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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 910 KB, 993x1008, [Nii-sama] Sakura Quest - 07 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_20.29_[2017.10.24_20.22.57].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9594795 No.9594795 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of beer actually tastes good?

>> No.9594796

any of them when youre an alcoholic

>> No.9594797

Beer in general doesn't taste good and it all smells like shit.

>> No.9594798

you must be at least 21 years of age to post on the anime alcoholics anonymous greased-pole climbing imageboard

>> No.9594799
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It tastes better if you drink it with little girls.

>> No.9594800

None unless kvass counts as a beer. Otherwise stick to ciders.

>> No.9594801


Partially related, whiskey is going to be my drink of choice this weekend.

>> No.9594802

I love shiner bock. Goes great with steak and beans.

>> No.9594803

It's OK to be gay

>> No.9594804

SOmetimes I think I was blessed with not liking beer. All those carbs would render me 400 pounds

>> No.9594805

Stouts are good especially milk stouts

>> No.9594806

Blue Moon or various Irish reds would probably be passable if you drink rarely.

>> No.9594807

Same. Beer is gross. I'd rather a tequila

>> No.9594808

Almost all of them.

>> No.9594809

I think light or white beers taste nice.

>> No.9594810

Whatever the little girls have in their vans, as long as you listen to hard rock while drinking.

>> No.9594811


I remember getting trashed drinking this at a Japanese restaurant in NYC. Went great with my Gyudon.

>> No.9594812

anything that isn't bottomshelf beer

>> No.9594813

Any beer that your waifu has pissed in or was made with yeast that has been scraped out of her vagina.

>> No.9594814


>> No.9594815


>> No.9594816

>Any beer that your waifu has pissed
Yes, yes, yes.
>with yeast that has been scraped out of her vagina.

>> No.9594817
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It's only good if it leads to something. And the breath lingers on and ruins kissing.

>> No.9594818

Most of them, even a lot of budget beers aren't bad. At least where I live.

>> No.9594819

I've been craving a beer for a while even though I normally don't enjoy it that much. I haven't gotten to go drinking in a while and I know that whenever I finally get that beer I'm wanting, I'll drink a little and then just be disappointed.

>> No.9594820

none of them do. "liking" beer is nothing more than a placebo effect.

>> No.9594821
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>What kind of beer actually tastes good?

try not drinking american pisswater

>> No.9594822
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>> No.9594823
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Good thing I don't live in America then

>> No.9594824


>> No.9594825
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posting god tier beer before thread gets nuked

>> No.9594826

Beer is for children.

>> No.9594827
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>> No.9594828

Beer tastes far better when you drink it from little girls.

>> No.9594829

Non-american beer

>> No.9594830

if you're seriously shitting on beer you best start with something like cider so you can get a taste for it
then get some random craft beer 6pack, you'll probably like it
personally I can't stand heineken

>> No.9594831

it's 2017, anon. this meme has been dead for years.

>> No.9594832
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>mfw i drink Carling

>> No.9594833

I'm sorry.

>> No.9594834

All liquor besides whiskey is for children.

>> No.9594835

>/a/ - Anime & Manga

>> No.9594836
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and yanks still can't make decent beer.

>> No.9594837

Dumb Wojakposter, go back to your board.

>> No.9594838

Like your taste in food and drinks burger-kun

>> No.9594839
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>> No.9594840
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Nochebuena beer taste good.

>> No.9594841

Alcohol is for children

>> No.9594842
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Obviously the one Misato is constantly drinking.

>> No.9594843

America is the home of the craft brewing world. Meanwhile euros still drink mass produced garbage from their "local" industries.

>> No.9594844
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I don't talk shit if I can't back it up, eurofriend

>> No.9594845

I hate beer but I actually liked stout.

The question is, what type?

>> No.9594846
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I had this stout that was cold brewed with coffee grounds recently, it was pretty good.

>> No.9594847

don't buy it for a second

>> No.9594848

calm down Sergei

>> No.9594849

old rasputin

>> No.9594850

>muh micros


>> No.9594851

every drink besides water is for children

>> No.9594852

solid argument you got there.

>> No.9594853

If he was a Sergei wouldn't he be advocating vodka? Or is this referencing someone specific.

>> No.9594854

Lots of beers taste good.

Not that one, though, Asahi tasted metallic, like I was drinking the can.

>> No.9594855

the europeons get their worldview from /pol/. There's no point in even having a discussion with them. They are ignorant and racist against us

>> No.9594856

sustenance is for children

>> No.9594857

Black beer.

>> No.9594858

Not an eurokek but I've visited the US and your food is fucking stale, I didn't got a chance to try any beer but Coke tastes the same everywhere and MtDew and Dr Pepper were disgusting

>> No.9594859

photosynthesis is for men

>> No.9594860

Bet you live in Mexico or another latin american country with piss beer too.

>> No.9594861
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>> No.9594862

I found the beer in Japan was pretty mediocre. Cheap though. I actually found one that tasted exactly like Molson, took me right back home.

>> No.9594863

I had some pale ale on tap that was pretty good.
Bought a 6 pack of it later from a grocery store and it was garbage.

>> No.9594864

Also why is the bead so sweet

>> No.9594865

cheap food is cheap, anon.

>> No.9594866

I liked Yebisu when I was there. Pretty tasty, actually.

>> No.9594867
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Never understood that bit. They always go PSHWAAAAA UMAAAII as if it's some kind of nectar of the gods.

It's shit! Beer is always shit! The most I can consider close to tasty is Guiness, and even then it's due to the texture.
No beer ever tasted good!

>> No.9594868

They're no law on drinking age in Russia as far as I know.

>> No.9594869

How can you even judge food like that? What makes you qualified to say such a bizarre statement? You realize the united states is the third largest country in the world with 300,000,000 people? You don't really believe the shit you post right

>> No.9594870

>Ice in beer

Please neck yourself right now.

>> No.9594871

you need to drink something other than coke

>> No.9594872

Honestly, it doesn't taste particularly good, but I've always liked Budweiser.

>> No.9594873

it's really not terrible. especially for the price.

>> No.9594874

I fucking hate Coke and soda pops in general. Mostly drink water.

Anyway, I DID drink one super tasty beer in Germany once - but retard that I am, never botehred finding out the name. All I remember was that it was dark (Not Guiness dark, just kinda dark.), and it had a really really nice ... aftertaste? Aroma?

Damn, why didn't I figure out the name...

>> No.9594875
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>> No.9594876

if i got a warning for making a thread about stopping for people to cross at the crosswalk with an image from the beginning of inuyashiki, then you will get one for this thread. you are warned.

>> No.9594877

probably a porter

>> No.9594878

There are laws on selling or giving alcohol to minors.

>> No.9594879

Honestly just drink any beer ice cold and it tastes good and does the job. I've been to a beer tasting festival and they were trying to serve lukewarm beer for maximum flavor. Deer god it was awful

>> No.9594880

99.99999 of all alcohol literally tastes like piss.

I hated downing even high class sake during ceremonies.

>> No.9594881

I mean Japan has 125 million people and this board exists by making shit up about them.

>> No.9594882
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I'm a NEET so I have to scrounge up change for this but I like the taste well enough.

>> No.9594883

German here wish I could help but only you need to more specific than that we have like a trillion dark beers here.

>> No.9594884
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Same here, anon. Had a teetotal phase for a year, and looking for that special place and lager. There's one beer in particular I have in mind, one that I can't find where I'm at. I'm sure it will be anything but a disappointment.

>> No.9594885
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>> No.9594886
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Why not just make your own?

T. A person who is expert with wines and kvass

>> No.9594887
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>> No.9594888

Thanks - but I am doomed to wander the earth, wondering about that beer.

I'll never down can and genuinely go "puaaah" ;_;

>> No.9594889

Damn Guiness brings back memories.

>> No.9594890

I've tried alcohol several times and it always tastes like the same rotten shit whether it's wine, beer, whiskey, tequila or brandy. Is this beer is good meme some kind of joke I'm just not in on?

>> No.9594891

Many once you get used to the taste. But the point of alcohol is to get drunk, not for it to taste good.

>> No.9594892
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zum wohl

>> No.9594893

negro just try a bunch
they sell build-your-own-6packs for a reason

>> No.9594894

you've been raised on pure sugar
try a cider

>> No.9594895

>not drinking rum but mixing it with soda since you're too much of a pussy to drink it straight
>not doing this till half the liter is gona
you have not even begun to ascend to alcoholism

>> No.9594896

There should be a special kind of humiliation administered to people who ruin a good beer by serving it warm.

>> No.9594897
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You can never go wrong with a trapist beer in the range of 8-13%.

>> No.9594898

You shouldn't do that no matter how good your drink is unless you are genuinely parched, because you will look and sound like a faggot (more than usual)

>> No.9594899

>Is this beer is good meme some kind of joke I'm just not in on?
Believe it or not tastes in drinks is a lot like tastes in anime. Everyone has different taste but what I like is good and what you like is shit.

>> No.9594900
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Trippels are the sweet spot. Doubles are fine but a bit weak in terms of deeper flavour, Quadrupels can either be great or shit. The high % of alchol is hard to handle for some of them, but when you find a good quadrupel you are sold.

sorry for /ck/ posting.

>> No.9594903

well that's something
hi /ck/

>> No.9594906

wow move this thread but warn me and prune my thread about driving?? ggmods

>> No.9594907
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Hello /ck/
What's your favorite anime to drink beer to

>> No.9594908

We /ack/ now.

>> No.9594913
File: 385 KB, 818x1280, Leffe-Blonde[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good starter beer, other blonds may also suffice

>> No.9594920

Uh.. food, right? Hahaha. Hi /ck/! I like omelettes!
Will keep in mind, thank you.

>> No.9594921

Anon, you speak my language.

>> No.9594922


Duvel > Leffe

>> No.9594926
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Why does this anime grill have an egg in her hair?

>> No.9594936
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>have a handle of Jameson and end up drinking 1/3 of it alone one night
>because it’s so smooth I drink too quickly
>end up blacking out and waking up in my bed with pc off with vomit on the side of bed and ground
>bruised up knees
What a terrible night that was, gotta remember to pace myself with liquor.

>> No.9594946

The fruity tasting shit that doens't taste like beer. Beer taste is shit taste.

>> No.9594953
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I didn't like beer when I was young, in fact, I don't like beers made in my country.
Here they are too soft, they have too many water, they taste like dirty water.

So, I had vacations in Belgium, Germany and Czech Republic and, wow, beer can taste good.

I have tried Guiness before when I was alredy drunk and it was delicious, and then I tryed it sober and I didn't like it. It not bad, just there are better beers around.

If you want to find the dark beer, or better, the DUNKEL beer you have dranke in Germany, try the most famous brands, like Franziskaner, Paulaner, Augustiner, Hofbräuhaus et cetera.
Paulaner Dunkel Weissen is one of my favorites.

Also, hi /ck/.

>> No.9594955

She's a bird.

>> No.9594956


Aventinus? They make a great dark wheat beer.

>> No.9594958

That's a bit rude in this day in age

>> No.9594960

If you don't like tea, you won't like beer.
It's a similar kind of acquired taste.

>> No.9594963
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My nigga!

>> No.9594971

I just love Guiness. Brings back a lot. Never tried any German dark beers except Paulaner, though.

>> No.9594985

I'll try it out, can't hurt.

>> No.9594990
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>> No.9594992

Thank you too.
And yeah, the phrase I was looking for was dunkel.

>> No.9595018

It seems like most beer is good, but only really great when you're either already drunk or when it's drunk while you're eating
I mainly drink while eating, so I never drink mixed drinks.

>> No.9595021
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>Posting best girl.

Right back to you anon.

>> No.9595036
File: 1010 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireba Ii. - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.11_[2017.10.09_00.16.49].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, I had vacations in Belgium, Germany and Czech Republic and, wow, beer can taste good.
Same story with me. Even something like Svijany was quite to my taste.

>> No.9595037

I just had a Sam Adams winter lager, that shit was delicious.

>> No.9595065

Isn't it like 4.5%?

Honestly all the Jap sushi restaurant beer isn't worth it, it's all just made in LA/Wisconsin/etc by the big American companies. Really wish Japanese restaurants would actually serve real craft beer (whether it be Japanese or American)

>> No.9595076

The last time I blacked out drinking I spilled an entire litre of water into the top vent of my PC when it was running. Killed the motherboard, CPU, graphics cards, and my new SSD. Cost me like $800 in an instant, though at least I was able to return the SSD.

>> No.9595087

I did that years ago and all that came of it was less dust in my PC.

>> No.9595097

I find most medium (~5%) pilsners usually have a nice instant flavour and kick

particularly from a bottle

>> No.9595100


>> No.9595103

Sam Adams Oktoberfest

>> No.9595124

unfiltered ipa

>> No.9595144


IPA is a great beer type. However, i never drink it during autom or winter. That's Imperial Stout time.

>> No.9595188

any that isn't shit (95% popular beers are, unless you live in belgium, germany or czechia)
if you're american your best bet is either craft beer or euro imports (and I don't mean fucking heineken)
nah, not even close
I think most people who claim to dislike beer have never actually had a good beer in their lives, like that poor dunkelanon who needed to go to Germany to try out something other than corporate pseudopilsner swill

>> No.9595236

>nah, not even close

Are you insane? Duvel (Both the regular one and the trippel hop) has far more taste than Leffe. Leffe is not bad by any means, but all it tastes is like a regular blonde. Duvel is way better than that.

>> No.9595272

no minors on this site plz

>> No.9595280

>people think german beer is good

>> No.9595285

why is the amount of low quality shitposting and autism so high on this shit board

>> No.9595289

There is, but people rarely follow the laws, it's possible for children to buy alcohol and just say that "it's for their parents"

>> No.9595292


>> No.9595294
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There's a reason California is the IPA capital. 93F outside right now and that's pretty mild for the state. No way I can drink anything heavier than an amber in this weather

>> No.9595295

that was /a/

>> No.9595309

Free. Beyond that, wet.

>> No.9595347
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>> No.9595350
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Well, i live in in the northern part of Sweden, close to Treriksröster (The border where Sweden, Noway and Finland meet) So i either have the sun up 24 hours per day or permanent night 24 hours per day.

As for temprature it's anywhere from 80F to -31F up here. I work as a type of ranger that prevents locals from killing wild life they don't like (Samis killed shit tons of Bears, Lynx and Wolfs before we came here). So it's either IPA or Dark bear the year around.

>> No.9595385

if you dont like it you dont like it.

I drink and enjoy wine, hard liquor, sake, fuck, everything with alcohol pretty much. That said, I still cant get myself to like beer.


>> No.9595393
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Don de Dieu

>> No.9595444

It really doesn't, even if you make it yourself you're hitting like 2% tops. Do you make kvass yourself? It's generally very different from what you get in the store but it's so much better.

>> No.9595456
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>> No.9595459

>I drink and enjoy wine

Then there are beer out there for you. If your talking abour Red wine you would enjoy Old Ale. They have a distinct taste of wine but with either spices or hops as a primary taste.

If you ever get the chance, try out Old Tom.

This is making me mad. I am the "ranger" and i can't buy this is Sweden anymore. La fin du monde (Spelled that horribly wrong) and Trois pistoles (spelled it wrong again) are among my favourite when it comes to the regular selection (Excluding oak age and one times batches). Sadly never had the chance to try Raft man.

>> No.9595465
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Same, dry ciders on the other hand, ooooooh boy.

>> No.9595531

Dry cider is nice. Any favorite flavour? I am partial to wild strawberry or Peach. Apple was once my favorite but after a few bad batches in my bathroom i don't like it anymore.

>> No.9595548

Tbh I dig Fosters, which is only good outside of Aussie, they would say its shit

>> No.9595552

Can we all finally admit that beer tastes like strained plant and socks and the only reason people pretend to enjoy it is because it gets them drunk?

>> No.9595640

>getting drunk on beer
its like you enjoy wasting money
one or two beers, then straight to vodka. if i drink to get drunk, i no longer give a shit what form my booze takes. i drink beer cause it tastes good and gets a buzz rolling

>> No.9595648

Alcohol is alcohol anon. Even if it doesn't get you smashed, your body will crave it.

>> No.9595676

it's an acquired taste, like with green olives. ya don't like it at first but it grows on ya and you soon think it's delicious

>> No.9595774


You actually get drunker on cheap beer than straight booze if your in the mood of getting drunk. People always underestimate the percent of a ruglar beer while they overestimate the percent of your regular drink.

One regular Beer is as powerful as on gin & tonic with 7cl of Gin in it. And if you tap into the good stuff you have a way stronger brew.

>> No.9595809

The fuck are you talking about? Doing shots will always get you drunker than drinking beer. I drink cheap beer because I get too drunk too fast with even a mixed drink though I do pour them strong.

>> No.9595829

Jambe de bois

>> No.9595907

did you chill it retard ?

>> No.9595933


Doing shots will get you drunker yes. But If you do shots you will rocket into the sky, While beer will take you to drunk without a problem.

Yes, If you want to reach blackout drunk, do shots. If you want to get drunk and have decent evening drink beer. Or you could just drown 4 of these

If that won't get your drunk drinking 4 fast ones of this as you do with some shots, i will give you the money back. The difference is that you probably won't blackout.

>> No.9595947


Also in terms of drunk, the main difference is that you build it up slowly with beer. You will reach your stop in the end. The only difference is that you will still have some toughts left if your just doing beer.

Let's say your shotguning the can. Now we are talking abour regular beer at 5.2%. That is 2.6 grams of pure booze. One shot is in the range of 2,7-2,3 depending on your drink of choice. Will you get drunker faster? Hell yes. Both will get you drunk.

>> No.9595974

>beer will take you to drunk without a problem
You either eat like a bird, you're underage, or you're willing to crush 15+ cans which is a waste.

>> No.9595980

there's more to beer than 4% piss, anon.

>> No.9596008

If you don't like beer but you want to drink it, just go for something plain with very little taste. Heineken for example is almost like drinking carbonated water. There isn't much taste there to dislike.

>> No.9596018

You forget where you are. Many of us al/ck/s drink beer to sober up, even those 8+% dopplebocks and stouts. Simply put, if you're drinking beer to get drunk, you're wasting good beer.

>> No.9596057
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Small local breweries can do just fine.
(I enjoy Oozlefinch here in VA)

Most commercial stuff is fairly shit in the USA though.

>> No.9596067

when you're alcoholic, sure.

>> No.9596195

Did you even read the first line of the post?

>> No.9596201

All of them after the first 3

>> No.9596247

of course.

>> No.9596510

Men tend to like more bitter flavors vs women liking sweeter so I understand anon.

>> No.9596575

shiner bock
yuengling (great with a cheesesteak)
rolling rock

>> No.9596625

Retard detected

Gender has nothing to do with liking different flavors
I've met women who only drink beer, and strong beer at that

>> No.9596644

the kind you brew yourself

>> No.9596869

new england IPAs.

>> No.9596876

i mean the style. not literal IPAs from new england.