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9568017 No.9568017 [Reply] [Original]

>dfw Thai and allergic to peanuts

Two questions:
Is it possible to build up "resistance" and eventually be able to eat them? And what do they taste like? I can eat all other nuts (cashews, pistachios, almonds, you name it), just not peanuts.

>> No.9568019

are you a ladyboy

>> No.9568032

As far as I know, not really. Your immune system has decided that peanuts= harmful. You'd need a professional doctor for a real opinion.

What do they taste like? Crunchy salt and fat, mostly. Don't feel like you're missing out, millions of British and Irish people can eat them, and don't like the taste of them. British people generally hate the taste of peanut butter. At least 7 or 8 out of 10 don't care for peanut butter. They seem to be doing fine without it.

It seems like one of those genetic things like cilantro. Either it tastes good, or it doesn't. You can live without it either way.

>> No.9568039

Everything you just named aren't nuts

>> No.9568073

Not yet.

I'm American so I guess peanuts are a much bigger thing here.

No need to be pedantic, faggot. Do you also complain to the supermarket that olives aren't in the fruit section?

>> No.9568080

Yes, doctors can supervise a dose of peanuts in pills to tempor your bodies reaction, lessening over time your sensitivity.

>> No.9568110

None of the others are even remotely related to peanuts though

>> No.9568128

Then why are some people allergic to all (things generally considered) nuts? Or why is there no one who's allergic to peanuts but not another legumes? Or vice versa?

>> No.9568150

idk man I'm not a doctor

>> No.9568244

But you seem to be an expert on the chemistry and classification of food

>> No.9569815

It tastes like a cashew with less flavor, you're not missing much.

>> No.9569832

>claims he's thai
>speaks perfect English and not in squiggly lines

>> No.9569854


>> No.9569862

I think I've read about a study where they got good results by feeding people yogurt or something with tiny amounts of peanut powder stirred in in increasing amounts. I wouldn't recommend you try this yourself tho.

>> No.9569863

>Is it possible to build up "resistance" and eventually be able to eat them?
No, it's not like consuming beans or milk products or fermented foods where you just need your digestive bacteria to adjust to it. Your body is identifying proteins in the peanut as something harmful.

They don't taste too different from other nuts. Other nuts have better textures though. I like walnuts more than peanuts. The only real benefit to peanuts is that they're super cheap compared to walnuts or other nuts.

>> No.9569865

That might work if the "allergy" is just digestive issues, but for people who can die from just breathing in some peanut dust it probably won't work.

>> No.9570794

fucking god tier herb right here

>> No.9570838

doctors can give skin patches with microscopic peanut amounts, and I know friends who got treated that way, but idk if that is affordable in Clapland especially with Obamacare being gutted.

>> No.9570845

How do you know you're allergic?

>> No.9570847

>Is it possible to build up "resistance" and eventually be able to eat them?

If your PA is extremely extremely mild that might work. However, I have never heard of someone doing this and when I asked my allergist out of curiosity one day, she said most PA's are pretty bad and dangerous to do a "challenge" type acclimation with.

>> No.9570930

Peanuts are one of my favorite things. You're missing one of the best foods in the world.

>> No.9571955

taste a bit like a bland cashew. Texture is also a bit grittier if you put a handful in your mouth. Peanutbutter is godtier though.