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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9558218 No.9558218[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The whole "white people food is bland", "white people don't season their food", et cetera.

I mean, yeah I'm from Northern Europe and the food here isn't the greatest, but you can't say that white people food as a whole is bland if you've also had Italian, Greek, French, Spanish, German or Hungarian food before.

>> No.9558227
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Have you seen old american cookbooks? I mean like fifties. Shit was nasty, I'm talking about mayo on saltines.

It doesn't help that by comparison everything is trash next to soul food.

>> No.9558241

Never had soul food before but here in the UK "black cuisine" is mostly Jamaican, which is fucking delicious and superior to white British food.

But a good pizza trumps all, I'm afraid.

>> No.9558245

soul food doesn't exist
it's mostly southern white people recipes appropriated by black kitchen workers over time and passing it on to their kids

>> No.9558249


>> No.9558252

Well what would you call them, then, /pol/fag? They're not black or brown.

>> No.9558253

White people lack flair, soul and flava and this is reflected in their food.

I wouldn't bother too much about it. At least you don't have to worry about being randomly shot to death by the police.

>> No.9558261

Black people on twitter are retards and are insanely unfunny so all they can think of for joke subjects is dumb ghetto shit or WYTPIPL

olive, their darker skin shades and darker hair come from the moors

>> No.9558263

This looks like most barbecue grills for the Southern Cone of South America, honestly, maybe mission onion or bell peppers - even if they do use less checken or at least keep the skin. And that stuff is delicious anyhow because you get to feel the taste of the meat first and foremost.

>> No.9558266

Nobody is saying it's truly bland anon. They're just making a generalization. And there is quite a bit of truth to it based on geography and climate. Northern Europe has a short growing season. Few herbs and spices grow there. Hot peppers certainly don't. Equatorial regions, where people's skin tends to be darker, have longer growing seasons and more spices.

Of course people in Europe were able to trade for those spices, but what was dirt cheap near the equator became dreadfully expensive the further north you went. The rich may have eaten flavorful food but the peasantry in Europe did not, and it gets worse the further north you go.

Most southern recipes have roots in Africa. You think the wealthy white planation owners did their own cooking? Nope. They had slaves for that. And the slaves learned to cook back in Africa. Check out the Sean Brock episode of Mind of a Chef in which he visits Senegal. It's eerie how much southern food is so similar to traditional African food.

>> No.9558268

I don't get it. White people colonized the world to find more spice

>> No.9558271

I mean yeah it sucks that police tend to be more on edge during a traffic stop if you're black or you get treated more poorly. It does suck for black people.
But when NIGGERS get shot by the police it is 99% of the time not unprovoked. Unfair? Maybe, but the niggardly behaviour is what causes it.

>> No.9558275

the meme is about white americans, like the nuclear families living in suburbs who have never had anything hotter than a bell pepper in their house

>> No.9558277

Shitskins just want to feel better about themselves.

>> No.9558282

Niggers, spics, and slants are jealous. Tyrone here illustrates this: >>9558253

>> No.9558291

You're making it sound like some visionary quest for new flavours, when the truth is more about money and politics.
Spices were economically important, and the Ottoman Turks (a rapidly expanding muslim powerhouse) had a stranglehold on the spice trade.
Searching for an alternative route to the spice-producing areas of the world would thus circumvent the Ottoman turks.

>> No.9558293

99% is an extreme exaggeration. Don't act like you give a fuck about black people. Law abiding black folk are just house niggers to you, own up to it

>> No.9558296

>slavery was rampant and common in the south

barely anybody owned slaves, for 99% of southerners they did their own cooking.
there wasn't a slave in every kitchen
and the war was NOT about slavery

>> No.9558298

jamaican food isnt that nice most of it is fried and most of the meats are on the bone like mutton / goat curries etc and they are awful

>> No.9558300

Blacks have this wierd meme about wypipo not knowing how to cook. Im 90% certain its because they burn out their taste buds on newports and reefer by the time they hit puberty so they need a 1/4 inch crust of spices to actually taste anything. This of course renders most european and non-southern american foods tasteless to them

>> No.9558302

>Wow! Racist POC are just as retarded as racist white people.

>> No.9558303

I never said slavery was rampant and common, anon. I stated that many traditional southern dishes had their roots in African cuisine, then I cited a source to back up my claims. Go check it out and educate yourself.

>> No.9558306

1% of a population doesn't get a strangle hold on the cuisine of 99% of the population
southern cooking isn't rooted in africa, its rooted in european immigrants that became farmers, just like everything else in america

>> No.9558331

t. yank

>> No.9558337

I'm Venetian and I'm blonde & blue eyed dumbass. Ever heard of the Longobards?

>> No.9558347

Nope, I respect black people.
Niggers of all races need to be removed from society, though.

>> No.9558353

>99% of southerners they did their own cooking.

Utter bullshit. This website lists the 1860 census data total for the US and has a drop down box that you can go state by state. In most confederate states 20-30% of families owned slaves, several were over 30%, one was at 49% and one was in the teens.

Stop trying to revise history with blatant lies, /pol/tard, it's why you fagfucks are considered a joke.


>> No.9558362

See >>9558353 retard.

>> No.9558370

So in many of those southern states, two thirds to three quarters of families didn't even own slaves, yet those people fought for slavery? I am not American but at least I know that the war was fought over state vs federal rights

>> No.9558407

you ever hear of sushi? fucking japs don't even cook their food. And they serve it on a bed of white rice like what the fuck? haha?

>> No.9558416


White people food is a black people meme.

All the best chefs are white.

>> No.9558428

Now, you know that's not true. Better luck next next time, sweetie.

>> No.9558430

don't act like you don't have any of THOSE relatives
The baby boomer ones
with all the ketchup
with the pre-ground black pepper in a square can
with no vegetables except bell peppers in the fridge
with a cupboard dedicated to stupid as seen on tv panini presses or whatever stupid bullshit, but no spice drawer
the ones who cough and choke and make a stupid scene at just the smell of your buffalo wings when you're at the tavern with them

>> No.9558437

before slavery white people in america didn't even have food, they just chewed on grass and sucked the moisture out of rocks.
it wasn't until the enlightened black men came along to educate them and bring the traditional recipes from their land of abundance that southern cuisine was created

oh wait, its the exact opposite actually

>> No.9558446

Are you retarded?

>> No.9558486

Slavery was the primary issue that southern states viewed as infringing on their states rights since the Republicans concentrated primarily in the north opposed expansion of slaveholding states and sought to restrict it to the current states that had it. The right for a state to determine it would be slaveholding was what they felt was being infringed. And yes, the subsistence whitetrash farmer fought for the right of the rich to own slaves just like our troops and militarized police fight for the right of the rich and corporations to continue their oppression of the rest of the population which includes even those who fight for them, lol.

>inb4 republicucks were against slavery - see we love minorities.

>> No.9558491
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>> No.9558497

I do love traditional african soul food

my favorite is
Smoked american game foul wings with a nice slab of bread made from maize and mexican chili peppers, with some english cheese melted on top
a nice refreshing black tea, or even some whisky if i'm in the mood
finished off with some pudding and vanilla cookies

yes, truly southern cooking would be out without all that african influence!

>> No.9558498
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No black person has any business telling anyone how they should cook meat

>> No.9558504

Don't act like it had nothing to do with the fact that tariffs being imposed on foreign goods were specifically intended to make southerners pay more for manufactured goods from the north by making cheap imports even more expensive than them, or the fact that lincoln won the country despite not even having his name on the ballot in any southern state.

>> No.9558506

Niggers got online and decided to try to compensate their lack of culture, education, or even general dignity.

>> No.9558507

>Italians, Greeks, Spaniards, Hungarians

>German food

>> No.9558508

revisionist history at its finest
