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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.98 MB, 2448x3264, fuck it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9582129 No.9582129 [Reply] [Original]

fuck it, i'm winging it.

need to bring homemade sourdough bread to a friend's Walking Dead viewing tomorrow, but didn't have time to retard the final proof, so here's my plan:

>autolyse 250g bread flour and 250g sonora white flour in 350g warm water for 30 minutes
>add 75g 100% hydration starter, 9g salt, and additional 25g water (to dissolve the salt)
>pinch and fold until incorporated
>stretch and fold after 30 minutes, rest, then stretch and fold again (pic related)

that's where i'm at. i am not a morning person, but i guess i'll get up around 9am EST to shape, fold, and then do a final proof for an hour or so until my loaf passes the finger dent test.

anyone have advice for my future baking of sourdough loaves that doesn't involve kneading?

bread general, i guess

>> No.9582132
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>> No.9582135

hey fuck you this isn't helpful

>> No.9582145

How can reditors make threads like this and STILL not understand why they are hated here?

>> No.9582148
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sorry, posted the wrong image

>> No.9582157

i know, how DARE i come to a board about food and cooking and ask for tips and advice? like, the GALL of it. i'm the worst.

>> No.9582168
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>> No.9582174
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>> No.9582259

>a friend's Walking Dead viewing
Is this an east coast thing or a white people thing, having big parties for watching some TV show together?

>> No.9582263
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>> No.9582266

At least post some other franchise burgers if you're gonna do this, like carl's jr or jack in the box

>> No.9582278
File: 113 KB, 710x473, 10-mcdonalds-fries-1990.w710.h473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your not the boss of me

>> No.9582286
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>> No.9582294
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>> No.9582295

eh, it could be either? i don't think it's unusual for people who like a show to get together and watch the show in each other's company.

>> No.9582299

It's an underage redit thing

>> No.9582303


i'm 36 and the people i will be watching it with are in their early 40s.

>> No.9582304
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>> No.9582307

>someone posts a legitimate, relevant food/cooking thread
>it gets bombed by spergs posting fast food and crying "reddit"
this board is fucking trash

>> No.9582312

yeah, i'm honestly super disappointed. guess i should have known better than to post an on-topic thread on a saturday night. i just wanted to talk about sourdough bread baking.

>> No.9582315
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>> No.9582333
File: 118 KB, 1600x1062, Aloha Mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9582335

we get it, you suck. why do you have to keep posting fast food spam on a legit food and cooking thread? like, honestly, what do you get out of this?

>> No.9582340
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>> No.9582353
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>> No.9582362

for anyone who's not a fast food spammer and is actually interested in this thread, i've done 2 more stretch and folds to this 50% bread flour 50% sonora heirloom flour dough.

it's rising faster than i expected, so i might put the dough in the fridge to slow down the bulk ferment, and then pull it out of the fridge tomorrow and let it come to temp and then shape and room temp final proof it.

>> No.9582372
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>> No.9582414

You’re the reason 4chan is dying.

>> No.9582420
File: 273 KB, 1242x810, Sosij egg muffen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9582713

Hey i'm interested, I'm making my first loaf of white bread right now

>> No.9582929

You're all gay

Why are you using less that 2% salt? Your method sucks and your ratios suck. Good luck on the shit bread.

>> No.9582950

Too lazy to report the spam, somebody else do it she'll probably get banned.

>> No.9582953
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>> No.9583036
File: 3.92 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is basically my standard procedure with my sourdoughs.
In the morning I feed my starter so that I have an active starter by evening. I then make my dough (autolyse for 1 hour, knead for 10-15, stretch and fold three times with 30 minutes intervals). I then let it bulk proof over night. The next morning I shape and secondary proof my loafs, if I want them in the morning I let them rise warm for like an hour and a half. If I'm in a rush I retard them in the fridge until evening or next morning.

You'll be fine!

>> No.9583039
File: 35 KB, 360x480, electrolux-assistent-rattvik-6352757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and the kneading thing, just get a kitchen machine. Takes all the stress away, and don't listen to purists that claim you have to do it by hand. I have an electrolux assistent from like the 70s, indestructible. Pic related

>> No.9583047
File: 230 KB, 637x350, IMG_6160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walking dead viewing party
You'll get no sympathy from me.

>> No.9583340

Cool, I'm interested to see the final product

>> No.9583776

Your shits all fucked up and you talk retarded. Have fun at your circle jerk. You should add some sage to that bread recipe. Its a good autumn spice.

>> No.9584133

cool! what recipe are you using?

i've found that the fresh milled flour has a lot of flavor and doesn't really need that much salt. i've made it with 12g, and it was too salty.

damn dude, that's some gorgeous bread. lovely crumb!

i ended up bulk fermenting over night in the fridge. i'm letting it come up to temp now, and i'll shape, proof, and bake after that.

>> No.9584266

are you hicks or manchildren with strict wives?
also how overweight are you all? whats the average BMI?

>> No.9584365

Why would you watch the evil shit coming out of Hollywood? Civil War part 2 when?

>> No.9584475
File: 3.20 MB, 4032x3024, 20171022_115543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the one on Abreaducation, it ended up being some of the best bread i've tasted! I thought it was going to be alright at best, but holy smokes homemade bread is the shit.

>> No.9585110

once you start baking your own bread, it's hard to go back to the commercially produced kind. congrats on your first loaf!

>> No.9585219
File: 1.18 MB, 2448x3264, sunday sourdough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, bread turned out nicely!

>> No.9585390

There's some old coot with a no-knead method on youtube.
You basically just let the fucker rise once for hours, transfer to the shape you're going for, then let it rise again before transferring to your warmed baking vessel and shoving it in the oven. You basically don't have to touch it and just let the yeast do its thing.

If you really need to knead, get a mixer with a dough hook.

>> No.9586113
File: 2.04 MB, 2448x3264, 7A19DF92-B291-44BF-8DA4-D621C1DBEE4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crumb shot

>> No.9586479

Looks good for the slight mes-sup in the beginning, crumb looks appetizing af

>> No.9586552

thanks! all things considered, i'm happy with how it turned out. friends ate the entire loaf, which is a good sign.

>> No.9586618

shits expenisve for a decent one.

>> No.9586703

There any good resource for making bread that has weight measurements?

google is helpful but fuck me does most of it just use cups and shit.

>> No.9586719

Looks like ass. Enjoy your television watching.

>> No.9586723

Check out The Perfect Loaf for really good sourdough.

The Fresh Loaf is a good forum that also tends to use weighted measurements.

>> No.9586754
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>feed my starter
what does it meeean

>> No.9586773

you add equal flour and water to your starter on a 1:1:1 ratio. it gives the yeast in the starter food to eat and gets it all bubbly and active.

>> No.9586779

talk to me like ive never made bread before
(tip: i haven't)
whats a starter?

>> No.9586834

okay. so. to make a sourdough starter, you mix flour and water in equal parts. you let it sit, loosely covered, for a few days, and every day you dump part of it and add more flour and water. the idea is that you're looking to capture the wild yeast that's just floating around in the air. you can then use that wild yeast to bake with.

this is as opposed to commercial yeast (like, the packets of yeast you buy at the grocery store.) there are benefits to both (commercial yeast makes your bread develop more quickly, but sourdough starters give more flavor and are all natural and free.)

>> No.9586849

I wouldn't necessarily call making a sourdough starter "free." I have burned through almost 10lbs of flour in two months since I began my starter. I have made a few breads out of it, but damn, I never realized how quickly that shit goes.

>> No.9586864

good lord, that's a lot of flour. i just maintain a small amount of two starters (20g AP flour for one and 20g rye flour for the other.) i keep them in the fridge and feed them once a week, and build them up when i want to bake.

>> No.9587476


Pretty much perfect.