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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.47 MB, 3264x2448, shells with sauce at Corner Grinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9537068 No.9537068 [Reply] [Original]

What would you add to this, /ck/?

Note the sauce is homemade.

>> No.9537069

some basil couldn't hurt

>> No.9537072


1) the shells should have been cooked with the sauce for at least a few minutes

2) more sauce

3) some fresh chopped basil, parsley, and parm.


>> No.9537076

What does the sauce consist of?

>> No.9537077

I'd toss the pasta with the sauce, so it coats all the shells and gets inside them, and add a little more sauce on top plus some fresh basil or oregano chiffonade and some parmesan or other hard Italian cheese.

>> No.9537080

>I'd toss the pasta with the sauce
And definitely some fresh basil. It's delicious and visually pleasing. I prefer to use whole leaves but got after the smaller ones on the plant.

>> No.9537085

A can of tomato paste mixed with water, some garlic powder and some salt & pepper.

>> No.9537098

Meat and cheese or just order a pizza instead.

>> No.9537106


>> No.9537107

Wow. Do you know how to make marinara and are just a poorfag?

>> No.9537113

Yep, both.

>> No.9537126

That's clearly not tomato paste, it's far too chunky and irregular. There are even seeds in it too, come on.

>> No.9537129

It's deluxe paste.

>> No.9537132

Why are you doing this?


>> No.9537135

That's old pasta, this is new.

>> No.9537137


Yeah....that's what I'd do, hate tomato sauce.

>> No.9537665

Add basil and reggiano

>> No.9537674

pecorino romano

>> No.9538277

Some shaved parm and 2 links of hot italian sausage.

>> No.9538283

a bullet

>> No.9538307


>> No.9538642


Are you me? I made this last night.

Add powdered parma and garlic powder.

>> No.9538663

>1) the shells should have been cooked with the sauce for at least a few minutes

sauce goes on top of noodles, noodles cooked in sauce = disgusting

>> No.9538686

I'm not trying to trick you or troll you. I say this only because I want to help you. Please try this, it will improve almost any pasta dish.

If the sauce is hot, and you undercook the pasta slightly before stirring it into the hot sauce, the pasta will absorb some of the sauce and become much more flavorful. The sauce and the pasta will meld together much better than would pasta and sauce that have been kept separate until served. There's no reason to ladle sauce over cooked pasta instead of combining them first.

>> No.9538700
File: 396 KB, 1600x1200, bolognese1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You assholes need to learn how to make sauce.

>> No.9538717
File: 52 KB, 600x600, 1305757521134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you want one uniform boring mass.
Keeping them separate makes for distinct changes in flavor and texture.

>> No.9538730


Sorry, that's now how pasta works. It needs to be combined in a pan serving if you're doing proper restaurant food. You have the sauce in the pan, you add the noodles, toss it three or four times and then plate it. That's what you pay for in a restaurant. At home you smear it on top.

>> No.9538735


Sorry I totally tread over your post. My bad. I referred the wrong post.

>> No.9538749

>ordering pasta at a restaurant

>> No.9538912
File: 2.55 MB, 3840x2160, Pasta with Pistachio Pesto 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont cooking pasta in the sauce is smart whatsoever. For most noodles, maybe it works with some other kinds of noodles but it sounds like a bad idea.
The noodle should have it's own flavor

>> No.9538932

looks really bland, i would've fried the shells with a bit of butter/olive oil, add the sauce in the pan, toss a few times before serving.

>> No.9538940

What's in the sauce? Regardless, parmigiano-reggiano and fresh basil.

>> No.9538944

Where the hell are the pistachios, or the pesto? I just see some noodles swimming in enough oil to run a tug-boat for an hour.

>> No.9538955

I assume it's pesto made with pistachios, so they'd be ground up.

>> No.9538963
File: 2.55 MB, 3840x2160, Pasta with Pistachio Pesto 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a scrub tries to insult my cooking huh?
1. Pesto has oil in it. a lot of fucking oil.
>The Pistachios
>The Garlic
>The Basil
>The Olive Oil
>The salt
Are all part of the pesto, so if you're asking where's the pesto, you're a fucking idiot. Did you think i was going to put it up top like fucking americanized spaghetti bolognese? The pesto is mixed in with the noodle
2. The pistachio's have been ground into very very small pieces.
You can see some little pieces of it. if you look very hard.
I could have sprinkled some toasted pistachios on top tho.

Nice try scrubbo.

>> No.9538967

precisely. I dont know why food is so hard for other people to understand.

>> No.9538980

I would assume there'd be enough basil or pistachio that it wouldn't look like oil soup, but whatever. Also, fuck garnishing, let's throw some cheap parm on there instead of some toasted nuts or basil.

>> No.9538988


it doesn't need anything, it's perfect, just the way you are.

>> No.9538994

>would assume there'd be enough basil or pistachio that it wouldn't look like oil soup
That's a meaningless nitpick. You complaining about a sauce that has a half a cup of oil in it looking too oily is completely unreasonable.
>cheap cheese
Since when was parmigianno reggiano cheap scrub

>> No.9539006

Shred some parm on top and add some basil for a garnish and you got a tasty dish op good work

>> No.9539010

Go white-knight somewhere else. I was trying to help. But if he doesn't want advice he can ignore it, and not get coddled by you.

>> No.9539015

if you're the dude who said "Where's the pesto?" you've already exposed yourself as a goon.

>> No.9539052

Straight oil is not pesto. Though I respect what I believe is arborio rice in the background and the cutting board that might warp even if you don't put it in a washer, at least it won't dull your knives as quick.

Also if that's yours, is it north African oil? Things from Europe have a tendency to be faked or cut these days. But I'm done arguing, been doing this shit too long and I can't just throw you at the back.

>> No.9539073

It's italian olive oil.

>> No.9539078

Oh if you mean the oil in the bottle thats vegetable oil.

>> No.9539117

Left is seaweed correct? It's something I haven't worked with alot.

And don't be too defensive, even heaven's gates could probably use improvement. Insults are almost a tradition here. And in any kitchen.

>> No.9539230
File: 2.67 MB, 3840x2160, Pistachio Pesto Take II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insult that faggot.

>> No.9539233

>not finishing your pasta in the sauce
You've never worked in an Italian restaurant.

>> No.9539252
File: 2.57 MB, 3840x2160, Pistachio Pesto Take II C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanting me to ruin something so beautiful with a basil garnish.

>> No.9539300

If you wanted me to insult it, I'd say that the pesto doesn't look very much like a coherent paste, but rather separate ingredients distributed throughout the pasta.

Looks very tasty regardless.

>> No.9539307

>1. the pesto was grounded with a mortar and pestle
>2. I mixed the pesto thoroughly into the pasta

>> No.9539316

Hey man, you were the one asking for criticism.

But like I said, I would devour that.

>> No.9539326

im explaining the texture.
That's done with a mortar and pestle. The flavor is much bolder when it's done that way.

>> No.9539517

a double cheeseburger from bk on the side.

>> No.9539526

Nothing. I'd toss it out and string myself some zucchini.

>> No.9539604


>> No.9540117

Some freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano and nothing else.

>> No.9540125

I think it's about thyme you put down the bottle anon

>> No.9540260

Some hot Italian sausage and a bit of parmesan.

>> No.9540827

>it's perfect, just the way you are.

>> No.9541062

Chicken, basil, chives, little olive oil, onion, a pinch of garlic. Basic combo for a more complete meal

>> No.9541735

mix it, that's literally it
fucking autists stop posting ingredients

>> No.9541740

Butter to the sauce

>> No.9541756
File: 85 KB, 620x413, 51198650_hires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you, a Midwestern housewife?

You're supposed to cook the pasta just shy of al dente, reserving some of the cooking water, then finish the pasta in the sauce+some of the cooking water. The starch in the cooking water helps the sauce adhere to the pasta better.

>> No.9541836

Completely new to cooking here, what is the desired ratio of pasta, water, and sauce?

>> No.9541858

You kinda just eyeball it. It's better to put not enough pasta water than too much, though. Because you can always add more, but if you have to cook off too much water, your pasta will be overcooked.

>> No.9541928


>> No.9541946

>just shy of al dente
I'm pretty sure the pasta is supposed to be al dente already when u mix it with the sauce.
You're not really supposed to be cooking it at all during that point, just mixing it in warm sauce.

>> No.9541981


>> No.9542039


We can't be friends.

>> No.9542449

I wouldn't eat anything made by chantards. I'd be expecting it to be made with cum. That being said, I would make that with some hot Italian sausage, and maybe some sliced mushrooms. Also, it needs parm.

>> No.9542463


what kind of dink doesn't like a cross between onion and garlic? that's getting way too close to white trash.

>> No.9542477
File: 26 KB, 315x315, drumpf wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called "finishing" in the sauce, not mixing with the sauce.

The final minute or so of cooking should be done in the sauce. If it goes into the sauce al dente, it comes out overcooked.

>> No.9542486

Heat is supposed to be off entirely when "finishing the sauce".
The reason i dont say finishing in the sauce, is because it confuse people to think you're supposed to finish cooking the noodle in the sauce.

The sauce should still be hot but not hot enough to cook the pasta.

>> No.9542490



At least you're dumb enough to admit what you don't know.

>> No.9542496

Because your seriouseats article says so?

What if I get my own?


>> No.9542504


I'm sure you understand pan tossed pasta. You sound like you do. Proper hydration and such. I'm taking that one to bed.

>> No.9542515

some form of meat

>> No.9542521

Yeah, I was just taught to put not-quite al dente pasta into the sauce and let it finish cooking in the sauce.

Maybe it's not 100% necessary to do it that way. But it's certainly better than the abomination tier shit in OP's pic either way.

>> No.9542527

So basically the best pasta you'll ever taste will be bay scallops fried hard in butter tossed into a butter/cream alfredo sauce with basil, garlic and a garlic bread on the side.

>> No.9542535

you're just doing it the hard way you know.
and you're also fucking with the flavor of the pasta.

The pasta should have it's own flavor u know. you should be able to taste both the pasta and the sauce. So when you finish cooking the pasta in sauce you deaden the flavor of the noodle.

Also you make it so much harder to cook the noodles perfectly. I never overcook my noodles because i simply just pill 1 out and taste it as it's nearly finished cooking. When it's al dente i strain it.

I dont have to worry about overcooking them, because when i finish with the sauce, I have the heat of the sauce off and it will only be in that hot pan for 30 seconds top.

>> No.9542541



half a stick of butter
half cream cheese
the same of 2% milk
4 garlic cloves to soak.
Basil to taste

Place that on linguine then toss in hard fried bay scallops with a butter crust and parmigiana reggiano and 4 types of pepper.

>> No.9542568

something green...

>> No.9543146

Are you the pesto dude? Stop acting like you know better than everyone, your pesto is an oily mess, and it's embarrassing seeing you try to lord over people with that shit. I do loads of pesto every day in a giant mortar and pesto in a professional kitchen, and it's supposed to be a lot more homogenous than that.

>> No.9543164
File: 1.16 MB, 2880x1620, Pistachio Pesto Take II B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oily mess
Sure bud.
Its so sad that all you "chefs" are insecure about other peoples cooking ability.
Perhaps your mortar has more ridges in it, mine has none.

Tomorrow I'll be making a pistachio risotto
I'll be using
>beurre blanc as butter
>pistachio paste which i made with my mortar
>and i will be garnishing with toasted pistachios.
Do not feel threatened by talent m8. I'm not here to take your job away from you.

>> No.9543191

If you're associating me with the spat we had last night I'm not the same anon. I was trying to help even if it was in an abrasive manner.

That pasta looks great. Just don't float it in oil again.

>> No.9544631


The purpose of shell type pastas is to give plenty of place for the sauce to collect. If you are just pouring sauce on top, just get some simple spaghetti.

Also, the first thing that everyone I've ever seen do to spaghetti with sauce just poured on top is to stir it up so all the spaghetti is coated with sauce.