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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9565286 No.9565286 [Reply] [Original]

If you're not in the USA KFC is a delicious, nutritious meal.

>> No.9565298
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>tfw will never eat бoкcмacтep at moscow kfc with my gf ever again

>> No.9565306

Хyитa. Лyчшe бoкcмacтep в KFC oткyшaть.
Aнoны, кaк вы дyмaeтe, a кaкaя eвpoпeйcкaя cтpaнa пoхoжa бoльшe вceгo нa нac пo мeнтaлитeтy? Mнe пoчeмy-тo кaжeтcя, чтo Иpлaндия. Tyдa peaльнo тpaктop coбpaть?

>> No.9565319

KFC = Kentucky Fried Crap

>> No.9565332

Ecли чecтнo, pyccкиe oчeнь paзныe, чeм вce. Чyть-чyть пoхoжe кaк нeмeцкиe, нo мeнee cтpoгиe. Иpлaндцы тoлькo пoхoж нa питьe, oни тaк yчacтливee.

>> No.9565354

No such country, but Eastern Europe is the closest.

>> No.9565359

It's really strange to me that everywhere outside of it's country of origin KFC does good business and has respectable market growth.

What the fuck is US KFC's problem?

>> No.9565361


>> No.9565364

I had KFC for the first time in years a few months ago, it wasn't bad.

>> No.9565370

Europe probably has better livestock.

>> No.9565373

Great blog.
Like and subscribe.

>> No.9565378


>> No.9565606

everything BUT the original recipe chicken is good from KFC
WTF fix your shit KFC

>> No.9565613

Lol, stick it to them sister

>> No.9565617

>Fried pieces of chicken
>Fried small pieces of chicken meat
>Fried smaller pieces of chicken meat
>Fried pieces of potato
Wow, very healthy.

>> No.9565733
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Heart Attacks

>> No.9565750

You missed the popcorn chicken.

>> No.9565758

Probably as good a theory as any.

No. US, Australia, Brazil, India and Argentina are the world's livestock producers but no idea what relevance that has to KFC. You can raise chicken in a toilet stall. You can raise wonderful quality and numerous chickens with a modicum of wide land for free range chickens.

Nah, they'd have to work harder to replace the dying customers. Doesn't make sense

>> No.9566103

There are better fried chicken chains in the U.S. than KFC tbqhwyf

>> No.9566120
File: 90 KB, 560x400, zingerstackerboxedmeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's better fried chicken down the street at the local charcoal chicken, doesn't stop me from getting a stacker meal every now and again.

>> No.9566541

>pure foods

>> No.9566564

Not really would rather have korean fried chicken any day of the week.

>> No.9566571
File: 56 KB, 397x595, 'Merican Woman!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Be Chinese
> used to nice, clean, luxury KFCs with actual silverware and table delivery
> people dress up nice and eat politely like a decent sit down restaurant
> go to 'Merica
> KFC's cost 1/3 the price and are filled with loud ass black people yelling at each other at the top of their lungs
> food is also shit

WTF? Shit's backwards.

>> No.9566580

That explains a lot, anon. As an American I wondered why on earth KFC is so popular in Asia. Now I get it--it's totally different than what it's like here.