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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 336 KB, 492x503, GBK_Brexit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9537237 No.9537237[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anybody ever seen a restaurant or brand make an explicitly political statement with its product? What do you make of it?

My favourite UK chain GBK occasionally puts out jabs like the attached, they also did a pretty puntastic one based on Trump during the presidential campaign last year- a rump steak burger with double cheese they described as "cheesy, incredibly rich and a bit of an ass". I found it pretty harmless and funny but I'm sure some people take it seriously in choosing brands.

facebook com/gourmetburgerkitchen/?hc_ref=ARQ1cJx5BgQ4X9MV6TYqi8-u1sg6lyEGljZqYYrwERInPPahIeU0y27s7nV_NJmL48c&fref=nf

>> No.9537249

>Pickled cucumbers.
You mean...pickles?

>> No.9537255

"pickles" are pickled gherkin
at least in the UK

>> No.9537271

Into the trash

>> No.9537284

Chick Fil A

>> No.9537330

large nation wide companies would never dare, because americas actually follow through with boycotts
not /ck/ related exactly but the most recent example but the NFL and all the black players refusing to stand for the national anthem
the NFL originally said "we support our players right to not stand" until last weekend when they lost 17% of their weekly revenue because people decided they weren't going to watch football because of it.
Then immediately they backtracked an issued a statement saying it is now mandatory for all players to stand and any that don't will face fines and suspensions.

see, the bottom line is all these businesses care about. That burger place made a calculated decision thinking EPIK BANTZ would draw more customers. Meanwhile starbucks said they <3 refugees and illegal immigrant, and their CEO got fired because people stopped going there for coffee in droves

>> No.9537360

I stopped buying b&j when they came out in support of BLM

>> No.9537367

I was already off that train since occupy wall street
They were financing that

>> No.9537402

There's a pub in Berkeley that names their sandwiches after various places and people. They had an Obama sandwich while Obama was president and then just renamed it to something unrelated afterwards.
There was no mention of Trump.
That's pretty damn tame for Berkeley imo.

>> No.9537408

they never went political. it was uppity faggots and agnostics that needed some attention because ChickFilA doesn't allow ghetto faggotry or a change in corporate policy for feels.

>> No.9537434

I think I'm sick of having politics shoved down my throat. No pun intended.

>> No.9537519

>fund anti-gay organizations and gay conversion concentration camps

We dinnit do nuffin!

>> No.9537563

A nearby restaurant had a Trump Pizza with one half 'Mexico Style' pizza and the other half 'American Style', divided by a mozzarella stick wall, people got triggered so hard on their Facebook page, but I ate 5

>> No.9537578

Literally they fund the fellowship of Christian athletes organization a cool million dollars. It's not political. Queers just REEEEing hard. Funny enough they'd probably tolerate it if it was an equivalent Muslim org.

>> No.9537608

Alienating customers is always a great business strategy

>> No.9537638

This hipster pizza place in my city had a "hate has no home here" sign posted out front until they went out of business. Which is a shame because they mixed their own sodas and had pretty good brick oven pizzas.

everyone i know has stopped watching the NFL for the boycott, and they might even stop altogether after realizing how shitty the whole scheme is. But that's wishful thinking.

That actually sounds like a fun little promo but of course people have to be huge faggots about it

>> No.9537640



>> No.9537645
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All the liberal bars hosted watch partys when Comey testified to Congress

>> No.9537657

Literally they fund the Paul Anderson boys camp too.

>> No.9537662

get used to it, it's only gonna get worse

>> No.9537664


But they didn't issue any mandate, though. There's no plans for it, either. Don't be dumb.

>> No.9537671

>going to a bar to watch fucking CSPAN
would rather carry around a tikki torch desu

>> No.9537676

desu those """nazi""' rallies look like a lot of fun. The hilarious thing is, half the time they show up and get out well before the opposition moves in, meaning it's just a bunch of guys in polos hanging around and leaving before a bunch of try-hard college kids come to beat anyone and everyone up because mob mentality

>> No.9537678

>>fund anti-gay organizations and gay conversion concentration camps
The vast majority of people who attend gay conversion therapy do so on their own accord. This bullshit meme needs to die. All this shit needs to die. I avoid telling people i'm gay at all costs because any negative view people have of queers comes from the flamboyant irrational aggression and lies that everyone spreads now.

>> No.9537688

Yeah they do their little demonstration and then go drink and then joke about jews like /pol/ irl

it sounds like fun but not worth associating with

>> No.9537706

>The vast majority of people who attend gay conversion therapy do so on their own accord.
Paul Anderson home (the organization Chick-FilA has been publicly funding for decades) is for young bouys i.e 16-21. Minors can't check themselves into these places of their own accord. They require either a partners release or a court order.
>avoid telling people i'm gay at all costs because any negative view people have of queers comes from the flamboyant irrational aggression and lies that everyone spreads now.
Pathetic. No better than white guys self flagellating because they found out their extremely distant relatives were slave owners or something.

>> No.9537711

the parents

>> No.9537719

GBK is disgusting

Cn't say a fan of chains trying to latch on to contemporary events to gain exposure. I don;t mind a pun here or there, but fuck GBK and the like

>> No.9537725

wow literally just using shock therapy on babies huh

>Pathetic. No better than white guys self flagellating because they found out their extremely distant relatives were slave owners or something.
No it's more like avoiding saying i'm a registered libertarian because it's just an awkward conversation thanks to all the flamboyant narratives. As in it puts all the obligation on me to prove i'm not that kind of person.

>> No.9537749

This bar declared themselves a "Trump-Free Zone" and another stopped carrying Miller and Coors because their Chairman held a fundraiser for Trump or something.

Neither of which meant anything but got them a small article written about them on a local blog.

>> No.9537750

Part of that demographic can't check themselves fucko, way to miss my point.

The "obligation" to explain yourself sounds like a personal problem. There is no obligation to set your self apart from a stereotype. Stop (when it can be helped in social situations, obviously there are times when you can't help who you're having to speak to) associating with asshats who are ready to label you.

>> No.9537752

>I'm Gay but I can't just be gay, I either have to be a flaming cum-gargling AIDS-ridden degenerate or almost literally a skeleton in a closet

You're part of the problem, buddy. Just act like a normal decent human being. That's really what most people want.

>> No.9537762

A 16 year old isn't a child, it doesn't matter if they check themselves in or not. They have personal agency.

I am a normal human being, and i'm not in the closet. You're both missing the point.

>> No.9537763

This Mexican place has a tip jar that says "Help Build the Wall"

>> No.9537786

Gayfag here. I want to be a normal fucking person and try to be but the cum gurgling faggots give us a bad name.

I just like fucking dudes. We can get married now. There's literally no fucking issue. Wish the pridefags would get Poz'd faster.

>> No.9537789

What does agency have to do with it? You know they can't leave on their own accord right? You don't think an adult with agency can be made to change their ways through brainwashing and a barrage of harmful messages?

>> No.9537796
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>This guy was wrongfully imprisoned but who cares cause he has personal agency

>> No.9537801

>My favourite UK chain GBK
How does this happen? I'm not some nouveau Burger hipster but they're complete cack.

>> No.9537802

>what does the ability to make decisions and act on your own have to do with the ability to make decisions and act on your own

it's like another shoah aint it

>> No.9537815

Penzey's Spices is very openly political and I buy a lot of my spices from them because of it.

>> No.9537819

A minor has literally no say so when getting into these camps. Same with leaving. It's bootcamp. Pray tell, where does the ability to make decisions play into this?
>dude just runaway lmao

>> No.9537833
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>> No.9537835

>Send kid to Christian camp
Brainwashing, hatred, child abuse
>Send kid to fag events
Tolerance training, progressive, socially conscious

>> No.9537839

Well for one, therapy only works if the participant is willing and there isn't actually any torture involved in these glorified bible camps. And if there is, that's illegal you irrational fuck.

But really, you cannot force someone that age to do anything. Emancipation exists for exactly this reason.

>> No.9537845

Show me a fag event aimed at underages that preaches gay conversion. If it exists than I condemn it too but I think you're just being an ass.

>> No.9537854

whoa, it's almost as if the idea of a long term camp is to make you more open to the idea of praying the gay away over timw via peer pressure and verbal/physical abuse...damn...whoaaaa

>> No.9537858
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funny you should ask

>> No.9537861


I've heard it described as "Glorified Burger King" by a friend.

>> No.9537863

The owners were political, every chain restaurant will have wealthy owners or major shareholders who donate to politicians.

They didn't politicize the food.

>> No.9537865

Wow how awful how will they ever recover from a summer camp that sucks

>> No.9537891

>Show me a fag event aimed at underages that preaches gay conversion.

In my commie European country home schooling is not allowed. Sex education including sexual diversity is mandatory at primary school level (they are not allowed to call the diversity mental illness either).

All public education is turning into a mandatory attendance fag event preaching gay conversion.

>> No.9537908

I liked the part in your post where you didn't make an argument.

>> No.9537911

You mean... cucumbers?

>> No.9537915

Yeah, that is pretty fucked up. Anon can get fucked for trying to make a strawman of me.

>> No.9537929

You can't really convert someone to being gay. You need the cocktail of predisposition and environment, usually some form of abuse or neglect. But i think it's pretty obvious that making it cool to be gay creates the abuse that can lead to really being gay. Like little impressionable kids thinking they want to wear dresses and get treated like girls which in turn permanently fucks them up.

Sexual dysfunction begets sexual dysfunction, and that's the primary cause of homosexuality as a phenomena

>> No.9537930

Ya fuckin pinhead

>> No.9537937

Easier said than done, especially when a parent can have their kid whisked away without their knowledge. You often don't have cell phone and Internet access in these settings to good luck trying to get that underway. Divorcing your parents is a pretty dire alternative to avoid going to an institution that shouldn't exist in the first place.

>> No.9537970

Wow man, that must sound fucking horrifying to people who have had no interaction with modern Christianity. Must be hell being surrounded by dumb pathologically altruistic ideologues who are just want you to stop sucking dick. Being cared for in some clean well maintained facility that you could likely just walk away with no real consequences if you wanted to.

I don't know what reality you people are living in but you can't treat minors or people in general poorly in 2017 burgerland. Especially if you're some sort of institution tasked with guarding minors.

>> No.9537982

I can see your malnourished, skinny, pale, dirty body from here

>> No.9537992

sorry i don't have aids, cunt

>> No.9538003


>> No.9538018

You'd have an argument if these were grown ass adults we were talking about. However a confused, suggestable 16 year old queer living in the deep south might not be able to brush off the constant rhetoric. Not every 16 year old is intelligent, nihilistic and has a wicked sense of humor like you.

>> No.9538029

You might have an argument if being converted to being straight was some sort of crime against humanity.

>> No.9538037
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I put my biases by when it comes to food. Anyone can make good food and the taste is almost never actually affected by politics.

Pic related. It does bother me a little that b&j's are run by literal communists but I still love their ice cream.

>> No.9538050

It is. Being homosexual isn't illegal.

>> No.9538054

Neither is being straight. What kind of logic is that? What does it even matter if someone stops being gay? It isn't a good thing one way or another.

>> No.9538069

Because you don't "stop being gay". That isn't how that works. There is no real conversion happening. It's teaching you to treat your attraction as sin, bury it and be something you aren't.

>> No.9538080

You don't see the crime in sending someone away to "fix" their non-harmful/non-criminal qualities?

>> No.9538102

Gay conversion is relatively common for lesbians, though for men conversion does seem less common. Take a dick once and you've caught the gays.

>> No.9538103

No i really don't see the harm in people convincing themselves that their sexuality is something to avoid.

You're only upset about it because this is specifically about gays. People have been doing it for a long time and there has even been recent secular trends. I mean i didn't even want to go into this, but might as well. Being gay is not like some Modern Family shit, it's much more like Bruno which is why gays are either insane cottaging fags or sad faggots like me who try not to engage in that shit. It's not fun being sexually dysfunctional despite what idiots tout. I don't blame anyone for trying to get fixed. Yeah it's fucked up if someone is forcibly put into this situation, but it's not torture. If it is then that's fucking illegal. I'm all for acceptance, which i feel like we have. But reality of homosexuality isn't very nice. It's very easy to be self hating even if you're not anywhere near a conversion situation.

>> No.9538110

>What do you make of it?
Unless it's just pandering patriotism, I generally stop patronizing their establishments.
I get that they're private entities and can state whatever the fuck they really want, but it only ever works one way. Imagine if Target had posted marketing messages about the sanctity of marriage instead of pro-faggot shit, they'd be in a mountain of shit for it.

So pretty much any political message means I don't buy that product any more. Unless it's just from the CEOs mouth, in which case I don't give a shit. Just don't put it into your official fucking marketing.

>> No.9538149

They're in a mountain of shit for posting pro-faggot shit too. I walked into a Target not that long ago and there was a really disgusting tranny working a register. Most americans want nothing to do with that shit even if they're accepting of it in theory. Especially the shit with putting urinals in the women's bathroom. Most women want nothing to do with that.

>> No.9538167

You've been arguing with a faggot this whole time. I'm honetly sympathetic for you and your categorizing of other gays in one of two extremes. I'm going to leave now since this seems to be an issue of self-loathing and I don't think either of us are going to convince each other of anything. The "Modern Family" functional gay is very real and very prominent and I hope it's not too late for you to have a change of heart.

>> No.9538170

Loved chick fil a so much after that. There are 0 degenerate faggots in chick fil a. Everything is normal and pleasant

>> No.9538185

>The "Modern Family" functional gay is very real and very prominent
No, it isn't. I'd say maybe, maybe 10% of all gays could really pass as the prime time idea of gays.

>this seems to be an issue of self-loathing
when the only argument you have is trying to psychoanalyze your opposition then you have no argument

>> No.9538194


>sad faggots like me who try not to engage in that shit. It's not fun being sexually dysfunctional despite what idiots tout.
>But reality of homosexuality isn't very nice. It's very easy to be self hating even if you're not anywhere near a conversion situation.
not him, but you kinda spelled it out for the thread
>No, it isn't
what part of the world/USA are you in?

>> No.9538211
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>> No.9538217


>> No.9538256

>Every organization or opinion I don’t like is racist or homophobic.

>> No.9538257

Well, OP, in the USA, you do not see polarizing as much. You do however see a lot of support for the military like national patriotic holidays where there are statements of gratitude towards them, or discounts. Poliltical puns, not really. There are some privately owned chains that have some hiring or training practices that bug other political party, but it doesn't seem to hurt their popularity.

I myself STOP liking or supporting celebrities or like you said, chains, that go political in a big way, because I find it a type of grandstanding that is unflattering. There are times when opinion is just not wanted. I applaud the people who fire the people who mean Tweet about victims of gun violence, for instance. There are certain people who express opinions that border on a total lack of common sense or human decency.

United airlines? Forget it. They didn't pay for that guys guitar.
Carnival Cruises? Never again. They trapped people in a septic tank mess of a boat with onion sandwiches and had 3 offers to get those people off that boat. The CEO deserved to go down. Crashing in Italy? Captain first off the boat? Too little too late.
Blue Bell ice cream. Never again. How many inspections do you have to fail, and how many people have to die over the YEARS, before you decide it is worth losing a little profit to make sure your customers stay safe. Yea, they flunked the permanent morality test.
Adam Richman talking shit on instagram? Your show isn't supported by me, nor your advertisers. History dude. Fame has now become infamy.
Mario? Oh, I like him, so it is a shame he stole from his employees for so long. Shame on him. Will not dine at his restaurants.

Then, you have businesses that are identified as such:

>> No.9538280

Everything is on a spectrum to libtards except gayness. Which all gays must have been born as despite no DNA link found yet. Thus anyone who doesn’t want to be gay because maybe it’s just a feeling resulting from their uncle having touched them or maybe they just want to raise a natural family shouldn’t have the ability to pursue that choice. Insecure gays mock and ridicule conversation therapy because it would suggest they may have a choice too. Yet if there is nothing wrong with being gay, why can’t people decide to choose to be gay?

>> No.9538308

No, it's the insecure gays who support the idea of therapy because it presents a glimmer of hope that they can be straight. There's one of them ITT, just a few posts up.
>Yet if there is nothing wrong with being gay, why can’t people decide to choose to be gay?
I tend to not believe it works that way but I'm not going to fight someone because I don't think they're really gay. I doesn't really bother me. I also don't care if someone wants to commit them selves to a pray the gay away/born again system. My issue is unwilling minors being subject to it by unemphatic and/or biblethumping parents.

>> No.9538337

Don't they have jobs to go to?

>> No.9538362
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I disagree with the man, his politics, and the company's politics for that matter. But damn it if that isn't some great ice cream.

>> No.9538440


>> No.9538458

>Brooklyn trust fund kiddies
haha good one

>> No.9538540

>Don't they have jobs to go to?

An interesting fact is that leftists (and gays) tend to be more educated and have better jobs than disenfranchised fatfuck NEET whites who live in mom's basement and spend their life wailing and gnashing their teeth about "muh shitskins, gays and self flagellating, craft beer drinking whites."

>> No.9538590

Don't you?

>> No.9538620

....you live in Berkeley?

>> No.9538658

So is the beef patty Germany? Because that's the only ingredient with any worth.

>> No.9538669

>tfw the jews are taking this too far
>tfw people are going to begin disagreeing more and more aggressively
It's gonna be nuts

>> No.9538688

You are one of the self righteous faggots he's talking about, you are too far up your own Ass to see what an annoying bitch you are.

This "everyone who doesn't agree with me is evil" shit that you push is exactly why people like me hates fags and what you represent, a weakened male lifestyle based around being petty and emotionally driven.

>> No.9538696

A 16 year old isn't a child, and anyone over the age of 18 is an adult by legal definition.

>> No.9538719

Ben and Jerry isn't run by communists, the original owners are though.

>> No.9538724

They're not in a mountain of shit for that though, it's just generally fucking disgusting. Nobody can complain about it though, because again, this shit only goes one way.
Hire all the disgusting fucking blue mohawked transgender queer weirdo fucks in the world, but complain about it once and suddenly you're hitler.

>> No.9538775

Who the fuck would want a traitor to the state talking at a college to a group of willfully ignorant adults?

>> No.9538837

Fuck, you can really tell they've all worked hard on their "thinking really deeply because I'm a savvy intellectual" face.

>> No.9538866
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>pre-civil war 1800's
>1800's /pol/ is mad because people are telling them they can't own slaves
>civil war erupts
>racists get their shit pushed in

>> No.9538888

>You are one of the self righteous faggots he's talking about, you are too far up your own Ass to see what an annoying bitch you are.
Not really. I take pride in being a man and not a "gay man".
>This "everyone who doesn't agree with me is evil" shit that you push
Not sure where you even pulled that from.

I don't make it a point to let everyone I meet know I'm a la la homo man. I don't however shy away from mentioning that, I did go on a date this weekend with a guy I've been seeing for 4 months, and how was your weekend?

>> No.9538898

16-17 year olds are still at the whim of their parents. It wasn't a comment on maturity.

>> No.9539024

Stop being transphobic.

>> No.9539028

>its only ok whe its the media empire funding the kind of politics i want
chick fila never went political, the founder used his money for wathever, you decided to make them a target, nobody cared, didnt work, the world moved on

>> No.9539047

I refuse to do business with any entity that insults my president and undermines the sovereignty of my country

>> No.9539055

>fast food burger with 8 oz of meat

I didn't realize Euros were also fat.

>> No.9539064

fucking rekt

>> No.9539067

you can eat 8 oz of meat if you havent fucking rolled the fat into it like a delicacy. try turkey sometime you sick fuck

>> No.9539093

fair enough, nobody should get fired for bitching about trump, not that anyone did and not that you dont get people fired for critizising you
and i fully support the right of chelsea to speak in college
bet you didnt count on me having principles and not being a piece of shit willing to do and say anything to get my way
I support the right of the college to give a plataform to a state traitor because im not the state and im aware the state is never looking after me and i support the right of shitty actors to make an ass of themselves and boycot ther own play to complain about trump because his vice president was there, at best he had the right to demand a refund out of that

>> No.9539097
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You mean Bradley?

>> No.9539123

Google says it means pickled cucumbers.
Wtf is wrong with you?!?!

>> No.9539128

Please tell me what was on each side.

>> No.9539185

I don't know man, I'm not informed on everything, right now I'm trying to figure out how in the fuck is brexist still being discussed and I want Germany to pay Poland fucking reparations for world war two because fuck Germany, I'm counting the days for the EU collapse and for Germany to go back into poverty
The only interesting thing in America was the first left wing shooter, the worst shooter yet and since it's not right wing the left is being dirty and hypocritical what a shock this is why people would rather get the news anywhere else and another Hollywood rapist who was involved with everyone but somehow nobody knew

>> No.9539198


do the british unironically use ounces? wtf?

>> No.9539245

I only buy Ben and Jerry's ice cream thanks to their political view now.

I've also never had Chic fil a in my life.

It's a good feel.

>> No.9539507

Then why are all these chuds sitting in a shitty bar in the middle of the day to watch some fucking tv

>> No.9539602

Anon.. h-how many scoops are in that fucking cup?

>> No.9539607

>racists get their shit pushed in
What? Racists won that war? Oh yeah, you're some faggot who thinks Northerners actually liked niggers. Fun fact faggot: Northerners actually hated niggers more that Southerners did

>> No.9539998

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

>> No.9540014
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not sure, but the mexico side looks like shit

>> No.9540030

>Part of that demographic can't check themselves fucko

>16 and 17 can't decide to leave a conversion camp
>but ages as young as 5 are apparently mentally sound enough to know they're "trans"
>liberal logic.png

>> No.9540164

As demonstrated by a group of lefties sitting in a bar at noon on a weekday to watch TV.

>> No.9540173

I'm currently reading John Stuart Mill's On Liberty, one phrase stands out to me above all others.

>a private act of immorality falls within the private domain, whereas the same act committed in public would constitute an offence against decency

Why is it that gays that make being gay their identity go to pride and act the way they do, committing sex acts in public is disgraceful regardless of sexual orientation and yet there is this undercurrent in the gay community that sex and sexual acts are a core part of being gay. The idea has led to private acts leaking into public and it is disgusting. Like i shouldn't walk down the street and see someone sucking someone else off in public.

>> No.9540182

Do you have proof because i suspect this is all conjecture.

>> No.9540189
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Only two ;^)

>> No.9540196

Not because they are gay.

There are people that spent too much time and wasted too much effort molding their self identity around a sexual identity. See furries.

>> No.9540198

We use ounces when talking about meat sizes eating out, like steaks and burgers. Beers from pubs come in pints and half pints, food and drink from the supermarkets come in grams and millilitres. Wines and spirits come in centilitres. People measure weight in stones but height in feet and inches. We buy petrol and diesel in litres but measure fuel economy in miles per gallon. All road speeds are measured in miles per hour but we measure competitive cycling in km/hr.

Honestly our measuring system is a shitshow mishmash of units.

>> No.9540204

>The idea has led to private acts leaking into public

No. It hasn't. Besides which, people being sexually promiscuous is not limited to homosexuals.

>> No.9540205
File: 29 KB, 308x448, 520625aa-6554-4d70-8875-7cef3e81e5d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuine product, "Kiełbasa Wyborcza". Literal translation: "Electoral sausage."

"Electoral sausage" is a Polish idiom that means empty promises made by politicians before elections. Lots of water and little substance.

Just like the product.

>> No.9540206

I know its not because they are gay because not all gays act like this. However it feels like the gay community has fell short when it comes to self policing and has allowed this hypersexualised flamboyant, sexually avant-garde subculture to flourish. And frankly I know it pisses of both straight and gay people yet if you speak out against it you're a homophobe.

What happened to decency?

>> No.9540210

I've seen blowjobs in public at pride before so yes it has leaked into public.

>> No.9540214

Do you see normal people walking around parades with strapons or being literally naked?

>> No.9540237

Nice strawman.

>> No.9540242

Not really to be honest, but i actively boycott companies that piss me off. For example i don't shop at tesco because i know someone who did their christmas shopping there a few years back, they spent about £200 but went 5 mins over the allotted parking time and he got a letter in the post saying if he did it again they would fine him £60. The worst thing about this is that tesco doesn't have access to the dvla's records so how did they know his home address? Well they used his clubcard details, something that saves tesco hundreds of millions each year to find his home address and send a warning out to him. Which means someone sat at that screen saw how much he had spent at the store and then decided to threaten him over 5 minutes of parking. Cunts.

>> No.9540252

Voting with your wallet is just being a good consumer. More people should think like that.

>> No.9540271

I know, its the only effective way to hold companies to account. Sadly there are lots of people who don't care and will provide bad companies with business.

>> No.9540280

Exactly! The market is a two party system. Businesses and consumers, and the two are in a constant tug of war with each other. Businesses want higher prices and more income. Consumers want lower prices and less spending. So how people just refuse to engage with the system is astounding. If a company started kicking customers in the booty when they left, do you think they would continue shopping there? No! So why would anyone continue to shop at a place that "kicks you in the booty" in other ways?

>> No.9540307

So much this. I'm reading the millionaire next door and in it it talks about how people are taught to be ultimate consumers. Never saving money and no matter how much money they earn spending all their paycheck month to month. It seems to me that simple financial planning and how to be a proper consumer should be taught at schools because honestly people have no idea. The thought that you have the choice to spend where you want and the choice to not spend are things most people never consider and all it means is that we provide environments for companies to flourish despite bad practices.

For example here in the uk several years ago tesco (its always fucking tesco) was buying land that was cheap because it had legally protected trees on and simply cutting them down because they could absorb the cost of the fine of 10,000 per tree. Yet people didn't care and just carried on shopping with them.

>> No.9540316

>So much this. I'm reading the millionaire next door and in it it talks about how people are taught to be ultimate consumers. Never saving money and no matter how much money they earn spending all their paycheck month to month. It seems to me that simple financial planning and how to be a proper consumer should be taught at schools because honestly people have no idea.
Precisely. Today home economics and simple finances aren't even taught in schools. My parents were surprised when I never had a class like that going through highschool so they taught me themselves. I ended up liking the concepts so much that I went to college for economics.
>For example here in the uk several years ago tesco (its always fucking tesco) was buying land that was cheap because it had legally protected trees on and simply cutting them down because they could absorb the cost of the fine of 10,000 per tree. Yet people didn't care and just carried on shopping with them.
If the trees were important to the people, they would have cared. Maybe the people just didn't value the protected trees over the ability to have a Tesco. That's a view that must be considered. Of course you could be right and people were too complacent to do anything, which is a shame.

>> No.9540319


Search "public" on xvideos

>> No.9540321

>Of course you could be right and people were too complacent to do anything, which is a shame.

Another likely explanation is that most customers were totally unaware of the trees being cut down in the first place.

>> No.9540326

Obviously that is something to be considered but i'd also say to those people that they used their large wealth to buy prime real estate cheaply and unfairly and they should be punished by the consumer for acting in such a way.

>> No.9540332

There are also rape videos on xvideos, just because something exists doesn't mean it is acceptable. Sex acts in public are unacceptable and there are laws making it a criminal offence so why is it accepted at pride?

>> No.9540333

True. That's the job of the local media, to collect data and write stories so people are informed of what's going on in their immediate lives. It's very costly for the average joe to try to learn about everything happening but newspapers are highly affordable and take little time to read. That's really getting into the thick of it though.

Like you said (if you are the same anon) people provide environment for companies to flourish despite bad practices. Producers are simply following their incentives, to grow and produce for the consumer. If the incentives to grow and produce involve taking some land that has protected trees at an acceptable cost, then they will do that. But if consumers show that they value these protected trees the business will *at least* think about taking that land with protected trees, if not try and find some other plot of land to build on because the consumer measures taken up against them would be harmful to their growing and producing.

>> No.9540341

They just need to make more fruit-flavored ice cream.

>> No.9540351

>literally giving your money to a company that funds a party that you are against

>> No.9540353

>Why is it accepted at pride?
It isn't. Suckling dick in a pride parade is not par for the course.

>> No.9540359

Thats probably the most childish thing in this thread, funding your political opponents in exhange for icecream.

>> No.9540362
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>> No.9540366

>Obviously that is something to be considered but i'd also say to those people that they used their large wealth to buy prime real estate cheaply and unfairly
They paid the fines and bought the land fully, correct? Then it wasn't unfair. Was it scummy? Yea. You and I can see that. But it's not like any other business would have had to pay the fines and Tesco didn't.
>and they should be punished by the consumer for acting in such a way.
Beautiful thinking. Consumers need to actively take part in their half of the market. We can't just depend wholly on government oversight to take care of wrongdoers because government is a big slow hammer, and when you are a hammer...

>> No.9540376

Take a look at these pictures and just TRY to tell me that any of this is socially publicly acceptable

>> No.9540383

None of that is socially acceptable.

But any group will have its fringe elements that do unacceptable things. Why do you think that gays are different than any other group in that regard?

>> No.9540384

Yet i saw it and saw people whooping and cheering it on.

>> No.9540389

>But any group will have its fringe elements that do unacceptable things.
Those are literally all pride parades. Not "secret pride parade" or "worst of pride parades". Just "pride parades".

Have you ever been to one? Like as a bystander? I have. In Madison, which is like the San Francisco of Wisconsin. There was worse shit going on than anything you see in that picture set the entire time.

>> No.9540391

The point is it isn't fair because small businesses could never raise the funds to do it and if they could being a small business you can bet other governmental departments would come down on them with inspections and audits. Larger corporations have the clout to fight that.

>> No.9540394

>True. That's the job of the local media, to collect data and write stories so people are informed of what's going on in their immediate lives

In an ideal world, maybe. But frankly: The news media is a business like any other. They sell entertainment. The overwhelming majority of news stories--especially the big ones covering natural disasters, terrorist actions, etc--are of zero actual relevance to the vast majority of readers/viewers/listeners. The news media cares more about the latest celebrity scandal or the latest shooting than they do about things like trees being cut down because the former sells far more advertising content than the latter. Don't kid yourself into thinking that the news media is a public service.

>> No.9540397

that actually sounds really fucken good.

>> No.9540401

That's just the way of the world. It's not fair for minnows that they are small and defenseless while larger bluegills and smallmouth bass can gobble them up in the blink of an eye. But that's life.

Tesco bought the land and paid the fines. There's nothing legally wrong with that is what I'm saying.

>> No.9540413

>Don't kid yourself into thinking that the news media is a public service.
I never said it was. Media is a business just like any other, so they report things that sell. But who determines what sells? The consumer. If people buy more news when it has a story about ISIS beheadings than when it has a story about a birdwatcher's picture of local finches, then the newspaper will print more stories about ISIS.

That's also a difference between local news and national news. Local news will always have stories that concern your life more than national news. Was that Las Vegas shooting horrific? Yes. It was a terrible loss of life. Were those hurricanes that hit Texas and Florida absolutely terrifying to people living there? Yes. The loss of life and property must have been extremely damaging. Did ether affect me personally at all? Not in the slightest. National news reported them because they were big stories that people would want to read. But did they appear in my local news? Yea, in a single headline. The rest of the news was important local stuff like new businesses and government bills that actually affect me.

That was a bit of a rant, sorry.

>> No.9540426

There was something legally wrong with cutting down the trees but yes you're right that they made the state whole again.

>> No.9540440
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There's some cafe in St Louis that my gay sister claims is a "safe space for black people" as if Tyrone enjoys the occasional latte with his vegan food

>> No.9540441

Oh oh oh I see what you mean now. It would be like if I illegally hunted a deer and instead of actually following the rules I just forked over a couple hundred dollars to the DNR and kept the deer anyway because I could absorb the cost.

>> No.9540451

Yes, precisely. I'm sure theres a term for planning an illegal act to gain a business advantage but i can't think what it might be.

>> No.9540457

I bet you're right. It's not like they were actually allowed to purchase the land only if they gave 10,000 pounds to the government per tree cut down. I don't know enough about business law to determine what that crime would be called. "Being a dick" is close though.

>> No.9540461

unless you're black yourself, you shouldn't be referring to black women as "sister"

>> No.9540463
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>> No.9540472

>literal trap factory
muh dick

>> No.9540480

>I stopped buying b&j when they came out in support of BLM

Really? I only bought Ben & Jerry once in a great while, (Cherry Garcia) as I knew they were anti-gun but justified as being of little consequence, as gun rights are pretty solid in the U.S. but if they're supporting the racist morons over BLM, then fuck 'em, they lost my business completely.

>> No.9540515


Arbeit Macht Gerade

>> No.9540529

work makes forward?

>> No.9540540

How is this thread still alive?

>> No.9540541

Your degeneracy has nothing to do with politics and the only times that it does is when whiny leftist faggots like you have to make it political.

>Hit the church
>Seek Jesus
>Read the Bible
>Gain forgiveness
>Have sex

5 steps.

>> No.9540549

>not knowing the difference between a liberal and a leftist
The absolute state of modern education.

>> No.9540553

I know, it would be akin commercially polluting and simply paying the fine because it is cheaper than actually processing hazardous waste. The legislation needs to be changed so that it is more expensive to the business to do so than to take the cheap and illegal route. The problem is with setting an amount eventually it becomes cheaper which is why fines for large companies should be percentage based on their profits for the most profitable year of the last 5 tax years. For companies with no profit the fine should be percentage of revenue and to prevent fake businesses being set up to avoid the percentage based fines if the company involved is below a certain revenue jail time is mandatory.

Of course this is a multi-level solution to a problem and nobody in power actually cares about fixing these issues because it took me all of 5 minutes to think up legislation that would effectively stamp out this type of behaviour and yet noone has implemented anything like this.

>> No.9540556

>social politics are not politics

>> No.9540563

Ahh, I see you're a fan of the "No true liberal" fallacy

>> No.9540566

>How is this thread still alive?

I know, right? It really sucks when you're forced to participate...

>> No.9540567

The same reason /pol/ is one of the fastest boards on the site; people readily discuss politics.

>> No.9540575

That concept has been known for a while. It's a Pigovian tax.

>> No.9540578

This isn't the board for political discussion. Most of this thread isn't even discussing it in the context o food anymore.

>> No.9540600
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> why are you forcing me to talk to you?!

>> No.9540612


>> No.9540642

>no fun allowed
This is the nature of discussion, topics naturally lead from one to another. Anyone who wasn't a rabid autist or social outcast would understand this and simply go with the flow instead of trying to derail the discussion as you are trying.

>> No.9540654

Thanks, you've given me something to learn.

>> No.9540659

>Anyone who wasn't a rabid autist or social outcast
Heh, you might want to check where you are my man.

>> No.9540663

Then go post on /b/ if you want to branch off into whatever kind of conversation. This is a board made for the discussion of food and cooking. Acclimate to board rules or fuck off.
>Anyone who wasn't a rabid autist or social outcast would understand this
Where do you think you are?

>> No.9540671

Make me.

>> No.9540675

What are your thoughts on donald trump? Do you hate muslims? Can you even see your own penis?

>> No.9540705

>Point out the rampant cognitive dissonance of the left
>"Dur hurr, I'll call it a strawman instead of doing any actual rebuttal"

>> No.9540732

I don't need a rebutal because I don't belong to the radical left that condones that. Again, sick strawman dude.

>> No.9540780

>pet minority's doesn't behave you want to
>expose yourself as a hypocritical, narcissistic faggot

Can't you just off yourself already, no one fucking likes you

>> No.9540789

Whom are you quoting?

>> No.9540804

A self-hating piece of shit

I'm replying to one right now too

>> No.9540814

What makes you think I'm self hating? I was giving the other fag flak for self hating.

>> No.9540838

Pickle can also mean...you know, chutney, that sort of thing.

>> No.9540867

I'm a fag and I still eat there. Don't really care at all

>> No.9540873


i remember this. I'm in a very liberal law school and one professor even cancelled class for people to have the opportunity to watch it. what a joke

>> No.9540875

In Britain we call them gherkins. We don't call them "pickles".

But I guess pickled cucumbers works as well. But usually we call them gherkins. And we never call them "pickles".

>> No.9540924

I don't know a single person who makes more than $30k--who isn't a teacher--who is a liberal. The best I can do is a healthcare conservative (someone who hates gays and government but has never known affording healthcare products so thinks the government is the only way they can get it.)

>> No.9540980

Liberals have a distorted view of cultures; a lesbian Muslim woman would make logical sense to them

>> No.9541018

The left Twix or the right Twix

>> No.9541072

>Liberal Arts degrees
lol nice joke

>> No.9541122
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>I don't know a single person who makes more than $30k--who isn't a teacher--who is a liberal.
Well, Cletus, in the first place no one in your shit hole area of the south makes more than $30,000 and secondly, the only liberals to be found are decomposing at the bottom of the abandoned gravel pit behind Billy Bob's and his sister Emmy Sue's trailer.

>> No.9541129

Fuck you, fascist.

>> No.9541169
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> ITT Beta white faggots trying to appologize for Nigger crimes


This is why 'Merica will be a Chinese colony soon, just like Africa.

Get ready for the next century of Chinese domination, Niggers & Rednecks.

>> No.9541176
File: 17 KB, 560x431, Chinese Pet Nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is why 'Merica will be a Chinese colony soon, just like Africa.
>Get ready for the next century of Chinese domination, Niggers & Rednecks.

As a good, subservient nigger, I bow down to our Chinese overlords.

>> No.9542120

It hasn't been set in stone yet though. The only NFL game I watch is the superb owl (as I prefer cfb), but I'll consider calling some customer service hotlines if the problem remains unaddressed.

>> No.9542368

Why is it so hard for companies to just not have public political views? Why does everything have to be political

>> No.9542626 [DELETED] 

anybody notice that when these threads say "political" its always bitching about leftists?

why can't americans take people not standing for their national anthem

>> No.9542691

>there goes $28 a year

woe! sorely woe!

>> No.9542722

>unpatriotic national football league
Geez wiz, we got a real liberal intellectual over here

>> No.9543012

I actually went to one in Charlotte, NC that had a pink haired xhe or xe working the register
Blew my mind

>> No.9543022

>perpetuating the more degrees = more educated meme

>> No.9543023

when will all restaurants have anime mascots?

>> No.9543178

Exactly, you can have buttsex and still enjoy delicious chikfila

>> No.9543197
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There are PLENTY of reasons not to buy Ben & Jerry's, they're overtly political and wayyy overpriced.

>> No.9543224

Free publicity.

>> No.9543391

This kinda stuff is complete cancer. Politics is shit and everyone involved in it needs to be drowned in their own blood.

>> No.9543464

Not that guy but look at bourbon street in New Orleans for a year-round display of degeneracy. It's not limited to gays.

>> No.9543481

Politics keeps the world turning you fucking idiot. Without a system of governance you'd be living in a tribal society.

>> No.9543485

Sounds better than fucking commies.

>> No.9543486

What was on the sandwich for Obama?

>> No.9543489


God Americans are insufferable.

>> No.9543504

>a small, close-knit society where people look out for each other and trade goods and services among one another and outside sources of manipulation are quickly identified and done away with
sounds like hell

>> No.9543509

In all honesty I try to keep politics out of my life as much as humanly possible. We were a lot more sane as a society and voted in better leaders when the only time we cared about politics was around election time.

That being said, can't someone else make a banana ice cream so I don't always have to buy Chunky Munky?

>> No.9543524

u r dum

>> No.9543534


>> No.9543538

I want to get off Mr. Bonowitz Wild Ride

>> No.9543540

your average kekistani trump worshiping dipshit is no less cringe-inducing

>> No.9543545

No modern medicine, famines, forever fighting to survive.

Yeah good luck with that.

>> No.9543547

That wasn't the company, that was one of the executives donating his own personal money. Do you throw a shitfit every time Bill Gates donates three hundred thousand dollars to an initiative campaign in Washington state?

>> No.9543550

law of the jungle
I'd rather fight and die as a human than live as an ant

enjoy breaking your back to fatten the queen

>> No.9543554 [DELETED] 

This. The main reason I've stopped paying for books and music isn't me being a cheapass, it's that nearly all of the "artists" and authors are left-wing scum. Carrie Vaugn drops little "Republicans are all violent psychopaths" lines in her novels, Chuckie Stross hates Bitcoin because he thinks governments won't be able to confiscate your money to waste on welfare for niggers and terrorists. Same with Hollyweird movies, only one in ten years that I've gone to a theater to see was Zootopia.

>> No.9543556

This. The main reason I've stopped paying for books and music isn't me being a cheapass, it's that nearly all of the "artists" and authors are left-wing scum. Carrie Vaugn drops little "Republicans are all violent psychopaths" lines in her novels, Chuckie Stross hates Bitcoin because he thinks governments won't be able to confiscate your money to waste on welfare for ghetto goblins and terrorists. Same with Hollyweird movies, only one in ten years that I've gone to a theater to see was Zootopia.

>> No.9543575

Burger Urge are a goddamn treasure. They have a Trump and a Hillary Clinton burger. The former is pulled beef, has a toupee of fries and mexican cheese, and the latter is a chicken burger that has Bill's "special sauce"

Also the burgers taste nice.

>> No.9543582

Your furry fetish overpowers your morality?

>> No.9543630

>'Merica will become a Chinese colony
>Not a colony owned by German grocery store supercorps.
Pick one

>> No.9543650

I don't understand? WE WON! All culture belongs to us, now and forevermore!

>> No.9543674

If i'm reading this right you feel that you're being taken for a ride in your modern life.

Let me tell you this, you and only you are responsible for your success or failure. If you feel like you are failing or being used, it is you who is to blame. But you'd rather hide behind your cynicism than man up to it. That is a losers attitude, and as long as you harbour it you'll be a loser.

>> No.9543676

The amount of absolutely butthurt right wingers in this thread is hilarious. God, everything that falls out of that hole in your face you call a mouth just cracks me up. I'm surprised you were all able to take the cock out of your sister-cousin long enough to type a word like liberal without throwing a hissy-fit and blaming someone who isn't a Nascar loving inbred

>> No.9543695

>I don't know man, I'm not informed on everything, right now I'm trying to figure out how in the fuck is brexist still being discussed and I want Germany to pay Poland fucking reparations for world war two because fuck Germany, I'm counting the days for the EU collapse and for Germany to go back into poverty

We will never give Poland money and the EU will dominate your ass.

>> No.9543712

>Then immediately they backtracked an issued a statement saying it is now mandatory for all players to stand and any that don't will face fines and suspensions.

This never happened.
You seem a bit retarded.

>> No.9543730

>Chuckie Stross hates Bitcoin because he thinks governments won't be able to confiscate your money to waste on welfare for ghetto goblins and terrorists.

I don't know who this person is, but I don't like them.

>> No.9543761

nah, I'm an independent contractor in a highly sought-after field

I can name my price and work whenever I want

I just feel bad for people like my brother who bust their ass with very little to show for it while his boss gets bonus after bonus based on my brother's work.
Many such cases!

>> No.9543884

>we don't call them pickles

>> No.9543998

So your brother is being exploited but does nothing to change his circumstances, then he is a dolt plain and simple. If he's just willing to let it happen he deserves it.

>> No.9544123


Sort of. The word choice he employs is strange, but with a little sleuthing, you can deduce that he means "Work will make you straight."

t. a German.

>> No.9544130

>anti-gay organizations and gay conversion concentration camps
>a bad thing

>> No.9544137

Are you a sexy german

>> No.9544141


As sexy as working to pay off the debts levied on my grandfather's generation can make you.

Speaking of which, to what end am I working?

>> No.9544153

Would I wantz your schwantz

>> No.9544169

What exactly is wrong with enjoying furry porn? Be specific.

>> No.9544172


Highly unlikely, assuming you mean what I think you mean.

You should probably prepare for war. Things are looking tense here, and I don't think we'll be allying with Italy this time.

>> No.9544332

War with whom? Where do you think I'm from?

>> No.9544349
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>> No.9544578

funny since the fags started protesting their sales went way up

>> No.9544583

wew, this cuck got triggered. how's that 100k debt from your anthropology degree going?

>> No.9544589

It's way more than 100k should be in 200-250k range now

>> No.9544597

>funny since the fags started protesting their sales went way up

It's actually how I learned about Chic fil A in California, and probably the main reason I tried their food.

Now I eat there ate least 2x a week.

Homophobic chicken is actually quite delicious.

>> No.9544598

The right side has the potential to be good but I don't know why the fuck they would leave the burger and bacon in huge chunks like that

>> No.9544809

That's conservatives for you, prejudiced, condemning ... will still give you a chance to prove yourself.

Conservatives employ far more minorities than liberals. Liberals just surround themselves with their pet 1% college educated blacks and pretend they are not racist.

>> No.9544828
File: 3 KB, 101x125, AH HAHAH FAGGOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's way more than 100k should be in 200-250k range now

>> No.9545471

nobody cares

>> No.9546055

I'm sitting around $35k a year as an administrative assistant at a personal injury law firm. No education past high school either, only jobs I've had before this were shakerboarding for Little Caesars and working at a gas station for less than a year. I even turned down a job offer from Liberty Mutual as an insurance adjuster starting at $50k, because they made it clear my job would be 'mitigating loss' which is a nicer way to phrase 'corporate bootlicking'. There are plenty more people in this world than the ones you've met anon, and a lot of them would surprise you.

>> No.9546491
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never come to seattle..not like you needed to be dissauded

>> No.9546496
File: 3.64 MB, 4032x3024, 20160901_194124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half of the businesses here have "black lives matter" posters on their front door

>> No.9546503
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not even the elementary schools are exempt

>> No.9546507


>> No.9547436

OP here. Went away and tried it the other day. Turns out the flavour is basically emulating sauerkraut which makes a lot more sense now with the Brexit theme. Was pretty good.

>> No.9547481

I make 40k a year after taxes
t. guy who wishes the Democratic party was more left wing and voted straight ticket dem in 2016

>> No.9547537


There is an owner's meeting this sunday where they will discuss making it prohibited to kneel or do other such fuckery during the national anthem.

Honestly I don't watch football except the superbowl sometimes but making a game political has made me have a solidly bad view of the NFL and watching it at all instead of neutral.

>> No.9548399

It's not gonna happen.

Simply put - If you need a safespace anyway and can't just move on over some dude kneeling (and fucking mind you: It was literally one dude getting attention for some meme kneeling before Trump jumped into this mess), then go bitch somewhere else.

You having a bad opinion on the NFL because they're hurting your feelings and you view sports as a safespace from politics means as much as my opinion on the NBA - absolutely nothing.

>people doing stuff don't like in stuff I don't care for at all makes me upset >:(

>> No.9548465

The NFL will optimize earnings. If enough fans don't move on, the ones who kneel will have to.

This is an ideological war. Will the liberals manage to beat the uneducated masses back into signalling liberal values, or will the uneducated masses manage to beat the capitalists back into virtue signalling patriotism.

The peons were on the ropes for decades, but with Trump they made an unexpected comeback.

>> No.9548533

Frankly, I think most of the country is completely sick of political topics. Some don't even realize it. These poor fuckers don't even realize how much more upbeat they'd be if they blocked all their facebook friends that talked about politics nonstop.

Keep your fucking politics in quarantine or something. I just want to play video games and eat a burger without your political critique on my character's race or my burger's insensitivity.

>> No.9548541

to answer OP, yeah I have, and I don't give nary a fuck

>> No.9548551

It's just like we learned when Trump got elected ... do not think that just because people aren't walking down the street in white hoods or shaved heads, that those people don't exist. These are the grandmothers that have seen some shit, or the black engineer that is sick of his own race, or the kid that grew up in a black neighborhood, or your neighbor who's son died in 9/11.

There are isolationists fucking everywhere, and when they can voice their opinion anonymously, you bet your ass they will. And simply not watching football in their living room, or ordering from a different restaurant, etc, is exactly what they do - in droves. Only a ignorant business owner would poke that dragon with a stick. There's no reason to take sides.

>> No.9548580

When I moved back to my home country, I found my overall happiness improved about 500% by not telling anyone I was gay. And it's not that I was ever given shit about it where I used to live. It was just that the topic kept coming up. People always wanted to talk about, or relate their experiences to it, or ask my opinion on it. It's like I began to wonder if anyone around me could tell me what color car I drove, because all they seemed to know about me was that I was gay. It's really not that big of a deal. But you could watch the news and tell that mindset would never change, so I left. So much happier.

>> No.9548814

I would generally find it accepable if they didn't do it with an obvious political bias. Like they only take these 'jabs' at the political right it seems, and it's independent of country.
Also I personally am sick and tired of the politics that creepingly becomes ubiquitous in our society resulting in constant shit flinging from every corner.

>> No.9549119

fuck Ben n Jerry's and their political view. Same reason why i've not bought a single tub of their overpriced ice