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9552763 No.9552763 [Reply] [Original]

Stop eating gluten free

>> No.9552772

S M A S H E D. U K

>> No.9552791

What does gluten give me?

>> No.9552804

Why eat special gluten free foods in the first place if you don't have a genetic defect that causes your gut to inflame when you eat normal food. Why believe in nurture over nature when you do have a genetic trait that effects your every day life to the extent that it controls what you can put in your mouth

>> No.9552820
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A cheaper food budget.

>> No.9552821

>what does wheat, barley, rye, oat etc give me

How about your existence via your ancestors not starving to death

>> No.9552826

Why are dogs going mental today?

>> No.9552850


>> No.9552870


>> No.9552871
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*blocks your path*

>> No.9552919

My coworker raised her child on a GF diet, and as a result it turned out at 5 years old, he has terrible gastrointestinal problems because of the incredibly low fiber diet. That poor kid is going to have to live with that for the rest of his life.

>> No.9552959

what even is a glutan. thats like wheat right?

>> No.9553015
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Yes, there are people on this meme diet who don't even know what gluten is.

>> No.9553076

I thought gluten in bread came from fermentation of yeast.

>> No.9553093

Gluten comes from the grain. That is why anything with flour has gluten in it and not just bread.

>> No.9553102

wat the fuck are those

>> No.9553138

watch this


>> No.9553140


>> No.9553152

Most everything is gluten free.

For mine it was maize, tomatoes, potatoes/other such tubers, and melons/squash.

>> No.9553157
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>> No.9553181
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What if instead of breeding dogs we started breeding tortoise and turtles? Think of all the different breeds we could have. We could breed in some speed so they are fast enough to play fetch, have guard turtles to protect our shit, even seeing eye tortoise.

>> No.9554009

what if like most people who don't eat gluten, i have a gluten intolerance?

>you're lactose intolerant?
>drink this milk and shit your brains out pussy lol, spot me bro

>> No.9554091

Wouldn't actually work that well. Canidae have a higher number of tandem repeats in their DNA, this means that specific physical traits can be breed in a shorter number of generations. It's why they adapt so quickly and successfully to new environments. It also makes them better for domestic breeding. You can create a whole new breed of dog in just a few generations.
Turtles and tortoises don't have that genetic quirk, so breeding for specific traits would take too long.

>> No.9554096

Most people who go on about gluten free don't actually have a health problem though, they've just been convinced gluten is evil for everyone.

>> No.9554127

What about cats? Can we make some crazy cat breeds? What animals are good candidates?

>> No.9554135
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>> No.9554143

where did this SMASHED meme come from?

>> No.9554164

Cats have less differences across the different breeds compared to dogs. They are also less prone to genetic abnormalities that dog fighters breed into their "fighting" breeds to make them huge. The best thing I can come up with is crossing a Norwegian forest cat and a sphinx and having a giant hairless abomination.

As for cats that fetch/guard/guide, plenty of cats already do that. It just takes considerably more training.

>> No.9554206
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>> No.9554381

Yes. The absolute worst part is that pregnant women who don't eat gluten have an increased chance of having coeliac children. Then those children pass on their shit coeliac genes with more anti-gluten memers. Next thing you know the entire species is fucked and can no longer eat grain.

>> No.9554397

>be a baker
>bake delicious bread and pastries, fill the entire room with the smell of warm yeast everyday
>love my job
>Every single day some cunt comes in "DO YOU HAVE GLUTEN FREE???"

I've considered quitting to go pursue electrical engineering because if I am going to be miserable I might as well make a living.

>> No.9554463

People think they're being healthier getting the gluten-free versions of shitty processed bullshit but it's often made with rice flour which is higher glycemic and much higher in arsenic. It's good to avoid white flour if something actually better takes its place.

>> No.9554470


>> No.9554575

>get given some gluten free flour
>I'm sure that whatever I make with this won't be horrible, dense and flavorless
>everything is
>get some xantham gum
>its just slightly not as bad

>> No.9554977

I heard some bitch ask if black tea is gluten free.

Also, these toadies or w/e need to be illegal

>> No.9555143

Two different people have given me a gluten free cookie.

Both cookies were horrible.

>> No.9556369

The owner refuses to make gluten free items because we would need an environment that has absolutely zero contact with flour, ever. And some of the employees are retarded and would contaminate it. Also the kitchen is relatively small overall.

Actual celiacs take this as an acceptable answer when I tell them why we don't have those products. Karen from the insurance company two blocks down becomes asshurt and says she's going to whole foods instead (which also doesn't sell GF shit in their bakery.)

>> No.9556506

Did he not eat vegetables? Failing to see what gluten has to do with this

>> No.9556516

amerifat education

>> No.9556521

let them die, let nature take care of it, it will free us from the scum

>> No.9556593

What? You do know asians exist right? Asia didn't have wheat or gluten until after europe came into it full force.

>> No.9557090

5 year olds tend to not eat a large variety of vegetables. He likely had very little fiber on his diet

>> No.9557098

if that's true then that's fascinating

>> No.9557113

>Asia didn't have wheat or gluten until after europe came into it full force.
and look what it did to them.

>> No.9558338

Cavemen also subsisted on a diet of meat and random, possibly poisonous, vegetation. Not really the greatest comparison.

>> No.9558421
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>> No.9558677

They're literally too lazy to have sex

>> No.9558688

pyramid skeem