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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 219 KB, 1366x768, hydroxoreos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9574359 No.9574359 [Reply] [Original]

It's fucking bullshit Oreo is LITERALLY a knockoff brand of Hydrox cookies. Yet people buy them thinking "oh these are the original".

For all the shit people say about not liking knockoff foods they sure as hell love eating them. It's bullshit man, seriously

>> No.9574404

What the fuck is Hydrox, I have never heard of it and I'm a book keeper for a test store on the West Coast

>> No.9574413

because Hydrox is a terrible name for a cookie. I would, however, consider purchasing Hydrox brand dish detergent

>> No.9574416

Because Hydrox sounds like something used to clean floors, not a delicious sandwich cookie.

>> No.9574426

Why are you posting this here AND /r9k/?

>> No.9574433

Trying your shitty thread again are you?

It's because Hydrox is a terrible name that sounds like a drain cleaner.

>> No.9574444

person asks "hey do you want some Hydrox?"
"why is this person trying to poison me?"

>> No.9574451

>Do you want some Hyrdox?

"No, I do not require any hydrolyzed lime, thank you"

>> No.9574459

Is this what people thought back in 1907 when this came out though?

>> No.9574460

I've eaten little Oreos and no Hydrox but I gotta agree with anons, that has to be one of the worst names found for a food brand

>> No.9574465

It's better AND much more fun to say "Oreo". Have you ever seen this "Hydrox" bullshit amongst the fuckton of glorious Oreo-packages on a shelf in your local grocery store?

I bet not.

>> No.9574486

All oreo derivatives ate tasty. Even the worst off brand cookies I ever had were a good 7/10

>> No.9574492


>> No.9574579

Oreo is a Hydrox derivative

No they were incredibly popular and innovative people didn't mind the name.

You're saying that but Oreo sounds like something I would clean my tub out with. Stop being a hypocrite.

>> No.9574816
File: 873 KB, 2700x2215, 339317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9574849

is this the same faggot thats shilling on /r9k/

>> No.9574850

The cream in the Hydrox is less sweet than the Oreo cream. Kids love the Oreo cream. That's why it became the popular one.

>> No.9574901

Oreos are fakes.

>> No.9574906

Hydrox is just a tool for slimy capitalists to profit off of. The passion hasn't been there for decades.

>> No.9574927

>Hydrox cookies are political

Yeah like Oreo has been made passionately since it's original release.

Oreo stole the intellectual property of Hydrox as a blatant ripoff and you're trying to call Hydrox the bad guy?