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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9597360 No.9597360 [Reply] [Original]

I'm broke right now and hungry but I don't have any thing to eat, how can I score some food some how?

>> No.9597368

Go dumpster diving

>> No.9597369

Food bank, soup kitchen, go around restaurants and grocery stores near closing time and ask if they have any fresh food that's going to be thrown out. When you go to these places, go in the back way through the loading dock, because the warehouse dudes and the shelf stocking dudes know what it's like to be poor and might help you out, and you don't want to weird out customers.

gl buddy

>> No.9597371

food bank
soup kitchen
cans, bottles, metals

>> No.9597379

This if you're serious. When I was like 13 I would go out alone on friday nights and look for parties people were having in their apartments and I would go in just to take food.

>> No.9597385
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>put a plastic Walmart bag in your pocket.
>Grab 2 of those shitty premade sandwiches
>A caeser salad if you want and a bag of chips
>go somewhere discreet
>Put the shit in the bag
>Confidently walk out


No your good for two days

>> No.9597386

no dumpsters here

no food banks here or soup kitchens, none of that stuff here

>> No.9597393

Where do you live?

>> No.9597395

'''Donate''' your plasma. You can get $200/month if you do it as often as possible. Plenty for food.

>> No.9597399


>> No.9597402

the country

>> No.9597404

Where the fuck do you live that you have no dumpsters or social support systems

Even somalians get free fucking food from foreign aid

>> No.9597405

Food bank is your best bet. Are you waiting on a cheque anon? How'd you get broke to the point of hunger?

>> No.9597411

no hunting, fishing, garden, farm?

>> No.9597414

The country where? Midwest America? Some 3rd world hell hole?

>> No.9597427

a rural part of the U.S.

>Are you waiting on a cheque
Yeah sort of.
>How'd you get broke to the point of hunger?
just shitty circumstances in life, can't work right now because not physically well but don't qualify for any government assistance either.

I can't afford any of that

>> No.9597431

Do you have water? How fat are you?

>> No.9597432

>The country where? Midwest America?
I guess, I always considered my area to be the in the South.
>Some 3rd world hell hole?
some people would call it that.

>> No.9597435

yeah I have water... idk like 183 pounds?

>> No.9597440

manlet? can you see your abs?

>> No.9597442


>> No.9597446

how many pounds overweight are you?

>> No.9597447

Go to a hotel during the continental breakfast

>> No.9597466

I didn't think 180 was over weight...

I don't think that's a thing in my area.

>> No.9597481

Well then you can probably last a few weeks without eating provided you're not doing much physical labor. If you start seeing your abs then you really need to get some food soon.
If there is nothing in your area, which you won't reveal to anyone, then you're going to have to go somewhere else or get someone to bring you food.

>> No.9597486

Go on the streets and beg like the dirty mother fucker you are

>> No.9597488

>don't qualify for any government assistance

America ladies and gents, where the citizens will go hungry because they can deemed undeserving of basic needs.

>> No.9597492

Tell us your story anon. Maybe another kind hearted anon will order you a pizza or something. I've seen it happen more than once.

>> No.9597494

he is probably a beaner

>> No.9597497

>and grocery stores near closing time and ask if they have any fresh food that's going to be thrown out

back when I worked at a supermarket we would try to mix in bathroom waste with the food to discourage this

>> No.9597501

that is fucking cruel

>> No.9597510

Can happen to you anywhere as long as you manage too fuck up your gibs requirements

>> No.9597533

>American talking about other countries like he knows what he's talking about

In my country, anybody qualifies for social assistance if you can prove a lack of income. While you're on assistance, you're required to attend monthly meetings with your case worker so they can help you find work and/or training. Often times they pay for said training. If one does not attend these meetings, then they are cut off from support.
But you know, 'murica.

>> No.9597550

burgers are a cruel people

>> No.9597552

Sign up with a church most of them have food banks.

>> No.9597556

That’s exactly what happens in America too. But most Americans are too lazy to get the process started.

EBT, or food stamps, is guaranteed to you with little to no hassle. You’ll at least get an emergency card with a certain amount of benefits on it.

Getting monetary benefits is harder, but everyone has the ability to get them. You’ll have to jump through some hoops though.

I know from experience. I broke my neck and back in a car accident, and was off work for a few months. Disability wouldn’t pay, so it was the only option I had at the time.

>> No.9597560

no one would have cared if they cleaned up after themselves around the dumpsters.

I heard other chains would do worse and try to smash in glass containers over the food so whoever would actually be dumb enough to get into the dumpster would cut themselves to ribbons.

>> No.9597562

If you take your time, go slow, and then clean up, you get chased away or arrested.

>> No.9597569

And if you get caught punch one the employees or police officers and you get free meals in jail.

>> No.9597572

What in the actual fuck, that's Africa tier. Where I live, in fucking Canada, grocery stores sell produce unfit for human consumption to farms as slop for pigs, compost it, or donate the food to shelters in the case of deli dishes. Any other shit like cookies or canned beans would go to the food bank. I refuse to believe this, you're making shit up to be edgy.

>> No.9597573

It’s not cruel. These are people trying to run a business. You can’t have everyone rummaging through the trash of your restaurant. The business is liable if something happens to the scroungers to get them hurt.

And it’s not legal to give out expired food, nor can you just give out “fresh” food that is on the verge of spoiling. The line between fresh and spoiled is too thin, meaning the business is once again liable if something bad happens.

Most grocery stores have social programs in place. Instead of expecting literal hand outs, go through the motions of finding these programs.

They are everywhere, OP.

>> No.9597582


>> No.9597593

if you're homeless and you want to eat, the dumpster is not the place to find it. there's fucking plenty to eat without having to dig around and spew trash literally everywhere

>And it’s not legal to give out expired food

meh, that's not quite true. Literal tons of sealed food that didn't actually go bad was donated to Harvesters because the "expiration" date (actually a best-by date) is mainly stamped on there by factories so they can force grocers into constantly refreshing their inventory. stuff like expired meat and dairy went straight into the dumpster tho.

>> No.9597610

Op is being vague because he just wants money for csgo keys

>> No.9597736
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Go to a Super 8 or a hotel with free breakfast.
Walk in like your a guest. Sneak into the breakfast room and steal food.
I work at a Super 8, we get homeless people stealing food and newpapers a lot. We never call the cops or anything.
I mostly feel bad for them

>> No.9597748

I am Dutch and work at a grocery store and I have to destroy food as well by opening expired drink cartons and pouring it out on expired food untill its just a mixed sludge so nobody can eat it. We had a problem with dumpster diving leaving a huge mess.

>> No.9597761

If you're desperate, eat bugs. Crickets, grasshoppers, earthworms, grub worms. Just cook them first to kill any parasites and don't eat any brightly colored or fuzzy bugs because those are usually toxic.

>> No.9598617

This is the best solution in the rural US if OP doesn't have friends or family.

>> No.9599150

There's nothing here, I live in a town of 300

People don't do that here

What would you like to know?
>Maybe another kind hearted anon will order you a pizza or something.
The don't deliver here

I'm white

Where I am I have no way to get so such meetings or case workers, I have already trid to explain my situation to the local DHS once, they do not care. EBT or food stamps is NOT guaranteed.

I have never seen any of these programs that you speak of in my area

I don't even play video games

nothing like that around here

not around here

>> No.9600624

You're going to have to hold out for your check or go somewhere else.

>> No.9600653
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trap a squirrel or some birds?

>> No.9600665

Why don't you eat the bait?

>> No.9600674
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until your check gets you, try foraging and when you do get your check... have a big restaurant pasta meal but then buy some rice and beans

>> No.9600741

>can afford internet access
>can't afford food

what is it like to be dumb

>> No.9600828

priorities man

>> No.9600849

Buy 3 McDoubles for $4

Round up some change or something

>> No.9600851

Maybe they're consulting 4chan in a public library, for some reason.