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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9561151 No.9561151 [Reply] [Original]

why am I unable to make mayonnaise?

>> No.9561168

you're not squeezing hard enough

>> No.9561169


whats going wrong?

>> No.9561175

Maybe because the ingredients you use are too cold. Or you add too much oil in the beginning

>> No.9561202

it always seperates or is too runny

>> No.9561207


>> No.9561209

I find mayonnaise disgusting and that does not make me sad. Fuck mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard is where it's at.

>> No.9561212

>Or you add too much oil in the beginning
This. At the beginning: small amount, homogenize, small amount, homogenize...
I never missed one since I carefully do this, to the point I question the relevance of ingredients' temperatures.

>> No.9561215
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Pull on your pecker some more. You make some in no time sport. Ever since my son learned to pump off,we've saved a fortune on mayonnaise. Makes for good eatin with sammiches.a

>> No.9561216

Because your technique is sloppy and your recipe improvised

>> No.9561221


same as what the other dudes say:

- ingredients too cold or too warm
- adding the oil to fast

are you mixing by and or use a mixer?

also, when it splits, add a tiny amount of water

>> No.9561230

i add some oil and keep beating away...then add more and more oil and keep beating faster

in the end, it's just one sticky mess and I'm exhausted

>> No.9561232

You are.

>> No.9561234
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I can't imagine going through life with out a McChicken. For me, it is really the best fast food sandwich. With mayo.

>> No.9561238

In fact, if I don't get enough mayo in my McChicken (happens regularly), I take it back and ask for more. They always offer me a new sandwich, but I say no and ask for more mayo in the one they already made for me.

>> No.9561252

mayo and ketchup is god's cum

>> No.9561358

>Fuck mayonnaise
How is it possible to hold such an incorrect opinion?

>> No.9561378

I have never had mayo NOT turn out right.

1 egg yolk
1 tsp mustard
1 pinch of salt
1 squirt lemon juice
vinegar to taste
250ml oil

whisk the first four ingredients, then slowly add the oil and keep whisking. Then finish seasoning with the vinegar.

>> No.9561438
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>> No.9561451


>> No.9561939

beat the shit out of the egg/mustard/salt/vinegar mixture before you add any oil, then add it very, very slowly, that will fix your problem

>> No.9561948

wrong, good mayonnaise is an essential condiment that should be on everyone's table

I can accept that you don't like certain brands of mayo, but it is beyond ridicoulus that you just straight up say that mayo is disgusting

>> No.9562096

desu mayo is shit unless you make it yourself and given that its a pita to make this is not an unreasonable opinion

>> No.9562101

someones palate being different than yours is "beyond ridiculous"
>the absolute state of /ck/

>> No.9562102

Try to add very little oil at a time, stir until it's all uniform and mayonaise-like, then add a tiny anmount more
rinse and repeat
don't rush adding oil, that's literally the only way this can go wrong
OH and if you fuck up at a late stage, you can put a yolk in a bowl and slowly add the fucked up mayo instead of oil just like if you were adding oil

>> No.9562107

>Try to add very little oil at a time,

Better yet, use a blender or a food processor instead of whisking by hand. Just slowly pour in the oil while the machine is running.

>> No.9562867

Are you 4 years old?

>> No.9562917
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/ck/ is a whites only board

>> No.9563954

Like everyone else says, add the oil slow REALLY FUCKING SLOW, LIKE FUCKING LEAKY FAUCET DROPS. When the emulsion forms you can speed up a little bit BUT NOT TOO MUCH OR YOU'LL FUCK IT UP AGAIN.

>> No.9564319

You are a harp seal. You have large ungainly flippers, best suited to frolicking in icy waters, not mixing delicate condiments.

>> No.9564403

0 point in making ur own mayonnaise
gonna go bad in a few days lol

>> No.9564620

Visit your doctor.

>> No.9564640
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You have no place here.