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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 50 KB, 400x308, Bacon-and-Eggs_IMG_0822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9569321 No.9569321 [Reply] [Original]

Eggs & Bacon is a fucking retarded breakfast. You're eating a meal consisting entirely of protein. You need fuel to start the day and keep yourself going and protein at the end for body growth. Why do more people not eat rice or spaghetti for breakfast?

>> No.9569326

Because i'm fucking anemic.
Don't force your shitty rice on me, a doctor told me I needed more protein.

>> No.9569332

Well even you need carbs to have the energy to wheel your wheelchair forward

>> No.9569338

>eggs and bacon contain no fats

>> No.9569350

it is a meal meant for farmers to keep them going until lunch time where they would eat sandwiches and fruit then at dinner time they would have vegetables and a small meat dish.

now people eat it for the taste

>> No.9569361

Breakfast thread? Breakfast thread.

I like to have cheese, smoked ham and cucumber sandwiches with chili mayo.
Half pint of yogurt and a fruit on side, glass of milk to drink.

>> No.9569373

That doesn't make sense. They need the carbohydrate from the morning to keep them going through the hard work they have in the day and finish off with proteins to replace the tears in muscles and bones after a day of action. Unless they ate it for the sake of fat like >>9569338 said.

>> No.9569378

How retarded are you?

>> No.9569381

That is pretty good. You get all the fat you need from the dairy products, have a range of nutrients to start with, and I'm assuming the sandwich is big enough to give energy for the day. And quick to make huh.

>> No.9569390

>smoked ham and chili mayo
>dairy products

>> No.9569393

calorie density
they needed pure energy

>> No.9569398

who the fuck eats only eggs&bacon?

>> No.9569404

Big guys who pick things up and put them down.

>> No.9569411

people eat it because it tastes good

>> No.9569413

>implying they don't eat toast as well
>implying they don't eat them heinz baked beans in tomatosauce

>> No.9569417

They eat broccoli.

>> No.9569419

I don't, I eat eggs, bacon and toast, like in your picture.

>> No.9569420
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>tfw work provides breakfest
>scrambled eggs
>smoked fish
>black beans and rice with raw onion
>masala idli
>pear pancake
>bowl of greek yogurt with nuts and fruit

>> No.9569422


>cheese milk and yogurt

not even the same guy but stop being a faggot

>> No.9569424

>You get all the fat you need
Chili mayo and smoked ham are fat free. It's like they say, you learn something new everyday.

>> No.9569431

>why don't people eat toast with bacon and eggs?

They do, faggot

>> No.9569437


I'm not even the same guy that wrote the OP you're vaguely and pedantically trying to discredit, so I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish

>> No.9569442
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>unironically unaware in 2017 that bread is shit carbs

>> No.9569445

I'm not even the same guy that wrote the OP you're overtly and failingly trying to support, so I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish

>> No.9569487

It's protein and fat. I eat that sometimes, when I eat breakfast. I don't eat carbs. I'm strong, physically fit and typically only eat once a day. I have a very active lifestyle. I used to eat grains and I had to eat more every 6-8 hours or I'd just get tired. After carb-loading you have to feel bloated and lethargic for an hour because of the blood glucose spike and insulin response, as well as be gassy from the digestion of polysaccharides. Fat is a superior fuel source than refined grain and sugar. In the absence of dietary glucose, the body synthesizes it. The same cannot be said for fat and protein. The time of day you eat protein for muscle growth doesn't seem to matter for people who do not take steroids. I think the reason more people don't eat rice or spaghetti as a morning meal is a customary distinction of those not being breakfast foods, which is silly and arbitrary. Eh.

>> No.9569496

Protiens can't be used as energy op? Go start from the 5th grade

>> No.9569547

Why does /fit/ come here to shitpost? Go microwave another unseasoned chicken breast and broccoli portion.

>> No.9569557


>> No.9569593

The human body evolved to run on multiple food sources. This is not debatable. If you are suspicious of this, I suggest you go read about metabolism on wikipedia or something.

>> No.9569605

>OP doesn't into ketosis
>OP doesn't realize carbs are optional
Its like you don't even want to get swole.

>> No.9569611

Rice and spaghetti also take some time to cook, more than eggs dumped on a hot pan, so unless you have someone seriously devoted to making you breakfast or are not in a hurry somewhere, quick and easy it is.

>> No.9569626

>throw your shit in a pan
>salt it
>go brush your teeth and take a dump
>come back and its ready

If you have a rice cooker its even easier.

>> No.9569637

eh. Can you actually be *not hungry* after eating bacon&eggs and no toast/bread or other stuff that's actually filling?

>> No.9569639

I don't brush my teeth just before meal, otherwise what's the point?
The water still needs to boil, you still need to stir the stuff and check every now and then that it won't boil all over the stove. Last thing I need in the early morning is washing a carb-rich solution from all the crevices of the hot stove.

>> No.9569659
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Instructions unclear.

>> No.9569668

You dont need to stir pasta and rice. Also, find a reasonable low heat and aim for 20 min cooking.

>> No.9569726

>it is a meal meant for farmers to keep them going until lunch time

t. Edward Bernays

Bacon and eggs as a breakfast is wholly a construct of a marketing campaign by Sigmund Freud's nephew.

>> No.9569730

that's not al dente
also, 9569659 is a nice post number
>>9569569 was nicer tho

>> No.9569732

That sounds like an expensive breakfast for every single morning, anon.

>> No.9569735
File: 62 KB, 600x327, bate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eating breakfast

>> No.9569746

Even still, they could be heating up some hypothetical leftovers for breakfast. It's all in their heads. Dishes people think of as breakfast category or lunch/dinner category is completely cultural. Sometimes it has very little to do with nutrition. Why is fruit juice a breakfast drink? It's liquid sugar. That's a horrible thing to have first thing in the morning, guaranteeing a sugar crash before lunch. If you eat carbs for breakfast, you should be choosing something low on the glucose index for a steady energy release that'll last most of the day.

>> No.9569754

Yeah. I often eat a 3-egg French omelette as a meal, and I'm totally good for at least 12 hours. I'm a 170 pound guy. Your skepticism leads me to believe you eat a lot of sugar and refined white flour.

>> No.9569757

I didn't really understand where that anon is coming from.
Fats and proteins are more filling than carbs for me. I could eat a bowl of noodles but I'll be hungry an hour later.

>> No.9569766

It's calories that provide the body energy dumb dumb. What macronutrient the calories come from doesn't really matter. But some macronutrients are more calorie dense (like fat) and some micronutrients take longer for the body to break down and thus provide "longer lasting" energy (like fiber). So in extreme cases it can be beneficial to choose one type of food over another, but for everyday breakfasts all you want is enough calories to tide you over for 5-6 hours.

>> No.9569772

>jewish mind control doesn't exist they said

>> No.9569775

What do you think the fucking toast is made from, tardfart?

>> No.9569790


>> No.9569792

High protein no carb meals are specifically for weight loss. Carbs would defeat the point.

>> No.9569803

Google it, he's... pretty famous. Invented modern marketing and all.

His bacon campaign is also when he invented "9 out of 10 doctors agree" type bullshit, writing to doctors asking inane questions like 'would you agree that a heavy breakfast is more healthy than a light breakfast?" and then pushing bacon and eggs as the ideal heavy breakfast

Here he is bragging about it:

>> No.9569807

These are my testing supplies

>> No.9569808
File: 466 KB, 640x426, img-rice01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9569816

What is this dish called? Also, what sort of faggot just posts an image without any kind of description?

>> No.9569821

Its called cultural appropriation

>> No.9569828

I'm not American and have no idea what your statement means

>> No.9569851

>waking up at 12

>> No.9569853

I woke up 3 hours ago and i'm still not eating breakfast.

>> No.9569856

Fuck. Off.

>> No.9569876


Bongs use it simply as a vessel for ingesting lard.

>> No.9569877
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>> No.9570068
File: 66 KB, 600x390, t600x390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bongistani bacon has a substantially higher meat to fat ratio than streaky freedom bacon.

>> No.9570079

>ou're eating a meal consisting entirely of protein.
I've never heard anyone eat purely egg and bacon. That might be the common name of the breakfast, but it's assumed there is always toast, pancakes, or other carb on the side.

Also, there's nothing wrong with protein for breakfast either. It provides extended energy for the rest of the day.

>> No.9570141

Bong bacon is simply strips of fat. It is utterly disgusting. The emulsified offal tubes they call sausages are also poisonous to the cultured palate.
Monkey Islanders are shit eaters.

>> No.9570150

>baiting this hard

Protip: no one believes you, because everyone knows better.

>> No.9570151

I have a fried egg on toast with avocado, hot sauce and a slice of cheese. Usually a piece of toast and a protein shake. That's enough carbs to last me until lunch.

Although if I'm in a rush, I always have a bunch of breakfast burritos I've made in the freezer, so I'll grab one. The beans/tortilla is enough carbs as well.

>> No.9570158

1 egg, 2 bacon, and a slice of buttered toast is my ideal breakfast if I ever had one.

>> No.9570213


>> No.9570462

You physically do not need to eat carbs in any way. Carbs provide no essential nutrients to the body, that can't be gathered elsewhere. that being said they are tasty and a nice thick piece of broiler toast is an amazing addition for breakfast.

>> No.9570731

then why did humans settle into agriculture wtf thats pretty retarded of them

>> No.9570741

>entirely protein
>more like mostly fat

>> No.9570787

>Carbs provide no essential nutrients to the body
Except, you know, metabolism of carbohydrates is the primary and most efficient way for body to make ATP, ie. energy for the cells.
Fats and proteins are the last resort for body, they yield less energy, and if you stay longer on no-carb diet you can develop ketosis. The debate on how much that state is negative or positive on the body is still ongoing, but why risk it on yourself?

>> No.9570795

The inuits eat nothing but meat & animal fats.

>> No.9570797

My breakfast is a cigarette and glass of tap water

>> No.9570804

I typed in Inuit diet in google

>While it is not possible to cultivate native plants for food in the Arctic, Inuit have traditionally gathered those that are naturally available, including:

>Berries including crowberry and cloudberry
>Herbaceous plants such as grasses and fireweed
>Tubers and stems including mousefood, roots of various tundra plants which are cached by voles in underground burrows.
>Roots such as tuberous spring beauty and sweet vetch

>> No.9570814

That's where home fries come in...

>> No.9570897

those are for vitamins. Protein, fat + vitamins + minerals and fibers are all you need. Starch is entirely outsourceable. Eating plants =/= starch based diet.

>> No.9571723

translation: it's a shitty lu rou fan

>> No.9571971

Strange you would leave out the parts about their primary source of carbohydrates coming from the glycogen conversion from the primarily raw meat they consumed that don't fit your narrative. I suppose you just have to fall in line with the current pattern of disinformation demonstrated from the top on down, though.

>> No.9572285

Coffee, peanut butter sandwich, maybe with jam, probably not.
I ain't dead yet, so it's probably working.

>> No.9572324
File: 32 KB, 312x342, good goy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that doesn't make sense they need carbohydrates
Carbs are literally the only macro you DONT need. tens of thousands of years of evolution have created a body built to run on protein and fat of which there is an abundance in eggs, bacon, and butter

baka.sugar is right up there with credit cards as one of the most successful jew tricks of the 20th century

>> No.9572344

You dont need dietary fat either you can take supplements

Like eliminating carbs its retarded. But gotta keep that Big Egg and Big Dairy machine going goy!

>> No.9572354

You absolutely need dietary fat retard.

>> No.9572362

Who cares? This isn't /fit/.

>> No.9572363

you're fucking retarded.

1. you NEED protein, that's why if you don't get it from food you NEED it from somewhere else. Carbs are the only macro you DONT NEED. if you dont get it from food you DONT NEED to get it somewhere else

2. before the (((industrial revolution))) families and communities lived off dairy farming. It has been how people have eaten forever. before (((they))) create these chemicals in a lab that taste great and you think you need to eat to have energy

sleep 8 hours a night and eat 0 sugar. you'll have more energy than ever in your life.

>> No.9572379

Yeah you don't need carbs but it's pretty retarded from every health related standpoint to because you're a retard that listens to too much Joe Rogan

>families and communities lived off of dairy farming
Civilization has been based off of grains since forever. But feel free to live like a bunch of clogged arteried Inuits

>before they create chemicals in a lab that you think you need
You just sound like a fat earther at this point. This literally makes no sense

>eat 0 sugar
Added sugars? Sure. Don't turn into a wannabe vegan ketonigger though but guffawing over a banana

>> No.9572399

No one has mentioned the true patrician breakfast food. High in fiber, contains both protein and carbs. Oats make the finest horses, and thus the finest men.

>> No.9572408

B-B-But oats have carbs!!!

>> No.9572417

You're an idiot no one eats eggs and bacon because they're thinking about the nutrition, they're eating it because it tastes good.

>> No.9572501
File: 70 KB, 373x550, 916uKlw+aEL._SY550_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /ck/ eat flapjacks? Ive been making these in the morning with maple syrup. I like em a lot.

>> No.9572519

flapjacks actually exist? I thought they were a meme

>> No.9572532

According to the box, flapjacks were staple of pioneer men many years ago and differ from pancakes in that they are more dense with carbs.

>> No.9572536

Because "the addition of breakfast reduces post-meal food cravings and increases homovanillic acid concentrations in overweight/obese young people with higher protein versions eliciting greater responses." (Leidy et al., 2014)


>> No.9572546

But they have less carbs than Aunt Jemima.

>> No.9572547

That shit is legit.. I like them better as waffles, or if you wanna get really fancy, dice up an apple and throw it into the batter then fry them a spoonfull at a time like fritters.

>> No.9572556

Because it is fucking easier to do grains for moneys than livestocks

>> No.9572595

how's the preparation on a scale of cafeteria to high dining? Seasoning?

>> No.9572621

#1 champion breakfast:

>3 eggs
>3 bacon strips
>2 slices seedy, whole grain bread, toasted and buttered
>1 tall glass of water
>1 tall glass of fresh squeezed orange juice
>1 cup of coffee.

All other breakfasts need not apply.

>> No.9572633


>> No.9573080

>just proteib
when the fuck did bacon become chicken

>> No.9573167

>eggs for fat
>bacon for protein
>toast for carbs

its perfectly well-rounded especially if you throw in some orange juice and then double the portions shown in your pic

OP is a breakfastlet

>> No.9573188

I prefer to eat mostly fat. It keeps me satiated, and prevents overeating. If you find fat unappetizing, then you're not really hungry.

>> No.9573226

I was in the middle of reading the article and saw that part when I already posted. They also get carbs from their method of meat preservation that makes it ferment. Just proves that not even Inuit have carb-free diet.
There is also some talk about osteoporosis being common among them cause of too much proteins.

>> No.9573235

I didn't say they have starch-based diet, I said their diet is not carb-free as people like to believe. Starch is not the only carbohydrate, even though they still get it from roots, there is still glucose, fructose from fruit, lactose from milk, possibly some other I can't remember right now.

>> No.9573242

I only eat eggs and bacon as part of a breakfast taco.
Or when I go to IHOP.

>> No.9573369

This. But i still eat eggs and bread at the morning and sometimes muesli or cereal.

>> No.9573668

Bait, but: fat is an essential nutrient. If you do not eat any fat, you will die within a couple years. There is no dietary supplement that can replace it.

>> No.9573683


Nah mate.

>> No.9573685


No such thing as fat free ham.

>> No.9573704

Flapjacks are something else in bongland

>> No.9573708

eggs and bacon have a lot of fat plus you'd normally have toast or potatoes or something similar with it retard OP

>> No.9573851

Plus watch The Century of the Self.

>> No.9573892

>throw out the orange juice
>juice a lemon into the water instead
>bread optional
>3 cups of coffee

>> No.9573893

talk about a broscience if I ever saw one

>> No.9573898

They ate berries and seaweeds.
-I lived in Greenland

>> No.9573908

>>1 tall glass of water
>>1 tall glass of fresh squeezed orange juice
>>1 cup of coffee.
>start your daily commute
>piss yourself halfway through

>> No.9573921

You just need grits added to that breakfast

>> No.9573931
File: 106 KB, 840x699, 1503623538556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 cup of cold coffee mixed with a shot of vodka and a shot of bourbon and 2-3 cigarettes.

Send help.

>> No.9574118

What there is broscience? That fat is calorically denser than carbs? That human beings can use fat calories as fuel? That in the absence of dietary carbohydrates, the metabolism creates necessary glucose? That carbohydrate metabolism uses insulin, which affects hunger? That carb loading for energy makes you shit a lot? That fat and protein are not essential nutrients? That amateur bodybuilders perpetuate myths about protein intake? That the dishes people choose to eat at different times of day are mostly cultural? Enlighten us, wise troll.

>> No.9574172

I do t eat carbs in the morning and im fine i dont get tired and when i do eat carbs i get sleepy as fuck

>> No.9574185

What kind of carbs do you eat? Cause simple carbs will raise your energy but also make it drop low real fast, which is why whole grains are better choice than white bread, and why sweets and cakes are treats but not a meal.