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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9575823 No.9575823 [Reply] [Original]

Man, this fruit looked so cute I was sure it would taste great, but god damn it was like eating an orange filled with muddy water.

Any kind of food you were eager to try because of media and completely dissapointed you?

>> No.9575837

what sort of star-shaped fruit is this?

>> No.9575846


Also, dragonfruit.
Looks gorgeous, taste like nothing.

>> No.9575850

so dragonfruit is star shaped?

>> No.9575854
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This shit

>> No.9575875

You talking shit bout my cookie fruit?

>> No.9575880


>> No.9575898

thats a very round tomat

>> No.9575903
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Crickets. I was expecting a great toasty nut flavor, but this tastes and feels like eating crunchy autumn leaves. And the fucking legs get stuck in your teeth.

>> No.9575940

The short crunchy persimmons aren't very good.
Get one of the tall kind and wait until it's almost too soft to pick up before eating.

>> No.9575947

i actually had one on monday
tasted fine, but some bits unpleasant to chew

>> No.9575948

Eating bugs is so gross, I can't get out of my head an image of a biology teacher eating an ant in a field trip and one of my dumbass classmates doing the same.

>> No.9575955

Why is it gross Anon?

>> No.9575963

Dragonfruit which is actually ripe tastes pretty good.

It's just kind of difficult to know if they're ripe until you've started eating it.

>> No.9576006

Mangosteen is the most overrated weeb fruit.

>> No.9576008
File: 914 KB, 4073x2848, Mangosteen1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic to make senpai notice me

>> No.9576055

Almost all tropical fruit (in indonesia):
Star fruit - texture of the touch core of an apple, no taste
Salak (snakefruit) - pretty skin but no taste, also has stones like a mangosteen which stick to the flesh
Papaya - nice colour outside and in, but lack of flavour and textuere like a watermelon
Rambutan - just like a pretty lychee, probably my fav of these because they're lightly tart compared to the others which are just dilute sugar water

Durian was disappointing for me in a different way, but it was out of season ;_;

>> No.9576077

Fuck you salak is GOAT
Durian as well, you need to eat the sweet one, not just off the shelf ones.

>> No.9576089

Star fruit tastes like a mix of grape and pineapple.

>> No.9577897

Try dried papaya its great

>> No.9577905

Probs need to get them fresh rather than 12 months freeze-dried from a supermarket

>> No.9577949

>you wouldn't eat a download(1).jpg, would you?

>> No.9577956

I really love all the posts in these threads about how you just need the optimally measured and perfect ripeness.
Cause that way there's a literal 0% chance they'll dislike it!

>> No.9577973

I love star fruit. Try it with some salt.

>> No.9577983

I don't know man. It's pretty damn good.

>> No.9577988
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lmao look at all this low class pleb unwordly faggots ITT.

Starfruits, dragon fruits, mangosteens, etc are AMAZING. It's just you've never had fresh, ripe ones because you are too poor to travel, and thus have to over pay for some shitty unripe fruit with chemicals sprayed all over them to keep them from rotting.

Mangosteen is one of the healthiest fruits on Earth, and possibly the most nutrition dense fruit with the most complex vitamin profile. I work in the entertainment business and celebrities eat almost exclusively asian fruits for their ability to delay aging.

Many eat papaya everyday, and get mangosteens imported regularly. The only high potency western fruits are berries, nothing else.

Fucking idiots.

>> No.9577990

Pretentious faggot

>> No.9578010

You're supposed to pull the legs and wings off before eating retard

>> No.9578012

Apples, oranges, and bananners are shit. The only time I eat bananas is in my daily organic hemp protein organic berry smoothie which has organic flax, organic black sesame seeds, organic sunflower lecithin and two shots of rice based probiotics.

Get on my level, niggers. It's for your own good.

>> No.9578152

see >>9576055
I've tried all these, and more, from roadside stalls in infdonesia and they were still shit

>> No.9578267

Tasted rambutan and dragonfruit in Thailand in December, and they are absolutely meh, kys.

>> No.9578275

Apples give you an incredibly pleasant sensation of scratching your gums, feels like you are a dog or a kid with teething. Granny Smith are the shit!

>> No.9578285

Salak is gorgeous fuck you

>> No.9578290
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expected it taste like succulent shrimp

'cause it looks like it does.

>> No.9578300

>but god damn it was like eating an orange filled with muddy water.
huh.. it doesn't

>> No.9578312

Obvious bait, no way someone can not enjoy mangusteens. It’s a better mango. Without the fishy overtones that sometimes mango has, as far as I remember.

>> No.9578314
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fucking sickly sweet dishwasher-tasting garbage

>> No.9578323
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>> No.9578325

redbully please go

>> No.9578347

>Starfruit. Unpleasant texture, underwhelming taste.
>Pomelo. 40% rind and pith, 60% disappointment.
>Aronia. For something that's supposed to cure your cancer's AIDS and is worshiped by the quack cure industry as the dingleberries of Jesus H Christ himgoddamnself, they're basically bland blueberries.
>Coconut. A bitch to open, three bitches to clean and eat.
>Medlars. While not disgusting, they're nowhere near as good as I was led to believe by my dad and grandma's stories.
>Caviar. "Oh my god you're gonna love it, it's so rich and fancy!" Literally puked after tasting a teaspoon.
>Shark. If it weren't slightly sour, it'd be unremarkable.
>Oreos. So we finally get them, and they're just two regular-ass fucking cookies glued with buttery cream. I was told they literally make your dick spin like a ceiling fan.

>> No.9578359

sounds like you got bad ones, i remember them being crispy with a nice fresh sweet tangy flavour, but not too strong

>> No.9578375

tastes like nothing and reeks like semen.

>> No.9578418
File: 28 KB, 325x328, Persimmons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea what this sad little tomato looking thing is but have you tried persimmons?

>> No.9578440

I have a massive permission tree in my front yard. All of the fruits on it are tiny and green. Im waiting for them to get their color, and its common knowledge theyre usually not good until after the first frost

>> No.9578449

don't pick it until it allows you to

>> No.9578462

I like starfruit. They are pretty and taste vaguely like strawberries.

Fun fact, starfruit are in the same order as Oxalis, a small plant resembling three or four leaf clover. Oxalis has tiny seed pods that are shaped like starfruit but they spread their seeds by exploding.

>> No.9578603

>overated weeb fruit
Japan does not have mangosteen you moron
It's from indonesia you uncultured swine

>> No.9578620

"oreos are good" is a meme
btw i disagree with you about caviar. i find it very enjoyable. try putting it on a slice of bread and butter.

>> No.9578642

Look at this pussy weeb having a meltdown.

>> No.9578650

>split papaya lengthwise
>take out seeds
>juice of 1 lime or lemon inside
>take spoon and eat

>> No.9578873
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What a let down. Figured it would be sweeter, the 2 flavors conflicted with each other and the cocolate was hard contrasting the soft berry.

>> No.9578889
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>half dozen

>> No.9578896

For me, it's passionfruit, papaya, and tomatoes.

>> No.9578899
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I guess some of them havent got the memo

>> No.9578925

You got a bad papaya.

When they're ripe they should bruise when you poke them.

>> No.9578928

lmao, hominy is good but it's not shrimp.

Ya gotta put it in your chicken soup my dude, it's the only way.

>> No.9578932 [DELETED] 

You don't eat that fruit just as it is, you need to boil it first

>> No.9578943

> Pomelo. 40% rind and pith, 60% disappointment.
You got a bad Pomelo. I've only had good ones off the tree. They're usually really juicy and not as sweet as oranges. Kind of like a grapefruit without the bitter but with more volume.

>> No.9578952

You have to eat them when they almost runny.

>> No.9578959

Personally I like carambola but it's not really a huge standout or anything, it's pretty mild.

>> No.9579002

Ameripussie's hate anything that dosent taste like a litre of corn syrup

>> No.9579013

it's chemistry anon starches turn to sugar. sugar tastes good things tgat make up flavor oxidate and decompose. stick to eating shelf stable Twinkies then.

>> No.9579022

or look at them harshly.

>> No.9579144


>> No.9579153

>but god damn it was like eating an orange filled with muddy water.
I think they just taste like tart grapes.

You need to get the purple dragonfruit if you want more flavor. I like the white ones if they're cold, they're refreshing when the weather is hot, but they have less flavor. The purple ones are sweeter and with more flavor.

>> No.9579190


>> No.9579213

Fresh pomelos are amazing, but old ones are really shitty like an orange that's been in your refrigerator for too long.

>> No.9579226

>a permission tree
So what kind of fruits does it permit you?

>> No.9579380

Look at this retard having no reading comprehension

>> No.9579397

No it isn't. It grows on a cati, where Star Fruit grows on a tree.

T. Hawai'i

>> No.9579410

>the fruit looks so cute
You don't eat stuffs because it's cute anon

>> No.9579417

You've got shitty papaya, yhe ripe one should be sweet. Add dash of lemon juice and it will taste great
You've got wrong type of salak, the good one has the flesh separate from stone. Also it should be fragrant and sweet.
Unlesz your mouth is conditioned to american candy taste these fruits should be tasty.

>> No.9579481

Agreed about dragonfruit. They just reminded me of a much less flavorful kiwi.

>> No.9579648
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>> No.9579908
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>> No.9579915

Persimmon cookies are GOAT

>> No.9579922

Fuck you, starfruit is great.

>> No.9581383
File: 69 KB, 1024x557, 1024x557_CajunTurkey_silo_tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn't have the venison sandwich when I got to the closest Arby's I know, so that was a major disappointment.

I got this, and a free roast beef sandwich (the speaker lady felt bad for me, so she gave me a freebie).

I pretty much expected what the roast beef would taste like, but the deep fried cajun turkey was NOT spicy. When I hear "Cajun", I think "spicy", and this was another disappointment. Not as bad as the first, but still.

>> No.9581431

Maybe you ate an unripe one.
Here, ripe starfruits have an orange, almost reddish color.

>> No.9581467

Starfruit in my opinion tastes good. Tastes like apple but with different texture. nice.

Dragonfruit really disappointed me though. Imagine a kiwi which tastes sour-sweet, but remove the sour part - thats dragonfruit. One slice tastes nice, two slices is too much. Plus it stains like a motherfucker and super slippery.

>> No.9581470

There are different varieties. Some are pale yellow when ripe, other nearly orange.

>> No.9581481

The hell sort of dragonfruit have you guys been eating? It's always been mildly citrus, custard textured, for me.

>> No.9581487

The red/purple variety tastes good and refreshing. Eat a whole fruit and you'll be peeing red urine the next day.

>> No.9581494

custard? dragonfruit is different from durian.

>> No.9581678
File: 165 KB, 682x674, It's Not Delivery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, what are you talking about? Are you eating severely under-ripe fruit?

>> No.9581751

Literal peasant food.

>> No.9582017
File: 106 KB, 471x539, 3769577+_39d207f1e1c68fe986d29f2e03cc395b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr Pepper

Tastes nothing like pepper. What is it even supposed to taste like? Syrup?

>> No.9582890
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>> No.9582996

Fuck. That pic's awesome.