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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 800x450, potatosalad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9592781 No.9592781 [Reply] [Original]

Asian here, thank you US for your this potato salad invention. Ever since I've discovered it I've been eating it all the time.

>> No.9592792
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>> No.9592795

Its hardly an American invention ... they just took regular potato salad that was most likely brought over by German immigrants and proceeded to do what Americans love doing - add more fat and calories.
Typical German/Bavarian potato salad is without mayonnaise.

>> No.9592799

Do you put Kewpie in it?

>> No.9592801

Fuck off, slope.
You’re not welcome here.

>> No.9592803

Everything points to it being a European invention

>> No.9592806

It isn't american at all, it's british

>> No.9592808

> American-style potato salad is served cold or at room temperature. Ingredients often include mayonnaise or a mayonnaise-like substitute (such as yogurt or sour cream), herbs, and vegetables (such as onion and celery.)

This is the one I like.

>> No.9592812

Americans put sugar in it as well.

>> No.9592828

well, sour cream wouldn't be so bad I guess. My mother is from Silesia, but her mother had to flee from the Russians with her when she was still a baby. Her recipe for Silesian potato salad is pretty kick-ass. 2/3 diced potatoes, 1/3 diced appels, pickled cucumbers, pearl onions and diced hard boiled eggs. I find it really difficult to constrain myself whn eating that. The combination of flavours is just fantastic.

>> No.9592840

thanks for Japanese food, specifically the Japs I suppose, but thanks to other Asians for pho, and Korean take on tacos. also Chinese food.

>> No.9592873

That's not burger food.
Add mayo, cheese and corn syrup, then it's Burger food. Fucking burgers!

>> No.9592883

But potato salad is a classic japanese dish?!

>> No.9592921

Thomas Jefferson invented it

>> No.9592955

potato salad originated in germany and even the one with mayo isn't american it's prussian, wikipedia is wrong.

>> No.9593001

Potato comes from Germany herpyderpy do dum I hate eurocucks

>> No.9593014

Most American food is based on stuff that originated in Europe and then took on a life of its own over several generations.

Having said that, you are enjoying the American take on potato salad (or some variation of it to better suit local tastes), so you're welcome.

>> No.9593032

he said potato salad, retard

>> No.9593035


>> No.9593043

Yeah they do.

>> No.9593064

Wrong again, eurotrash.

>> No.9593070

I'm sure no one in Peru ate a cold potato medley before the famous German explorer Columbus
Herpydum derpy

>> No.9593079

I'm asian and both my family and I HATE potato salad.
Most of these fake 'salads' that anglo's eat are fucking disgusting.

>> No.9593084
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>> No.9593101

I’m too lazy to look it up but didn’t they not eat the potatoes?
I think I read somewhere that they thought they were poisonous or something.

>> No.9593110

Try egg salad with bacon and lettuce

>> No.9593114

Your too lazy to be taught

>> No.9593115

look im sorry that all your foods are from other cultures, no need to be bitter about it.

the German potato salad came to America by german immigrants, it's where your potato salad you know originated from.

>> No.9593127

And where did Germans get potatoes?

>> No.9593135

>go to a small jap restaurant
>buy a teriyaki "bento box"
>one of the sides is fucking potato salad, the other is iceburg lettuce on dressing

Never again

>> No.9593145

From the Spanish lol Germany btfo

>> No.9593147


This shit is like curry, every family is going to have a different recipe. The assblasted eurofaggotry autism in this thread is ridiculous.

>> No.9593152

And where did the Spanish get potatoes from?

>> No.9593153

What’s your problem?
Go snort some HFCS, fatty.

>> No.9593163

Stop right now, you get fat like them!

>> No.9593168

What's YOUR problem, eurotrash? You seem butthurt.

>> No.9593169

>farms don’t exist in Spain

>> No.9593171


You realize HFCS is only in hyper processed foods for kids and Southern fatties who don't cook?

>> No.9593175

Surely you're not this fucking STUPID, are you?

>> No.9593192

From a Stone Age people who thought they were gods

>> No.9593196

Says the guy who thinks potato salad predates actual potatoes.

>> No.9593206

Are you fucking high? No one ever said that, stupid. Potatoes are from south America, you troglodyte. And people in South America have been making potato salad for eons before the euros raped their civilizations.

>> No.9593208

says who

>> No.9593229

Mexican silver is a thing and the Mexicans didn't have silver before Europeans showed them how to be human.
I'm pretty sure the subhuman apes didn't grasp the concept of a salad the same way a goat will eat a variety of things but you wouldn't call it a cuisine

>> No.9593248

So, you're not only an idiot, but a racist idiot. You should have studied harder in your basic WORLD HISTORY CLASS, MONGO.
>implying the Incans (hint, where potatoes come from), weren't fucking dripping in gold, which made the Spanish chimp out.

>> No.9593263

I said silver not gold the process to smelt gold is completely different my cuck friend

>> No.9593272

why is everybody in this thread so angry about potato salad? I know this is 4chan but you guys are like league of legends-tier mad about potato salad.

>> No.9593277

Then you have no fucking idea what this thread is about, you mong. Go move goalposts somewhere else, skippy.

>> No.9593297

Europeans don't have much else so arguing with Americans online gives them a sense of superiority

>> No.9593324

>mexican civilization
>the aztec "empire" didn't exist until 1440
>they were still living in the stone age while europe was already over a century into the Renaissance

can we stop pretending europeans did anything wrong to the subhumans in the americas?
they were literally rutting around in the dirt while european civilizations had eclipsed their technology, science, art, and culture THOUSANDS of years earlier

fucking oxford university existed over 300 years before mexican "civilization"

>> No.9593339

You’re a bit simple aren’t you?

>> No.9593349

he is if he thinks south america ever had civilization
reminder: the mayans died to because they pulled a haiti and deforested their entire range which caused droughts from their self inflicted desertification; driving them to extinction

>> No.9593356

>still excusing genocides

I guess when the ancient Egyptians and Nigerians took your "subhuman" blonde blue-eyed ancestors as slaves because they were "unusual " looking, and burned their villages, raped the women, killed the men, took all the children as slaves, because they were a higher civilization than your kind , that's all justified as well? Your ancestors were living in the dirt, wearing dirty animal skins and praying to pagan gods who sprang from trees. Can we stop pretending that the Egyptians and Nigerians were doing anything wrong?!?
You're a fucking moron.

>> No.9593357


>> No.9593358

Oh my god, what sort of hillbilly education did you get? It's time for you to stop posting, Cleetus.

>> No.9593385

>southern fatties who cant cook
alright look here you yankee faggot, just about every "american" dish you may enjoy almost defiantly comes from the south. same goes for all the food typically considered "soul food" which is essentially just former house slaves passing down recipes they saw their masters eating. The people in this country that cant cook are invariably niggers and mid westerners

>> No.9593630

Grammar fag don't care bowt dat history

>> No.9593637

Go back to your containment board, you piece of shit.

>> No.9593639

Did the father of your wife's kids teach you that version of history?

>> No.9593640

>Americans put sugar in it as well.
do I really do this?

>> No.9593641

>soul food" which is essentially just former house slaves passing down recipes they saw their masters eating
The opposite is actually true.

>> No.9593645

Of course you do.

>> No.9593646

Unlike you, I had a proper education. I didn't have learn fairytales told to me by my Uncle-daddy Billy Bob around the plastic table in the double wide, like you. Go back to fucking your sister and let the grown ups talk.

>> No.9593650

>thread details into this retarded history bullshit

I wanna talk about potatoes

>> No.9593656

The assumption that I'm a Redneck is actually racist buddy, my assumption that you cuck seems to be spot on.

>> No.9593657

Ok, let's talk about potatoes. Anything specific?

>> No.9593661

That word has become as meaningless as your existence. You'll have to try harder, bigot.

>> No.9593663

Best potatoes for potato salad?

>> No.9593664

Be careful with that edge, son.

>> No.9593667
File: 84 KB, 597x572, 6F562E1D-3CEF-4403-B9EF-1545CBBF096B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amerisharts putting sugar in potato salad

>> No.9593669

It's because/pol/ is full of bots spamming pictures of black cock so the spergs have leaked all over the place

>> No.9593670

Pink eye if you can find them. I've only ever seen them in Tasmania.

>> No.9593680

I don't know where you freaks got that idea, but I've never known anyone, ever, adding sugar to potato salad. This weird shit needs to stop.

>> No.9593681

Americans are a European diaspora :)

>> No.9593691

You must get called it a lot

>> No.9593694

About as often as you shit your pants, freakboy. Still has become irrelevant, like you.

>> No.9593699

Niggers and spics in America
Muslims in Europe

>> No.9593700

It’s in Wikipedia, the milleniels source of all knowledge.

>> No.9593706

Fucking hell.....this world is going to shit.

>> No.9593713

Tell me some more irrelevant words?

>> No.9593718

It depends on the type of potato salad. If I'm making German style potato salad, I prefer Yukon gold. If I'm making a creamy dill potato salad, I like using red skinned baby potatoes. If I'm making a classic American style potato salad, I'll use russet. If I want to get freaky, I use purple potatoes, which have about the same texture as Yukon golds.

>> No.9593723

>tell me some more irrelevant words
How abou ‘American’ and ‘opinion’ for a start?

>> No.9593724

I'm not from America

>> No.9593728

The statement remains extant.

>> No.9593732


>> No.9593735

your welcome, friendo. thanks for inventing soy sauce

>> No.9593741

Why lie senpai

>> No.9593742

c'est la vie

no sense getting hung up about lives already lived and lost
neanderthal already won the end game. Those carrying the neanderthal genome vastly out number those without it by orders of billions
white homo neanderthals conquered the black homo sapiens so handily even their genetic code has been put to work.
The neanderthal literally hijacked the sapiens body

when people say the neanderthal died out, that's incorrect, it's more alive today than it has ever been by existing in the genome of modern man

>> No.9593757

You've been reading alternative news again, anon. You're losing the battle.

>> No.9593791
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>> No.9593806

potato salad has mayonnaise.

>> No.9593992


Bavarian potato salad is made with vinegar and is served warm or at room temperature.

Prussian potato salad is made with mayonnaise and is served cold or at room temperature.

Learn your cuisine, McDoofuses.

correct, fellow gourmet.

>> No.9593998

Well, apparently Rhineland potato salad is made with vinegar as well, since that's how my grandparents who immigrated from there made it. I miss them, they were such good cooks.

>> No.9594012

Since I live in Rhineland, which historically was a part of prussia, I can tell you mayonnaise-based potato salads are more common here. Exceptions make the rule, I guess.

>> No.9594022

Do you know in which city your grandparents lived in?

>> No.9594051

Where do you live? My family came from Nassau, but I have relatives in Dusseldorf and Cologne, mostly now.
Also, I realize that potato salad recipes are subjective, I just thought I'd share my own experience, no need to get salty.

>> No.9594057

See >>9594051

>> No.9594086

I didn't mean to sound salty. I live about 20 km away from Düsseldorf.

>> No.9594096

Genuine unrelated question, what month does it usually start snowing in Düsseldorf?

>> No.9594103

Nice. How are things there? I haven't visited in years, although I'd like to again. Is it still nice, or have things gotten worse? It's such a beautiful place, I hate to think of it going to shit.

>> No.9594132

When I went to japan I think I was served potato salad with literally every meal. Breakfast lunch dinner, every fucking time.

Why do they love it so much?

>> No.9594138

In a normal year? Never...
I mean, it DOES snow between december and and february, but it usually melts within the next two days. In I believe 2010 we had unusually snowy weather around christmas with 20 cm of snow which lasted for two or three weeks.

>> No.9594143

it;'s frequenlty served as panchan at korean places too

>> No.9594158
File: 658 KB, 675x653, Screenshot-2017-10-24 Gewalttaten in Düsseldorf Drei Messerattacken in sechs Tagen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this was big headlines this week. Three knive attacks within six days, so let's say we've had better times...

>> No.9594171

Geez.....that sucks. Well, we certainly have those issues, too, as I'm sure you've heard. Are people there legit worried about their safety on a daily basis? Or are there any measures being put in place to help curb it? I'm sorry that's been happening, I wish there was an easy solution.

>> No.9594174
File: 93 KB, 500x592, 1460209758328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good thing you imported all those doctors from the ME then.

>> No.9594259

I don't really see how you could solve this without deporting the people who are causing the problems and I don't see a majority for that at the moment. Politics is very divided on the issue, and by divided I mean everyone against the right wing AfD party. Sadly every right wing party in Germany ever suffers from the same problem, right-wing dumbnuts who wish to turn back time. Also most people are fence sitters. So, I don't see how it can get better without it getting worse first.

>> No.9594269

I love Mett, it also reduces your risk of blowing yourself up in a crowded train station by 100%! ;-)

>> No.9594281

Yeah, I know, we have our own rightwing nut job problem here right now too. Ughh....

>> No.9594291
File: 76 KB, 557x742, kermett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to force myself a little to try it. It really is great on Brötchen with a little chopped onion, though.
The habit of shaping it into things is still a bit weird, though.

>> No.9594297

>reduces your risk of blowing yourself up
Depends how much mett you et

>> No.9594354

It's german lil bud

>> No.9594364

Damn. My girlfriend wants to visit the Christmas markets next month but she specifically wants to go to one where it's snowing.

>> No.9594372

I mean I consider myself right-wing (something like patriotic libertarian-ish) and I support deporting foreigners back to their homelands (since I don't see a different non-violent solution besides hoping for the best) and a "normalization" of the handling of our history, but why the hell do some idiots have to suggest that we should be proud of Wehrmacht soldiers? That's just stupid.
Also a big problem are our hate speech and anti-discrimination laws. You can legally call germans a "pooch race" and our immigration minister of turkish heritage said she "doesn't see a specific german culture besides the language" while at the same time it is illegal to deny anyone a job, service or place to live based on heritage. If you are against immigration all you can do is vote and hope. Some villages went so far as to deny building permits if you didn't want to rent to asylum seekers.

That's the only way to eat it. Shaping is mostly done for parties.

>> No.9594399
File: 88 KB, 993x559, concretebarrierpolice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to see a snowy christmas market ditch Germany and head for Austria or Switzerland.
If you still want to go to Düsseldorf christmas market prepare for concrete road barriers, heavily armed police, pick pocketers and sexual harassment by small migrant groups.
>pic related

>> No.9594412

I'm with you on that. It's one thing to be libertarian and protectionist to a point, but it's another to go full crazy bigot chanting with torches and dressing like your "dear leader" and being stupidly proud of things that should be left well in the past, like what we have going on here.
I just feel like everyone has lost their damn minds and have zero ability to moderate anything..

>> No.9594491

Well, if the left-wing nutjobs wouldn't be so blatantly anti-white, the right-wing nutjobs wouldn't have a leg to stand on. Also, removing historic monuments is stupid, just add a plaque explaining what a shitty person the dude was.

>> No.9594497

Austria is looking good.

>> No.9594513

I don't understand why people are against moving the statues to a goddamn museum. That's what museums are fucking for. This isn't hard. And yeah, leftvwing nut jobs are bad too, leftists and alt-right freaks are two sides of the same dumbass coin. They're both wrong.

>> No.9594525

You can't destroy the past.

>> No.9594535

Don't get me wrong, it is still pretty safe in Germany and probably nothing will happen to you but over the course of the whole christmas market, which will take like three weeks or something, I would at least expect something to happen (pick pocketing is a given around the christmas market and the train stations). Also, you will probably see police and barriers in Austria as well, at least in the bigger cities.

>> No.9594542


>> No.9594543

Museums would be fine as well, just don't tear it down like a bunch of savages.

>> No.9594549

Not only that, but can you imagine the revenue for a city that housed the "confederate museum"? They'd have people there constantly. Even the leftists would go out of hair-shirt type penance.

>> No.9594573

some americans put in condensed milk which is sweet as hell especially with macaroni salad,but i never heard of adding straight sugar

>> No.9594585

idk man, it's on Wikipedia apparentally.
Probably a mid west thing.

>> No.9594668

OK, after all this unrelated talk let me give you the recipe to my special prussian style potato salad:

-potatoes (obviously)
-miracle whip classic
-oil (for frying)
-black pepper
-paprika powder
-garlic powder
-fresh chives
-fresh parsley

-peel potatoes, cut in slices (third of an inch), boil in salted water, let cool down after done, IMPORTANT: cooling down must happen dry, so get rid of the water and blow them dry using a hair dryer or something
-dice bacon and onions, fry in pan with oil, add paprika powder, garlic powder and a lot of black pepper, let it cool down and decant the frying oil
-chop up fresh parsley, fresh chives and the pickles and add to miracle whip
-mix all that shit up, let it sit over night or so, have fun!

>> No.9594672
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>> No.9594674

> miracle whip

Sorry, but you must be discarded.

>> No.9594700

I know as a standalone it is garbage, but it somehow works with this recipe. That's why you need fresh parsley and shives and a lot of black pepper. It cancels the sour flavour of miracle whip out.

>> No.9594711


>> No.9594715

chives, sorry fat fingers.

>> No.9594740

I though you meant shiv for a minute there.
Fuck cockneys.

>> No.9594964

I'll try a more detailed explanation why miracle whip works (although describing flavours in my non-native language will be hard):

-the miracle whip has a sour-fatty taste which goes together with the sour-fresh taste of the pickles, the fresh taste of the parsley and the fresh-oniony taste of the chives
-by letting it sit over night the sour taste of miracle whip and the oniony taste of the chives almost completely disappears
-the savory-spicy flavour of fried bacon and onions combined with the pepper complements the fresh taste of the other ingredients
-using mayonnaise instead of miracle whip would lose out on the fresh taste of the salad

>> No.9596542

Don't worry anon, they're Jewish lies. I have never done this and don't know anyone that does.
I do put eggs in mine though.

>> No.9596557
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enjoy salmonella and ecoli idiot

>> No.9596613

bless you, kind euro

>> No.9596695

Neither is /pol/ go back to your shitty containment board

>> No.9596850

Mac salad is better, OP