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9535565 No.9535565 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else like to go into starbucks and order a ghetto latte?
You ask for 3 shots of espresso with ice (and syrup shots) in a venti cup and you walk over to the condiment bar and use up all of their milk to fill the rest of the cup and enjoy a delicious coffee drink for $2.50 instead of the $9 it's supposed to cost.
I looked this up and apparently the baristas on reddit really hate this, I don't know why they care, they're just wage slaves earning the minimum allowable wage as prescribed by their state law.

I've had a couple times where baristas will flat out refuse to sell it to me because they know what I'm doing and I always ask for the manager and they finish the transaction, the cashier gets written up probably, because I walk out with my ghetto latte every time.

>> No.9535594

Isn't it steamed milk that makes a latte? They're probably just annoyed you're using all the milk,

>> No.9535858

For an iced latte that'd be counterintuitive. Either froth it with a milk froth or agitate it in a shaker. I guess since we're talking ghetto, OP could shake the milk jug a bit or something. But yeah, straight milk in a latte is just stupid.

>> No.9535884

still 2.50 too much desu

>> No.9536033

I am just here for the mokou

>> No.9536621

>getting coffee from starcucks

>> No.9536633

Unless they get paid commission, there's no reason they should care except that you're making them do extra work to refill it. They're also entitled so I guess they expect a large tip for a $9 drink instead of $2.50. It's also unfair to the other customers because you're using all the milk but that's really the only issue with this.

>> No.9537486

You can't even taste the frothed milk in an iced drink

>> No.9538163

You're an asshole

>> No.9538200

I used to do this when I was poor. My girlfriend got fired from a barrista gig for screaming at someone when they tried this. Apparently it was his third ghetto latte of the day and he went through six bucks worth of half and half.

>> No.9538320

How heartless do you have to be to scream at a homeless person for wanting to avoid malnutrition?
That's like 3000 calories.

>> No.9538372

Star bucks has a "have it your way" mentality but there is literally no procedure for some of the crazy shit people pull. Can get frustrating.
Never bothered me unless someone comes in with some fuckdd up order that there are no codes for and then blames me for getting the drink wrong because i have to read some plebs writing. Tbf though i worked in a uk store could be different in us.

>> No.9538388

Example, a woman asking for a long black and insisting that it is a shot of espresso filed with hot water in a short cup....

Another woman asked for a cappucino with no froth. Not a wet cappucino, NO froth.

A guy asked for his cappucino to have the froth spooned ontop of his espresso in a venti cup. I refused to keep refilling the milk so his cappucino must have tasted like ass and burnt milk.

>> No.9538524

this shit pissed me off as a barista because we were usually really busy during my shifts and i'd get customers complaining about the milk being empty. im sorry sir but i still have six people in line and my coworker is new and not very fast yet, and i cant be assed to refill the fucking milk every fifteen minutes because some dickwad tried to be sneaky and make themselves a ghetto latte on the dl.

the only exception was a polite homeless guy who came in and asked if it was allowed. i told him no but i'm not a heartless bitch so i'd just ring him up the ghetto latte and pour the milk in behind the counter to spare myself the manager's bitching when other patrons whined about the empty jug.

>> No.9538531
File: 187 KB, 769x1000, __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_drawn_by_houtengeki__1a5ebc489eff8676261fef30469e69e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know why they care
Because supplies that run out before the restock gets docked from everyone's tips.
t. Used to work in Starbucks in highschool. Shit was cash, I stole so many free drinks coupons and shared them with friends.

>> No.9538544
File: 258 KB, 1280x960, azusa cockroach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine working a minimum wage job and then getting home and continuing to defend your employer on the internet?
It's like you never left, in your head, you're still at work.

>> No.9538554

What the fuck?
Imagine if your paycheck was docked because your location had better than expected sales that week and you ran out of supplies.

What a shit fucking employer.

>> No.9538761

i do this if i'm with my girlfriend and i want coffee. i only drink americanos, but i know it pisses baristas off and my girlfriend doesn't know better.

i started doing it when i found out how angry it makes them on the starbucks leddit. they're all obsessed with "labor costs" that don't actually matter and their managers train them to be glorified milk accountants.

>> No.9539030

i'm not defending my ex-employer (i left that job for a reason), more just was fed up with people doing it without realizing it got the employees in trouble. point is, asking me wouldve been far easier for everyone, being sneaky about it is both incriminating and making minimum wage workers' lives more difficult. service workers will generally go to extra lengths when they safely can if you're nice about shit like this, but i live in mormon state so i guess even service workers are nicer.

>> No.9539071

>their managers train them to be glorified milk accountants.
this made me laugh. the thought of a barista getting angry at how much milk you put in a drink you've paid for is hilarious. anyone who cares about a service industry job beyond trying to get a big tip needs their head examined

>> No.9539161

If I ask you, you'll charge me for the milk
it's nothing personal

>> No.9541289

What does that even taste like?

>> No.9541388

I bet you go into breakrooms at chain stores and raid the fridge for grub OP

>> No.9541639

i can't tell if you're absolutely retarded or an actual genius

>> No.9541665

I guess it works if you're poor and really, really want a latte made with shitty Starbucks coffee.
I'd rather just make one at home with decent coffee and my milk steamer.