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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 66 KB, 512x341, 636033563353803534-523443443_1drivethru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9531282 No.9531282 [Reply] [Original]

>Uhh yeah uhh...I'll take a cheeseburger....with no cheese!


>drives off

Did anyone else pull off this classic prank at their local McDicks drive thru?

>> No.9531289

>being this autistic
back to r9k for you faggot

>> No.9531292

Aaron Carter the absolute madman.

>> No.9531296

we used to ask for a chicken fun bag

>> No.9532671

My little brother drives me fucking insane
Even since he was like 10 he started demanding Cheeseburgers with no cheese from everywhere, insisting they were always different the just the regular burgers.
It's not like he doesn't like cheese though. He'll have it on everything else but if it's on a burger he'll refuse.
Now he's 18. I took both of my siblings out to a relatively nice dinner - but I'm poor as fuck, working and doing nightschool, and they know this.
I grab a nice mozzarella chicken and my sister has some kind of fish.
This little shit orders the most expensive burger on the menu. He's got two extra sides. He's asking for bacon, fried onions, all this stuff. I'm now outright asking him in public to be a little more considerate. I don't care if I sound like the badguy I'm eating rice most days.
The food comes out, and he takes exactly one bite before freaking the fuck out about the cheese on his luxury burger.
Tell the waitress I say, but he's a little spoiled shit. He keeps asking for my cheesy chicken instead. He ends up eating from both our plates and leaving his untouched. When he's finished he sits under the table to nap.
Next day I get a phone call from my mum for apparently embarrassing him in public.
Fucking cheeseburgers.

>> No.9532678

>>sleeping under the table

Seriously though, what is his problem? Is he literally autistic?

>> No.9532679

And he's 18? Sounds like a huge cunt

>> No.9532684

at the pizza place
>i'll have a cheeseless pizza, extra cheese
at mcdonalds
>i'll have a TACO
at chick-fil-a
>can i get an 8pc mcnuggets
at taco bell
>i'll have a goat express

>> No.9532688

You should get him tested

>> No.9532691

is this a new pasta?

>> No.9532714

Let me get uhhhhhhh

>> No.9532724

Boneless mcdouble extra napkins

>> No.9532744

>Always take the vegetarian pizza and ask for ham on it

Not a prank, I really like it this way.

>> No.9532758

Did you also wear your sonic the hedgehog t-shirt as well?

>> No.9532765

napkin machine broke

>> No.9532778

Sounds like literal autism

>> No.9532798

My little brother drives me fucking insane
Even since he was like 10 he started demanding Cheeseburgers with no cheese from everywhere, insisting they were always different the just the regular burgers.
It's not like he doesn't like cheese though. He'll have it on everything else but if it's on a burger he'll refuse.
Now he's 18. I took both of my siblings out to a relatively nice dinner - but I'm poor as fuck, working and doing nightschool, and they know this.
I grab a nice mozzarella chicken and my sister has some kind of fish.
This little shit orders the most expensive burger on the menu. He's got two extra sides. He's asking for bacon, fried onions, all this stuff. I'm now outright asking him in public to be a little more considerate. I don't care if I sound like the badguy I'm eating rice most days.
The food comes out, and he takes exactly one bite before freaking the fuck out about the cheese on his luxury burger.
Tell the waitress I say, but he's a little spoiled shit. He keeps asking for my cheesy chicken instead. He ends up eating from both our plates and leaving his untouched. When he's finished he sits under the table to nap.
Next day I get a phone call from my mum for apparently embarrassing him in public.
Fucking cheeseburgers.

>> No.9533053

*sucks air through teeth*

Shiiiieeeeet, ferreal?

Gimme sumadem wetnaps den.

>> No.9533077

>in high school, drive friends and to Burger King drivethru high as fuck
>Before I can begin ordering my friend blurts out “CAN WE PAY WITH SEMEN?!”
>long five second pause
>drive through lady says “Two iced teas?”
don’t know why it was funny but lost my shit for days

>> No.9533094

>walk into burger king
>hi can I get 2 (chuckles) MC CHICKENS!!

>> No.9533107

>order single large MtN Dew
>roll up to window
>take drink
>Throw it back into the window as the cashier while yelling "fire in the hole"
>drive away

>> No.9533139

Was this at at steak n shake, because some motherfucker did this infront of me in line and they had to get me new food.

>> No.9533201

It's a 'classic'.

>> No.9533223

>at burger king
>friend: can you order a burger without the meat for me?
>me: wtf?
>go up to cashier
>me: can i get a burger, but without the meat?
>cashier: wtf?

>> No.9533602

>go to McDonalds
>"yea I'd like a McBurger with extra McSauce (hold the McLettuce), a side of McFries, and a McSoda. Thanks."

>> No.9533650

really want to try this

>> No.9533792


They always think I'm pranking them whenever I order anything that's not McChicken.

>> No.9533806

sorry to say but your brother is autistic, probably lower functioning than aspergers by a reasonable margin

>> No.9533820

>sauce on the side

>> No.9534093

>working drive thru
>guy at the speaker is mumbling / too quiet
>can't make out a single thing he says
>asks him to repeat it no less than 10 times
>still can't figure out what the fuck he wants
>punch in anything and take my break, leaving someone else to deal with him when he gets to the window

Epic prank on my co-worker, she was pissed lol

>> No.9534104


get on this guy's level


>> No.9534108

you sound like a pair of little cunts.

>> No.9534124
File: 87 KB, 1024x548, raughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ex-gf goes up to counter at McDonalds, orders a plain burger "no onions, ketchup, just a plain burger"
>cashier says "ok one hamburger"
>ex replies "no ham please just a plain burger in a bun" really slowly cos cashier was foreign
>cashier "so... one hamburger"
>gf "no ham, I don't like ham"
>mfw she wasn't joking and I had to explain it to her

>> No.9534131

>Work at Popeyes
>Answer the phone
>"Hey do you guys deliver"
>"Nah, that ended an hour ago, do you want to order for pickup"
>"Nah we're too wasted for that"
>"Haha, alright have a good one"
>"Dude get a bucket"
>*Bong rip in background*
>"Dude what's open"
>"I think dominos is"
>"Fuck it, need those biscuits nigga"

Got that exact same phone call every Saturday night shift

>> No.9534134

>go to restaurant that only serves a "cheeseburger"
>ask for a hamburger, get the cheeseburger instead
>ask for the cheeseburger without cheese, get a cheeseburger anyway

>> No.9534136

What country is she from?

>> No.9534154

I can imagine how insufferable both you pinheads are.

>> No.9534167

McDonalds near me always has a line up in the drive thru. Would love to see your retarded faggot ass do that and get boxed in.

>> No.9534175

Scotland, why?

>> No.9534176


>> No.9534177

>high school
>friend has a car
>go with him and a couple others to Carl's Jr. at lunch
>last in line to order, so get my food last too
>I get halfway done and they're ready to go
>take the rest of my burger and go to the car
>he will absolutely not let me in with my burger
>forces me to throw it in the dirt or else no ride back

Fucking asshole, that wasn't funny Noah you goddamn piece of shit, I paid for that burger you cunt.

>> No.9534180

Just curious, because she's obviously not American

>> No.9534186

Not his fault your skinny, malnourished ass couldn't finish a fucking burger in time.

>> No.9534195

The lines were out the door, and you know how fast food goes. If I got my food on time and not 10 minutes after everyone else it wouldn't have been a problem.

>> No.9534200



>> No.9534205

>plate gets picked up on CCTV
>your faggot ass gets charged with assault
please do this

why didnt you put it back in the wrapper and then bag it?

>> No.9534212

He wouldn't let me do that either. He was a cunt. Didn't want "the smell" in the car.

>> No.9534229

what a faggot. you should get new friends cause that loser sounds like a dick.

>> No.9534250

Ordering a cone and taking the ice cream off it leaving the employee with a cone is more amusing.

>Order something specific
>But in drive through
>So specific I'm asked to just make the order inside

>> No.9534280

>Friend asks me to tag along while he goes to drop off some mushrooms
>Doesn't want to pay up
>Go into his washroom and take a watery shit while my friend is negotiating
>Come out and they settled it
>"Dude do you want a hit"
>Take a hit off some random guy's water bong
>Spoiler: Weed was laced with something
>Friend drives me around stoned out of my mind in the middle of summer when it's like 110F out
>Parks and leaves me for half an hour in a convenience store parking lot while he drops some papers off
>Get freaked out and think I'm time traveling because I saw the same sign before
>Comes back and opens the car door
>"Jesus dude its like 130 in here"
>Drive around while he plays ghetto songs about being too high
>"Dude pull over I need a frosty"
>Run into the Wendy's bathroom and take an explosive shit in one of the stalls
>Apparently I was in there for like 30 min while he flirted with someone he went to highschool with
>"Anon where the fuck are you?"
>I ran into the women's washroom by mistake
>Come out and the staff is lmaoing
>Get a frosty and a chicken sandwich
>"Here you go"
>Say "Thanks nigga" back and the black dude cooking the fries looks over like "Dude what the fuck" while everyone else starts laughing

>> No.9534284

No but when I was working at a fast food place these shit heads ordered four of the biggest sandwitches we had and then drove off. So the rest of the staff just split them between us.

>> No.9534291

>"Thanks nigga"

>> No.9534311

I would've slapped the shit out him. Those kinds of people don't deserve to eat out

>> No.9534565
File: 65 KB, 676x686, 1474234554796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When he's finished he sits under the table to nap.

>> No.9534583

>thanks nigga


>> No.9534633

Sounds like it anon

>> No.9534640

What is a goat express?

>> No.9534671

Same fag nigger

>> No.9534707

No one laces weed with anything because it's a waste of whatever that drug is. PCP is too hard to come by nowadays to waste it with weed.

You were probably just incredibly stoned.

>> No.9534724

Two iced teas?

>> No.9535145 [DELETED] 

Wouldn't it make sense if The Thing could somehow discreetly communicate with other Things so they don't go around accidentally killing eachother all the time???

>> No.9535250

You sound like my autistic friend

>> No.9535317
File: 95 KB, 1300x955, arabian-man-laughing-clipping-path-included-24085919[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a really huge order
>drive up to the window
>throw a jar of acid in the face of the women in the window
>drive away

>> No.9535339

>headed to a party
>was supposed to bring pizza
>left too late and the pizza place was closed
>decide to swing by McDonald's and get everyone cheeseburgers instead
>pull into drive-thru 10 minutes before they close
>order 10 double cheeseburgers

I felt like such shit after that when I realized they'd already turned off their grills. In retrospect they would have probably been happier if I'd done the acid prank like you.

>> No.9535340

>Work the drive-thru at Taco Bell
>Occasionally greet customers with "Welcome To Mcdonald's"
I kek everytime

>> No.9535351

>taking a nap while sitting

is your little brother my 92 year old grandpa in his easy chair?

>> No.9535378
File: 3.03 MB, 4390x2700, fan_translations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sound like something from Apple Cabin Foods.


>> No.9535380

If it's under the table he probably curled up like a dog to sleep there.

>> No.9535534

>go to drive-thru
>friend who was driving asked for a 'quarter' as in quarter pounder
>says it like 5 times and the chick working still doesn't understand
>thinks he said water
>she asks him to go to the window and order there
Was that an option at your store?

>> No.9535541

that's not what sitting is, also only girls and maybe gay guys can curl up like that

>> No.9535547

At a McDonalds nearby my home, the manager actually recommended me I do this. The reason being that they took off a quarter for the cheese back then, so you would be getting a hamburger for 25 cents cheaper.
I'm not sure if they still do it though since it's been years.

>> No.9535552

I bet you're a huge faggot too

>> No.9535564

Don't go to vegas mate.

>> No.9535576 [DELETED] 

My little brother drives me fucking insane
Even since he was like 10 he started demanding Cheeseburgers with no cheese from everywhere, insisting they were always different the just the regular burgers.
It's not like he doesn't like cheese though. He'll have it on everything else but if it's on a burger he'll refuse.
Now he's 18. I took both of my siblings out to a relatively nice dinner - but I'm poor as fuck, working and doing nightschool, and they know this.
I grab a nice mozzarella chicken and my sister has some kind of fish.
This little shit orders the most expensive burger on the menu. He's got two extra sides. He's asking for bacon, fried onions, all this stuff. I'm now outright asking him in public to be a little more considerate. I don't care if I sound like the badguy I'm eating rice most days.
The food comes out, and he takes exactly one bite before freaking the fuck out about the cheese on his luxury burger.
Tell the waitress I say, but he's a little spoiled shit. He keeps asking for my cheesy chicken instead. He ends up eating from both our plates and leaving his untouched. When he's finished he sits under the table to nap.
Next day I get a phone call from my mum for apparently embarrassing him in public.
Fucking cheeseburgers.

>> No.9536772
File: 101 KB, 1041x789, lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad was a top prankster.

>> No.9536787

oh man this brings me back to 2008 /b/

>> No.9536817

>drives off
>crashes into the car that's paying for the food

>> No.9536969

Fratricide may be a sin, but so is keeping that literal regard alive.

>> No.9538098

>go to starbucks
>order the tiniest espresso
>and four ice water trentas

Free water is pretty good, senpaitachi.

>> No.9538366

>the chad burger orderer
>the virgin riceeater

>> No.9538588
File: 51 KB, 480x598, IMG_0535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at a fucking loss here: How the fuck did he not SEE the cheese on his burger? Extra shit on it or not cheese is pretty hard to miss. Assuming this ain't a pasta your brother needs a solid ass beating.

>> No.9539212

>10 minutes before close
>turned off grills
Shut the fuck up.