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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9568029 No.9568029 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to know that figuratively anyone can do your job?

Does this fact not fill you with shame and embarrassment?

>> No.9568090

I sincerely wish I had taken Engineering in college, because I would love to have invented robot burger makers

>> No.9568095 [DELETED] 

I don't think anyone works at fast food as a long term career except black people, and I doubt they post here. The ones who do work at fast food posting here are probably still in school and just doing part time.

>> No.9568104

and water is wet, huh? do you like making these little statements to make yourself feel like the smartest person on /ck/? if you actually had a job and didn't live in your mothers basement as a "based neet neckbeard," you would realize that nobody who works fast food is trying to make a career out of it. seems to me like you tried making your job at mcdonalds a career and ended up failing miserably, all to come here and enlighten us with your new-found knowledge

>> No.9568119

-t. a butthurt fast food employee who graduated to barista and thinks he's educated

>> No.9568121

Wow that's cringe my dude

>> No.9568436

Gotta start some were. Be positive. That kid in the picture might own the place by now. Imagine.

>> No.9568444


>> No.9568446

How does it feel knowing I jumped from minimum wage to a part-time area-ops manager making $29/h while I was getting my degree.

All it really took was the ability to solve problems and communicate the answers.

As for "literally anyone"... I don't know. In four short years, I fired and pushed out a lot of people who couldn't hack it.

>> No.9568450

Your laughing u know ppl that have down syndrome that manage there own biz. Next ?

>> No.9568451

It's not that its a difficult concept, it's just that it involves a lot of moving parts - still cheaper to abuse students than to build and maintain a system to build their burgers.

>> No.9568452

Do you believe that you have a job that only you can do? What do you do for a living?

>> No.9568459

It pays my bills and allows me to study mechanical engineering.

>> No.9568462

That potato isn't going to do that job nearly as well as I did when I was a 15 year old kid.

>> No.9568489
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I was amazing as a fast food cook. During busy times I entered a moment of zen in which it was like a I had a 6th sense knowing how to get everything done in optimal time. i was total beastmode in the kitchen. drive thru wait times were at historic lows. order accuracy was at a historic high. mystery shopper ratings were through the roof. I won employee of the month my first month on the job.

>> No.9568512

Sometimes I miss those days. It was the last time I was 100% confident in my ability to do my job... had to run the place alone one day due to some seriously extreme circumstances - followed proper procedures, hit all daily targets, and it was all uphill from there.

>> No.9568906

thank you for your service

>> No.9569028
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McDonald's actually rejected me when I applied. I felt pretty shitty.

>> No.9569056

That kid is gonna own that fast food joint one day then fire your ass. Boom !

>> No.9569072

OP, 15% of people have an IQ under 85. Judging by your post, you may be one of them. If you have an IQ under 85 you're not really capable of doing a lot of thinking and are better suited to physical tasks. There's nothing wrong with an honest day's work.

>> No.9569076
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Are you kidding? They can't even do their fucking job! I'm so tired of getting wrong orders, it's not even funny. Tonight, I just wanted a couple of small burgers, I've had the flu for a week, and after subsiding on broth and basic soups, I decided to drive down the block and order 2 Jr. Jumbo Jacks from JitB, because it was the closest place and I still feel weak and tired. THIS IS WHAT I GOT. My receipt and order said 2 Jr. Jumbo Jacks (with no cheese, btw ), but instead I ended up with shitty cum snot period burgers. I fed them to my dog and made myself more fucking soup. NEVER AGAIN. I'M DONE.

>> No.9569113

>How does it feel to know that figuratively anyone can do your job?
The people at fast food restaurants can't even do their job.

>> No.9569146

If you special order at a fast food joint, you deserve exactly what you get.

>> No.9569162

FF is not that easy of a job. I tried working at McD's when I was in high school but I couldn't take it so I left and took a night shifts at a warehouse. I don't think those people deserve the negative stereotypes, they are hard workers.

>> No.9569184

It's not an admirable job but it's more stressful and more complicated than people who've never had to do it appreciate. I feel bad for kids who have to deal with meltdowns like >>9569076 over hamburgers.

>> No.9569214

It wasn't a special order, you fucking retard. It was a regular menu item, dumbass. Let me guess, you work in fast food, don't you?

>> No.9569219

>another stupid snowflake.

No, I worked in fast food, causal restaurants, AND fine dining from the time I was in high school through uni. IT'S NOT HARD. Unless you're a fucking retard.

>> No.9569233

That's a load of crap. Back when I worked in the service industry (which included everything from fast food, to doughnut shops, to casual restaurants, to $$$$ places, and one country club), I worked with tons of lazy ass motherfuckers who just didn't give a shit. It's called having work ethic. Just because someone is hired to do a fast paced job doesn't mean they will do it right or even fucking care. Stop making excuses for shitty work ethic.

>> No.9569240

Your fault for eating retarded food made by retards.

Its hardly food man.
Its man made.

Stop eating it.

>> No.9569241

probably thought you were overqualified.

>> No.9569254

>not working in food to pay your way through school
It's like you don't even want to have work experience and actually get a job lmao

>> No.9569255

>Stop eating it

Didn't you read the post? That's why I said never again. However, it doesn't fucking matter, you should still get what you fucking paid for. Period. You're making excuses for shitty work practices.

>> No.9569676


working in a retail sorta bummed me out when i did it for like 6 months, there's all these procedures that are performed for health and safety, not only for staff and customers but most of them are just ignored in favour of laziness.

Like you go to the fresh foods/refrigated section and cages (full of boxes/trays with food on them) are meant to be circled out every 30 minutes to prevent temperature increasing past a safe point but you have people leaving them out for 2-3 hours sometimes longer depending on how awful they were at the job or using equipment that was just plain faulty.

Glad i moved on, in terms of wages and workload.

>> No.9569709

>How does it feel to know that figuratively anyone can do your job?
>Does this fact not fill you with shame and embarrassment?
I don't give a shit really. I was ambitious back in the days when I was in college and I'm clearly not an idiot, it's just that life sometimes...
So after many adventures I ended up there and the day when it would bother me I'll quit and that's it. No need to ask yourself what suits you best, just do things and you'll see.

>> No.9569740
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I mean, I already know I'm a failure of a human being, so not really?

>> No.9569762
File: 22 KB, 359x364, 1413073255219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That kid in the picture might own the place by now.

>> No.9570063

You ever close? Everyone on my closing shift is a hard working motherfucker, because we all want to go home on time.

>> No.9570077

Of course. And, I've seen closers try to skip steps because they don't want to stay late. Not everyone is a hard worker, and not all hard workers care about the quality of their work. You know that.

>> No.9570339

>patty enters oven
>oven bakes patty
>cheese is deposited on patty
>patty is pushed on top of bun
>vegetables are deposited
>sauces are deposited
>top bun is deposited
>burger falls into platter
>belt is washed on its way back

>> No.9570356

fast food work grows and shrinks to fit the employee. If you're a retard you get to do one simple task at a time and go home on time.

if you're an able bodied male who made it past middle school, you'll be given 8 side-tasks to do in a 15 min time span while still serving customers, and be expected to clean the store top-to-bottom at the end of the day while the cashiers pretend to wash the same counter for 45 min.

>> No.9570410

I would argue this is true of all food workers, fast or not

>> No.9570419

>cashiers pretend to wash the same counter
>but they arent retarded
>but i do 8 different things constantly
>but only retards do one thing at a time

Tbh I think youre just the doormat.

>> No.9571795

I don't get it. How is that cringe? He made an assumption about projection but other than that he was spot on.

>> No.9572541

Well, this seems as good a place as any, since we’re discussing labor in a fast food sphere and it could be argued that “casual dining” falls within despite the protests by those involved that it is entirely different from fast food.

The other day, Bank of America downgraded Chipotle from Nuetral to Underperforming for concern of them spending too much on labor. Does this not erode the cost of labor in food service? Is it a message and a threat to maintain a stagnation of wages in and industry survived by discount menus and loss leaders?

What are your various takes on this circumstance?

>> No.9574441

>tell them to do their job

>> No.9574445

chipotle is fucking awful, eat moes instead

>> No.9574466
File: 647 KB, 498x374, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it easy to get a part time job in fast food if I've never had a job before? I'm 24. Yes I am probably autistic.

>> No.9574510

Yeah. They basically let anyone in. My few months there were horrible though. Shitty patrons and nonstop work.

>> No.9574512

They're banking on you getting your degree and staying with them, but you won't because you aren't an idiot.

>> No.9574518


>> No.9575560

I've been rejected from McDonalds three times. Why does everyone keep saying that?

>> No.9575596

Because fast food is literally the entry level for entry level jobs. What did you do to make them decline you three times? I feel bad for you man.

>> No.9575722
File: 10 KB, 170x219, David Carradine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad enough for the both of us anon. I was nervous the first time and they said try again in three weeks. I wrote down on the application finding another job would be 'Very difficult'. I wasn't very concerned at this point, I just figured I'd apply elsewhere.

I tried again a month later. They told me they weren't looking for anyone right now but they'd keep my resume if something came up.

A year passes... I went back last week with more confidence and work experience after Sears went under. They told me they would get back to me if they're "interested in my services". I've been given the rigmarole, I've also had managers give me fake answers like "What you just said made me reevaluate the last six years of my life", and interviews that seemed to have gone well, only to not get any callbacks.

Just the other day I overheard one of the employees bad mouthing their manager, saying there was no way they were going to come in early. It's discouraging seeing these are the people I get passed over.

I just spent a month trying to get a job at Subway after going through the interview process and being told they were just looking at how many hours they could give to a new employee. Then the manager said her boss was out sick and he would be back in a week and she had to run the decision by him... I pursued it, waited a week, and called them back. Then they told me they weren't going to hire me because someone who was on maternity leave is coming back.

But don't worry about me, they'll keep my resume on file in case something comes up.

>> No.9575757

It'seems time to stop taking no for an answer anon.
When I first moved to LA the only work experience I had was a brief stint at a grocery store before graduating HS and moving. I found the closest grocery store to my house (didn'the have a car at the time) and applied. I went in to check on my application status at least twice a week for 3 months before they finally hired me. I also had to re-apply multiple times since their applications are only good for 30 days. Just be persistent. Eventually they'll hire you because if they are going to be seeing you that much they might as well get some use out of you.

>> No.9575834

>grammar nazi tries to be superior, fails spectacularly.

>> No.9576104

Holy shit I've never seen someone so upset over fuckin Jumbo Jacks

>> No.9576419

It's just a job

>> No.9576455

What extreme circumstances please tell? Just apply to a proper restaurant and be a proper chef. Be Gordon Rsay.

>> No.9576487
File: 207 KB, 692x960, 1508435278029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen jobs, anon? A lot of them is just standing around looking busy. You must either be a neet or a fast food worker to think its any different.
inb4 i make what you make in a month that i make in a year

>> No.9576534
File: 87 KB, 600x694, 1507638957345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank God I'm neet

>> No.9576535

I am a sous chef and this reminds me of my days on the line working fry- it is like you sprout 6 additional arms and it just all comes together.

>> No.9576558


>> No.9576621
