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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9550825 No.9550825 [Reply] [Original]

You have 10 seconds to name a food that has good mouthfeel

>> No.9550827


>> No.9550826

your mom

>> No.9550835


>> No.9550845


>> No.9550978

What the fuck is mouthfeel

>> No.9550983

yeah this is about what i expected

>> No.9551001

Green jello

>> No.9551011

Uh, depends on what you like? Crunchy, creamy, chewy?
Everything that has the consistence you expect it to have has a good "mouthfeel".

>> No.9551041


>> No.9551064

unironically durian, es #1

>> No.9551086

The tapioca beads in bubble tea.

>> No.9551475

Fries, the slight starchy grainy chewiness is bro tier

>> No.9552050


>> No.9552052

Well cooked squid is heavenly.

>> No.9552056

Sopa de macaco

>> No.9552066

The callouses on the bottom of your feet
Aluminum cans

>> No.9552076

Salmon eggs. The slight resistance before they burst under your teeth

>> No.9552082

Shark's fin soup.

>> No.9552099

Sausage with natural casing
Kippered turkey breast
Pork belly
Fried tofu
Lettuce wraps

All completely subjective

>> No.9552101

Kettle corn.

>> No.9552163
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>> No.9553499

That shit is vile.

>> No.9553503

homemade chicken stock.
homebrewed stout on nitro.

>> No.9553506

>texture is too boring of a word, let's make up an autistic meme word for no reason!

>> No.9553508

fried boletus mushrooms
fuckers melt in your mouth

>> No.9553521

Iron skillet fried chicken, not breaded, just dredged in seasoned flour. Perfect amount of crust that still allows you to savor the texture of the brined, juicy meat.

>> No.9553525
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Sauteed asparagus.

>> No.9553527

is that yuropoor for hashbrowns?

>> No.9554086

Literally how?

>> No.9554251


>> No.9554293

the ricotta layer of lasgna

>> No.9555832


>> No.9555850

Cous Cous

>> No.9555855
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Science has the answer.

>> No.9555887


>> No.9555907

Soggy breakfast cereal

But I no longer eat that sad kibble.

>> No.9555910

mochi filled with red bean paste

>> No.9555949
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>> No.9555957

Ramen or pasta

Hot creamy spinach

Fresh Falafel

>> No.9555962
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>> No.9555968


>> No.9555977

smoked chicken

>> No.9555982


>> No.9555985

Steamed rice with rich chicken sauce

>> No.9555991
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this shit right here

>> No.9555992

anything crunchy

>> No.9555999
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When I was eating that shit tripping on acid, it seriously felt pretty damn close to making out.

Not gonna lie, it got me hard.

>I even considered eating yogurt while masturbating but decided against it.

>> No.9556004
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I'm putting that one on the bucket list, boss.

>> No.9556213



>> No.9556216

Taco Bell crunchwrap

>> No.9556229


>> No.9556233

tapioca pudding

>> No.9556271

frozen custard

>> No.9556274
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Bulgarian yogurt .
pic related. 6% and 10% are the best thing.

>> No.9556903


>> No.9556944

My dick

>> No.9556969


>> No.9557080

THIS! Never change, you glorious bastards. You made me exhale hard out of my nose.

>> No.9557091

Cyan pill

>> No.9557215

I don't even know how to reply to a post like this.

>> No.9557309

Jellyfish salad

>> No.9557332

Mashed potatoes

>> No.9557338

dicc lel XD gay btw

>> No.9557343

Couscous has a god tier mouthfeel

>> No.9557427

literally wafflehouse hash browns with garnish

>> No.9557440


>> No.9557518
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Anyone else hate really mushy/creamy foods? I'm not saying I can't enjoy a little bit of that texture now and again when the food is suppose to be that (pudding, macaroni etc) but I really like at least some resistance to my mouth breaking it up. I don't want to feel like I have a mouth full of shit.

>> No.9557595


>> No.9557638

Sunflower seeds
A really good loaf of bread
Mozzarella sticks

>> No.9557653

If you leave anything in your mouth too long, you're going to want to gag.

Here are some things that have good texture:

Steamed shrimp
Baked potatoes
Froot Loops

Assume everything is cooked properly. The shrimp aren't chewy or soft but nice and plumb and the baked potato isn't mushy.

>> No.9557663

Chocolate mousse

>> No.9557673

uma delicia

>> No.9557682
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Oh how I missed that /b/ humor.

>> No.9557683
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best mouthfeel coming through. It's about dat crunch, cra/ck/ers.

>> No.9557692
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>> No.9557694

I like creamy solid foods, but cream soups are generally a nope from me. Occasionally I'll have a good one, but most chowders, cream-of-whatever and so on are out for me. That, and baked egg dishes like quiche. I love eggs, but there's just something wrong with the texture.

>> No.9557770

I'm right there with you. I don't like creamy soups or egg dishes that are creamy.

>> No.9557814

What the fuck is that?

>> No.9557832
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God's gift to man's mouth

>> No.9557835

It depends on how they're prepared. If a soup is thickened with starch it's not very good, it needs to have a good stock with gelatin for a thicker texture or to be thickened by reducing it.

And for a quiche it depends on how much liquid was added to it. The first time I made a quiche the recipe was mainly 2 cups of heavy cream and 4 eggs, and it was just way too soft and fatty. I use 10 eggs and about 1/2 cup of milk for it after testing it for a while, and it's way better.

>> No.9558418

sauteed spinach
can't get enough of it really, it's slight elasticity makes me just cum thinking about it

>> No.9558435

This post gave me cancer, well done

>> No.9558436

these always get stuff in my teeth, feel like i'm eating packing peanuts

0/10 for mouth feel

>> No.9558440

>Pretzels, Bagels, and other Very chewy breads.
>Thin and crispy chips like classic Lays
>Stewed beef

>> No.9558445

Seaweed salad

>> No.9558457


>> No.9558518


>> No.9558563

this thread is about mouthfeel not fucking teethfeel get the hell out of here

>> No.9558637

teeth are in your mouth retard

>> No.9558639


>> No.9558777

>these always get stuff in my teeth
I've noticed that too, unfortunate because they taste pretty good.

>> No.9559257

fuck you

>> No.9559260

on you maybe

>> No.9559277

Water chestnuts is the only real answer.

>> No.9559281
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>links a twitter reaction gif hosted on imgur
I really really like this post