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File: 455 KB, 4272x3204, nbc-fires-donald-trump-after-he-calls-mexicans-rapists-and-drug-runners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9550685 No.9550685[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good orange cake recipes?

>> No.9550691

Jaffa cakes

>> No.9550696

perhaps you'd like a nice Orange Fool instead?

>> No.9550697

I had to unsubscribe to one of my favorite cooking channels because he made a joke about Trump, he didn't even look like a nu-male either

>> No.9550704

Wow, trumpflakes are so fucking soft. Why cant you take a joke you fucking losers. I thought political correctness was cancer, eh?

>> No.9550711

Because if someone joked about Obama, they would be called a racist. That's real fair right?

>> No.9550712

this new tactic you guys are using isn't working. You are projecting your own insecurities on us, we get it. The same stuff we always say about you, you are saying back.
difference is it's true of you and not of us
we don't care what you say, you aren't important to us, we just ignore you and push you aside.

>> No.9550724

>types an asshurt novel about how he doesn't care
>g-guys I totally don't care

>> No.9550728

How are jokes an issue? The problem is obama wasnt a comedic fgt like trump so there was nothing to joke about. Trumpolitical correctness is cancer.

Dude, whats your problem? Go watch some alex jones to sooth your jimmies, fag.

>> No.9550734

bruh, you're doing it again.
I'm trying to help you here. I care about my countrymen unlike you, so I'm telling you to save your energy and come up with a new tactic. Your ideals are going to only be further eroded if you continue this path you're on.
I'm not in any need of soothing. The man I voted for won, he's doing things I want him to do, I haven't been this happy in years.

>> No.9550740

Yeah dude, we get it you want higher healthcare prices and tax cuts for billionaires.

Do you have any good orange cake recipes or you just couldnt help being a reddit fag and derailed the thread?

>> No.9550753

actually the derail came from your team>>9550696
just like everything bad that has ever happened

its weird you have this bizarre narrative going on that in no way reflects reality.
I'm sure you will enjoy the tax cuts and lower premiums you are getting soon. And I'm sure you will do more mental gymnastics to justify how it wasn't trump who gave them to you.

>> No.9550755

>and thus the brave nationalist, embodiment and champion of all that is noble and pure, shitposted anonymously on a basket weaving forum to other strangers about just how totally happy and unflustered he was

>> No.9550762

What do you guys hate more? Niggers or women?

>> No.9550789
File: 7 KB, 251x218, 777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing that hospitals and big pharma rev up the prices once the government is forced to pay for everything

Basically a monopoly. Same reason why University cost is rising, because government financial aid is increasing. You will pay through taxes. "Free/universal" anything is the biggest crime of our time. Universal healthcare will force everyone to buy more medicine than needed in an overpriced rate and big pharma, bloated in its current state, will be unstoppable.

Of course you wouldn't feel it because you're a jobless NEET who doesn't pay taxes.

>> No.9550793
File: 14 KB, 321x250, 171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, it's the reason why most Pharmaceutical corporations lobby for universal healthcare.

All citizens will be forced to buy their products. People that don't need medical care will form a line to hospitals because it's "free." Demand for their products will be infinite.

>> No.9550796

this is not what happens in literally every other first world country on the planet

>> No.9550801

This is why there are hordes of incredibly angry Canadians, New Zealanders, Singaporians, and Swedish people.

Oh wait

>> No.9550805
File: 98 KB, 1024x576, epipen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Example: Last year EpiPen's prices skyrocketed as its manufacturer realized that it had a virtual monopoly on the portable epinephrine injectors.

There was a huge outrage in the United States as people had the choice to buy or not buy them and they had to know the prices.

Meanwhile, there were less protests in Europe because "the government pays for it" and nobody cared. Socialized healthcare makes people sleepy and lazy. They paid the price in taxes without their knowing.

>> No.9550811

see >>9550805

It's basic psychology; once you get the feeling that the government is paying for everything, you lose the feeling of responsibility and they forget about the costs.

In America, you buy the medicine yourself so you have to know the prices. In socialist nations, you pay indirectly (taxes) making people unaware of the high costs of medicine. Most people don't think about it.

It's a perfect robbery.

>> No.9550820

Universal healthcare, in its essence, is forced purchases of medical care from a nation's tax revenue.

There are no other sweet ways to word it.

>> No.9550824

>People that don't need medical care will form a line to hospitals because it's "free."
Except you didn't word it that way. You said specifically this. There isn't some predicament in hospitals in other first world countries where you have to wait some abnormally long amount of time to get your free healthcare.

t. someone who needed to wait hours in the ER before my arm injury was treated in America

>> No.9550828

Correction: EpiPen does not have a monopoly, but it is close enough (Jext, the 2nd competitor is small)

>> No.9550837
File: 538 KB, 934x837, 1480477645507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boo hoo you waited hours for an arm injury. Arm injuries aren't a big deal. If tedious and meticulous surgeries such as heart surgeries or transplants are "free" however, then the lines are nightmares.

Canadians that need urgent heart surgery just go to WA, MI, or NY because the wait line for surgeries are ridiculous.

>> No.9550842

>boo hoo your problem isn't real

>> No.9550848

>out of arguments
get outta here

>> No.9550853

fuck wh*Tes for what they did to BLACKS

>> No.9550854
File: 85 KB, 600x450, Image_013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aside from the fact that two countries with universal health care are faster than the US but sure

>> No.9550874
File: 46 KB, 720x540, 1492926465967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I was talking about Canada's failure of a universal healthcare system so it's fair.

To concede a bit, I think universal healthcare can be quick; it all depends on bureaucracy. If it's shit, you shouldn't have universal healthcare.

Anyways, my other points on costliness is still on the table.

>> No.9550882

In addition, if you don't have enough hospitals and doctors to meet increased demands of a universalized healthcare, you shouldn't have universal healthcare.

I'm talking to several particular countries..

>> No.9550897
File: 322 KB, 683x1024, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But who pays more in the end? ;)

>> No.9550987


>Reply to a joke post thinking you'll get easy virtue signaling points, get fucking wrecked, damage control engage.

l e l.

>> No.9551014

>a lobbyist group fabricates information

that's a work of pure fiction. Seeing a specialist in the united states doesn't take months, it takes hours if not immediately

if you walk into a hospital and they see you need surgery or a treatment, you are on the operating table that day

>> No.9551047

The US.

>> No.9551057
File: 77 KB, 800x533, 1436298809693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooooookay read the thread first and answer my question again.

>> No.9551060

the French. self important snobs who haven't realized the era of "the best chefs are from French" has long passed and the worst kind of snob is the kind that doesn't realize they've been outclassed and are being snobby for nothing. You can meme about flyovers, frozen food and other shit like that but, the majority of the greatest chefs at this point in history are based in America.

>> No.9551071

this chart doesn't really serve your point too well if your goal is to make the USA look bad
its showing our massive country with a privatized system is doing a better job that almost every other country in the world which is smaller and publicly run

>> No.9551073

Besides the sob stories of unique cases where someone has to pay $200,000 out of pocket for a surgery in the US, overall medical care is cheaper, taxes are cheaper, and the average US citizen saves more compared to citizens in socialized nations where everyone is forced to pay overpriced medicine and healthcare by default.

The $200,000 stories are truly tragic, but they are just anecdotes at best. In average, the US citizen pays less for healthcare. Thank you for trying.

>> No.9551077

I've watched this before I thought it was an interesting video and I had no problems with it. Slavery/forced servitude is fucked up. I also support better border security and believe Trayvon had it coming. People are complicated.

>> No.9551080


>> No.9551082
File: 143 KB, 650x857, 1419623440969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how the cherry-picked and anecdotal sob-stories of a guy having to pay a huge amount for surgeries is what socialist politicians used in Europe to push for universal health care. Not actual statistics.

>> No.9551090


The US gave Europe universal healthcare?

Wouldn't surprise me, we pay for everything else with them anyways.~

>> No.9551096

"Meme" is commonly used as a verb in the internet

>> No.9551099
File: 106 KB, 1125x660, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In average, the US citizen pays less for healthcare.
Nice anecdotal evidence you have there. Care to actually provide proof?


>> No.9551101

By retards.

>> No.9551104

>Ask about orange
>Everyone just talks about shit

OP look up orange polenta cake. It's the best I can recommend you for now

>> No.9551106

Well before socialized healthcare, it was insurance and out of pocket in Europe too (varies in different countries but it was basically this more or less).

>> No.9551115
File: 450 KB, 497x288, 130417-MOTW-obesity-map.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans are much less healthier than Europeans, and obesity is a huge portion of our healthcare costs.

In an even playing field, we do pay less. Cheaper drugs and healthcare.

>> No.9551117

>the best chefs are from French
>from French

>> No.9551132
File: 78 KB, 1314x755, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In an even playing field, we do pay less. Cheaper drugs and healthcare.
Are you going to provide proofs, or shift the blame?


>> No.9551153

Besides the possibility that the politically-motivated survey cherry picked drugs that happened to be cheaper in other countries, and cherry-picking countries that have cheaper drugs (just my natural distrust of Bloomberg's reputation as a reliable source in general), I don't really have an answer to your challenge.

Yeah drug companies are shit.

>> No.9551290

>ask for cake
>get poor republitards sperging about how tax cuts for billionaires are a must
Trumpolitical correctness is cancer

>> No.9551309

What is it like to live in your own little fantasy world, cheetodust?

>> No.9551313

You already posted a pic of the worst orange cake, so the only way is up from there.