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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9569106 No.9569106[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9569111

He's always byack.

>> No.9569161

Why does he even call it World Tour if he never goes anywhere?

>> No.9569168

shut the fuck up hater

>> No.9569170

right now *unsheathes katana*

>> No.9569171

Good point. But then again most of his reviews are in his car. So maybe he travels without us knowing?

>> No.9569177

he went to hawaii a few months ago

>> No.9569178

Hopefully tomorrow.

>> No.9569182

I am surprised he was allowed on a plane considering most planes usually have at least one child on it

>> No.9569188

Is Joey a pedophile? Why would a child be an issue?

>> No.9569201

Thought the same kek

>> No.9569208

>Is Joey a pedophile

>> No.9569215
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, jwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus imagine being the Pacific Ocean in this picture. Imagine the constant presence of Joey from Joeysworldtour in space, his disgusting rancid burger, nutella, gingivitis and stale cola breath hitting you and everything in you with waves of disgusting stench every single day of the year. Imagine being a little fish swimming around the clear tropical waters, and you look up into the sky and see a giant fucking piece of McDonalds french fry flying towards you because Joey coughed and it dislodged from his teeth where it has been for 3 years, and you have to take cover beneath some plastic pollution just to avoid being wiped out by the impact. Imagine every nation in the entire Pacific rim having to deal with Tsunamis on a regular basis caused by Joey not swallowing all of his food because he is too busy picking up the next set of grease covered calories to shove into his fat disgusting mouth. Imagine being an asteroid like the one that killed the dinosaurs, and heading to earth only to get lodged in the back of Joey's fat sweaty neck where he picks you out and eats you assuming you are a piece of cereal from his cereal and milk bath that he uses to wash himself twice a month. Imagine being an Antarctic explorer and making your way to the centre of the continent only to find the tip of Joey's finger sticking up into the sky, his rancid, chicken debris holding, uncut fingernails leaking out sludge onto the ice ruining what should be a perfect wilderness. Imagine being an alien species looking out into the Cosmos for intelligent life and instead of seeing an intelligent civilisation where earth should be they just see the latest episode of Joeysworldtour because his hunger overcame him and he ate the fucking planet.

>> No.9569217

He's already dead. We're all dead. This is hell.

>> No.9569226

Where is the proof?

>> No.9569232


>> No.9569247


>> No.9569250
File: 31 KB, 371x376, slightly nervous dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>offense or statute: Oral Copulation With A Minor Under 18 Years Of Age


>> No.9569251

Has joey ever reveal his full name?

>> No.9569261


>> No.9569262

It makes since that he is a pedo since he is just a disgusting human being overall

>> No.9569333


Not him , you faggot liar.

>> No.9569335

Are you blind?

>> No.9569374

way too late

>> No.9569385

this guy lives here in Campbell, CA. any bay area anons want to meet up and throw butter at his house with me?

>> No.9569392

would you bury your face into joey’s asscheeks for a full minute for $100,000?

>> No.9569634

I'd do it for $50

>> No.9569661 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 245x221, 66B9D459-986B-46A8-B152-456FB75E7E9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ralph Joesph ‘Joey’ Hernandez aka Beetus Beaner is a convicted paedophile, illiegal alien and sometime fast food reviewer.
He currently resides in Campbell, CA and lives in a shipping container at the bottom of his garden. The main residence is occupied by his partner, Lady Trace and the successful YouTube food reviewer Ken Domville.