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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 58 KB, 480x525, nerdriot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9525044 No.9525044 [Reply] [Original]

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Szechuan Sauce. The taste is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical spices most of the flavors will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his taste buds - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Guy Fieri , for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these tastes, to realize that they're not just delicious- they say something deep about FLAVORTOWN. As a consequence people who dislike Szechuan sauce truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the flavors in Rick's existencial catchphrase "I feel like I'm taking a bit of the Mona Lisa right now," which itself is a cryptic reference to Gordon Ramsay's epic Roasting In Hell's Kitchen. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as McDonald's genius unfolds itself on their trays. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Szechuan sauce tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>> No.9525751

Oh boy the pasta begins

>> No.9525995
File: 66 KB, 437x437, 1470462038608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the pasta senpai.

>> No.9526014

checked based pasta man

>> No.9526028

Are Rick & Morty fans the most autistic fanbase that's not bronies or sonic fans?

>> No.9526090


>> No.9526097

Thought so?

>> No.9526099

I think after yesterday they're surpassing bronies and speeding straight towards Mobius with no brakes

>> No.9526105


>> No.9526109

You're right mein negerbog

>> No.9526139

If you don't think they've passed up bronies by now, you're in denial.

>> No.9526183

it's shitposting
I have no idea if shitposters even like the show, but whether you like it or not if you like shitposting you are going to do it because the show lends itself to it

>> No.9526188
File: 547 KB, 1920x1080, 1507510485979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's shitposting
no it isnt

>> No.9526216

kek at the tabs and the bookmarks
I really like the dedication to creating bookmarks just for the screenshot, and I really hope that was the case.

>> No.9526253

maybe, theyre between minecraft and undertale imo

>> No.9526270

>never hear of this outside of 4chan
>family who manages the local McDonald's has never heard of it either

Seems legit.

>> No.9526315

>what is confirmation bias

>> No.9526348

you should never post again

>> No.9526361

Mcdonalds posted that they're bringing it back for longer than one day this winter.

Hook, line and memer as far as marketing goes.

>> No.9526364

Most McDonalds didn't get the sauce. It was a limited few.

>> No.9526404

Sure thing, kid.

>> No.9526421
File: 157 KB, 520x320, MV5BYjhiNTNhMzQtYjJmZC00MmY0LTljZjAtMzY0YjY0MDVmYjY4L2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTc4Njg5MjA@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's "cool" to act like a stupid manchild in the mainstream culture right now

>> No.9526426

probably more autistic than sanic fans but less that mlp

>> No.9526443

I really hope a lawyer puts together a lawsuit.

Notice on black friday how stores list a minimum quantity? That is the result of losing lawsuits. We have truth in advertising laws that don't let you understock something you over advertise just to try to get secondary sales from customers who fail to get what they wanted since they are now in the store.

This is why mcdonald's is spamming the phrase "super-limited quantities" on social media right now. They know they fucked up and want to try to cover their ass with the word "super". If a ps4 ad said super-limited, I would expect less than 5 per store and as little as 1. But this is a sauce cup being offered for 1 day. You expect sauce to last the day, super-limited would refer to it being 1 day only.

But the fact is if they said 10-20 per store, almost no one would have shown up. And their sales data for the day will most likely prove they sold more food today due to this promotion even though no one was able to get the sauce they came out for.

People can laugh and say the law should treat a sauce cup different than a ps4, but it doesn't. The law is the law. It doesn't have bullshit loopholes about what is being advertised.

Plus allowing people to line up outside of a store in the hundreds when you know the store only had 20 sauce cups is basically proof their advertising didn't come close to conveying expectations. And letting people stand outside for hours knowing you only had 20 is also fucked up. They could have at any time told the crowd they only had 20 sauce cups so the crowd would dispurse and people wouldn't waste hours of time. By letting them stay out there, that sent a message that quanities were more than they were.

>> No.9526454

anyone thinking they're more autistic than either of those groups belongs to one of those groups

>> No.9526461


R&M fans are some of the most outspoken, outgoing fans around. By virtue of you knowing they exist in such great numbers is proof positive of just how normie the fanbase is.

They're the polar opposite of bronies, sanics or anything else that's hidden in the seedy underbelly of the internet

>> No.9526464

>t. rick and morty fan

>> No.9526468

I get you're mad because you didn't get your meme sauce, but that doesn't make it illegal man. They advertised super limited quantities and they had super limited quantities.

>> No.9526471

They are actually worse than bronies that this point

Claiming you are a High IQ nihilist against capitalism, then throwing an autistic temper tantrum because you couldnt buy mcdonalds meme tendies sauce

Its like potter

>> No.9526511

This may rank as the most faggoted /pol/tard post ever on /ck/. Is there one thing, just one, you ever see in the world that you don't immediately categorize into a retardation?

>> No.9526540

This is the beta uprising pol has been warning us about...

>> No.9526553

Nah, occupy was.

>> No.9526600

It's a comment from someone on Reddit

>> No.9526628



Oh boy I sure do love Rack and Murty.

>> No.9526645
File: 15 KB, 160x236, 160px-Antisemitic_caricature_1873-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. wall street cuck.

Good little goy.

>> No.9526648

After seeing 1000s them riot over fucking tendie sauce with lawsuits and death threats on top of that, they blow past undertale,sonic and bronies by a fucking mile

>> No.9526661
File: 174 KB, 712x1024, back to reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice spacing

>> No.9526715

They may not be as autistic but they are worse in general because the other two groups were austistic social outcasts to begin with but still more or less realize their shit is weird and disgusting to others and mostly keep to themselves apart from a handful of examples like chris-chan and whatever.

A lot of rick and morty fans seem to be average or 'normal' people that have just bought into the nerd culture meme. They don't know how to deal with obsessions properly, and their bullshit spews all over other people including fucking mcdonalds

>> No.9526728

I know a rick and morty fan that literally hisses when he sees religious people, and flips them off when they're doing some sort of church charity work.

>> No.9526735

That's not really rick and morty, that's out of control autism and he needs his ass kicked for being a sperg in public. This coming form someone not particularly religious.

>> No.9526747


>> No.9526749


>> No.9526757

>so the crowd would dispurse
they'd probably riot

>> No.9526767

>t. didn't get his reddit sauce

>> No.9526768

They rioted anyway and probably harder than they would have if they had been told earlier, because waiting in line for hours for something you couldn't get may add slightly to one's frustration

>> No.9527266

Sadly this. I liked the first 2 seasons. I didn't know this cringy online culture revolving around rick and morty before but now it prevents me from actually wanting to see the 3rd season.

>> No.9528535

> Comedians relaxing the uptight social norms of the past

>Now theyre fueling the memes and thus the police state to make money

> Inconveniencing YOU ( and themselves) to have a laugh and it's just growing and growing because they dont truly understand memes


>> No.9528560

Within the span of a few months they've surpassed the SU fanbase. And that fanbase drove someone to attempt suicide

>> No.9528645
File: 48 KB, 460x464, 1507386392504_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9528804

Have you been on here for the last year, the retards circlejerking over how much they hate RM have been far more obnoxious.

>> No.9529986

>4 faggots who didn't realize this was a pasta

>> No.9530155

They aren't anime fags, but they are extremely autistic.