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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 64 KB, 1500x700, mauviel 6526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9538742 No.9538742 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you own a Mauviel copper frying pan?

>> No.9539817

a) a fucking pan costs 128€ on amazon
b) it's copper, which was probably mined in a conflict zone and you help support some nignog militia with buying one.
c) cast iron > copper

>> No.9539858


>c) cast iron > copper
this is a big reason

>> No.9539960

>it's copper, which was probably mined in a conflict zone
Nigga this shit ain't made from blood diamonds.

>> No.9539979

nigga this shit is a natural resource that is being exploited by local militia and their war lords. basic education, but you are probably american, so i forgive you

not sure if i sarcastic

>> No.9539988
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>basic education
Wew lad.

>> No.9539992

Because I'm not a faggot

>> No.9540009

wow, you take official government production numbers to represent illegal mining and export of conflict resource.

you are one huge fucking retard

>> No.9540018
File: 33 KB, 604x571, m8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ebin. Consider this my last (you) to you.

>> No.9540019

Wow, you take a mass produced product and assume it was made with blood copper from Africa

>> No.9540026

because i have cast iron and stainless steal cookware. why would i need anything else?

>> No.9540027

in most cases copper is bought in masses by a reseller and not directly from the mine, it is very likely that whatever product you use today, your smartphone, computer, copper pan, wedding ring, etc are made out of conflict resources.

most components in a smartphone built and soldered in the device are made out of conflict resources, otherwise the price per device would skyrocket .


>> No.9540032

Better thermal conductivity maybe.

>> No.9540145
File: 1.46 MB, 2703x2597, 2017-06-24 18.02.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I do

>> No.9540419
File: 236 KB, 1500x1135, il_fullxfull.754486386_2kjz-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because only plebs who can't afford silver use copper

>> No.9540756

I was gifted a Le Creuset that works probably just as well.

>> No.9540782

>Copper from a conflict zone
You mean stripped out of the walls of a house in Detroit?

>> No.9540800


The thought of dozens of dead niggers killed in a mine cave-in makes every morsel of food cooked in the pan extra delicious.

>> No.9540837


>> No.9540847

Aluminum is almost as good, and much cheaper

>> No.9540871

Using a copper pan makes you more feminine.

>> No.9540886

>in contact with often acidic foods
Really worth the risk?

>> No.9540901

What risk?
Nothing ever touches bare aluminum. Any piece of aluminum, once cut/formed/etc reacts with the air within seconds and it forms a hard oxide layer on the surface. Aluminum oxide, more commonly known as ruby or sapphire, is extremely hard and inert. No food is actually touching the aluminum itself, instead it touches the oxide layer.

>> No.9540920

I don't know man. What makes you think the passivation layer won't get damaged by your stirring in the pan or maybe by chemical reactions with food? Are there even aluminium pans for sale? Never heard of them before.

>> No.9540927

I'd kill someone for copper, shit's valuable. If some faggots are going to kill eachother to get it to me, who am I to stop them, they're just too stupid to work together to kill me and take my copper.

>> No.9540933

Usually aluminum pans have steel on the cooking layer. It's more like an aluminum core. Personally, i prefer steel because i'm not a little bitch who needs light materials to flip pancakes.

>> No.9540950

>What makes you think the passivation layer won't get damaged by your stirring in the pan
Because the passivation layer is FAR harder than my cooking tools. Aluminum oxide is so hard that it is used to make grinding wheels for steel.

>>maybe by chemical reactions with food?
Aluminum oxide is inert. No chemical in food is going to react with it.

>>Are there even aluminium pans for sale? Never heard of them before.
Yes, it's super common. Perhaps the most common material to make cookware from.

Plus, you still haven't explained why you are fearful of aluminum at all. Aluminum is one of the most common chemical elements in the earth's crust. It's everywhere. If it were toxic then the human race would be long dead.

>> No.9540978

I'm 23, I'm single, I share a 2-bedroom apartment with two other people, I make $10 an hour in retail, my PC is set up on top of a steamer trunk because I don't have space for a real desk, my kitchen is roughly the size of a large closet, and I do three kinds of drugs almost daily just to make myself stop thinking about killing myself. You think I have the money or time for a pan like that? My carbon steel pan is about all I can handle.

>> No.9540990

>You think I have the money or time for a pan like that?
Sure you do. You're just spending it on drugs instead.

>> No.9540996

I have an induction stove.

>> No.9541002

> I do three kinds of drugs almost daily just to make myself stop thinking about killing myself.

Why do you want to kill yourself? Doesn't food fill the void? I like to cook, and cook for other people. I'm not fat

>> No.9541017

Eh, my intoxicants budget is something like $100 a month. I'd rather spend the money on nice ingredients and make do with substandard equipment. Plus I do genuinely enjoy taking kratom, smoking weed, and drinking liquor.

It does to an extent. I love cooking for others, but I don't get a lot of chances to do it. The main holes in my life are loneliness and lack of success in my chosen career. The latter of which was DOA of course, I have a bachelors degree that's gathering dust in a box. The former boils down to just
>tfw no gf

>> No.9541025

>b) it's copper, which was probably mined in a conflict zone and you help support some nignog militia with buying one.

1) Copper is not diamond nor it is exclusive to some subsaharan shithole.
2) Who gives a fuck.

>> No.9541065

Same situation, don't kill yourself though, that's pretty shit. Do you have family? They can really help or church too.
>tfw fucked up my oven and now full retarded not know what to do but need it to make food.

>> No.9541075

> giving a fuck about the environment

Goybook is that way faggot

>> No.9541078

>giving a fuck about Africans

>> No.9541081

I do have family, I'm good friends with my brother and we talk frequently though we live a couple hours apart. Same for my parents, but I'm afraid to talk to them as often because I know they love me and it pains them to see me like this. I don't think I really want to kill myself so much as I just don't want to have existed at all. I'm not good enough to be any of the things I want to be. No thanks on religion though, I was actually doing significantly worse back when I still believed in God.

>> No.9541108

>No thanks on religion though, I was actually doing significantly worse back when I still believed in God.
That's weird desu, obviously God can't fill every void, but it does give a purpose and for me definitely a good reason to not kill myself (I'm catholic that's insta-hell). I can definitely relate, I see it with a lot of millennials, people seem so hopeless and without purpose it very sad. To bad you aren't closer to family they really help. I've had my couz over severel times this week and cooked food, he was very appreciative although it wasn't the best, nothing beats that kind of bond. Don't want to say be yourself, but there's a balance between understanding that others won't always make you happy (I think this is very important for lonely people to deal with) but also try to make those important connections with others because its others that define who you are (permanent not fleeting relationships like family) I don't know what works for everybody, but its worked for me. Social bonds, not sexbonds okay?

>> No.9541112

what you actually need is a carbon steel pan

>> No.9541131

>>Being 10 and posting on 4chan

>> No.9541158
File: 2.61 MB, 2954x3625, 2017-06-27 16.41.53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also have some older copper

>> No.9541166


This. My deBuyers is probably my most used kitchenware besides a LC Dutch Oven. They're fantastic once properly broken in.

>> No.9541193
File: 111 KB, 1183x495, 2017-10-12 14_36_07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deBuyer copper is pricey sadly

>> No.9541235

I keep trying to write replies in a way that doesn't sound like an attack, but I keep failing. This is the 5th time I've started over. I can tell you really want to help and I appreciate that, but we're just too different for that. Thanks for trying.

>> No.9541247

Just post the attack, I don't mind.

>> No.9541248

Funny, how the entirety of your argument is an appeal to emotion rather than an appeal to logic or philosophy.

People don't believe in Christianity because of logical fallacies, not emotional reasons. If you want to try and convince people, you are going to have to put a pretty pressing argument for the sky being made of bronze and humans existing before animals.

>> No.9541253

I can't believe that if God exists that he is not a hateful, spiteful entity that enjoys making humans suffer. I also find many fundamental principles of Christianity to be downright unethical. Believing in God made me feel miserable, shameful, and like an even bigger failure than I do now.

>> No.9541286

I'm not saying that you need to believe in God and the point is that people are emotional creatures as your emotions clearly demonstrate. The most logical approach to life will never fill the emotional needs that humans instinctively require. One of the reasons people believe in something, regardless of race, ethnicity, or whatever, people over thousands of years have always believed in something because there was a need that must be filled and religion is capable of filling that void in many people, although we as a species especially in the West have gone past primal instincts and declared God is dead, but we clearly still have the emotional need that God used to fill as many depressed, nihilistic people can testify. You need to figure out what can fill that need, or if you can understand you might not need to fill it.

I'm not a theologian or a scientist, but I think there is are emotional and scientific reasons that people believe in God, chemicals, neural receptors any combination of biological factors that allow people to experience the supernatural, it not surprising in our technologically dense and oppressive society if these biological and emotional factors have been suppressed and many people can't bring themselves to believe in God. I don't know what your problems with Christian morals are, but I've chosen that whether or not I believe in God I will try to follow the example of Christ since he was an intense figure whose ideas and philosophy are more than human. You're happiness (not short term sensual, but long term) might depend on having such a "belief", a guiding principle that can fill the human need for a "spiritual" belief that is beyond the earthly.

I don't really know what I'm talking about though, I'm just parroting smarter men than me whose ideas I've stolen. Hopefully this makes sense.

>> No.9541301

Nothing you have typed makes sense and going on about the 'supernatural' makes you seem like a retard or mentally deficient crazy.

You should spend your time reading and thinking instead of parroting what other people say. What do you know about Christianity? Do you know that the Bible has gone through consecutive mistranslated editions? Have you read recovered historical scripture in hebrew and aramaic? (this should only take you a few hours at most)

You shouldn't ever preach from ignorance, maybe try learning about your own religion before you decide to be the mouth piece for it, as you do more damage than good when you do not know.

>> No.9541310

The "void" that cannot be filled without the belief in a higher power is a myth propogated by the religious to further justify their thinking. A supernatural worldview is not a requirement for empathy, sympathy, or any emotional fulfillment whatsoever.

>> No.9541341

>Nothing you have typed makes sense and going on about the 'supernatural' makes you seem like a retard or mentally deficient crazy.

I think you misunderstood me, what I meant to say is that humans have always believed in a higher power, and I have yet to learn of a society that did not develop a system of religious or spiritual beliefs. In a Sociological sense this helps to develop ">>9541310
>empathy, sympathy, or any emotional fulfillment whatsoever."
between peoples over shared beliefs. I was trying to speak about the sociological role that religion (and in my case and the West's Christianity) plays in spiritual and emotional lives of humans. Of course you don't have specific "requirements" for the development of empathy, sympathy, or any emotional fulfillment whatsoever like a checklist. I think you are misunderstanding my point, I'm not telling you to believe in Christ, I don't know why you keep going back to that. I'm trying to explain what role religion plays in the emotional life and development of humans. I have read one word from the Greek, and it is Logos, this understanding of God and Christ as Logos incarnate has helped me greatly and whether I believe in God or not I will continue to follow Christ's example. I might not believe in God in the future, but that won't change my moral beliefs. That is what I've been trying to say by using my own beliefs as an example.

Of course you probably need social bonds to help you (very important for healthy development) and your lack of close family has deprived you of an immediate blood ties. You might need to seek for friends that will stick by your side if you can't find family or start your own (tfw no gf).

Again, not sure why you think I'm trying to push Christianity, I'm only trying to explain the role that spirituality plays in lives of humans and their social development.

>> No.9541379

>I'm trying to explain what role religion plays in the emotional life and development of humans.
Oh, so the methodical genocide of entire people groups, the basis for the justification of gross oppression, slavery, and prejudices, genital mutilation, the withholding of medical necessities, that sort of thing? The crusades? Suicide bombers? Arranged marriages? Protection for pedophiles? Which great justice has religion provided the world that you'd like to talk about?

Oh, you're just referring to how modern religion can make you feel good if you are within a certain subset of people living in the third world if you don't put much thought into it. Cool.

>> No.9541385

>say is that humans have always believed in a higher power
Yep. We humans are fantastic at making up fictitious stories to explain things we don't currently understand.

But just because humans in the pre-scientific past invented stories about gods and demons to explain the rising sun, the seasons, etc, doesn't mean we have to cling to that notion.

>> No.9541412
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Not sure if this is bait, but you must understand that religion is not just negative. People don't come up with religious beliefs just to oppress others, most beliefs are important for a people and their emotional development.

Lol is this just Dunning Kruger fedora tipping, come on mate, don't tell me to read a book if you don't understand the basic sociological role religion fulfills in people's lives.

>What great justice has religion provided the world that you'd like to talk about?
It has given Billions of people over millennia meaning.

>doesn't mean we have to cling to that notion.
The soul-sucking consumerist/nihilist abyss that comes with the irresponsible dismissal of previous beliefs is dangerous. Understand the implications before you do it! That is what I'm trying to tell you!

>> No.9541447

aluminum causing alzheimers/dementia is a commonly held belief

>> No.9541450

Yes. But it's as silly as believing that scabs cause cuts.

>> No.9541469

>It has given Billions of people over millennia meaning.
What meaning? It's all fiction.

>>The soul-sucking consumerist/nihilist abyss that comes with the irresponsible dismissal of previous beliefs is dangerous
Religion is just as, if not more dangerous. Do I really have to list the massive number of wars, atrocities, and questionable practices that are spread in the name of religion?

What's wrong with saying "I don't know" rather than making up a fictitious explanation?

>> No.9541482

I like my stainless with aluminum core

>> No.9541492

>What meaning? It's all fiction.
That's not the point, you said you were depressed, I said it could be because you don't have meaning in life. Religion gives people meaning. All your mumbo jumbo about war and atrocities is missing the point.

>> No.9541517
File: 1.40 MB, 316x236, bliss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've searched for silver pans but I didn't think they actually existed. It seems like the perfect material.
>one of the best heat conductors
>noble metal: oxidation resistant
>non toxic metal (unless werewolf)
>aesthetically pleasing
>remains valuable even when broken.
I would love to have some silver pans..

>> No.9541522

Stainless steel is the best. You can actually put them in the dishwasher unlike almost everything else. I fucking hate scrubbing them.

>> No.9541628

>Aluminum is one of the most common chemical elements in the earth's crust.
It's almost all bound into aluminum oxide, though. Pure, metallic aluminum is extremely rare in nature. It used to be really expensive, until they figured out a way to separate it from molten oxide via electrolysis.
Also, the oxide is soluble in a lot of things. It's insoluble in a lot of things, too, but it's not impervious to corrosion.

I have no idea if it's toxic, though. I would guess "not very", since it's used a lot in cookware and food storage, and there's still no solid evidence showing it IS.

>noble metal: oxidation resistant
Silver tarnishes, though. You need a pan of SOLID GOLD.

>> No.9541825

>basic education
>Wikipedia search

Pick one.

>> No.9541839

There are some from artisans on Etsy.

They cost *well* over a thousand each, though.

Gold is less conductive than silver or copper. Gold *plated* silver is obviously the true best option for conductivity and nonreactivity.

>> No.9541856

Silver is antimicrobial, so pure silver is better.

>> No.9541872

because mauviel is shit nowadays, all they produce is 1.5mm thick garbage. the best pans are at least 3mm thick.

>> No.9541873

I never thought of it that way... damn. Thanks anon!

>> No.9541897

Cooking temperatures are also antimicrobial

>> No.9542015
File: 60 KB, 1280x717, IMG_3330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons i saw a le creuset 28cm non stick on sale should i get it will it last long? kinda worried about the non stick flaking off

>> No.9542075

>cooking food
>not chemically disinfecting it
What kind of paleo-diet bullshit is this?

>> No.9542143
File: 81 KB, 1000x810, 1507088178388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a copper pan is unethical because the copper was probably mined in a conflict zone
>using a computer is unethical because the circuit board has copper in it
>having electricity in your house is unethical because the wiring is made out of copper

fuck off, you sanctimonious, virtue signalling yuro mongoloid

>> No.9543357

>giving a shit about niggers

>> No.9543683

Pure silver pans exist. I asked about them on here some time ago and some anon gave me a link to some Turkish maker, in Istanbul I think. The prices were exorbitant, though.

>> No.9543704
File: 208 KB, 1140x1560, red-copper-five-piece-set-cookware-set-as-seen-on-tv_87396_zoom0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because this is the last pan all ever need.

>> No.9543899

Isn't copper, like, toxic?

>> No.9543905

It is. Which is why copper cookware is coated with a thin layer of tin inside it. Look at the pan in OP. Doesn't look copper color inside, does it?

>> No.9543928

cooking can be accomplished with cheaper and better quality resources that are conflict free. there is a difference to distinguish which your simple mind might escape, my dear amerifat friend

there is the fact that modern live revolves around computation and will in many ways involve, directly or indirectly, the use of products that will contain conflict resources, in private or the enterprise.

and there is a copper pan which does not have much valuable benefit other than showing off that you can afford an overpriced object to profile yourself like a consumerist cunt.

it might be the case that your copper pan absorbs heat best but copper itself reacts to food leading to copper particles in your food and it scratches really fast because its a light material. cast iron will always be superior in price/value than any copper pan will be. especially when it comes to maintenance

>> No.9543929

I see what you mean. I'd assumed it looked like that because of the way it was polished or something, but a coating of different metal makes more sense.

>> No.9543938

Never heard of copper poisoning? Well, I'm glad your life expectancy just went down by 30 years.

>> No.9543942

>>noble metal: oxidation resistant
Hell no. Have you ever owned any silver? That stuff tarnishes like mad. You're right about thermal conductivity but it's a massive amount of work to keep it tarnish-free.

It's also very soft so expect dents and dings to show up almost immediately.

>> No.9543957

>cast iron will always be superior in price/value than any copper pan will be. especially when it comes to maintenance

I'm not even sure how you can compare the two directly. They are different tools for different jobs. A copper pan is very thin and reacts to heat changes quickly. That makes it ideal for things that need very careful heat control (and changes in heat level), like making many sauces. A cast iron pan is thick and heavy. It reacts slowly to temperature changes, which makes it ideal for cooking things that need even, steady, heat such as a stew or a braise.

Comparing the two is like comparing a dump truck with a race car. They might both be "vehicles" but they have totally different applications. Just as how I wouldn't want to move 20 cubic yards of gravel with a race car, I wouldn't want to try and make hollandaise in a cast iron pan.

>> No.9543958

I use aluminium tri-ply 90% of the time, non stick aluminium the other 10%

Fuck copper, i bet i could cook better than you on a walmart skillet compared to you fucking about with a heavy copper pan.

>> No.9543965

Given that you're using "heavy" with a negative connotation in the context of cookware I have serious doubt in your cooking skills.

Heavy pans are a good thing. A very good thing.

>> No.9543979

Given that copper cookware is tinned inside why are we even discussing copper poisoning?

>> No.9543987

>I'm not even sure how you can compare the two directly. They are different tools for different jobs. A copper pan is very thin and reacts to heat changes quickly. That makes it ideal for things that need very careful heat control (and changes in heat level), like making many sauces
an aluminum pan is sufficient for this purpose or stainless steel. while an aluminum pan also reacts to food, it's by far less expensive and it has good thermal conductivity. ss is still cheaper than copper but has shit thermal conductivity if it doesn't have a core with better conductivity. overall cheaper and easier to maintain

and when it comes to cast iron, sure takes long to heat them up, heat distribution can be bad, but if you have experience with your tool, it won't matter. i can do my vegetable or sauces in my iron pan without burning them because i am used to it.

>> No.9543995

>Heavy is a good thing

Nonsense, this is the biggest shill by the cast iron meme hipsters going. You think a professional kitchen has time to leave a cast iron skillet warming up for 5 mins before use?

Cast iron and the like are heavy because its made thick to take into account how brittle it is, if it was much thinner it would most likely crack with normal use.

Copper is heavy as its a dense material, similar to carbon steel. A aluminium pan, of a similar size but thicker gauge will spread heat far more evenly than a similar gauge of steel or cast iron, and heat far quicker due to it conducting heat far more readily.

>> No.9544003

>You think a professional kitchen has time to leave a cast iron skillet warming up for 5 mins before use?
Where I work we serve many foods on cast iron "sizzle platters". The waiters bring the food into the dining room with the food sizzling away on them. We heat them on a a commercial induction range. Takes about 15 seconds to get the pans so hot the seasoning starts to smoke. If you leave them on there for about 30 seconds they get full-on red hot and the seasoning is ruined.

>>Cast iron and the like are heavy because its made thick to take into account how brittle it is,
Sure, that's true. But other kinds of cookware are deliberaytely made thicker simply because the thicker they are the more durable they are, and because thicker = more even heating. We use a lot of the Alegacy "two point five" line in my kitchen. Those are a full 1/4 inch thick aluminum.

>>A aluminium pan, of a similar size but thicker gauge will spread heat far more evenly than a similar gauge of steel or cast iron,
Exactly. thicker = heavier. I'm glad we agree that weight has its advantages.

>> No.9545380

>Hell no. Have you ever owned any silver? That stuff tarnishes like mad.
That's a little exaggerated. It's not stainless steel, but it's only if you want it to shine like jewels all the time does it require some regular polishing. We're cooking with it, it's not the good silverware you're showing off when guests come over to eat.

>> No.9545383

it's not made in the USA.

>> No.9545407

But anon I like it when nigs hurt and kill each other over pennies. I kind of want to start a charity that ships surplus rifle rounds and beat to shit AKs to Africa en masse.

>> No.9545418

what about bronze skillets?

>> No.9545452


>> No.9545460

Why should I?
Seriously, what're the benefits?

>> No.9545475

Better thermal conductivity.

I thought it was mostly a meme too until I actually started cooking with some copper cookware.

When you're frying something and you think it's getting just a little too hot you can just lift it up for a moment and instantly you can tell the pan starts to cool down, and likewise the opposite occurs when applying heat to the pan, it very quickly and evenly heats up compared to stainless or cast iron or carbon steel.

>> No.9545499

>b) it's copper, which was probably mined in a conflict zone and you help support some nignog militia with buying one.

you're a fucking racist if you

A. don't support nignog militias


B. support african mining industry to allow western firms to come in and modernize their mines to modern, efficient, ecologically sound facilities, which is FUCKING COLONIZATION

>> No.9545649

bet your fucken life would improve significantly if you dropped the kratom.

opiate addiction is just insulated, living death.

-a friendly ex-junkie who enjoys cooking french food and having fun!

>> No.9546919

Stop using copper then
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