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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9595606 No.9595606 [Reply] [Original]

Day 2 of Keto. How am I doing? Please share other recipes. I think I will get tired of beef and cheese after 3 or 4 weeks.

>> No.9595620

By the looks of that plate you're doing like fucking shit, just stop Anon.

>> No.9595625


>> No.9595629

Where the fuck is the raw broccoli and spinach and 6 gallons of water?

>> No.9595656

Needs more bacon.

>> No.9595698

too much carbs in that pepper, toss it

>> No.9595709

I like to make tacos with a large lettuce leaf. Hot sauce and sour cream make it pretty good.

>> No.9595731

Stop eating.

>> No.9595749

Thats a really sad looking meal

>> No.9595759

>want to lose weight easily
>see this
>no cooked rice or pasta
>cant drink anything

im a weeb, I need my rice and ramen

>> No.9595772

keto is about carb-less calories not happiness

>> No.9596045

I hope you're taking metamucil and a gallon of water a day unless you never want to take a shit again

>> No.9596308

I'm a lot happier now that I'm on keto. Tremendous mood improvement.

Yeah, I usually go about 3-4 days between them. Oddly, though, I hardly fart at all. Back when I was eating a carb-laden diet, my ass was exploding constantly, I'd sometimes have to go out of the office and lean over a balcony railing to try to force some of the gas out.

>> No.9596321

Try reassembling all of that -- put the ground beast and cheese inside the pepper. Voila, we eatin classy now.

As far as recipes go, take a look for a mapotofu sauce pack at the grocery store. The one I get has 4g of carbs. Add some ground pork, cubed tofu, scallions, and garlic. Skip the rice.

>> No.9596492

I have a shit ton of potatoes and hardly any other ingredients except eggs, a bit of whole milk, olive oil, margarine, and various shitty spices. What do I make that isn't boring?

>> No.9596513

this, you're never gonna hit your macros like that

>> No.9596528

Aren't potatoes carbs?

>> No.9596543

no their vegetables ya dingus

>> No.9596548

This sounds pretty good if you replace the beef with grilled chicken.

>> No.9596564

Potatoes are full of carbs

>> No.9596622

People get keto all wrong. It's really just a hardcore low carb diet. Leafy green veggies and even most colorful veggies are perfectly awesome.

>> No.9596639

Vegetable carbs are okay, it's only grain carbs that are bad.

>> No.9596649

>I'm a lot happier now that I'm on keto. Tremendous mood improvement.
Oh yeah? On your second fucking day? That totally has something to do with the diet itself and isn't just a mental thing simply due to the fact that you committed to a diet at all.

>> No.9596656

You're just a weak willed faggot, we understand

>> No.9596666

Yeah oatmeal, quinoa, and barley are just terrible for you

>> No.9596667

On keto you can't have any starchy carbs, potatoes included

>> No.9596689

you are thinking paleo not keto

>> No.9596694
File: 36 KB, 640x874, 1508291023579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you and everyone else that does this meme diet are insufferable cunts. There is actually no reason why you shouldn't be able to eat a reasonable amount of whatever you want and a healthy amount of exercise.

>i hope you get lou gherigs disease

>> No.9596706

Sexy samefag or is keto the new vegan?

>> No.9596718

>healthy amount of calories to burn in a day is 500
>can burn off 500 calories by doing jumping jacks for an hour


>> No.9596721

you should be banned from cooking

>> No.9596726

I've done keto on and off for a couple of years. I always thought it was a meme but lifestyle change is the real deal. I'm saying fuck keto now, and actually changing my entire lifestyle of eating by getting rid of sugar, bread, bad shit in general and potion controls on whole grains, animals, fruits, and veggies

>> No.9596731

NOTHING is more disgusting than colored dishes

>> No.9596736
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>> No.9596741

that's a paper plate you sperg

>> No.9596746

>portion controls on whole grains, animals, fruits, and veggies
So portion controls on everything?

>> No.9597156

They come in white.

>> No.9597444

get most of your fat from healthy fats (olive oil, fatty fish, avocadoes, nuts)
There is no call for comsuming more trans or staurated fat than on a regular healthy diet.

and you should get a full serving of greens with every meal. stick to low-carb veggies and you can do this and manitain ketosis.

do some reasearch into the different kind of fats and plan accordingly

>> No.9597596

You'll lose weight fast but don't complain if you get diabetes or a cardiac desease, especially if you are genetically prone to.
If I were you, I'll do it backwards and only eat carbs(preferably whole grain)and vegetables. It has worked for me.

>> No.9597615

why are you saying OP will get diabetes from going keto?

>> No.9597680

If you're genetically prone to get either diabetes or cardicac deceases, I'd be aware of it.
These stupid diets don't do shit , your body will get used to it and then when the diet is over, your body won't know how to react. People usually gain the wight back faster anyways, your body need energy from carbs for fucks sake! Meat take a whole fucking week to get digested, instead you could have fucking mushroon or kale, get your protein and shit it right away.

>> No.9597720
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>> No.9597732

>instead (of meat) you could have fucking mushroon or kale
wow tough decision i'll go with the juicy delicious meat, have fun with your shitass veggie memes

>> No.9597913

This is a keto thread, motherfucker. GTFO with your poh-tay-toes.

Fuck off.

>> No.9597915

Here's some cookbooks, OP.

For the DU links, UNCHECK THE BOX before clicking the download button. Otherwise it tries to install some stupid "download accelerator" crap that is completely useless and is probably spyware. These aren't gigabyte files that take a month of torrenting to download.

dailyuploads dot net slash hi7byd1c1v3i
dailyuploads dot net slash w1f5fw1foglh
suprafiles dot org slash 4hwixmpug2k6
filescdn dot com slash fkx7mg7hh58v
suprafiles dot org slash 85vanoz30b97

>> No.9597922

We've got a retarded vegan who trolls keto threads all the time. It's a pity the mods don't post his IP, doxx him, and have one of the psychopaths from the darkweb chain him up and pour pig blood down his throat until he dies.

>> No.9598118

Do Americans really eat off paper plates?

>> No.9598134
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>no reason why you shouldnt be able to eat a reasonable amount of whatever you want
>EXCEPT a keto diet you fucking INSUFFERABLE CUNT
Really primes my pistachios

>> No.9598141
File: 140 KB, 673x789, 1508731033246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire post
Broscience begone

>> No.9598492

Looks fine op. Add some taco seasoning, lettuce, guacamole, little taco sauce and you have a taco salad. If you want some crunch then crush up some pork rinds to add to it.
Listen, if your on day 2 more than likely your not in ketosis just yet. Right before you enter ketosis Your body begins to crave sugar. I mean really crave it. Don't give in. If you mush have something then eat a spoonful of peanut butter. Do not give in to the sugar craving. It goes away. Stay on top of your water and also electrolytes -->sodium, potassium, and magnesium. You will get headaches and feel like shit if you don't.

>> No.9598498


how fat are you? still fat?

>> No.9598536

Fucking pork rinds , to a fucking taco salad. What the actual fuck. How's the trailer park?

>> No.9598541

My life is great. I'm sorry your so miserable

>> No.9598673


Crockpot Buffalo Chicken Soup

3 Chicken Thighs, deboned and sliced (~1.2 lbs without bones)
1 tsp. Onion Powder
1 tsp. Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp. Celery Seed
1/4 cup Butter
1/3 - 1/2 cup Frank's Hot Sauce (depending on how spicy you like it)
3 cups Beef Broth
1 cup Heavy Cream
2 oz. Cream Cheese
1/4 tsp. Xanthan Gum
Salt and Pepper to Taste

De-bone the chicken thighs, slice the chicken into chunks and drop them in the crockpot with the rest of the ingredients except for cream, cheese, and xanthan gum.
Set crockpot on low for 6 hours (or high for 3 hours) and let cook completely.
Once everything is cooked, remove the chicken from the crockpot and shred using a fork.
Add cream, cheese, and xanthan gum to the crockpot. Use an immersion blender to emulsify all of the liquids together.
Place the chicken back into the crockpot and stir together. Taste and season with extra salt, pepper, and hot sauce if you'd like. Also top with sour cream, grated cheddar, and some green onions if desired.

This makes 5 total servings of Crockpot Buffalo Chicken Soup. Each serving comes out to be 523 Calories, 44.2g Fats, 3.4g Net Carbs, and 20.8g Protein.

>> No.9598679

Beef broth in a chicken dish?

Anon, I.....

>> No.9598684

Sorry thanks for spotting that. It should be chicken broth instead

>> No.9598729


Please don't do keto. You are doing damage to your body. Eat fiber.

>tfw diagnosed with diverticulitis at 27

>> No.9598787

you eat fiber in keto, fiber "carbs" don't count. of course fiber is an important part of any diet

>> No.9598925


>> No.9600106

Here's another recipe OP

-Low carb pepperoni pizza-

Pizza Base (crust)

2 cups Mozzarella Cheese grated approx (~8 oz.)
3/4 cup Almond Flour
1 tbsp. Psyllium Husk Powder
3 tbsp. Cream Cheese (~1.5 oz.)
1 large Egg
1 tbsp. Italian Seasoning
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp. Pepper
1 cup Mozzarella Cheese (~4 oz.)
1/2 cup Rao's Tomato Sauce ( or low carb sauce of choice)
16 slices Pepperoni
Spinkled Oregano (optional)

Directions ---

Microwave mozzarella cheese ( in crust recipe) until completely melted, then add all other base ingredients (execept olive oil) and mix together.
Knead dough into a ball, then spread out into a circle using the olive oil on the outside of the dough.
Bake crust for 10 minutes under 400F. Remove from oven, flip, and bake for 2-4 more minutes.
Top the crust with keto toppings of your choice and bake for another 3-5 minutes.
Let cool slightly, slice, and serve!

This makes around 6 slices of pizza in total. Each slice has 335 Calories, 27g Fats, 3.2g Net Carbs, and 18.2g Protein.

>> No.9600142

Is it okay to cook food with the pepper and then remove so you can at least have some flavor?

>> No.9600171

Lazy Mans Low Carb Cinnamon Rolls

2 cups of cream cheese
5 tbsp. Honey
3 large eggs
1 cup mozarella cheese
3 cups grated almonds
1 Avocado
2 tbsp. Cinnamon

mix it, roll it, bake it 20 minutes under 400F.

>> No.9600190

For gatherings larger than 10 people and outdoor bbq/picnics we do.

>> No.9600654

Eat grilled fish, miso soup, and steamed vegetables.
By the way, fiber doesn't count as part of net carbs, so consume plenty of that.

>> No.9600941

so just count calories and eat proper portions of whatever you want.
"diets" that mandate you eat specific foods for the purpose of weight loss are 100% memes.

>> No.9600947

ketard here
where the fuck are your veggies

>> No.9601570
File: 1.30 MB, 3816x2655, Dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master ketard here.
Try harder.
Here's my dinner - Salad Lyonnaise w/ duck confit. Perfect macro ratio here, my dude.

Make duck confit in bulk. Buy like a dozen legs at a time from your local asian market, find a decent recipe for duck confit and make it. They keep for weeks and they're delicious for any meal.

>> No.9601699

Haha funny my guy
Props to this bro
Check him out, bumped for you >>9596736

>> No.9602369

I lost 50 pounds on keto since June. It works. Get fucked.

>> No.9603046

Not same guy, but yeah, I've only lost about a third of the weight I want to lose. Point is, I *am* losing it. Which has never happened on any other diet. I'll get rid of the rest eventually, thanks to keto.

>> No.9603061



>> No.9603065

Sucks to be you. I was diagnosed with it at 40. Haven't had a flareup since going on keto. But that's not really relevant, since I haven't had a flareup ever since I stopped eating anything with sesame seeds on/in it.

Oh hey look, fiber:

And a non-fiber "pizza" recipe:

Sure, but why get rid of the pepper? It probably has about 4g of carbs in it (per Google's nutrition information). As long as you don't eat five of them you're fine.

>has half a bell pepper
>where be veggies

BTW, OP, add some mushrooms to >>9595606

Unless you don't like mushrooms, ofc.

>> No.9603084

>eating that much cheese and beef on keto
are you fucking stupid?

>> No.9603093

>bell peppers are vegetables
They’re fruit.

>> No.9603479

How's progress lads?
Dropped 17 kg since May. Not very happy about it but it could be way worse.

>> No.9603578

Mine is good so far. 30 pounds down since mid July with another 10-15 to go. I do keto at a 300 cal deficit with exercise 3-4x week and I change up my routine often. About once a week I eat a surplus of 200 -300 calories and up my carbs to 40 gm so that my metabolism doesn't get used to being in a deficit all the time. Seems to be working good for me atm.

>> No.9603747

Botanically they're fruit, from a culinary standpoint they are vegetables. Context matters, you literal piece of shit.

>> No.9603817

Yeah, but just a fuck ton of ground beef? Where da greens at?

>> No.9603834

Some people just hate doing dishes. Americans will let both sides of the sink fill up before the throw it all out and buy new dishes

>> No.9604048
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>> No.9604077

How is he still so fucking bad at cooking eggs when he does it every damned day?
And what are those chunks? Garlic?

I know some people just don't cook so they're not good at it, but the ones who do it a lot and are still this awful with even the simplest shit just boggle the mind. It's the same with Jack and Kay.

>> No.9604364


Breakfast was always eggs or an avocado smoothie.
A regular lunch/dinner for me on keto was always chicken or salmon. Steak when it was on sale. I'd have a salad, a deviled egg, and usually a celery stick with a bit of goat cheese in it as a side. I would use fat bombs or macadamia nuts to meet fat macros when necessary.

Also egg salad with bacon strip wrapped in a lettuce leaf or tuna salad. A hamburger patty with pepper jack, guacamole and an over easy egg was and is still one of my favorite meals. I mash up some cauliflower with cream and butter for the side and I'm good.

>> No.9604367

Did you sprinkle cheese on your bowel movement?

>> No.9604372
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Also I forgot to mention this stuff. i used it to make hot chocolate and desserts

>> No.9604385

>from a culinary standpoint they are vegetables
Love this retard tier damage control.

>> No.9604429

>your body will get used to it
>then when the diet is over, your body won't know how to react

>> No.9604434

BTW, how is your progress going? Just stick with it OP. You can do this

>> No.9604436
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>If you're genetically prone to get diabetes, cutting carbs out of your diet will give you full blown Stage 3 diabetes

>> No.9604447

I make wraps with the big ol' lettuce leafs.

>> No.9604458

That's a salad? Just looks like some lettuce to me

>> No.9604482
File: 11 KB, 211x246, 1503252711317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beef with cheese and half a red pepper

Did you just say
>share OTHER recipes?

>> No.9604486

How do you feel with lack of carbs?? I Peter out during CF when I am below 100g on carbs a day

>> No.9604496
File: 3.43 MB, 4032x3024, 20171026_134647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I stuff my face with meat, cheese, and crackers

>> No.9604513

Yeah bad angle on that salad. It's curly endive, not lettuce. And there's actually lardons, chives and minced shallots in there... and I'm quite sure that poached egg is clearly visible.
Salad Lyonnaise is pretty basic and mostly an exercise in technique - making a vinaigrette and poaching eggs.

>> No.9604518

looks abysmal master retard

>> No.9604523

I do pretty good. I eat a decent balanced (keto) meal after workouts usually higher in protein than fat.

I try to walk daily for 30-45 minutes and exercise 3 times a week doing either weight training or HIIT. For weight training, I spend 30-45 minutes per session, including stretching and warmup times. For HIIT I spend no longer than 15-20 minutes per session.i don't over do it or try to over train. If necessary I always keep fast acting glucose tablets with me but have not had to use them as of yet.

>> No.9604558

Also, 30-40 grams ( max) of total carbs is what I do only on workout days and I stay in ketosis but people should also take it easy for the first 3-4 weeks, until you get keto-adapted.

>> No.9604917

Depends on the cheese. Hard cheeses have almost no carbohydrates, since the lactose has all been converted to lactic acid. Next time you go to the grocery store, compare the nutritional labels of different types of cheeses. Dietary ketosis can be maintained by eating between 20-50g of carbohydrates daily. Depends on the person.

>> No.9605259


>> No.9607309

>Dietary ketosis can be maintained by eating between 20-50g of carbohydrates daily. Depends on the person.
Also, spreading that out across the day can help keep you in ketosis even if you eat on the higher end of that range. 20g of candy in one mouthful is going to be bad no matter what.