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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9563445 No.9563445 [Reply] [Original]

>Person making something with a batter
>They don't scrape off the batter from the sides of the bowl and they just waste it

>> No.9563479


God I hate those exploding fucks.

Anyway for me it's people that don't eat the crust on pizza. I know it shouldn't bug me but it does. Fortunately they're usually willing to pass it onto someone who wants to eat it if asked.

>> No.9563514
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>Want to replay earthbound
>Keep getting reminded about these fucking exploding trees

But as for shit that annoys me? People that deliberately fuck up the ratios of ingredients the first time they try making something

>> No.9563530
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>People that deliberately fuck up the ratios of ingredients the first time they try making something

people that have never made a dish and when they have the recipe they make all sorts of substitutions and wonder why it doesn't taste the same

>> No.9563569

That doesn't bother me nearly as much as people who do that, then feel like they can review a recipe on some recipe site.

No bitch, you changed half the recipe, you have no clue if the posted recipe was good or not.

>> No.9563574


>see tree
>backtrack to despawn tree
>there's another one behind you
>go forward
>now it's a tree, several sprouts and a mushroom, a UFO and a whirling robo

Anyways sweet potatoes really annoy me because they're delicious with butter but everybody seems fixated on using them in substitution for potatoes (sweet potato fries etc)

>> No.9563601
File: 327 KB, 575x1000, Madotsuki.full.1224011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who do not wash baking sheets.
People who knowingly use expired ingredients.
People who use ketchup instead of tomato sauce.
People who use onions instead of garlic.
People who use ingredients that had flies all over them for an unknown amount of time.
People who insist concentrate is exactly the same as juice.
People who refuse to wring out sponges and still use the same one for like two years.
People who use the same pot and/or sheet for literally everything, insisting that it does not matter.
People who deep fry thimgs.
People who do not read ingredients and just use whatever looks the same (mayo instead of tarter sauce, salsa instead of tomato sauce).
People who use fucking Kraft Singles or similar.

>> No.9563622

Fuck that, they're fucking up the ratio of crust-to-pizza. Those assholes will want an extra slice, since you ate the crusts. Fuckers. They should get one less slice, since they're not hungry enough to eat the crusts.

>> No.9563633

when someone puts "etc" after only one example>>9563574

>> No.9564951

I agree.

>> No.9565106
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>> No.9565126
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>people who cant make eggs telling you how to cook
>"that smells disgusting"
>People overcooking pork cause it's safer
>not letting meat temper
>not letting the oven pre heat
>not searing meat
>not letting meat rest
>not using salt cause its "bad for you"
>oven bags
>"I dont want you cooking that inside, the smell will stain the walls"
>"use a lid"
>"cook outside it'll make a mess"
>"everything you put in the oven splatters so no more using the oven"
>"I've been cooking for years I know better than you"

I could go on but my dad is literally cooking hitler

>> No.9565174

>literally cooking hitler
Is that kosher?

>> No.9565175

>gets upset about wasting food
fat person detected

>> No.9565178

I think so anon

>> No.9565245

>Kraft Shingles

>> No.9565313

>tub of fake butter spread shit that's in the fridge
>full of crumbs
>series of deep gashes because someone was clawing at it with a dirty fork

>> No.9565977
File: 148 KB, 800x619, computersfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This 300%. My parents literally have three fucking tubes of it. Crumbs everywhere including GARLIC POWDER for when they slather a pound of garlic """butter""" on their shit. Fortunately I buy my own actual butter and they will not touch it within a three yard radius. Apparently it "tastes weird" and "isn't healthy"

>> No.9566077

>imagine being at computers
every time

>> No.9566099

>People who use the same pot and/or sheet for literally everything, insisting that it does not matter.
I wish I had more cookware. But it's so difficult to drop the money necessary for a good pot when you already have one.

>> No.9566490

I don't remember them being a problem for me, you know that because your health is on a roller that counts down, if you end the encounter fast enough you won't take that much damage. It works in other scenarios as well, for instance if a party member gets one-shotted and you're quick enough you can heal them before they die.

>> No.9566942

you cant post that gif unless you're 25 years of age and own a computer

>> No.9567147

I had this happen with a bunch of roommates that wanted to bake cookies for the first time. Instead of brown sugar, they used regular sugar and then wondered why the cookies were so dry. Pissed me off so much

>> No.9567227

>People who deep fry thimgs.
Why would this bother anyone?

>> No.9567271
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any coking recipe website with the author clearly not being 25+. Even worse when they mention they don't have a computer.

>> No.9568391

Lol not a fatty, just grew up poor as fuck.

>> No.9568983

You don't have to be poor or fat to not want to waste food. I avoid food waste simply because I enjoy it, and want to keep enjoying the rest of it in the future.

>> No.9569005

>When the Territorial Oak explodes and takes out one of your allies before the you can hit A fast enough to stop it.