
File: 1.08 MB, 645x795, screamin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to frozen food section
>screamin sicilian
>box is vertical
for what purpose

>> No.9599872

Why do you buy frozen pizza?
The takeaway is cheaper and it does not even taste good?

>> No.9600150
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Dr.Oetker also offers chocolate pizza

>> No.9600167
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these are often on sale 5 for $10

>> No.9600169

7 fucking dollars?
Shit man, those things are somewhere around 3 euros here

>> No.9600170
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I just ate pic related. I was prepared to be disappointed but instead was shocked at how delicious it was. It's now my favorite cheap frozen pizza by a mile. Also was cheaper than anything else in its size.

>> No.9600189

jesus you must be poor as shit

>> No.9600203

If you’re cheap

If you have some extra money

>> No.9600206
File: 141 KB, 600x450, jacks-pizza[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those remind me of Jack's

Which makes me not want to try it at all because Jack's tastes like cardboard

>> No.9600213

they are better than Jacks and cheaper too

>> No.9600217

>putting a frozen pizza on the grill


>> No.9600219

to be rich you must live like you’re poor

>> No.9600223
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>> No.9600227

Why the fuck was the american flag added to this picture? That dog is experiencing a serious intestinal blockage in this, and might not have survived. Source: it happened to one of my dogs, and he didn't survive the surgery.

>> No.9600228

I've been going with Red Baron for over a many years. Does well by me.
I wish they kept making their pan pizzas, those were quite good.

>> No.9600237

Do you guys really like red baron over tombstone?

>> No.9600254

Sorry about your dog, man.

>> No.9600256

They're both equally gross to me. Awful sauce. The only thing worse is Tony's.

>> No.9600264

Tastes like shit to me. Nasty sauce. >>9599678
Lad I've been eating whole pizzas for years.
I don't like any of these circular packaged pizzas. Seem cheap. And think they'll taste the same way. Cheap.

>> No.9600271

Sorry about your dog, but this dog actually ate a kilo of chocolate. It survived.

>> No.9600293


Bruh, give it a try. It's actually damn good. Way better than the nasty sauce pizzas in its tier (Red Barron, Tony's, Tombstone). I'd put it on the same level with Little Caesar's.

>> No.9600294

you seem to be unaware of the fact that you are a massive faggot

>> No.9600343

Hmmm. I do like Little Caesar's. I'll try it anon
Kys I will literally rape you

>> No.9600353

"The Baron" fucked my wife last night.
At first I was kinda jealous, but now I think its kinda hot.

>> No.9600355


>> No.9600358
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>> No.9600381

Why do they taste so weird and sour? I got the cheese one and it tasted not only too sweet, but just off.

>> No.9600394

>7 dollars

>> No.9600399

The Red Baron used to fuck your wife and drop bombs on defenseless women and children during World War One.
But, sadly, like the ghostbusters, the once noble Baron has sold out to SJWs. Which is why I will never again buy this product.
Watch and weep. Its the "Baroness" now.


War has changed.

>> No.9600403

Wild Mike, it's the only properly large size pizza out there that, comes with patmesanand and red pepper. Also it tastes decent

>> No.9600422

This shit is some weird plastic undigestable crust just like 7/11 pizza.

>> No.9600432
File: 30 KB, 316x202, 8a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frozen pizza that doesn't come with a cardboard circle to cut and serve it on

this should be illegal

>> No.9600451

>tfw your stupid gf puts it in the oven with the cardboard circle still underneath

Needles to say she's not my gf anymore

>> No.9600467

kek did it start on fire

make her clean the oven

>> No.9600476
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>that crust

>> No.9600518

I like both, but I prefer Red Baron. I'll take a Totino's over either of those any day though.

>> No.9600549


I hate to sound reddit, but if you google "patmesanand", this thread the only result. You just invented a word.

>> No.9600551

I do, but I'd prefer local brands over both. Anything, especially Papa Murphy's is better even if you have to cook it yourself. I'm trying to remember the brand that was popular in MN that bars were given free toaster ovens if they agreed to carry their product.

>> No.9600565

>the crust

this thing is more like a biscuit or cracker (English, not American) than pizza dough lmao

>> No.9600680
File: 527 KB, 600x600, box-Pepperoni_sm[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if they sell these everywhere, but Home Run Inn sells a frozen pizza that tastes very close to their restaurant food. They are famous for using sourdough crust.

>> No.9600782
File: 89 KB, 549x600, default_default_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else tried this yet? I don't like digiorno but this one was surprisingly good.

>> No.9600805 [DELETED] 

The owner's wife's son is a big guy.

>> No.9600913

>ctrl f 'mystic'
>no hits

do you even connecticut

>> No.9600974

it's ridiculously expensive everywhere here in Ontario but it often goes on sale for 50% off

>> No.9600987


Red Baron is more affordable, so I go with them.

>> No.9601025
File: 392 KB, 450x416, 14in-four-cheese-pizza-450x416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are pretty great if you ask me

>> No.9601161

I used to fucking LOVE Red Baron, but it doesn't taste the same to me anymore as it did like 5-6 years ago. Did they change their recipe or something?

>> No.9601206


I will eat anything. I could live off of tombstone and be fine

>> No.9601226


I've never had a good frozen pizza. They're all shit.

>> No.9601234

This. Jack’s is as fantastic as frozen pizza can get

>> No.9601238
File: 1.43 MB, 946x1000, ristorante-pizza-hawaii-pizza-und-snacks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who invented Hawaiian agrees with me.

>> No.9601253

THe Mama Cozzi's rising crust pizza's you get at Aldi.

THe only frozen pizza crust i've tried that doesn't actually taste like cardboard.

>> No.9601257

Why are frozen pizzas so shit in Europe and Australia ( in Asia they are beyond pathetic and same with Central Asia ) but in the USA they are amazing.

>> No.9601473
File: 671 KB, 2560x1600, 1478810228554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys add anything extra to your frozen pizza like maybe some extra cheese, ham or anchovies or do you eat them the way the manufacturer intended?

>> No.9601487
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>> No.9602153
File: 86 KB, 800x600, totinos_pepperoni_party_pizza_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one

>> No.9602225

Hy-Vee used to sale price these 10 for $10 when I was in college.
I got soooo fat.

>> No.9602255

He didn't ask about the cost you retarded poorfag. Tombstone is like 50 cents more and tastes superior.

>> No.9602282

It's still the same, all that cum you've been eating over the years just warped your taste buds.slow down.

>> No.9602302

That's a shitty digiorno pizza that will end up being a huge yeasty pillow crust.

>> No.9602327

that packaging reminds of that fucking awful Sasquatch brand frozen pizza
that stuff was fucking awful

>> No.9602331

decent flavour, but looks hipster

>> No.9602353

This goes on sale for $5 regularly at my store. Love it at that price, not the regular $11.99

>> No.9602394

That's pretty sweet

>> No.9602481
File: 140 KB, 960x960, 18765964_1519768778069124_954557011390797059_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aldi cheese pizza. 3 for $6

>> No.9602516
File: 46 KB, 600x600, 141288-600x600-A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>publix god tier
>hidden gem is their frozen pizza
>white master race and margarita
>somehow make thin crust taste amazing

>> No.9602520

digiorno pizzeria cheese

only cheese version. pepperoni etc has way less cheese on it

>> No.9602568

paired with a good brew is fuckin' balls to the wall good shit.
I'ma have to do that soon.

If i get a frozen za though it's normally a lottza motza when they're on sale for $4. I still add more cheese. You'd be right to guess that i don't shit for four days too.

>> No.9602901

Frozen pizza is a Jewish plot to destroy the white race

>> No.9603313

Put extra shredded cheese on them you mong

>> No.9604248
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Mah nigga

>> No.9604268

i think the mikes ones have been my favorite so far

delissio are also unironically good and for some reason go on sale really often at my local pharmacy

>> No.9604286

these are really fucking good but are too expensive to be the >BEST imo, if youre eating a frozen pizza cost is obviously factoring in since if you had cash or self-respect you would go to a pizzaria instead

>> No.9604751


>> No.9604995
File: 68 KB, 738x738, img-products-indiv-brick-oven-mushroom-spinach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are pretty good. The crust comes out with a good combo of crispy and chewy.

>> No.9605026

thats what makes it so good, its crispy

>> No.9605033

>shit fuckin costs you though $7
theyre 5 on average in quebec and similar thin crust pizzas but just not that brand are often cheaper

>Little Caesar's.
unironically the single time in my life where i thought a pizza was bad. i dont know how people eat that shit. it was disgusting.

>> No.9605079

top tier in britbong land ngl, just wish it was less floppy

>> No.9605144
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