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9522833 No.9522833 [Reply] [Original]

What's the next meme in beer?

>> No.9522839


>> No.9522851


Fruit based beers here in Melbourne (aus).

Somehow they're not ciders.

>> No.9522863

Aspic beer which comes in a bowl with a spoon made from beef jerky

>> No.9522881
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I saw this advertised yesterday.

It's Aussie made in partnership with ballast point.
Has corriander and finger limes in it.

I like pirate life beers and am pretty keen to try it.

>> No.9523010

The craze of putting coffee in to stouts and porters is over?

Really hope the brewers go craxy about making an actual decent brown ale

>> No.9524127

so is this the beer general since the last one is almost page 0?

>> No.9524174

No hops whatsoever. Just sweet fermented malt juice.
After all of these terrible IPAs that leave me with a lingering aftertaste of pine sap, I think the pendulum needs to swing all the way in the other direction.

>> No.9524179

I hope not. Coffee stouts are the shit.

>> No.9524223

Probably a rauchbier. And if the evolution of IPA's into undrinkable astringency is any predictor, they'll probably be oversmoked to hell and be the equivalent of drinking carbonated liquid smoke.

>> No.9524236

i bought a six pack of 'voodoo ranger' IPA craft beer a week ago or so. i figured, what the hell. i'd always called craft beer drinkers gay retards, just on a solid hunch that that's what they were.

i take a drink of this shit and it's fucking. disgusting. like, beyond the ken disgusting. i'm offended that someone thought that someone else should drink this.

>> No.9524249


long story short i'll stick to fucking steel reserve or whatever normal fucking beers happen to be around for the rest of my fucking life.

if you actually think that budweiser needs to be improved, you're delusional.

>> No.9524258

Nice blog.

>> No.9524261


whats your point

>> No.9524280

not him, but I'm pretty sure the point is that no one cares about your opinion.

>> No.9524286


and you think anyone or myself cares about what you think people do and don't care about? good one. good joke. real funny. super haha's. because they don't.

>> No.9524307

you sure seem to lol

>> No.9524310

Kill yourself, retard.

>> No.9524326


oh yeah? 'i seem to care'? prove it.


go fuck yourself, you subhuman mongoloid. literally no one has more experience making beer than anheiser-busch. you think 'making better beer' costs more money? nah. you think that if there wasn't a way to make a better beer, they wouldn't do it? nah.

nope, it just doesn't get 'better' except in the mind of retards who cut themselves and eat stupidly hot peppers because for some reason they've associated masculinity with being hurt, which is actually a trait of homosexuality.


>> No.9524332

Can't tell if bait or if you're legitimately a bud chugging redneck.

>> No.9524342

You're just used to drinking piss because that's what your redneck crackhead mommy filled your baby bottles with instead of formula. It's not your fault you spent your first days suckling urine, we really can't control the way our infancy develops our subconscious

>> No.9524345

It's probably bait, but it's a pretty accurate portrayal of the kind of thought in bumfuck backwaters.

t. live in MS and have to brew my own beer to get anything decent.

>> No.9524362

It's not our fault you've got the same number of taste buds as you do teeth (which I'm willing to bet is less than 10). Your donkeyish brand loyalty leads me to believe you eat a bunch of fast food and take stupid pride in that too. Look up the "brown diet" and its correlation with autism and you'll see what we're all talking about. When you eventually grow out of culinary diapers we'll be here for you

>> No.9524375

first it was super bitter super hoppy IPAs
now it seems to be fruit beers, sour shit and NE IPAs

>> No.9524378

It's gonna be smoked beers I think, which sucks because every time I try one it just tastes like they poured a bunch of liquid smoke into an otherwise drinkable beer

>> No.9524384


you say it tastes like piss, but it literally doesn't. maybe there's a fucking reason that it's popular, and you're actually not just some super special snowflake who can 'appreciate real beer' (aka beer that tastes fucking horrible).


i'm not the one paying a lot of money for the privilege of drinking nasty tasting beer in order to pretend that you've reached an elevated life through consumerism. the entire act you're performing of pretending you're better than someone because of what you eat and drink is a sad, sad commentary on the hollowness of your existence and the undeveloped state of your personality and character. you are the ideal consumer, the uprooted modernist bug-man, *and appreciating superior products and merchandise is just a part of who you are*, right?

>> No.9524421

It's better than being a person who willingly only eats food that is bland and inferior on purpose... I'm giving my money to small local businesses and engaging in culture, trying new things, living life, while you stay in your comfort zone and mainline your dollar into some of the biggest corporations the world has ever seen. Who is the truly blind consumer here? You're literally proud that you eat and drink bland food and give your money to multinational corporations rather than a smaller business. I get that you have to keep the pursestrings tight to be able to make your monthly trailer payments but the ego you've developed around living a comfortable milquetoast life is astounding. The dull anger you feel during conversations like this is the fact that you know in the back of your mind you're living a mediocre life but you're too prideful to change

>> No.9524432

oh look it's the self important craft beer elitist vs. pridefully uncultured macro drinker argument. the answer is both of you are retarded

>> No.9524433

You just sound like a sadass, disenfranchised, uneducated, drooling NASCAR watching whitetrash who's bitter because he'll never be able to afford quality. Oh, and you know who gets suckered by marketing? It isn't the people buying microbrews that don't do much marketing, it's troglodytes like you who become hypnotized by the beer logos on the zoom zoom cages whirling around the track.

>> No.9524438

>it literally doesn't taste like piss
spoken like somebody who has drunk piss and knows the difference

>> No.9524439

Light American Adjunct Lager

>> No.9524461

I think it's gonna be "flavored" beers, which could be good or bad just depending on execution. I was in vacation in FL a few months ago and bought a local mexican style lager that was brewed with lime juice (the way they stuff a lime down a corona) and it was honest to god a really great beer. I was expecting novelty trash but the flavors were really well balanced and it was refreshing as hell. My GF and I split the sixer in like 2 hours and went to go get some more when we left the beach.

>> No.9524504

America was full of small craft breweries from its very foundation. Prohibition choked many of them out of existence and most of the ones that hung on were destroyed over the course of ww2 because the gov't needed their equipment to mechanize the weapons industry or rations choked them to death. Also when all our men were away at war the remaining companies had to find a way to sell beer to women, so they changed their brewing tactics and presented them with a toned-down bland inoffensive drink that was more palatable to females. That trend hung on and as women bought beer the surviving breweries got bigger and bigger they choked out whoever was left. The men came home to a beer landscape of bland feminized macro lagers and their children grew up only knowing beer as that. So, as per your point, macro lagers are popular for a reason-- that reason is because giant corporations manipulated your parents and theirs into drinking faggy girl beer and they never knew anything different.

>> No.9524507

Gose or sour especially with fruit or other flavors
Wild ales

>> No.9524531

Gruits, with bitter herbs instead of hops.

>> No.9524559

Beers were already tending towards light and mild before Prohibition.


>> No.9524561

this is already a thing though
this sounds plausible

>> No.9524575

Hard to say. Currently no one shuts up about IPAs, nitro stouts/porters are super popular, and sours are gaining traction. I would say sours will get more popular soon. Also predicting mead to take off.

Gruits might blow up once the general public realizes how much estrogen is in hops.

>> No.9524582

I think it'll be gose/sours.

>> No.9524583

oh yes please

>> No.9524592

This is true. But there are a number of boomers like myself who remember our university days when the only beers available were macro pisswater and skunked imports. We have embraced the craft brews and microbreweries as godsends and many of us brew ourselves. Most boomers with an education have welcomed the trend and it's really these mouthbreathing neanderthals like the anon you're responding to who are scared of new things, foreign sounding words and *gasp* someone who has a different skin tone or accent who wail and gnash their teeth over it.

>> No.9524624

I think gruits are going to be the next big thing considering the popularity of bitter herbal liqueurs like fernet.

>> No.9524697

this is probably the correct answer

sours are kind of peaking right now and goses have seen a rise in popularity over the past ~2 years but it's almost time for something new to take off

>> No.9524705

pretty much everything has been tried at these point, maybe except for adding nitrogen or salt to everything

>> No.9524725
File: 180 KB, 1200x1600, Dukes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Really hope the brewers go craxy about making an actual decent brown ale
I lucked out because one of the local brewers here does a brown ale that's pretty good, and it's widely available in shops and restaurants around the area.
You can even pick up a 6-pack at most gas stations here.

>> No.9524743

already is mate, this started 1-2 years ago at least but it'll only be hitting more mainstream craft in another year or two probably

>> No.9525072

what am I supposed to drink as far as beers if i hate that fucking bitter taste and smell they have

>> No.9525325

If it's called "mild," "brown," "red," etc. it's probably less bitter.

>> No.9525884

Wheat beers

>> No.9526328

Honey beers

>> No.9526340

Have a maibock
Should be in season (brewed in May)

>> No.9526733

Beer brewed with gruit instead of hops.

>> No.9526759

I really hope it's this.