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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9586619 No.9586619 [Reply] [Original]

Do you brush after every meal or are you a filthy homeless person?

>> No.9586811

I brush only before going to my dentist like a normal person.

>> No.9586881


brushing your teeth is how you wind up at the dentists.

tooth brushing harms your teeth and causes cavities. it also makes your breath smell like shit once the peppermint candy wears off.

literally a fucking meme.

>> No.9586892

t. bitter Britbong

>> No.9586893

but why would dentists always demand you brush your teeth?

what's their angle... what do they get from you having bad breath?

>> No.9586933


what do dentists get from people having cavities?

you think about that.

also they're mostly jewish.

>> No.9586943

Flossing is far more important that brushing.

All those small bits of rotting food stuck between your teeth is what gives you shit breath and damages your gums.

>> No.9586944

Used to when I was a kid. Now I do about once every 2-3 month with something to whiten them.

>> No.9586954

So, I never really bought into this, but I also rarely brushed my teeth. Just a bad habit. I am now 41 with dentures due to severe periodontist.

I'm not going to say that correlation always equals causation, but I do wish I had done regular checkups and brushed and flossed more frequently.

Brush your fucking teeth.

>> No.9586972

They are equally important. Flossing gets rid of more tartar, but brushing (as an aside, get an electric toothbrush already) is more important for gum health.

>> No.9586973

periodontitis. is a bitch btw. After my first dental xray in over 20 years, it was revealed that i don't even have enough bone left for full implants. I will be able to get a full set on the lowers, but I can only do the front teeth on the uppers and those will need to support a partial for the back upper teeth.

Fuck I was an idiot.

>> No.9587700

>brushie brushie brushie

>> No.9588962

>be at work
>eat boxed lunch consisting of plain peas and rice
>go to the bathroom
>take out my pink hygiene bag with floral patterns
>get out my toothbrush for sensitive teeth
>don't like it when teeth go ouchie
>finish brushing
>leave bathroom
>coworkers beat the shit out of me

Fucking nonbrushers

>> No.9589017
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I brush about once a day and rinse with peroxide

>> No.9589025
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>peppermint candy
>brushing your teeth with candy